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Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 17 vs 3
M 2 vs 7
T 4 vs S 11 | 9 vs M 6

Shirako 4/5 MP 2/2| Mary 4/5, -2 to attacks
Tentacles 10/12
The fiery bolt burns the offending tentacle, freeing Shirako, but Mary fumbles with her sword and grunts as a tentacle grabs her arm, trying to wrestle her sword away.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako glares at the tentacle beast. "Leave her be!" She charges up another shot, hoping it will hit the one holding Mary's arm.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 18 vs 6
M 18 vs 15
T 14 vs S 4 | 2 vs M 18 Counter!

Shirako 3/5 MP 2/2, -2 to attacks| Mary 4/5
Tentacles 7/12
The bolt hits the tentacle, allowing Mary to free herself as she spins around, cutting those that would reach her. Another tentacle manages to strike at Shirako and wraps around her waist, its slime starting to dissolve her clothes.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks down as the tentacle wraps her slim waist. The clothes burning off as her soft tan tummy is felt by the tendril, the slight curves of her muscles felt. She yells out as she launches a bolt to the invading tendril.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 19 vs 10
M 18 vs 18
T 14 vs S 3 | 20 vs M 20

Shirako 2/5 MP 2/2 AP 1/10, -2 to attacks| Mary 4/5
Tentacles 5/12
Shirako's bolt destroys yet another tentacle, but several more wrap around her legs, pulling her down. Mary manages to cut some of them, but can't free her before having to dodge lest she get trapped herself.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks to her glowing hand as her legs are taken as well, burning her leggings. She glares. "Hmph.... It will fade dark for a little bit. I'm sorry." She decides to use a double attack on a tentacle, the cave fading dark before she concentrates on lighting up the place again.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 9 vs 15 | 1 vs 10
M 6 vs 12
T 20 vs S 19 | 8 vs 4

Shirako 1/5 MP 1/2 AP 2/10, -2 to attacks| Mary 3/5, -2 to attacks
Tentacles 5/12
Sudden pull from the tentacles sends both of the bolts towards the roof and Mary stumbles in the momentary darkness and lets out a scream as a tentacle strikes her. When the light comes back, Shirako can see another tentacle wrapped around Mary.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks weakened. Her body light and easy to squeeze. Her waist and legs trembling. She then tries to shoot the tentacle wrapped around Mary. "Ghhhn....."
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 6 vs 4
M 7 vs 15
T 3 vs S 3 | 2 vs 14

Shirako 1/5 MP 1/2 AP 3/10, -2 to attacks| Mary 3/5
Tentacles 4/12
The tentacle frees Mary to focus more on Shirako, but Mary misses again. Shirako manages miraculously avoid getting hit as her bolt burns yet another tentacle.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

*Shirako gasps as the tentacle misses. "I'm... I'm lucky only once so far though...." She trembles as her soft body still feels the slimy tentacles on her. Miraculously warm though. She lets loose another magic bolt on it as she looks to Mary. "Go get 'em!"
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 18 vs 22
M 15 vs 10
T 13 vs 14 | 3 vs 8

Shirako 1/5 MP 1/2 AP 3/10, -2 to attacks| Mary 3/5
Tentacles 3/12
Shirako's bolt goes wide and she doesn't manage to free herself, but Mary is luckier, managing to cut another few. The tentacles waver, and their number is noticeable less, now.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako notices there are 3 tentacles left. The ones on her body. She struggles as she tries to shoot at the one on her waist. "Ghnnn! Get off!" She grits her teeth as she takes deep breaths, still feeling sort of weak.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 18 vs 8
M 13 vs 10
T 20 vs 8 | 21 vs 5 Critical!
M 1 vs 6
T 12 vs 21
M 14 vs 18
T 9 vs 19
M 11 vs 20
T 2 vs 21 Counter!

Even though Mary and Shirako both manage to hurt the remaining tentacles, one of them manages to strike her, and she faints. Some time later, Mary shakes her awake. "Wake up. We should get out of this pit before we rest."
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako pants heavily. "She then yells out as she is struck, knocking her out. She closes her eyes as the last thing she remembers is the tentacles tugging at her still, leaving Mary to protect her. The cave goes dark.

She wakes up a bit as she is woken up. She coughs a little water up. She then sits up, lighting the area with magic. "Ghhhnnnn.... what happened?" Her lovely legs and tummy are revealed as she looks to Mary.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

"You hit your head. After that, I managed to kill it." Mary looks slightly embarrassed as she pulls Shirako up, her clothes little more than drags, covering barely anything. "I'll go up first, in case there's something waiting for us up there." She then walks to the ladder and climbs up, not showing any weakness.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako nods. "That's a good idea. Thank you, Mary..." She follows closely by after repairing her clothes with her magic once more. She moves up under Mary on the ladder, wondering what is in store for the duo.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Mary waits for her on top of the ladder. "I think we should rest for a bit. Can you fix my clothes, too?" There's a lever nearby and though the light Shirako has conjured isn't very bright, the tunnel can be seen ending to a door in the distance.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako moves up and looks to Mary. "I can try." She smiles to her, then uses her repair magic on her, hoping it works on other people. She then just sits down, her eyes closed as she rests. "I just can't seem to beat any monsters... I think I killed one, but that's it."
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Fixing Mary's clothes turns out to be as easy as fixing her own, requiring but a little concentration. "Thanks." Mary says quietly. While Shirako is resting, Mary seems to be studying the pit. A low sound of metal scratching against stone causes Shirako to open her eyes, and she sees that Mary has pulled the lever, resetting the trap. "At least we can get out of here without getting wet." After the pair has finished resting, Mary leads Shirako forward. The tunnel ends in a wall with a majestic looking double doors made of bronze. There are two smaller doors leading to the sides. "Which way we should go?" Mary asks, looking at Shirako.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks to the big set of double doors. She moves to it and tilts her head. "We'll try this one. If we can't, then we can go to the right."