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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Errr, what? Power is one's physical strength, and at times, reserve energy. I don't see how pulling off bursts of strength is the same as being able to endure a whole lot of sex... Also... going to rename CON to reflect more accurately on what the stat actually does...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...


Power: 2
Dexterity: 3
Mind: 9
Endurance: 2

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 22
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 33 ??
Speed: (Dex + End/2) *2 = 8
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 82 ??

So far it is seeming pretty good...

First off make sure you double and triple check your math. Especially in a game like this where the math really does matter and one little mistake could make or break something.

2. You might want to look over this a little bit more before making it final. It looks good but is it really actually good. Not sure about dividing the end for speed. it does not make too much sense, maybe its just me.

There was more but its late and i am tired and cant think of what else i was going to say. but hopefully someone else says something and hopefully you take this into though.

Good start :D
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Har har har, let me simplfy/rewrite the formula for Speed into: (Dex*2) + END then... Although actually...

Speed is now (Dex *2) + POW, as it makes more sense. End is one's ability to endure physical/mental stress, however "Power" refers to one's actual physical strength, as well as "burst physical energy"...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Orgasm should be 43 and purity should be 54 on that sheet.

Also: are you getting a forum before you put up the full character creation details or...?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

yes true that is true if you are stronger you usually are faster. But depending on your stamina is how long you can run for.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

yes true that is true if you are stronger you usually are faster. But depending on your stamina is how long you can run for.
Your stamina doesn't determine your actual rate of movement, though. Just how long you can maintain it.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

i know that. i was just commenting lol. Dont mind me i am a little tired hahaha. It is almost midnight after all.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

4:00 am is a good time to go to sleep.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Orgasm should be 43 and purity should be 54 on that sheet.

Also: are you getting a forum before you put up the full character creation details or...?

Probably will ask for a forum...actually, let me do that now >.>. Easier to organize everything that way :p.

@Character Sheet mistakes, fixed orgasm, but purity is 82 as it's (Mind * End * 4) + 10, not (Mind + END *4) + 10.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Close enough for government business.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hmmm... does anyone think I should add "drawbacks" or partial drawbacks to the memory skill tree?

For example:

Coward (Rank 3): For as long as you can remember, you have been afraid of almost anything and everything that moves, to the extent that one could call it a trauma of sorts. Such is the extent of it, that even now, with most of your memories gone, you still subconsciously react and desire to flee from most things, which of course includes the demonic rape monsters from hell. On the bright side though, while your teammates may wish to skin you alive for ditching them at almost every opportunity possible, you have been running for you life for so long now, that you can almost subconsciously find the best hiding spots and run faster whenever fear causes you to panic and escape.

(Description not included in the final version. Write your own up slackers. >.>;;)

Should something like this be included?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

My vote: if you use disadvantages, have them give back points, and have trade offs be practically free. (Such as what your example is: the character gets a penalty to will saves but a bonus to hiding skills and run speed). Speaking of which, 'Coward' makes me really want to use an iteration of Jen. I like my little coward girl.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hmmm, one problem is that "memory skills" are really more of a character "skill/trait" derived from one's memories, and that one is able to "get better" at a "memory skill" because they're able to remember more pertaining to that skill. (Say medical knowledge, at first I only remember enough to do basic first aid, despite having been a doctor, but as I spend more time on the "game board", more memories in regards to what I studied in med school/live practice come back to me and I'm able to do more.) Although... I suppose I could wing it being that "some people remember more than others" as an excuse for allowing drawbacks to give back points...

But honestly, I'm not too sure about making drawbacks give you more memory points AND giving you the "trade-offs"... Since that'd make them a tad too over powered.

(Say I gave the "Coward" memory trait a "-3" value for memory points, and then still gave the "trade-off". A person could then theoretically use those two points to upgrade the "Running" memory skill by 3, which would then give the character not only the +3 from the running skill, but the +3 from the coward rank 3... That's a +6 to all running skills... hardly seems fair does it?)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

That's not what I said. Trade-offs and drawbacks are completely separate entities, which is why I said drawbacks give you points while trade-offs are free. A trade-off is an advantage/disadvantage pair while a drawback is just a disadvantage.

Edit: Also, if you make it to where there is no benefit to having drawbacks, why would a player want any?
Last edited:
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ah, you mean split the memory traits into even more categories?

Well in that case, my main problem would be a lack of ideas for actual "drawbacks" as most that I have defined so far would then be shifted into tradeoffs... mainly as things such as "coward", "sheltered", "covetous" were considered by me to be "drawbacks" (with benefits), beforehand and now that I've come up with logical excuses for the tradeoffs, it's hard for me to move away from that. Of course, one solution is to simply create two versions of the same drawback, one giving the trade off bonus while the other gave the extra memory points... but that'd be contradictory...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I'd say just choose either trade-offs or disadvantages and not both then. (Trade-offs might work better since then you don't have to deal with people getting points back or the like. Just have Trade-offs easier to get than advantages)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

PM sent to aika and Nunu for the subforums...

On another note, I am preparing a "treat" in addition to the memory skill trees for anyone interested in the game to be due within 24 hours of the subforum's creation... One that people who like plot development/backstory, or want to actually know what the hell is going on will most certainly enjoy.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

why not try drawbacks like paranoia, Diseases to something, some kind of injury or something. there are many things that you can go with.

Example: Someone remembers that they just got back from the military so they know they have military experience like guns and stuff. The reason for leaving though is they got too close to a mortar blast and have loss of hearing and/or eye sight. Maybe even a gimp arm from shrapnel.

There are many things. I have many ideas just ask if you want some.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Cool, Looking forward to it.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

why not try drawbacks like paranoia, Diseases to something, some kind of injury or something. there are many things that you can go with.

Example: Someone remembers that they just got back from the military so they know they have military experience like guns and stuff. The reason for leaving though is they got too close to a mortar blast and have loss of hearing and/or eye sight. Maybe even a gimp arm from shrapnel.

There are many things. I have many ideas just ask if you want some.
I'm not sure how well that would work for memory things though...:

Person 1: I just remembered that I had my leg blown off by a mine last year!

Person 2: But you still have your leg...?

P1: One second I have to write this on my character sheet *Writes* There we go *Leg disappears*. Damn, maybe I shouldn't have written that down.