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Would you survive?

Re: Would you survive?

what we need to know is how much damage a bullet does to the brain and compare that to the damage a bow can do
Re: Would you survive?

Well we could both shoot a watermelon and compare the amount of damage done. I think comparing you're bow to my shotgun is unneccesary, and I doubt if my hi-power would penetrate a skull except at point-blank range. My rifle would pretty much blow the back of the skull out however which should destroy the brain.
Re: Would you survive?

well i mean compare it to a pistol or similar low power weapon. obviously a clasic anti-zombie weapon like a shotgun has light years on a bow
Re: Would you survive?

Depends on the arrowhead, but it would do the job so long as it gets through the skull okay. Shooting a watermelon isn't the same, as a bullet will go through the other side and the pressure will cause additional damage, regardless of the bullet caliber, while some bullets won't get through the other side of the head.
Re: Would you survive?

Ah, but you can always attach an explosive tip to an arrow. It's not a common attachment, but it's still a viable option none-the-less.
You can also use an arrow to start a fire from a distance. I.e., have a bonfire set up to light up to distract zombies for a few precious seconds, maybe minutes if you're stealthy enough.

You'd have to use 2-3 'normal' arrows on a zombie's skull to take it down, I believe. It's just one of those 'it's good if there's nothing besides a pistol' type thing.
And yes, the bow-and-arrow is better than a pistol in a zombie situation. Range is your friend, especially if you'd freak out easy at near-melee range to a zombie, which is how close you'd have to be to effectively kill a zombie with a minimum amount of pistol shots.
Now, a revolver/Desert Eagle, that may be a bit different, as they're the 'heavy' class of pistol, as I like to say. Still would have to get in close, though.

As much as I'd love to have you around, nunu, I'm over here in America, and more than likely I'd head to Canada where sin is, though I'd head south to grab chibi first, as well as anyone else I met on the route I'd take. You're welcome to join us once you've sanitized Australia, which shouldn't take long, seeing as how it's you :p

Oh, and Zero, a car would be useless. Possibly a Jeep/Hummer, because of the off-roading capabilities. Anything that cannot go off-road, would get stuck in the mobs on the roads, 'cause the roads would get cut off in a zombie emergency. Better off with a bike. No gas required for that is another perk.
Re: Would you survive?

But a bike is bad cause its not sturdy as a car
Given the choice I'd take a car then find something better
Jeep, etc. WOULD be THE BEST choice, but if not, Car, any car will do
Re: Would you survive?

I live in Miami. I could throw a rock and hit a hummer, range rover, or jeep.Find and 'borrow' a hummer from either a dealership or a local, load up on gas, and head north. Get in contact with Chibi, see who else needs pickups (within reason), and head for canadia.
Re: Would you survive?

If you are gonna head to Canada and pick up everyone else what's NEXT?
Re: Would you survive?

I refuse to make a plan for a scenario that will essentially be chaos. That'll slow me down. I have ideas, some of them are even good ideas, but all of them I'd postpone or abandon in an instant I had to.

That being said, I'd like to establish some manner of colony at some point, a safe haven for survivors. If we had a group large enough when we hit canada then it might be a good place to go about it, as there is little north that we would need to defend. And with Sin and Ronny in our ranks I'm fairly sure that setting up some manner of security would be relatively simple. We'd have to go back to basics in a big way, at least until we grow enough to start worrying about technology again.
Re: Would you survive?

That's probably the best idea yet, because no matter how good a plan is it will pretty much always get screwed up. I would think the plains as far north as possible would be the most easily defended. Of course you might as well just give up and shoot yourself if the zombie virus or whatever causes the outbreak affects other animals besides humans

Wait why would the I the zombie king and Sinful the zombie queen join with the humans.
Re: Would you survive?

If the arrow penetrates the skull, and the user can pull off that shot at a useful range, then it's good. I can't hotwire a car, but as I said before, I would be pretty wary of using a hotwired vehicle anyway. In the event of a stall, which is more likely in the non standard conditions you'd be facing, how long is it going to take you to get it started again? As for roads, I don't see any real reason for them to be blocked. Police barricades maybe, but unless they used concrete slabs for some reason, is there anything to stop you dismantling or pushing through? The claim that cars would be randomly crashed all over the roads is ridiculous too. No zombie is going to leap off the side of a road and manage to stop a car doing 60. Any other cars, if we imagine infection can be slow for example, are going to most likely slide off the road. If not, drive round, or in the most unlikly of cases, nudge the non parked car and push the bugger off the road. No problem. Plus that's going to be one zombie hilariously stuck in it's seat belt behind car doors it does not know how to open.

I would definitely be sure to give a quick tutorial to anyone entrusted with a gun though. One friend of mine, when given my P90 to hold, held it at first practically by the flash hider. If it was real he would have blown his hand off first shot. Another held my shotgun left-handed (which he is not) and stocked it under his armpit while trying to bend his head down to look through the sights. And also, I'd make sure everyone understood the dangers of the exhaust port, and to pay attention to their safety modes. Another friend, who I regularly airsoft with and is far from a gun noob, one day decided he wouldn't bother with the safety on his T77 he was carrying as a sidearm, so that he could bring it into action faster. A few hours into the game, and from behind me I hear a rapid set of shots followed by multiple rapid swearwords. My pal had just caught his gun on a shrub while taking cover and let out a 10 round burst into his leg at about 2 inches range. He got out of it with a bleeding leg and alerting the enemy to the rest of us. In this zombie scenario, it would be a missing leg and a horde of zombies instead. Seriously, use the safety.

On the subject of pistols. Even a .22 round will penetrate a skull at short ranges, or at least send deadly shards of bone into the brain. A 9mm is more than sufficient, and personally I would very much avoid unnecessarily large calibre pistols. There is good reason why militarys don't use the Desert Eagle for example. Over rated weapon of the century. You lose fire rate, control, ammo capacity, it is heavy, too large to fit in standard holsters, and after a long period of use wrist pain can set in. I would opt for a practical pistol, something that won't fly skywards with every shot. Pistols should not be ignored for there is no better defence in a close call. Granted, trying to pop off hordes at long range is not going to get you far, but just about any fool can effectively aim a pistol at short range, even for a head shot. The users ability to handle the recoil will determine their real effectiveness. I took part in an airsoft practical shooting course a few months back, basically racing through an assault course and taking out various targets as accurately and quickly as possible. I did pretty well for my first time. If I could handle the extra recoil of actual bullets over over the propane powered guns we use, I would be able to empty a room of zombies pretty swiftly.

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask something when you mentioned it earlier Sinfulwolf. What's wrong with a Glock? I've not really heard anything bad about them before.
Re: Would you survive?

the necessity of high powered pistols depends on the type of zombie and their scarcity. now a large revolver wouldn't be to bad for rural areas as its capable of incapacitating as well as killing. Also if just one bullet to the head turned out not to be enough (as i imagine it probably would, zombies need to suffer severe head trauma), i'd imagine larger firepower becomes exponentially better (although all this granted you may as well just have a shotgun, also i understand shotgun ammo is the most common ammo in the US).

as for explosive arrows... its a toss up, if the zombies look like they are an undefeatable hoard, yes. but in any other situation i'd want to be able to get the arrows back, they are not as easy to make as people say and you can't carry many (something like 20 to a quiver would be reasonable), not to mention the possibility of falling out. At the end of the day, using explosive arrows nullifies the only advantage of using a bow, that you can get the arrows back. if i had the stuff to make explosives, i'd make a pipe bomb and use that instead.
Re: Would you survive?

The only time I fired a Glock the expended rounds ejected from the top of the fucking weapon, not the side like most every other gun known to man (I know some machine guns eject from the bottom), and kept hitting me in the fucking face. Plus, only the first round fired is accurate (for pistol standards), while after that its a little more... frantic.

I just have personal issues with the Glock really.
Re: Would you survive?

The make of the gun is decent, but yes, I have my problems with it too. I've personally never liked the glock in any way.

Plus, and I know this isn't exactly a field problem, but it's just really an ugly gun.
and it doesn't match my purse
Re: Would you survive?

Yeah, a bike can't mow through hordes of Zombies like a car can, but that's not the point when you're trying to GTFO. What you want to do is move quickly and silently. Zombies react on base instincts. They'll be attracted to all the noise you'll make in a car.
Not to mention that you'll have to make calculations NOW as to how much gas you'll need, depending on the vehicle's MPG and how long you'll have to travel, taking into account that the ways you WILL be able to take WILL NOT be straight lines, especially because - like I said - the roads will be blocked off/dead stopped - no pun intended :p
For a short hop - maybe 2-300 miles - I can see using a car. Much further than that, you WILL want a bike. As I said before, it's silent, therefore less likely to attract the zombie hoards. What you don't seem to register is the threat the zombie poses. It's pretty much just a dead human, yes, and yes it does only walk/shamble, but you MUST destroy the brain to truly kill it, and it's blood is contagious, so splattering it all over the place ISN'T the brightest idea.

If you MUST use a vehicle, find a helicopter. It suffers from requiring gas, but it more than makes up for that in it's mobility. It can take off/land most anywhere there's a clear patch, Zombies CANNOT fly - did I mention they're only driven by base instinct, so they therefore cannot perform complex actions that we view as simple such as riding a bike, driving, or even pulling the trigger of a gun? - and it covers distances quickly. Not to mention it's a good mobile post for sniping zombies once you've got a base set up and can actually start hunting them.

I'm not saying the pistol should be over-looked, as it CAN come in handy, but you have to be trained mentally to be able to be that close to a zombie and not freak out so much that you shake too much to be accurate. Range is your friend - ESPECIALLY mentally - when fighting zombies.
I'd much rather swap the pistol for a titanium crowbar and either a short sword or a Katana, because the range they'll be at for a pistol to be accurate - well, unless you're trained well with it, then I can see them being further away - I'll be using my shotgun, and any closer I'd switch to melee.

I know the real thing will freak me out, and I pray that I don't have any melee encounters until I've got a base established. But, that said, I've trained myself for this for the past year now, and I'll continue training into my old age, even if the time never comes. I will not be caught unprepared mentally and physically, dammit! :O
Re: Would you survive?

Those theories used to hold well and good but a lot of cars make next to no noise when traveling at speeds much higher than you can on a bike nowadays
Re: Would you survive?

The only 'quiet' vehicles I know of, wouldn't last off-roading very long.
Re: Would you survive?

Well a Mcycle makes much more noise then a car does now-a-days and unless THE BIKE IS SUITED TO OFF ROAD(There are some that aren't so good with off road) a bike won't get you far, and if you have a car does mean you can push zombies off the road, but it CAN also push THINGS off the road (Other cars, etc.) so it is like you said, not about killing zombies and getting the blood everywhere, it's about the fact that a car is MUCH MORE STURDY. I've seen a bike hit a bump and the bike flip over now lets pretend the bump is a bunch of dead people on the floor, have fun. And as for a helicopter.... I dunno how to control it, so if you are experienced, great. If you are not, don't crash.
Re: Would you survive?

The make of the gun is decent, but yes, I have my problems with it too. I've personally never liked the glock in any way.

Plus, and I know this isn't exactly a field problem, but it's just really an ugly gun.
and it doesn't match my purse

I feel my cunning white text was completely overlooked
Re: Would you survive?

I think some of you are taking this way to seriously, no one knows what a zombie would actually be like. Hence why I am giving the zombie side a shot, come on join us. We have fresh-baked cookies and a sexy zombie queen, why would you want to run away and hide.

Edit: Yes the white text was overlooked till it was on a darker background.