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[Complete - Partial] XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

I really enjoyed the game myself, so I wanted to give translating it a go. Since it seems nobody else is, I'll try doing it myself.

It'll be my first attempt at translating, but I hope I can deliver something that pleases.

Go for it. Glad to see someone picking it up! And ask in the forum if you need help with anything~~
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

I really enjoyed the game myself, so I wanted to give translating it a go. Since it seems nobody else is, I'll try doing it myself.

It'll be my first attempt at translating, but I hope I can deliver something that pleases.

Just getting a translation would be Godsend. I've been waiting since its release for a translation! Good luck and take your time! :D
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

I really enjoyed the game myself, so I wanted to give translating it a go. Since it seems nobody else is, I'll try doing it myself.

It'll be my first attempt at translating, but I hope I can deliver something that pleases.

Let me know if you need game updates, I've got it bought.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

I'd be happy to pick up this translation if there isn't anyone still working on it.
I had just started before being directed here, so if there are any on-going efforts, I'd like to assist. If not, I could try it myself.

This is such a huge project and you didn't translate anything yet.
Trust me... as a guy speaking who formerly thought "let's just machine translate some stuff, it can't be that hard" ... reconsider.

Your intentions may be good but you will not finish this. Not in 5 years.
If you translate the game (Machine translation excluded) in the next 6 months and open up a Patreon I swear to god I'll pledge 50 bucks.
The hurdle is not even the japanese itself but the shitload of work that needs to go into editing.
If your Japanese skills are really good I suggest you just translate what you can and look for someone to help you with creating the actual translation.

This will sadly just stall the translation since most translators are really nice people and never "steal" another project.
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Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

This is such a huge project and you didn't translate anything yet.
Trust me... as a guy speaking who formerly thought "let's just machine translate some stuff, it can't be that hard" ... reconsider.

Your intentions may be good but you will not finish this. Not in 5 years.
If you translate the game (Machine translation excluded) in the next 6 months and open up a Patreon I swear to god I'll pledge 50 bucks.
The hurdle is not even the japanese itself but the shitload of work that needs to go into editing.
If your Japanese skills are really good I suggest you just translate what you can and look for someone to help you with creating the actual translation.

This will sadly just stall the translation since most translators are really nice people and never "steal" another project.

Can't really blame you for the doubt, considering I am new to this. I can promise you that it won't take 5 years though. Don't necessarily want to lock myself into a schedule, but even 6 months sounds a bit much. The game isn't actually that text heavy - the bulk of it being in the sex scenes and though they vary in length, many are quite short.

Currently, I'm about 20%, maybe 30% through the game. Hard to accurately gauge due to the way RPG trans spits out the map files (some being 1kb in size, others being 30kb+). Also, the map files aren't in the order of play, so while I've translated scenes from the second level of the tower, there are still plenty left on the first. I know I've finished translating the prologue though. Of course, all of this needs to be edited.

I can update this thread as I go along, and I'll make a separate one once I have something to upload.

If you're really against my continuing though, such as if you know of someone else interested in translating this but they aren't because of me, I can let this go, maybe just upload what progress I have made - if that would help in any way.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

The problem is that noone ever picked the game to begin with. If there was more interest, you'd have to talk with the rest of the translators and either create separate translations or work together to finish up faster, but the game has been out for around 7 months, yet noone mentioned wanting to work on a full translation all this time.

Also, I would love to know why this game needs that much editing. I haven't touched it, but Mrgrgr! mentioned that's the real hard part when translating it. Many games have weird scripts or common events that you have to figure out, but is this game that special?
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

The problem is that noone ever picked the game to begin with. If there was more interest, you'd have to talk with the rest of the translators and either create separate translations or work together to finish up faster, but the game has been out for around 7 months, yet noone mentioned wanting to work on a full translation all this time.

Also, I would love to know why this game needs that much editing. I haven't touched it, but Mrgrgr! mentioned that's the real hard part when translating it. Many games have weird scripts or common events that you have to figure out, but is this game that special?

I was a little confused myself about that. When I say editing, I mean going back over to check up for typos and just making sure everything matches up in case I change how I translated something further down the track. Apologies if I used the term editing incorrectly.

I personally think the translation part of it is the time consumer, but I could be wrong.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Can't really blame you for the doubt, considering I am new to this. I can promise you that it won't take 5 years though. Don't necessarily want to lock myself into a schedule, but even 6 months sounds a bit much. The game isn't actually that text heavy - the bulk of it being in the sex scenes and though they vary in length, many are quite short.

Currently, I'm about 20%, maybe 30% through the game. Hard to accurately gauge due to the way RPG trans spits out the map files (some being 1kb in size, others being 30kb+). Also, the map files aren't in the order of play, so while I've translated scenes from the second level of the tower, there are still plenty left on the first. I know I've finished translating the prologue though. Of course, all of this needs to be edited.

I can update this thread as I go along, and I'll make a separate one once I have something to upload.

If you're really against my continuing though, such as if you know of someone else interested in translating this but they aren't because of me, I can let this go, maybe just upload what progress I have made - if that would help in any way.

I can't imagine why anyone would be against it, since it's known no one has done anything on this other than the partial and it has been out for a while(if they're silent about it that's their fault). But yeah, skepticism is going to be pretty high since 99% of new translators, and a lot of older translators for that matter, can't ever seem to finish their projects. I think we'd all love to be proven wrong and see a full translation in a reasonable amount of time. The only thing I'd suggest is if you end up lacking motivation and it looks like it's going into limbo please don't beat around the bush. See it for what is, and announce an indefinite hiatus or drop it. It's annoying seeing people come up with random dumb excuses all the time in H-game development. It's always the same issue: motivation. If you lose your motivation you probably won't get it back. I'd be willing to bet that's the single defining factor almost every time, and not the lame excuses. I just face palm whenever I see one now, as they're so freaking obvious.
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Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Can't really blame you for the doubt, considering I am new to this. I can promise you that it won't take 5 years though. Don't necessarily want to lock myself into a schedule, but even 6 months sounds a bit much. The game isn't actually that text heavy - the bulk of it being in the sex scenes and though they vary in length, many are quite short.

Currently, I'm about 20%, maybe 30% through the game. Hard to accurately gauge due to the way RPG trans spits out the map files (some being 1kb in size, others being 30kb+). Also, the map files aren't in the order of play, so while I've translated scenes from the second level of the tower, there are still plenty left on the first. I know I've finished translating the prologue though. Of course, all of this needs to be edited.

I can update this thread as I go along, and I'll make a separate one once I have something to upload.

If you're really against my continuing though, such as if you know of someone else interested in translating this but they aren't because of me, I can let this go, maybe just upload what progress I have made - if that would help in any way.

Honestly? 20-30 % is quite a bit. I'm suprised.
Well apparently you are one of the rare people who are actually serious about this.
There have been so many translators who started translating something (As I said me included :p) but then slowly realized that it's just too much.

That's why you only see the most popular games translated and most of it is done by a handful of people.

If you are serious about this I really suggest you deliver a partial patch.
20% Would be more than enough to get the trust you apparently deserve.

Most people here are desperate for good translations and are pretty generous in supporting people who use their free time to translate games.
You should open up a Patreon account and showcase the Partial and you can easily get a few hundred bucks a month. If it helps you should really do it.
I would gladly pay a few bucks per month or around 10-15 per game release. Just look at M1zuki for example.

Of course nobody is forcing you to do anything and of course nobody wants you to drop it since the most translators are busy or haven't shown interest in this project.
I was just talking from experience because some games could have gotten a translation but translators didn't want to begin to work on a game if somebody else is already on it.

Anyway: There are hundreds of really really great games that could use a translation and thousands of non japanese speaking guys on ULMF who would support you if you are interesting in translating some of them.

If you are not into the whole Patreon thing you can just give us some other way to donate. It usually motivates people :p
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Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just a bit of an update. I've hit about 35% now. Normally, I feel I would have made more progress, but I've got exams this week, so I'm only doing bits here and there between study sessions. I should be able to get stuck back into it come the weekend.

In regards to any partials, I haven't translated a complete 'section' yet outside of the prologue, so I'll probably wait until I've done at least most of the scenes from the first zone before going back to edit them for a partial patch. That said, the first zone easily contains the most scenes out of the two so it might be a while.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just a bit of an update. I've hit about 35% now. Normally, I feel I would have made more progress, but I've got exams this week, so I'm only doing bits here and there between study sessions. I should be able to get stuck back into it come the weekend.

In regards to any partials, I haven't translated a complete 'section' yet outside of the prologue, so I'll probably wait until I've done at least most of the scenes from the first zone before going back to edit them for a partial patch. That said, the first zone easily contains the most scenes out of the two so it might be a while.

Just wanted to say thank you for the hard work. If I could choose any game to get complete translation, it would currently be this game. So I'm super grateful to hear that someone is voluntary putting their hours towards that. Take your time though, exams are way more important! Thank you again for even attempting the translation. <3
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just wanted to say thank you for the hard work. If I could choose any game to get complete translation, it would currently be this game. So I'm super grateful to hear that someone is voluntary putting their hours towards that. Take your time though, exams are way more important! Thank you again for even attempting the translation. <3

Thanks. I appreciate the words :)

Exams are over, so I'm giving this more focus. I've hit about 50% now. I might get around to making a new thread when I've done enough to update again.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just another update. I've finished translating about 75% now.

What's left is:
  • Half of the system files (script, weapons etc)
  • Scenes with both the MC and the other girl.
  • Bits and pieces left untranslated to avoid getting stuck on them.

I'm planning on giving it a once over upon finishing, to pick up on any typos or overly awkward sentences, which I'm worried there are quite a lot of.

I won't make promises, but I'm aiming to have something out next week - probably during the later half.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Keep it up!! Don't rush so hard you are doing fine. You are incredibly fast to be honest.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Holy shit, awesome !!! I'm very excited to finally play the game translated
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

At long last! Next week is going to be glorious :D
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just another update. I've finished translating about 75% now.

What's left is:
  • Half of the system files (script, weapons etc)
  • Scenes with both the MC and the other girl.
  • Bits and pieces left untranslated to avoid getting stuck on them.

I'm planning on giving it a once over upon finishing, to pick up on any typos or overly awkward sentences, which I'm worried there are quite a lot of.

I won't make promises, but I'm aiming to have something out next week - probably during the later half.

Thats good news! Thanks!
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Just another update. I've finished translating about 75% now.

What's left is:
  • Half of the system files (script, weapons etc)
  • Scenes with both the MC and the other girl.
  • Bits and pieces left untranslated to avoid getting stuck on them.

I'm planning on giving it a once over upon finishing, to pick up on any typos or overly awkward sentences, which I'm worried there are quite a lot of.

I won't make promises, but I'm aiming to have something out next week - probably during the later half.

You're the man.
Re: XVI ~塔の町のリズ~

Jesus fuck that's fast, seriously wasn't expecting a sudden 50% to 75% in like what, 3-4 days? That's super neato, cheers to you!