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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア2 / The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria 2 (RJ242008)

So... I've been reading the game files to try to understand the world-building and story in this game, and there's some things I'm just not sure of, either because they're intentionally unclear or because my Japanese understanding is not up to snuff:

What exactly is "Diva" (or maybe "Daeva", katakana are annoying like that)? It sounds like it's an entity that existed prior to "humanity" (which includes the monster girls) settling on the planet, and the Spirit-people seem speak of it like it's not one of them either, but why does it hate romantic feelings so much that it creates Gohma? And if it is hostile to humanity, why does it help us against the Spirit-people in the Princess route?

If Imu/Spica is the slime whom the male protagonist fathered in the first game, how did she get to this "alternate world"? And why exactly does she have the ability to become an avatar of Diva? Just due to her heritage with the male protagonist?

What exactly is "Innocence"? She's not a personality of the Princess, and the first game implied she was some kind of entity residing in that giant green crystal. Is she a Spirit? An aspect of Diva? Something else entirely?

For that matter, what is the Chrono Reaper? She's, again, not actually a personality of the Princess, just borrowing her younger form. She says she's an existence that defies the laws of the world, but... do we have anything more than that to go on?

Did the "Temple of Heaven" get destroyed/deactivated at the end of the Princess route? How/why? If that's true, then both the male protagonist and Miru should have lost their immortality, right?

At the end of the Princess route, the Princess says maybe "ojousama" is shielding her from the Gohma right now, and when asked, says that "ojousama" is an old friend she hasn't seen in a long time. Who is she referring to?

What are the Empusa (エンプーサ)? They're kind of just some weird technologically advanced group you fight in a sidequest to rescue the Lesser Succubus, but then they show up out of nowhere to aid you against Dorothy in the Princess route.

Anyone with better Japanese comprehension able to shine some light on these questions?
So... I've been reading the game files to try to understand the world-building and story in this game, and there's some things I'm just not sure of, either because they're intentionally unclear or because my Japanese understanding is not up to snuff:

What exactly is "Diva" (or maybe "Daeva", katakana are annoying like that)? It sounds like it's an entity that existed prior to "humanity" (which includes the monster girls) settling on the planet, and the Spirit-people seem speak of it like it's not one of them either, but why does it hate romantic feelings so much that it creates Gohma? And if it is hostile to humanity, why does it help us against the Spirit-people in the Princess route?

If Imu/Spica is the slime whom the male protagonist fathered in the first game, how did she get to this "alternate world"? And why exactly does she have the ability to become an avatar of Diva? Just due to her heritage with the male protagonist?

What exactly is "Innocence"? She's not a personality of the Princess, and the first game implied she was some kind of entity residing in that giant green crystal. Is she a Spirit? An aspect of Diva? Something else entirely?

For that matter, what is the Chrono Reaper? She's, again, not actually a personality of the Princess, just borrowing her younger form. She says she's an existence that defies the laws of the world, but... do we have anything more than that to go on?

Did the "Temple of Heaven" get destroyed/deactivated at the end of the Princess route? How/why? If that's true, then both the male protagonist and Miru should have lost their immortality, right?

At the end of the Princess route, the Princess says maybe "ojousama" is shielding her from the Gohma right now, and when asked, says that "ojousama" is an old friend she hasn't seen in a long time. Who is she referring to?

What are the Empusa (エンプーサ)? They're kind of just some weird technologically advanced group you fight in a sidequest to rescue the Lesser Succubus, but then they show up out of nowhere to aid you against Dorothy in the Princess route.

Anyone with better Japanese comprehension able to shine some light on these questions?
I think only yomitim can answer your question 1-4,but I try to answer the question 5-7
question 5:How about the "Temple of Heaven"?

If you lose the boss battle twice of “終焉を告ける狂霊に抗おう“(Chapter ex five, subsection one), you will know the "Temple of Heaven" fallen in the sea, but it also can revive the shape shifter and miru.

question 6:Who is “お嬢様”?

お嬢様 is “pure love”. In the リピュアリア 1 or リピュアリア 2 chapter 7 also address pure love by お嬢様.

question 7: Why the "エンプーサ" help us to defeat the Dorothy?

They get a lot of food in Fortress, and the heruru( ヘルル ) is princess's mother, she request them help the princess.

If my expression is not in place, please forgive me
On question 5:

Ah, I re-checked the text that was confusing me. There's a part about "Corridors of Heaven turning to light" with the Spirit-people's defeat, and I got confused and thought that was referring to the Temple of Heaven.

So, disregard question 5, that was me getting things mixed up.

On the rest, if the information is intentionally unclear in the game, that's fine. I just wanted to see if there was anything I was missing.
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its looking more and more like the creator has moved on to the next game and other projects. maybe its safe to try and translate now? anything that comes out from here on out will probably be minor bug fixes i assume
Probably is "safe" to translate at this point... but as I recall this game's engine makes it an absolute bitch to translate, so someone would have to be willing to do it.
Probably is "safe" to translate at this point... but as I recall this game's engine makes it an absolute bitch to translate, so someone would have to be willing to do it.
Someone more technically minded might know of a better way... Otherwise, I can slowly translate by
a) Unpacking and translating the text files, with the caveat that you never use a letter "e" in an even space.
b) Using a hex editor to translate everything else, with the caveat that every string of text needs to be the same number of bytes as the Japanese. This is an issue when kanji lets Japanese take up much less space than English - if "Upper Green Pipe" is in three kanji, then you have to squeeze the translation into six English letters! "UpGrPp"?

If someone actually accomplished at programming had a crack at it they might be able to add some space somewhere in the programme and then change the pointers to look at the new area so the English translation could be longer... But that's beyond me.
So as a total idiot question, for applying the partial translation from the translation thread... How do I do it? I followed the instructions and put in the new file, but the issue is that it's a file with .txt things inside of it. not a .dxa which is what is needed. I "waited" (read: forgot about the game) for it to be mostly out and was struggling a little with the wall of Japanese text when I started, but had no luck applying the partial. Any tips?

P.S. it's been a while since I've used this website, so sorry if this should be on the translation page instead of this one.
So as a total idiot question, for applying the partial translation from the translation thread... How do I do it? I followed the instructions and put in the new file, but the issue is that it's a file with .txt things inside of it. not a .dxa which is what is needed. I "waited" (read: forgot about the game) for it to be mostly out and was struggling a little with the wall of Japanese text when I started, but had no luck applying the partial. Any tips?

P.S. it's been a while since I've used this website, so sorry if this should be on the translation page instead of this one.

Extracting the .dxa files is what gives the .txt files; I believe if you just rename the .dxa file to something the game will look at the .txt instead (so long as it's in the right folder structure).
Extracting the .dxa files is what gives the .txt files; I believe if you just rename the .dxa file to something the game will look at the .txt instead (so long as it's in the right folder structure).
The thing is that I did that, but on the title screen it said (in Japanese) there was an error loading a file (that coincidentally doesn't happen when it's the original .dxa file), and while I can start the game, all of the text boxes are empty and an error message shows up ingame. I've attached two pictures of the title screen error as well as the ingame one. Although I have to ask, does it have to be the newest version of the game for the translation to work? I got mine a while ago and I'd have to redownload if that's the case. I can try it, if anything.


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The thing is that I did that, but on the title screen it said (in Japanese) there was an error loading a file (that coincidentally doesn't happen when it's the original .dxa file), and while I can start the game, all of the text boxes are empty and an error message shows up ingame. I've attached two pictures of the title screen error as well as the ingame one. Although I have to ask, does it have to be the newest version of the game for the translation to work? I got mine a while ago and I'd have to redownload if that's the case. I can try it, if anything.

If you're using the patch from this thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/re205566-repure-aria-2-in-production-version.11235/ then probably your copy of the game is too new; that patch was originally for the "in production" version, which was a lot less advanced than the final release. I don't think there's any patch for the full game yet.

The latest version of the game does have a different file structure, but you can probably salvage some of the translation - if you extract the .dxa yourself, you'll see what the file structure should look like, then you can replace the individual text files with the translated ones (in the right place). There's a programme called DXExtract you can use to extract them, I think this is it (see attached)...
(Be warned, I downloaded this off the internet, so you might want to run it through a virus checker or something).


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Ah, I thought it was a full, my bad. Still, thanks for helping me out, I'm just disappointed because text hooking and translation stuff 1000% goes right over my head (all attempts I've ever done have either not worked or been so confusing that I've never managed it, I have absolutely no mind when it comes to anything computer language related at all) so I'm stuck with non translated stuff, but I'm happy that there's at least something there in the first place. I'll try things out!
SInce the game's at a point where translating might seems like a good idea, I suppose I'll just copypaste what I wrote on the f95zone forums last summer:

I actually started working on translating this game back in late summer of 2019, when the game itself was only v1.02. I posted about my progress on ULMF back in the day, but then complications arose and I dropped the translation for a lack of time and motivation.

I can confirm ------'s concerns about the difficulty of translating this game - it's quite a hellish task without the source code, but there is oh so much more about the formatting of dialogue that they haven't mentioned - liek the 24-byte limit for lines and line break characters. Recoding the UI and in-game elements is another thing entirely, and I doubt anyone would want to mess around in a hex editor long enough to actually finish it.

That being said, during my time translating, I did make a couple things to assist me in the process, and since I don't see myself returning to this project anytime soon I thought I'd share them for somebody else to take the reins. I'll be attaching them with the message.

The first one is a Python script for handling the formatting of the text files. It has comments describing the whole process and some non-interrupting error handling, but do forgive the piss poor formatting of it all. The script works with the entire directory at once and is applied after you've replaced the lines inside all of the files with translated text.
Though do keep in ming - while it helps quite a bit, it is by no means a perfect solution, so expect it to break in certain places or on stuff that I haven't accounted for.

The second is a doc containing my attempts to decrypt the inner workings of the dialogue headers (the '--aaaa--' -like things at the start of every line of dialogue in the files). I have pinned down the basic functions of those elements, but since my translation stopped at around the beginning of Chapter 1, not all of the characters are listed.

I hope somebody can make a better use of this than I ever managed to do.


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Recoding the UI and in-game elements is another thing entirely, and I doubt anyone would want to mess around in a hex editor long enough to actually finish it.

Well, djweish actually did that for the first game, but yes you're correct about how much of a severe PITA it is.

As for your script, holy crap is that a godsend. I'm going to mess around with it and see what happens.
another round of bug fixes is coming to repurearia 2 soon according to the creator's twitter.

theres also a picture of the character from the next game they're making
Looks like version 1.25 will be up soon.

リピュアリア2 ver.1.25に差し替え申請しました。ショップのほう近いうちに差し替わると思います。一応長めにテストしたので大丈夫だと思いますがどこか見逃してるかもしれないので何か仕様が変になってるとかあればブログにバグ報告ください。DVD版についても後程ブログで (少し休憩してきます…

I applied for replacement with Lipurelia 2 ver.1.25. I think the shop will be replaced soon. I've tested it for a long time, so I think it's okay, but I may have missed something, so if there are any changes in the specifications, please report a bug on the blog. The DVD version will be posted on the blog later (I'll take a break ... 💤 )
Does anyone know if the 1.25 is the latest update from repure aria 2?, I ask to start working on the very hard mod ,I appreciate if you answer
I remember being able to fight through the first game with the aid of a map that someone had put together. I was curious if anyone's done the same for this game? :D

Edit: Nvm. This truly was a pointless post, as I realized I already had some xD
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