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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel let out a hum, before moving her hands down to rest at Alexia's thighs. Then, Alexia felt Jezebel manipulating her soul once again, and this time, the dragoness felt a relaxing sensation wash over her. All the suspicion, tension, and worry hard to maintain, as almost every muscle in her body loosened up to a great degree.

"All you need to know... Is that I'm Jezebel..." she said softly, resting her chin on Alexia's shoulder, letting her warm breath wash in waves along her cheeks, "And that I'm the one who will grant you unrivaled power, a throne to stand over the whole world, with me at your side... As your wife, perhaps?" she giggled evilly, "We'll see, perhaps I might consider you my own, if you prove worthy enough."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia smiles as she relaxes, laughing a little as she hears Jezebel's words, shaking her head, "I thought I already proved myself worthy... but you're apparently a hard one to please~" She shakes her head as she chuckles, "I guess I'll accept you as my wife...~ I'd appreciate it though if you would stop doing that though~"

She turns to Azure as she concentrates, "Speak your mind." She looks at her former friend with interest as she waits, deciding that for now, she was in no danger if Azure decides to start acting up.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel chuckled, amused with Alexia's response, "I'm never satisfied, my fair dragon," she announced, before that same, long tongue slithered out of her mouth, and licked along Alexia's neck affectionately.

And, even with her mind freed once more from emotional control, Azure remained silent. The most the girl did was turn her head away, so as not to look at Jezebel molest Alexia. And the most Alexia could feel boiling within the lizardkin, was a regulated anger...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia smiles as she feels the tongue moving along her neck, causing her to shiver a little, the relaxed feeling in her body proving to be enough to keep her from acting out as she happily sighs,

"Well then~ let's see if I can satisfy you for even a small moment then~" The pride that she had earlier fills her again as she grins to Jezebel, "Feed as much from me as you want, and lets see if I can sate your hunger for just a little while~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel seems to let out a little squeal of happiness, and almost seemed ready to tackle Alexia to the ground on the spot, before she remembered herself, and looked back to where Azure was seething behind them. "What about your pet?" she asked Alexia. "Would she be joining us...?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia takes Jezebel's hand as she grins, laughing a little, "No~ she won't be joining us, after all, she is mostly my slave, plus the deal was I am to be the one to give you energy~" She moves forward a little then turns around, still holding her hand and kisses her, smiling, "Now come on, let's have some fun~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel nodded silently, eager to fuck, and feed upon Alexia as soon as possible, before she turned to a nearby, , a young woman with strangely white hair, red eyes, wearing a maid's outfit, peacefully going about what was likely a nightmarish task of cleaning this giant stronghold, and calling out her name, "Sakuya!" she said in a raised voice at the woman.

Then, the woman turned about, stopping her task, and folding her hands neatly in front of herself, "Yes, milady?" she said with what Alexia perceived as undying loyalty to her master.

"Escort this lizardkin, Azure here to the unused slave quarters, and be sure to label it under our beautiful new master's rule, won't you?" the master she mentioned being Alexia, as Jezebel directed her gaze to her for a moment to inform who she spoke of. "And be sure to tell the others to treat her as you would me. Her authority shall only be overruled by my own, understood?"

The white haired maid gave a polite, short bow of her head and upperbody, "Yes, milady." she replied, as she slowly, yet elegantly, walked over towards Azure, taking the woman's hand, and encouraging her gently to come with her.

Azure, in one last act, gave a stabbing look to Alexia, as if her eyes were daggers meant for the dragonesses soul, before wordlessly doing as the maid, Sakuya had asked her, and following her over to a nearby door...

Then, Jezebel giggled, and made slow, gentle humping motions behind Alexia, her hands still on the dragon woman's hips, "Now... Where were we?" she giggled, swaying both of their hips together...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia watches the scene with great interest and snaps back to reality when she hears Jezebel's voice again. she smiles as she shakes her head, "We were about to do this~ probably~" She suddenly moves forward and turns around, reaching for Jezebel and pulling her in close while leaning back, quickly pulling the two of them onto the ground, with her new friend on top.

Grinning widely, she looks at Jezebel as whispers quietly to her, "Thanks for everything~"
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel actually let out a yelp as Alexia brought her down to the ground with her, and the few passerby's going by gave a glance at the two, before deciding it was better not to stare, and moving on to their assigned tasks. "You're quite an enthusiast, aren't you?" she said, laughing a little. "Don't you think you'd rather retire to... our quarters?" she asked, emphasizing on the fact that she wanted to be in close proximity to Alexia.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia runs her hand along Jezebel's face as she kisses her new 'wife' a few times. Shrugging as she does so and looks around at the slaves, "And we care why~? They're all just slaves after all... what do we care what they see?" She then realized she might be a little tired after the session. Hastily, she helps Jezebel up and nods,

"On the other hand, a bed would definately be more comfortable, lead the way, my new wife~!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel smiled as Alexia helped her up, her yellow eyes shining brightly at her, reflecting Alexia's image back at her, "My thoughts exactly~" she said, before taking Alexia's hand, and leading her along the red carpet, towards the stairs, walking up to the second floor, which seemed to lead to either the West, or East wing, with Jezebel taking the West.

Jezebel led Alexia through a rather long hallway, passing by many large windows as they walked along the side of the castle, which surprisingly casted moonlight from the sky above, when it had been day just moments ago, the full, round moon could be seen clearly, only serving to give more credit to the dark castle's presence.

"Using the darkness as a means of travel is not instantaneous." she began to explain, "Rather, it puts us in a bit of hibernation, as it transports us to where we wish to go." she said, and not a moment longer, Alexia and Jezebel reached the end of that same hallway, where an enormous pair of double doors greeted them. Jezebel walked up to these doors, and placed her hand on the flat of the left door. Magic seemed to course around the door she touched, as if leaving it, where just a moment ago it had been protecting it, before Alexia heard a loud creaking noise as the door slowly began to open, allowing Alexia, and her, 'wife' entry...

Jezebel turned around, with her back to the now opened door, taking Alexia's hands in her own as she walked backwards, leading the dragoness inside, smiling at her with not only lustful, but hungry eyes. "I'm very happy I met you~" she said softly, "Your beauty, your power... All of these things I covet, and I'm very proud to call you my own." she said, sounding just as proud as she claimed.

Jezebel lead Alexia into her room, which was just as black as the rest of the castle. A lone window in the room, just like the others, welcomed the moon's light inside of it, giving the room just enough light to give one her bearings, and to show any visitor to the room, the most prominent object in the whole room; a heart shaped bed, large enough to hold about a dozen people comfortably was at he edge of the room, the tip, or bottom of the heart being the end Alexia was on. Red pillows along the top of the bed, half a dozen of them in number were lain about the two curves at the top of the heart, with just as red blankets, seemed to be made out of an extremely fine fur, filling Alexia's thoughts with images of her simply snuggling into them, the comfort of the blankets feeling good against even her tough scales.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia watches the moon as they walk past it, staring out the window a few times as she wonders how it could be night already. Her question was answered without her needing to say anything, causing her to simply nod as she continues to walk, admiring the castle was she does so.

As they near the room, Alexia blushes at the comments about her, but a tinge of suspicion still lurked within her, not strong enough to cause her to do or say anything though of course, "Where is this place exactly? I do not remember seeing this place in my flights..."

She enters the room and pauses as she gasps at the very nice looking bed. Having spent much of her recent life sleeping on the equivalent of bare essentials to this... luxury.

Giving out a rather childish squeal, Alexia runs forward and jumps onto the bed, happily burying her face into the sheets as she admired the feeling, very happy to know that this will be the place she would be sleeping in from now on. Suddenly, she remembers the reason for her coming her and turns around and faces Jezebel, clearing her through in embarrassment, "The room is very nice~ and this bed is very comfortable, come and join me my wife~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel smiles a little at the question, "This... Is another world, a plain of existence, if you will." she told Alexia, "There are those who are so powerful, we can fabricate worlds into being with only but an idea, and a powerful amount of magic." She smiled at Alexia, the dark of the room seeming to act with it's own life, waving like ripples in water around her. "I... Am one of those who possess such power."

Then, Jezebel cringes as Alexia leaps away, and onto the bed, messing the sheets, and winkling what used to be a perfectly made bed. Jezebel's eye twitches at Alexia, annoyance seeming to be her posture, before she seemed to change her disposition, and smile at the dragoness, "Ah... I suppose we were going to mess those sheets anyway..." she says, content with that fact that Alexia was inviting her to the bed as she stepped forward, slowly, teasingly, her hands reaching up, to untie, and unbutton her robe. And in the next moment, Jezebel's robe falls to the ground, revealing that she wore nothing underneath it, likely as a statement towards her deviously aggressive sexual habits.

Her bluish, purple skin shined almost like a piece of art in the moonlight. Her nipples were a darker shade of purple, and were quite pointy, even before she took her clothes off, almost always being in a state of arousal. Her pussy could only be explained as perfection, appearing almost impossibly perfect, and would only serve to make one think why this woman, with such round, perfectly sized breasts, not too large, but not too small, and with no imperfections on her body to speak of, would covet Alexia.

While her naturally perverted side, as well as the side allured by Jezebel's charm magic encompassing her soul caused Alexia to stare at every part of Jezebel's body that drew her eyes, Jezebel spoke to her, while getting up on the bed, crawling towards the dragon on all fours, "Do you like what you see, now that you've had the chance to see my whole body?" she said slowly, softly, and with deadly seduction. Eyes never leaving Alexia's, locking on, and seeming to see into her soul. "I'll give you everything, until you can take no more... I promise..."

"We won't be getting much sleep tonight~" she said with a seductive, powerful, and outright deadly smile.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia stares for awhile at Jezebel, feeling breathless as she admired her beauty, unable to say anything until as she watches the beauty approach her. She had seen parts of this woman before, felt certain parts, so she had a pretty rough idea what she looked like... but she never expected this...

She laughs quietly when she finally speaks, looking up at Jezebel as she asks the question, "Of course... I love it~" She considers what Jezebel was saying, and grins, "We'll see how much I can take, and as long as you give me what I want, I'll give you what you want~" She waits until Jezebel is close enough and leans forward to kiss her, "Shall we get started then?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

After the kiss, Jezebel smiles at her, teeth baring at her as if Jezebel was some kind of hungry monster. She doesn't say another word as she charges Alexia, ramming into her, and knocking her down on her back, and spreading her legs open. Jezebel quickly reaches down, and chants that dark spell, causing her clitoris to grow into a cock just like before, only seeming as if it was a little bigger, thicker... And more excited as well.

Then, Jezebel's arms extended outwards, summoning more black magic as two dark pools formed on either side of the two women, before out came what looked to be two 'suction cups,' which did not hesitate in setting their sights on Alexia, as if they were just another part of Jezebel's being, under her command. Jezebel let out a pleased sigh, before ramming her cock inside the dragoness, lifting her up by her waist a little, so as to make it easier to ram into her ruthlessly. Meanwhile, the two tentacles with what appeared to be suction cups on the ends of them moved forward, and immediately cupped themselves over Alexia's breasts, sucking, and pulling on them, while what felt like thin tongues trailed along her nipples, sometimes wrapping around the point of her nipple, and pulling on it, only further adding to Alexia's stimulation, and to the feeling of having her energy being sucked out of her, and fed to Jezebel...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

She lets out a shout of surprise as she falls backwards, looking up happily as she sees Jezebel's changing again, wondering aloud, "Are you sure you're the wife and not the husband in our relationship~?" She looks at the cock expectantly and awaits it eagerly as she looks around, noticing the dark pools.

Her curiosity about their purpose was instantly sated as she saw the two tendrils coming out of the pools. She chuckles a little and looks at Jezebel, "You're going to have to teach me how to do that some day... n..ngh!" Her happy demeanor briefly gave away to discomfort as she felt the cock stab into her. Rationalizing that it was probably because she had spent who knows how long in a hibernated state, she begins to moan softly, getting more and more vocal as she feels the summoned tentacles start to do their work on her.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel managed to giggle in between her moans, which mixed with Alexia's own sounds of pleasure, while she continued to ram her cock inside Alexia's folds, holding the dragoness up by her ass, while her suction cups still sucked at her breasts, the tongues coming from inside still teasing her nipples, at this point, causing both her whole breasts to be soaked in the strange saliva...

"Have you noticed that you're more sensitive to pleasure?" she asked, smiling down at the dragoness she was fucking silly, "That is a sign that you're becoming more powerful with the dark magics." She laughed loudly, while behind a wide smile cast down at Alexia, was a red flush within her purple cheeks.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia nods wordless as she lay there, enjoying the feel of her body being violated, blushing as she realizes that she was indeed feeling a lot more pleasure than before. Of course, this might also be due to the fact that there were two extra 'mouths' going after her breasts, but that was probably besides the point.

She lets out a another groan and smiles up at Jezebel as she sees the woman flush, laughing lightly she grins, I'm very glad I met you~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel lunges forward, and slams her lips against Alexia's, kissing the dragoness with ferocious passion, while her thrusts became deep, and slow, savoring the taste of Alexia's soul with every last drop. Then, Jezebel gave Alexia's lips a final lick, before leaning upright, holding her legs in both hands, spreading them wide, panting with lust as she began to thrust wildly into Alexia, pushing the dragoness close to a powerful, sexual climax. All of her soul wanting to give in, and let itself be encompassed in mind twisting pleasure...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lets out several happy grunts and moans through the kiss while laying on the bed. This pleasure felt so much better than before, it was like nothing she had ever experienced, it fact, a tiny part of her was concerned that this made her feel more violated, but she manages to surpress the thoughts, instead simply enjoying the treatment.

Then she felt it, the critical rising of feelings as she knew what was going to happen next, a little surprised and disappointed at herself for not holding on longer, she lets out a loud scream as her floodgates open up and her sexual fluids start to spill out, "N.ngh... a..ahhHHH!" she screams as she rides out the feeling, feeling inwardly that this was one of the best things she had ever experienced...