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YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Pay no mind to those fools and keep your motivation up.

Is there going to be a blog where you update the fans on development?
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

If you're going for costimization, keep it simpel, like only giving the option to change the color of the hair and/or eye's.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

so please draw those exact pictures. i'd like to see if its really childs play.
and prove, that you're not trying to sound arrogant.

further argument is invalid until then. good luck. (meaning i quit this conversation)

As an artist myself i know that copying is actually difficult...
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

With the last shown artwork, you kind of got me hyped for this game.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

As an artist myself i know that copying is actually difficult...

Copying as actually harder than make a new pic... (with reference), because you need to follow their style (more or less) >_>
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Arms Devicer or whatever that game is called now did some of it right. Random encounters where you can lose your clothing (and personally I think it takes a bit too long to get destroyed in that game), and then foreplay and rape ensue soon thereafter. The thing I dont like with that is that the clothes have to all be gone before an enemy will start to sexually interact with the main character. Clearly I believe that the raping should occur before all the clothing is removed. I was sad to see this game be merely mediocre from the fact that once the first area was done, there was little else that appealed to me with that game.

Now onto that Hounds of the Blade game. I like alot where that game was going before it seemingly got abandoned (dont bother to correct me if I am wrong because who cares). I like this game alot. Alot of in battle foreplay/rape, and that is what I want in a game. I really could not care less about all the story shenanigans personally, so I think alot of the time on this game was wasted on fluff. However I would say that currently this game is the gold standard for in game foreplay/rape.

Now that game that is in the first set of drawings, the girl with the purple hair and the white outfit (ffs I cannot remember the name of that game lol). That game is the best for losing animations. Though I am not one to want to purposely lose just to get to those scenes, as I would personally like to see those scenes be the in game scenes that the player would have to break free from (or be overcome by).

Now the trick here, is to give me a (battle?) system that makes me feel like I am in control of the character and how badly they are getting raped. I dont care so much for a challenge as I do variety. Now what Arms Devicer did wrong and the other games did right in this respect is that after you get to a point in Arms Devicer, the game stops being relevant in any way as you have already seen it all and dont care to do it all over again.

I could incoherently ramble on and on about this and use nothing more than just these three games the exemplify what I do and do not like about this styly of game. I could mention others that do it right as well, but meh this rant is probably already long enough for anyone to be bothered with.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Pay no mind to those fools and keep your motivation up.

Is there going to be a blog where you update the fans on development?

Once we actually get something tangible like animations for the character, etc. then absolutely.

What we're thinking of doing, as he's never done artwork for a video game specifically before, and to make sure we do this right, is doing a small video game, maybe one level, based off of the same general idea (a platformer, etc. with a female heroine) but using a character from the comic we're working on.

We'd then see if there's any problems with using his art etc. for this and fix them then, and THEN we'd start actual progress on the game, possibly using some of the same textures and/or enemies for this game.

I did want to clarify that with my skills as a programmer, customization is probably not going to happen, clothes removal yes, but no to customization.

HOWEVER, if this game goes good (the actual hentai game), we'd like to hire a programmer, possibly from ULMF who would know their stuff, and then I'd take on more of a "writing/promoting" role, so it'd be a three-man team for our second hentai game.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

hmm I think nanocrisis/hounds is a very good representation of what I like in a RoR game. It's almost perfect in terms of quality and animation/art.

I think it would be cool if you could dress your female character in different clothes too (like you could choose short shorts, yoga pants, skirts, whatever) and if you could dramatize cumming scenes or something. One thing I notice from a lot of hentai though, is that when sex scenes/rape scenes/cumming happens, the artist starts to make the body look disproportionate and emphasizes wayyyy too much tits and the face just looks different. I don't know if that makes sense, but like in Nano or Hounds, the creator does a REALLY GOOD job of keeping all things in the body in proportion so it looks realistic and not like all of a sudden her tits becomes the size of her head and her ass becomes huge. Even better is if there were multiple female protagonists to choose from.

Maybe I'm asking too much just some ideas. You don't have to listen to them ahah but I am looking forward to what you guys make! :D
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Wow this is a nice topic to see! Well from what i've read on the main post the game sounds very interesting! However you should know that everyone has their own perfect game in mind and what someone likes another might hate, you should take suggestions here as nothing more than that, and not feel too bad about it if you decide to go with a different idea for your game.
"I cannot give you the recipe for success but the one for failure is trying to please everyone"

That said, i find the lack of PREGNANCY related suggestions disturbing. :p
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

What we're thinking of doing, as he's never done artwork for a video game specifically before, and to make sure we do this right, is doing a small video game, maybe one level, based off of the same general idea (a platformer, etc. with a female heroine) but using a character from the comic we're working on.

Very good idea. Take it one step at a time, and figure out what works best for both of you. See where things go, and all that. You might stumble across a good idea or two, as well.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I went way out of my way to find good ror games, and man are the really good ones rare and mostly unfinished.

anyway here's what I disliked most about the ror games I dont consider good.
-pixelated stuff, artwork/apearances do mean alot, eyecandy and well done animations are much more apealing.
-dodgy or absent animations
-out of action sex events (as in you have a game and when anything sexual happens, it goes to CG pictures or small/basic/weak non in game animations
-game mechanic detached sex (as in no consequence or actual gameplay mechanic to handle sex, it jus happened completely detached of situation or gameplay mechanics of the actual game)
-mechanics done with good intention/ideas but either unpolished or poorly implemented that end up ruining the "flow" of the game.

those are kinda generic statements so I'm gonna give a list of the best ror games I know and what they done very well and what they done less well.

1) Corta's splatformer
the good:
-awesome animations and artwork
-simple yet solid and interesting gameplay mechanic, actually intention for those mechanics since they weren't actually coded in, he intends for a item based rpg gameplay and a sex level up system
-interesting and diverse npcs with their unique sex animations; front, back and some even gangbang.
-good/juicy sounds
-customization, this is actually unique, even if there isnt that much customization types, just basically skins of different known chars it is something very nice to have, be able to have input on what your character looks like and what weapons/armor it uses.
the bad:
-hard to say since the game is being made so slow and technically doesn't even have a single made level yet nor the mechanics been polished or even finished, the game simply shows alot of promise with what it has done and what it aims to do
-no storyline/goal/background.

2) Guild Meister
the good:
-awesome animations and artwork
-good/juicy sounds
-solid gameplay
-decent pose/situational variations, particularly the gangbang combos
the bad:
-streamlined poses, some npcs do exactly the same animations and gangbang
-oversimplified gameplay (even if solid, simple isnt necessarily bad tho)
-feels rushed and short with alot of "generic" npcs and their actions being the same with different artwork.

3) Shinobi girl
not going into details on this one since its basicly a good yet less polished mix of the two above.

also good to mention nanocrisis/hound of the blade and mitsuko space escape.

>>my RoR game of dreams<<
a superheroine themed (preferebly Wonder Woman/power girl my favs :p but any superheroine or action girl will do) action/rpg sidescroller/platformer.

no overkill rpg or action mechanics, have a equipable weapon, a few equipable abilities and equipable armor.
the weapon can be upgraded for damage I guess or something else more interesting
the armor can be changed for looks and utility like take less dmg, prevent rape more efectively, break less quickly etc
the abilities can be upgraded into doing more healing, more damage or doing different things, like power beams, power healing, power shields, power knockbacks, super flight etc.

sex should have gameplay mechanics aswell, depending on how you build your character you should have negative or beneficial consequences to how sex hapens, meaning when you gain levels you can spend points upgrading the combat ability or the sex ability, higher sex ability will allow you more interactions during sex and less negative consequences, at the cost of having less combat ability, maybe there could be abilities to use specifically during sex to turn a rape around into her favor (to kill/stun her rapist during it or something like that)

ps: most ror games have weak or non-existant tentacle action, wich is odd, since its the hottest enemy of any heroine tbh lots of action possible with lots of tentacles >_<
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I'll add my two-cents.

My favourite RoR game are the Demon Girl series, as it combines everything I like about a RoR game :
- simple, immediately understandable gameplay
- balanced difficulty : not frustrating yet allowing for a decent challenge
- in-game sex scenes : you don't need to get game over and restart the game to see the animations
- gauntlet mode
- the variety of the enemies and the scenes

Another RoR I like, albeit less focused on the running part, is DirtyC101's Furry Fury : Legend of the Twin Orbs for the same reasons as above, plus the fact that you can choose between 3 characters, that the enemies can do group attacks, and the gauge system.

Finally, I like when a game allows you to choose which fetishes you want to play with, for instance by asking you your gender. A functionality unfortunately, albeit logically, restricted to text-based games

So, to sum up, the RoR game of my dream would have :
- A simple gameplay, yet providing decent challenge
- in-game animations with different animations depending of your status, and combinations between enemies
- a gauntlet mode allowing you to have a quick play
- a certain level of personnalization : appearence of the character, gender (because there's so few games of this genre where the vict... character is male), monsters/fetishes you want or don't want to play with, etc.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

character customization is hard for programming?

i thought it would be harder to draw and animate them..

as a programmer i would just set clothing (if its destructable, you probably have a naked layer and a clothing layer anyways) set the clothing to a variable and switch it to another variable when the player decides to switch

of course i might be thinking way too simply as i've no idea how you're planning to program this stuff
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Hi long time lurker but I'm posting for the first time since this topic is so exhilarating and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that this project will finish.

I would like to start by giving some general advice whether you need it or not

1. Your making an H-game first, platformer second.

If people wanted a good platformer there are plenty of mainstream commercial games available. Kurodavis while had solid game was in my opinion disappointing as an h-game because there was so little of it. If I can't jack off to it then it fails as an h-game.

2. You can't please everyone

Its great that you're getting community input but people are divisive so if there is disagreement between people about what to put in, best to go for what you're happy with. If you like the direction of your game then it more likely to be a better designed game.

3. Variety is the key to an enjoyable sex life

And the financial doom to a dev team :p. I'm not sure to what extent you can afford it but the more variety of sex scenes and animations the better.

Now onto suggestions

A lot of people have said that they don't want oversized breasts and while I agree, what constitutes as oversized differs depending on people's tastes and the art style used. Looking at the first set of fan drawings you posted, while they were good I was disappointed that they all had either A or B cups. Personally I think the proportions of Koonsoft's Angel and Shinobi girl are perfect. Since you appear to be fans of the Viper series, I also like the proportions of Akira from V16 and Cala from RSR. Obviously in the end it's up to you guys but in my opinion the perfect breast size is just large enough for a tit job, oh by the way include tit jobs.

You said before that customization would be a programming nightmare. I don't to what extent you can afford it but might I suggest having 2-3 heroines. This goes to my variety point. You could either make the game short but replayable with these different characters or divide the game into segments with a different heroine talking each. If that's all too much then howabout female assist characters that can get raped and or couple of different costumes.

Some people have said no to machines, I disagree that there is no place for them, how about a robot/android/cyborg equipped with a dildo that moves like a jack hammer and a breast milking pump :)
Finally I really like the extended game over rape animations that fairy fighting and certain characters in SEX Mugen have.

Anyway best of luck to your project and I hope good fortune comes your way
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

hmm I think nanocrisis/hounds is a very good representation of what I like in a RoR game. It's almost perfect in terms of quality and animation/art.

I think it would be cool if you could dress your female character in different clothes too (like you could choose short shorts, yoga pants, skirts, whatever) and if you could dramatize cumming scenes or something.

Maybe I'm asking too much just some ideas. You don't have to listen to them ahah but I am looking forward to what you guys make! :D

dramatise cumming screens? like have a persona style cut in? lols
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!


Since lolcats should still be roaming the forums, I was wondering what has happened in the last two
weeks. Has the project been abandoned, is it in stasis, have there been small progresses?

We do have a basic character design down, and I'm learning new things in programming to accommodate a lot of the requests, so we are making progress :D
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I think your list in the first post all seem like pluses to me! Solid gameplay, no heay ryona, clothes destruction... Great!

What kind of genre where you looking at? I don't mean platformer/beat 'em up/metroidvania or what have you, but sci fi/fantasy/historical/horror etc. Is this going to be set in a magic world? An alien world? A haunted house? Or will it vary level to level? As well as solid gameplay, I quite like games with a good story; but in a platformer, the story shouldn't overshadow the gameplay (no stopping to read text every few minutes). If the story can be explored through gameplay elements it would be ideal (the show not tell style - say, you're exploring a ruin on an alien planet. Maybe the city was destroyed by a monster from a meteor or something that serves as the boss. Then the background art elements could show signs of how the people attempted to flee, the damage the meteor did, or what have you...)

I think I kind of went off on a tangent. What else do I like in games?

Unlockable content; maybe with different reward levels for finding secrets in games or completing different bosses or what have you. Like how completing Demon Girl gives you access to the gallery.

Power Ups. Only if you're thinking of doing a more Kurovadis style game, I guess, but getting stronger and getting more options as the game goes on is a good thing.

Nice music?

Now, difficulty is rather hard to judge in this kind of game too. If it's not hard enough, people will never see game over scenes, or possibly even capture animations. But if it's too hard, you'll just end up frustrating people. If seeing a sex scene is a punishment for losing, then it works against the desire to win the game. So you'll need some kind of mechanic to ensure people can still see these scenes without a lot of frustrating restarting.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

What kind of genre where you looking at? I don't mean platformer/beat 'em up/metroidvania or what have you, but sci fi/fantasy/historical/horror etc.

Right now we're going for Sci-Fi in character design at least, especially since the artist is very skilled in sci-fi designs (vehicles, technology, etc.)

Now, difficulty is rather hard to judge in this kind of game too. If it's not hard enough, people will never see game over scenes, or possibly even capture animations. But if it's too hard, you'll just end up frustrating people. If seeing a sex scene is a punishment for losing, then it works against the desire to win the game. So you'll need some kind of mechanic to ensure people can still see these scenes without a lot of frustrating restarting.

I'm debating with possibly having ALL H-content be available right at the start of the game, for people who want that, and then for those who want to just play the game, they can do that.

I know personally there have been quite a few games I don't even want to play and I just want to see the H-content on, due to either genre or lack of time to unlock the content: same goes for some games with absurdly hard content to unlock (like the Iris Action secret animations), and I don't really find that fun, or a good use of time for some people who may be very low on time to spare to begin with.

Any people like/dislike that idea?
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

You seem to have mostly everything covered, so my only suggestion would be this,

Avoid including things like clothing destruction, pregnancy, passive effects, alternate animations and positions, etc. These are all things that people will always ask for and want in an H game. However, the reality is that these things take a lot of time, and focusing on them rather than the core of the game will make the project drag on longer than you can afford.

Instead, decide what the most important aspect of your game is, focus on that, and keep it simple. As long as you have competent gameplay, decent graphics, in game sprite sex, and CGs, your game will sell on DLsite simply because of the niche it fills. Even a modest effort will make you enough profit to continue working on H games. Finish your first game, and then focus on including other features once you know you can afford to do so.

Also, I'd also hold of on the story, for now. It could potentially take more time to develop the game, and with your largest source of potential income being DLsite, it wouldn't help you make any Japanese sales. After completing your first game, you should be able to afford to pay for an English to Japanese translation, if you choose to make your next game more complex.

Edit: And no, I wouldn't include content from the start. If people are that eager, they'll just get a save file or look at a collection of CGs. For everyone else, it may just tempt them to spoil content that they would probably enjoy more had they experienced it naturally, as you intended.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Just an enemy that spanks you.

And a visual difference in character animation between struggling and not struggling when I mash my buttons to escape.

These are all I ask.