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YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Some kind of password / Konami code to unlock the H-scenes wouldn't be a bad idea. Although many players do like the excitement of unlocking things on their own, from my experience 100% saves are extremely popular downloads.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Don't think this was suggesting but if you want to reach as wide an audience as possible you could have an option screen where people can turn off things they don't want.

eg. If somebody doesn't like vore, they can just turn it off and no vore enemy's will appear.

You can even have it block out that content in any gallery modes that you might add. Also, if you add any kind of story element please let it be skippable along with non-escapable animations.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Don't think this was suggesting but if you want to reach as wide an audience as possible you could have an option screen where people can turn off things they don't want.

eg. If somebody doesn't like vore, they can just turn it off and no vore enemy's will appear.

You can even have it block out that content in any gallery modes that you might add. Also, if you add any kind of story element please let it be skippable along with non-escapable animations.

Good suggestions: I'll definitely say that any storyline elements will have a "hot-button skip" where instead of having to mash spacebar 230579394 times, you can just press it once and bam, entire storyline segment skipped.

It'll be something you can't accidentally hit too, like the asterix on the numpad, for those of you who might want to read it but don't want to risk auto-skipping it.

I personally know when I play h-games I'm like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK when I have to sit there for 15 minutes hammering the spacebar in between parts, but I will say that if we do decide on a storyline, I consider myself a fairly decent writer and that I'd make a compelling storyline that would actually have some meat to it, instead of just "U GET FUKED OMG U SO BIG ME CUM NOW" etc.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

instead of just "U GET FUKED OMG U SO BIG ME CUM NOW" etc.

I would like to request an option enabling a second script consisting of nothing but this. All caps, little to no punctuation, no proofreading, preferably typed only with your elbows while drunk.

On a more serious note this project sounds like it could become something awesome. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses!
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

All I'll say is this - please be careful of your art style.

The still images you have posted are very good, don't get me wrong, but they would not look good animated as they currently are. This is true of all hentai games for the most part. Let me explain:

Here are images from the series Tentacle and Witches, with two from the original still-image game, and two from the animation:



As you may notice, the style was changed a bit when it came to animation. This is because the original drawings had too MUCH detail for animation. Animation with too much detail can look strange at times - parts of the famous Bible Black series suffer from this to a small degree - and so many series have a toning down in art from the original still-image game. Please keep this in mind when working on the game so that the animations come out solid and sexy and stylistic, but not so overdone that it detracts from the experience.

On a minor note, please make sure that the gameplay is entertaining/playable in a small way. While the porn is the most important thing, if the game plays like shit, it could be beautiful and it still won't stop us from getting so aggravated we just start roaming Gelbooru for the late-game images.

Also, something that spanks the heroine. Thirding this.

Finally, an unrelated but (I think) hot image:

Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I've been aware of this topic, but had not yet gotten to read up on it until now. First off, I'm sorry to hear about your tightened belts, and I wish you both well.

Second, Welcome to the board, though I know you were likely as long lurking about as I.

Third, This is a good topic to start off with, and I'd like to put my two cents in, but I'll post it later.

Look, you both obviously have your own fetishes, why not stick with them for our first demo, and then expand? Also, if you need some fast cash while you are working out your details and plan for your game, you can do something else.

What I'm talking about is set up a Doujin/Sex Manga. An original of both your work, it will serve as practice for writing and pacing for any future game. As well as test the waters of cooperation in brainstorming.
You get a chance to put out and practice a design you guys like. A character or characters you can easily draw and work with.
Test the waters in what design seemed most appealing in the work if you feature multiple females. Free market research and reception to what art style works with what design.
You can also make a profit off this by selling it online via Dlsite and/or independently, just check back here and a few other websites for reviews, ask for a vote on the favorite design.

Now to just throw out a crazy idea...

Another option is to work with someone who's already worked on a game and sold it successfully or has a great deal of experience. It might help you get off the ground, and in turn help him/her in making them. The first person who pops in my head is Kyrieru who did Kurovadis. Guy knows how to make games and work on sprites, but has a hard time being focused. A 3 way split might be viable, and he's also capable of composing. In fact, with your skills, you guys could remaster the older version to a higher resolution via larger hand drawn sprites, which is something I was considering testing out myself despite my lack of skills.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

You seem to have mostly everything covered, so my only suggestion would be this,

Avoid including things like clothing destruction, pregnancy, passive effects, alternate animations and positions, etc. These are all things that people will always ask for and want in an H game. However, the reality is that these things take a lot of time, and focusing on them rather than the core of the game will make the project drag on longer than you can afford.

Instead, decide what the most important aspect of your game is, focus on that, and keep it simple. As long as you have competent gameplay, decent graphics, in game sprite sex, and CGs, your game will sell on DLsite simply because of the niche it fills. Even a modest effort will make you enough profit to continue working on H games. Finish your first game, and then focus on including other features once you know you can afford to do so.

Also, I'd also hold of on the story, for now. It could potentially take more time to develop the game, and with your largest source of potential income being DLsite, it wouldn't help you make any Japanese sales. After completing your first game, you should be able to afford to pay for an English to Japanese translation, if you choose to make your next game more complex.

Edit: And no, I wouldn't include content from the start. If people are that eager, they'll just get a save file or look at a collection of CGs. For everyone else, it may just tempt them to spoil content that they would probably enjoy more had they experienced it naturally, as you intended.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize you even posted here, I consider your input here one of the most valuable. So, my friends, pay attention.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

What I'm talking about is set up a Doujin/Sex Manga. An original of both your work, it will serve as practice for writing and pacing for any future game. As well as test the waters of cooperation in brainstorming.
You get a chance to put out and practice a design you guys like. A character or characters you can easily draw and work with.
Test the waters in what design seemed most appealing in the work if you feature multiple females. Free market research and reception to what art style works with what design.
You can also make a profit off this by selling it online via Dlsite and/or independently, just check back here and a few other websites for reviews, ask for a vote on the favorite design.

Just to clarify on this, that's what our "day job" together is: we do a webcomic together, with me writing it, and him illustrating it. It's not hentai, but we've spent the past year doing character designs/work for it and I've been writing it for six times longer than that, so we do work very well together when it comes to brainstorming/thinking on the same wavelength.

(We can't really link the comic here because yeah, the drama that would ensue for me personally due to my internet notoriety would heavily take away from my time put towards this, so I'd rather let people know AFTER the fact, and deal with it then)

Everything people have been saying I'm definitely taking into account: I have a godawful case of sore throat right now so I can't really focus too much on this, but the artist is working his ass off on designs and layouts and such for the game, and once I get better I'll pick up my end of things. :)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Hope you feel better, and i read comic earlier, but didn't realize it was an active web comic. I think most of what I said though is still relevant.

Now as for how you guys may want to build a game, my suggestions are as follows.

First focus is gameplay, this includes level design and game mechanics
Second focus is character designs and theme(s)
Start off with that single level Demo you planned to do.
Absolutely do not make it eye candy only or CG only, ripped sprites could be made, and the CG's could be simply uploaded online instead of the game being sold or bringing in advertisements. At that point, you may as well of done a Doujin or CG set to be sold. Which reminds me, if you guys ever do such a CG or Doujin project, you can also include an animated gif (Even focus a CG set on those) to experiment for the future game animations.

As for fetishes, focus on the handful you guy personally like. Build the game around it, if you have a fetish, than there's a market for it, there's a market for it ...well rule 34 is law. Any other fetishes can be later implemented as you like in whatever way, either it be extra CG's or secondary animations. It's really all up to you both.

If I were to be making a game, I'd mostly focus on rape or seduction, with only a slight bit of Ryona as a knock down move to allow the rape. I don't really care for the clothing ripping or anything else, that takes time and effort and may be too ambitious, I'd get right to the point and have most enemies just use a knock down move and go right to rape animation if you don't recover fast enough, and than a game over scene when HP is gone. I'd throw in a few separate fetishes with a handful of enemies but stick mostly to rape, I'd maybe include one near guru death if it's a stage object that killed her, or a one enemy that causes pregnancy in a CG, and maybe one enemy in the game does insect or vore animations, ect ect. The extra's are not even my fetishes, but are to vary out the game and appeal to a handful who wanted at least one instance of the game.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

You seem to have mostly everything covered, so my only suggestion would be this,

Avoid including things like clothing destruction, pregnancy, passive effects, alternate animations and positions, etc. These are all things that people will always ask for and want in an H game. However, the reality is that these things take a lot of time, and focusing on them rather than the core of the game will make the project drag on longer than you can afford.

Instead, decide what the most important aspect of your game is, focus on that, and keep it simple. As long as you have competent gameplay, decent graphics, in game sprite sex, and CGs, your game will sell on DLsite simply because of the niche it fills. Even a modest effort will make you enough profit to continue working on H games. Finish your first game, and then focus on including other features once you know you can afford to do so.

Also, I'd also hold of on the story, for now. It could potentially take more time to develop the game, and with your largest source of potential income being DLsite, it wouldn't help you make any Japanese sales. After completing your first game, you should be able to afford to pay for an English to Japanese translation, if you choose to make your next game more complex.

Edit: And no, I wouldn't include content from the start. If people are that eager, they'll just get a save file or look at a collection of CGs. For everyone else, it may just tempt them to spoil content that they would probably enjoy more had they experienced it naturally, as you intended.
The observation that H-games that aren't godawful will sell is correct, but I loathe the suggestion that the amount of work that one needs to put in should be adjusted accordingly.

H-games that concentrate on a single aspect and attempt to milk it dry turn stale very quickly. “Oh look, it’s a tentacle monster and its screwing a girl!” (as an example). They’re a dime a dozen, but there’s really so much tentacle-H out there its hard to get really drawn into a game that relies solely on that. You’re right in saying it will sell anyway, but if you’re really in this business just to make money, there really are more profitable ways to go about doing that.

The creative mind knows how to get maximum results with minimal effort. Some of the best H-games have a near endless list of fetishes, yet still remain simple and absorbing, precisely because of their unique way of blending everything together so seamlessly. Take for example:

Marionette of the Labyrinth: Fantastic gameplay, engaging story, “Cutesy” art style, status effects, clothing changes, tentacles, vore, bestiality, yuri, etc...
Shinobi Girl: Great gameplay, decent story, clothing destruction, “orgasm meter”, tentacles, bestiality, gangbang, yuri, machine sex, many more if you go into the game-over CGs...
Kurovadis: VERY good gameplay, pixel-sprite sex (!), tentacles, bestiality (of multiple varieties), futa, vore...

tl;dr: It’s good to keep it simple, but it’d be even better if you got creative on how you could keep it simple, yet content-filled. Also Kyrieru I’m a great fan of your games so I hope you don’t take offence at this post!
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

The observation that H-games that aren't godawful will sell is correct, but I loathe the suggestion that the amount of work that one needs to put in should be adjusted accordingly.

It isn't a matter of slacking off, it's a matter of utilizing time effectively. If they only have a limited amount of time to make a game, then they shouldn't spend it on unnecessary features, even if they would be beneficial in the long run. Instead they should focus on what they know they can reliably produce in that amount of time, and make it the best it can be. I never said anything about limiting the nature of the adult content or fetishes.

There will be plenty of chances to improve and experiment later on once they have the time and finances, for now they should just worry about finishing something that will give them that chance at all. (That's what Kurovadis was for me.)
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

there are a few different ideas behind making a good H game... in terms of eroticism it's my opinion you should make something that you enjoy...
understanding your enjoyment of something will help you better portray it...

in short... if you think it's hot and you portray it well enough other people will like it... so draw what you want to :)

the other school of thought is that you'll sell more if you cover more fetishes...

on a personal note, i've failed as a designer so far...as my artwork doesn't really meet my standards of eroticism... *dissappears to read smutty shoujo manga*
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Can I ask for a fetishism?
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Hm... It's really hard to say that I hate anything in an RoR game..

But here's my opinions..

Bad qualities I've seen in RoR Games:

1. Limited Positions (Only 1 or 2, like vaginal rape or fondling)
2. Use of dildos or any sexual tool
3. Ugly rapists (I don't want to see her get raped by a guy who looks like he has a shitake mushroom for a nose) *Fighting yuna reference*
4. Counter-rape system (Where you rape the enemy instead)

The reason I hate counter-rape systems is because I want to see the PROTAGONIST get raped, not the enemy.. It just takes away part of the fun from the game since they had to take time out of development to make that part of it.

Good qualities I see in Ror Games:

1. Multi-rape (More than one person/thing raping her)
2. Gallery Mode, with the unlock system being that you must lose to the rapist.
3. Cheats (So that I don't have to race against the enemy while fapping)
4. Quality sound effects (Not too generic, but not too custom either, since you always take a gamble on it sounding too creepy or subtle when you do your own sound effects)
5. LARGE variation in enemies/Large game/lots of missions
6. Good animation/detail in characters (The protagonist has to look hot)
7. Little to no fetishes. (that includes anal, in my personal opinion)

All in all, looking down my list of games, my very favorite at the moment
would have to be onesyota..

Male protagonist, large variation in enemies, and a classic arcade-style battle system, with BAD-ASS counter-moves..

But you can never forget the originals, where RoR stemmed from..

Demon girl, and jungle girl still manage to entertain me once in a while..

I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I've probably got the biggest collection of RoR games in this entire community, and I definetly am an RoR connoisseur..

I hate to say it, but the best developer for RoR games I've ever seen was toonpimp..

His games STILL stand to this day as unique works that contain things no other game has..

1. Balanced multi-rape
2. Male AND female protagonist (even if the rapes were a little unbalanced, it's still unique)
3. Gallery and cheats (he was reliable for putting both into his games)
4. Smooth animations and quality characters (good enough to overlook they were humanoid animals)

If you can suffice 4 out of 7 of the good qualities like ol' toonpimp did, you'll have made a game I'd love to play.
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Haven't I seen these threads on the LoK forums? Wellp, here's to hopin' I guess.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

While it wasn't a platformer, but rather a graphic novel, I really enjoyed the concept of losing special battles in Monster Survive where there was a complete story after you lost. For instance, if you lost to the monkey thing, you are shown being fucked by the monkey, getting pregnant, she talks about getting married and she ends up loving the monkey and raising its children.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

While it wasn't a platformer, but rather a graphic novel, I really enjoyed the concept of losing special battles in Monster Survive where there was a complete story after you lost. For instance, if you lost to the monkey thing, you are shown being fucked by the monkey, getting pregnant, she talks about getting married and she ends up loving the monkey and raising its children.

i liked the prostitution 3 times in a row :)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Yep, pretty sure I stumbled across the artist on gelbooru. Nothing that's been posted here but the hands, muscle tone, and uhhh veins look very similar.