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[Complete - Partial] [Yukari] Thief & Sword(Item names & descriptions)


Sep 6, 2019
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Here is a patch that translates all the items and some of the missing interface of Thief and Sword( ).

The item name and descriptions are purely flavor text and are very loosely translated. All the item text are image files and should not break the game in any way no matter what version your game is.
I've also included my own personal patch6 that makes it so the voice does not cut when you go to the next text window.

Item translation patch in attachments.

The game is 99% translated by the old english patches except some of Raika's H-scenes. I'll post them here as well just in case.
Shalt Route english patch( ) made by but some links are dead there.
Raika Route english patch( ) by Frey79 on the now dead Hongfire forums. I could not find this patch anywhere nowadays.

Shalt patch translates all of shalt route.
Raika patch translates all of Raika route except for a few H-scenes. But it is enterily playable.
The original raika patch also states that the latest game patch is already applied with the patch even though the version number stays the same.

Put the files inside the game folder.
(You don't need anything else if you have the previous english patches installed already)
Rename it so the file patchX.xp3, where X is the next available number. e.g.: if the game has patch.xp3 and patch2.xp3, rename it to patch3.xp3.

It seems is making a proper english patch for Thief&Troll that will revise and fix the grammar and translate the missing H-scenes in the near future so check the patreon for further updates there.


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