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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi smiled as she saw the snake coiled on her pillow. "Ah, thank you. I was worried you might have gone out and been found by one of the other maids and thrown out of the house again." The maid moved over to her bed and sat down on it with a sigh. Idly she reached out to stroke the head of the snake spirit.

"Is... is it wrong to obay someone without asking? To love someone without knowing anything about them?" She asked, a far off look in her eyes. The question wasn't exactly directed at Anya, but it wasn't directed at anyone at all.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

After try to making wake him up and heard the words of the weird butler, her face turned a little blue as she get more than surprised to heard that the man could die for only that, how could be that possible that a big noble as him was so weak? ...It cant be, the sir cant be dying Her teardrops fall slowly from her cheeks as she get stunned for a moment, as she forget all to try to focus in save that pervert man. She cant kill someone, it was not right. She was in part growed with the ideals of protect and help her people against any foe, but this man for most vile than he was, had not hurted any of her subjects, in addition she tried for all the means find a way to avoid kill anyone to acomplish her mission and she had not been informed completely about wich was really her mission.

Ariane run toward the place where should be the salts as she whisper to herself as she start to sob he cant die, we must save him After found then she will try to make him wake up and then if that dont work will plead for more help or try to make an antidote the more faster way posible.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

After securing the dogs, Shiina turned to the stable door. "Strange creepers around the Master's stables... this needs to be investigated.." she thought, carefully and quietly making her way inside, blade held at ready in case it was needed
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael considerd her options, on the one hand she wasn't entirely adverse to the idea, if nothing else she hadn't been in control for such activities in a long time and as she glanced up, that mirror there sent a mischevious shiver down her spine. But on the other hand, as she considered it, and the slime made its way slowly up her forearm, she remembered that some of the others uniforms had been damaged, certainly undesirable.

She carefully touched part of her uniform to it to see how it would act, pulling it away if it so much as twitched the wrong way. She could remove the uniform, sure, but in her mind that just wouldn't be fun; so if the slimes weren't going to behave she would pull away from them. If nothing else, it helped reinforce that such things was a bad behavior.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The snake spirit let Kasumi pet her for a bit before slithering up her hand and along her arm.

"There's nothing wrong with obedience. It's considered proper for human maids, yes? As for your second question... there is such a thing as love at first sight, I suppose," then she added with a hint of laughter, "or lust at first sight."

Anya curled and draped herself around Kasumi's neck an shoulders. "Human skin does feel so warm on my scales." The spirit sighed contentedly. "So, you have a thing for Gomon?"


The butler waved off Ariane's tears and anxiety, perceiving them to be genuine.

"Don't worry Ariane, he will be fine. But I must ask you to exercise great care with the way you handle guests, especially groping ones such as this. You cannot put them all to sleep. A more delicate solution must be found."

He poked the man in the shoulder, testing him. The fat noble was not roused. Turning and approaching her, Fade soon stood directly in front of the spider-maid.

"I'm to inform you that after the Master returns from his ride and the guests are settled in, you and Zehasael are to meet with the Master in his office. In the meantime, while he is away, he is holding you in charge of the clean up of the mansion. If it's not clean by the time he returns, it will reflect upon you, and you alone. If I were you, I would think very carefully about how much you really want to be here, and make an effort to be helpful, rather than hindering, going forward. I shall see to this man as he awakes. Perhaps you should get started on the cleaning."


Shiina pushed open the barn door and looked inside. She saw many fine horses in the stables, but no immediate sign of the figure she had seen looking out at her from the doorway. She glanced quickly from side to side, her one good eye working in overdrive to spot the intruder. She was looking out at one particularly shadowy corner when she heard a shuffling behind her that was out of place compared to the other horse sounds, and she spun quickly, her rapier raised at eye level.

A young man in peasant's clothes stood trembling before her eyes wide and hands up.

"I-- I-- please don't kill me, strange,, scary, pretty lady!" the young man said with a strong rural accent.


Zehasael touched the barest of threads to the surface of the slime, and with a twitch the thread fibers began to loosen. It seemed that it was an instinctive and perhaps subconscious reaction by the slime, as it inched towards her. Zehasael would feel however a tingling sensation where the slime touched her skin, and recognize it immediately as a very mild aphrodisiac, intended to warm up and relax an intended victim.

With the slimes not to be trusted, Zehasael removed it from her hand deftly and stood above and away from it for a moment to consider exactly what she would do with the thirsty slimes, now that they were moving again and she did not have an urn to stow them in.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With a sigh tinged with slight frustration, she did a quick search of the drawers in her room, relocating clothing as necessary until she had an empty one. Then, she unceremoniously dumped the slimes into it, waiting for a moment to see if they were able to dissolve through the wood. If not, she shut them in the drawer and flopped back onto the bed, hands slowly running down her body as she smirked at herself in the mirror overhead; this uniform did add a certain appeal to her image...

Of course, if they did start to eat through the wood, with an exasperated sigh she'd retrieve them once again and see about fetching some water or somesuch to feed them with.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi blushed at the 'lust at first sight' comment but let the snake climb on her. "I'm glad you like it. Your scales are kind of nice too." Kasumi stroked Anya's body as she thought.

"I think I do... Whenever I see him, my heart races and everything else seems to fade into the background. I can't explain it." She shook her silvery mane. "He also seems to know about my past... He said we had met before, but for the life of me, I can't remember anything."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariadne was close to run to the kitchen when the butler continue to talk her, but this time he calm her saying her that the pervert will be fine and Ariane was able to calm a little more, the enough to try to stop to sob and put attention to Face, as she nodded and wait until he end and said her Gomon orders before said some last words Sorry for cause this problem...I really want to stay working here and i will work hard to be able to earn the thrust and friendship of all

The princess bow to Fade and walked away trying to clean her face before look for Ayeka and Kasumi, she first found the fairy who was close the guest of the plage mask, she slowly walked toward her trying to dont break the moment and in the correct moment she said to Ayeka that they still need to clean the guest rooms and the rest of the slime before the master and the guests return from the ride. Then she will look and call for Kasumi inside the mansion, her voice was filling the rooms and also she take the mugs and bucklets to prepare all to start to clean.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Inside the stables, it was much like Shiina had anticipated, with some high-class horses in their compartments. But off the shadowy creeper, there was no sight upon the first, quick examination. A certain corner was the main focus of her attention, but the sneak didn't initially make himself obvious. Once a strange sound caught her ears, the one-eyed servant brought her blade in front of her as the intruder made his location known. With a duelling stance in place, she began to inch her way towards the newly-discovered man.

The young lad pleaded, but such things did not stop Shiina from doing her job. Holding the man at swordpoint from as far as she could reach, she looked through his person if there were visible weapons. "Flattery won't work on me. You better tell me who you are and what you're doing in the Master's stables." the curly-haired maid asked in a threatening voice that belied her small stature, even though she was not sure what to do with the man if he was an intruder.

(Use Cunning to pry out the truth if a roll is needed)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka smiled as she allowed the man to lead her through the waltz, one she'd danced to countless times before, but her face was a mask as she contemplated him. He knew much of the fey, but he didn't seem to be one of them, judging by his adequate but unambitious dancing, and his return of her bow. Mortal friends of the fey courts were not unheard of, of course, so she simply assumed what he was one of them. His words, cryptic, but still informative in their own way, passed by without any interruption from her, particularly as he sent her into a spin, and then dipped her, but caught her before even the tips of her hair touched the ballroom floor. Ayeka smiled up at the man, her modest bust pressed against his chest as he held her, and she waited for a moment. Traditionally, this was the moment when a couple would have kissed slightly, before the man would pull her up to continue the dance, and at that memory, she blushed slightly.

The moment came and went, however, and as the glamour faded and the doors opened, Master Gomon entering the room, Ayeka simply kept her smile,e her blush fading swiftly. Once the man in the plague mask let her up once more, Ayeka took a step back and curtsied to him, and then did the same to Gomon, waiting for either of them to speak before taking any further action. Inwardly, however.....

The mans words had awakened memories of both her childhood, and how it had been so savagely and utterly destroyed. The first had been what she'd thought of during the dance itself, but now, her mind went to darker places. Places the fairy wished had never existed at all, much less having visited them herself. She thought of demons, then. It hadn't been long since she'd escaped. It hadn't been long since she'd escaped from the ones had destroyed her home, not much more than a month really, but how long had it been since everything she had known was destroyed? Two months? Three? How long had the demons held her in their clutches, and poured their corruption into her?

Her home was gone, and her family dead. If she somehow returned to the realm of the fae, she would be of even lower status there than the man in the plague mask. She would have nothing, not even a name, among her own people. She was barely one of them anymore anyway, and at that thought, her flesh writhed slightly, imperceptible to the naked eye, but she could feel it as tendrils moved beneath her skin. The man was wrong about one thing, at least, though Ayeka didn't fault him for not recognizing it. Her beauty was gone, taken from her by the things that had captured her. She might not seem much changed from what she should have been outwardly, her form more on the lithe side perhaps, but still potentially attractive, but inwardly...... Shaking the thoughts from her mind, Ayeka looked up at her new master. Best to think on the present.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The slimes did not appear to be eating through the wood as Zehasael plopped them both into the empty drawer. They did however merge with one another to form a cohesive whole. It was difficult, if not impossible to discover where one began and the other ended.

Shutting the drawer, satisfied with the fact that the furniture would not be eaten, Zeha flopped down on the bed and stared at her mirror image as it was reflected in the ceiling. Yes, the maid uniform did add a certain appeal to her already delectable figure. Her hands moved over the fabric, pulling it tighter over her body. The uniform had some give in it and it felt nice.


The snake spirit settled into a comfortable and balanced position, and then let the gray haired young maid stroke her scales.

"Seems reasonable that he might know something about you." She said. "Why else would he hire a maid who could not remember a thing? I'd be careful with him though. He seems a crafty sort - but I'll grant you, by human standards he is quite handsome. I wouldn't mind getting my coils about him."

The snake spirit chuckled slyly. "So what are you going to do about it? Your feelings for the Master? Are you going to tell him how you feel?"


"Of course," said the strange man in the plague mask, responding to Gomon's request. He brought Ayeka up again and bowed respectfully to her, to conclude the dance. "Another time, perhaps." He added to the maid, before walking over to Gomon.

The two spoke no more words in front of each other, as Gomon led the man out into the main hallway, and then on towards the dining room. Rushing past him with a wary glance at Gomon was Ariane. The spider-maid looked as if her eyes had recently shed some tears. She ran up to Ayeka and told her that the Master expected the slime to be cleaned up by the time he and the guests arrived back at the mansion. It seemed that Ariane wanted to recruit Ayeka to help with the task.


"Ah... ah... I work here! I'm the stableboy! erm, stablehand! I normally don't speak with the house servants, but... ah... they need help occasionally, what with the horses and all."

The young man was sweating. He probably didn't have swords pointed at his face all that often.

"You wouldn't really stick me with that thing would you, miss? I didn't mean to look at what you were doing, but us village folk hear such strange rumors about what goes on up here and... and..."

He closed his eyes and cringed his head to one side, motioning towards the direction of the dogs -- and Toy. The lad seemed physically strong, but the threat of a sharp blade and having been caught spying on Shiina's little dog party, seemed to be reducing his will to that of a wet noodle.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka watches Gomon and the man in the mask go, waiting until they had left the ballroom before she started actively listening to Ariane. At the spider girls request, Ayeka simply nods and says; "Of course I'll help! I'll go fill up the mop buckets, you go find someone else to help, and then take everything that needs washing out of the rooms that the slime was in down to the washroom. One of us needs to find Mr. Fade to see if there are any spare sheets, since I doubt they'll be cleaned by the time the master returns with his guests." Unless Ariane required anything else, Ayeka would simply brush past her, slightly more coldly than she had been before now, perhaps, and went to get to work immediately. She had a feeling that it would be a long day of fairly menial, thankless labor, and she was suddenly in a foul mood, though she wasn't exactly sure as to why herself.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane just nodded without not to much to say she tried to act normaly, but there were still sign of her little cry Dont worry i will look for Mr Fade and the others. She then run toward the place where was Fade and will ask him with this words if she found him Sorry for bother you Mr Fade, but some sheets get ruined with the slime, Could say me where can i found new ones? Of course that if he was not there she will stop to look for him and use the sheets of her own bed, as she was in a hurry to call for the others maids.

The princess then would look for the close rooms and then search in the maid rooms for the others girls knocking the doors and waiting to know who was there if any was there in first place. In case of found Zahasael, she will try to protect her mind of her, as Ariadne will try to ask her too for help, but Kasumi was the maid that she expect to find first.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

One of Zehasael's hands soon found itself making its way down to her leg, softly, slowly tracing over her own skin before disappear up, under the skirt of the maid uniform, as she stared intently at her own reflection, sighing softly at her own reaction as she arched her back, her body's response for the hand slipping inside of her pantaloons, her fingertips tracing over her intimate regions softly.

Crossing her right leg over her left, and then pushing down on her own hand, she let out another soft gasp before slowly tracing her left arm back up her body, to adjust the top of her uniform, revealing more cleavage to herself. This sight caused a chain reaction which resulted in another soft gasp, which soon turned into a soft, naughty laugh. "Ooh, you nasty little minx..." she teased herself striking an alluring pose before she squirmed once more at her own touch. She hadn't been this free or in control in months and it felt so good.

As her fingers danced and wandered inside of her, her mind began to wander. A natural starting point was Ariane, that damnable spider. She pictured the girl, bound by her own web, kneeling before Zehasael. Begging for forgiveness as something uncomfortably large was driven into her, and the demon herself only responding by grabbing the girl by the hair and thrusting her head between Zeha's legs. Yes... that was how it should be... how it would be.... no... no, she did not deserve such a privilege.

Her mind shifted to the other maids, from Shiina "thanking" her for her assistance at the lunch meal to the appropriate end of the struggle with her self-appointed rival, Kasumi. She even threw in a brief thought of Ayeka, almost as an afterthought, she had not had much to do with the girl, although the knowledge Zeha had inadvertently gained about her proved an interesting distraction. She thought of the butler, Fade, now he was an interesting one. Enigmatic. Studying. Mm.. he did like to watch her, didn't he? She imagined him on the other side of the mirror, as if it was one sort of one-way viewing screen, watching her intently. And with that in mind, she retrieved her hand, thoroughly coated in her own love juices, and brought it to her lips, slowly and erotically licking it clean, squirming a little more at the sight of it. She turned her hips slightly and playfully spanked her own rump, giving a saucy smile as the hand once again disappeared beneath the skirt.

Finally, there was the master... he was an odd one. His habits and tastes didn't suit him serving Zeha as the others had, to picture it seemed hollow... but adore her... yes, that could work. He would adore her, dote on her lovingly and do his best to satisfy her desires, for she was his favourite maid and secret lover. Secret outside the walls, at least, for her would present the others and any pets he acquired to her, and together they would share. On special occasions, when she'd been extra good, he and Fade would both service her, sandwiched between... yes... yes...

With a long, aching sigh, she reached her climax, juices soaking the undergarments she wore and for a while, she simply lay there, panting softly, watching her own chest rise and fall and smirking slightly at her own flushed cheeks. She was indeed, a naughty, naught girl. But as she came down from her passions, a realisation struck her than caused her to wince in annoyance at her own stupidity. She'd soaked her specifically chosen undergarments. Muttering to herself, she pulled them off and wandered over to the slime drawer, wringing them out as best she could over it. For the first time, her tail was exposed to the air, and it waved back and forth behind her irritated, lifting up the back of her skirt as it did so. Once she had gotten all the fluids she could out of the pantaloons, she cursed the slimes for they instinct to break down cloth; ruining a way to get a lot more of the moisture out of them, and pulled them back on. She would have to see about getting more pairs as soon as she could manage.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With her single eye scanning the man for possible indications of lying, Shiina eventually comes to satisfying conclusion about his sincerity. That fear seemed genuine in her mind. "Well, maybe not. But I need you to keep what you saw to yourself. Then I don't have to stick you." she told to the man, still keeping her blade near him. Once she got an agreement from the lad, the curly-haired maid turned to leave after giving him a little encouragement to keep up the good work. If she wasn't stopped, Shiina would continue the walk with all the dogs, as there was still ways to go.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi giggled as Anya talked about Gomon. "He is very handsome isn't he?" She slowly laid back on her bed so as not to surprise the snake spirit. Looking up at herself in the mirror, she sighed and continued to stroke the snake. "I don't know if I should. What if he wasn't that interested in me? I think I could handle admiring him from afar better than a rejection. B-besides, Zehasael's so much prettier than me, and so confident. He'd probably be more interested in her." Kasumi looked at her overall grey palette and sighed again.

As Ariane knocked, the door slowly creeped open, Kasumi having closed it just enough that it didn't latch. Still spread out on the bed, Ariane would have a clear view of Kasumi's white panties before the maid sat up. "Ah, Ariane, is something wrong?" She asked, noticing the spider princess's red eyes.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Finally Ariane reach Kasumi's room and found the maid laying on her bed and even when she saw her white panties, the princess was in a hurry to to get out of focus and instead answer her without notice that she still has some proof of her teardrops Yes we are in a hurry. We still need to clean all the slime and the guests rooms before our master and them return from their ride, please aid us too and also inform Miss Zehasael of this, i will aid Miss Ayeka meanwhile said Ariane trying to hear herself calmed and trying to avoid any problem with the red head until find a way to counter her mind powers.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Ah! Right, I'd almost forgotten about them. I'll be right there after getting Miss Zehasael." Kasumi stood up and was about to follow when she realized there was still a weight around her neck. Gently easing Anya back onto her bed, Kasumi smoothed her uniform out. "Back to work. I'll be back to talk more when we're done. Sorry for running off like this again, Miss Anya." Giving a quick bow to the snake, feeling a little strange in doing so, Kasumi turned around and left her room, closing the door behind her.

Zehasael's room was right next to hers, but Kasumi had been too busy talking with Anya to hear her neighbor's alone time. Pausing at the door, she knocked and called to Zeha, not knowing if she was actually in there. "Miss Zehasael? Are you in there? We need to make sure the guest rooms are clean before the master's ride ends." If there was no sound from inside, she'd ease open the door, thinking Zehasael might have been napping.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Don't come in!" came the urgent response of Zehasael, who had been so absorbed in the moment; leaning over the drawer, trying to dry off her undergarments, that she hadn't noticed Maiko until the door began to open. She whirled towards the door, trying to hide her tail behind her, as well as the wet pantaloons.

She had only the hope that she had reacted fast enough.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane discovered the butler propping up a groggy, semi-conscious fat noble on his shoulder, leading the man towards the east wing exit to the garden. Out of another door, the Master was walking with the masked lady in a similar direction.

"There is a closet at the end of the hall next to guest bedrooms for extra linens, Ariane. Beyond that, there will be some spare in the laundry area for certain. Now please, I must help the guest to the stables, where hopefully he shall be able to ride under his own power."

After this brief exchange, Ariane headed off to the servants' quarters to have her conversation with Kasumi. Thankfully that went smooth and the spider girl was able to return to the guest bedrooms with several clean sheets.


Ayeka wandered up to begin cleaning the guest bedrooms, now in her inexplicable foul mood. The defilement within her moved of its own volition beneath the surface of her skin. She may be feeling foul, but there was a certain "otherness" within her that had a mind of its own. And it was feeling good, like something that knew its meal would be coming soon.

A sudden hunger came to Ayeka then. Not a hunger for food per se... and in fact it was not coming from Ayeka at all. This was strange. It had not happened before. This was the creature within her. It had reacted inside her, but it always seemed to be a reflexive, thoughtless reaction. Now she realized that there was a separate intelligence within her.

Cold sweat broke out over the girl. A fear welled up inside of her. What could this thing do to her? What could it do to the others?

Just then, Ariane walked into the room with some sheets in hand. The alien hunger increased.


"I will be fine on my own for a while, Kasumi," Anya told the grey haired maid after she left. "I will find you later tonight, I think I shall check and see that everything is in order in my old hollow space."


As Kasumi entered Zeha's room she noticed a quick blur of motion and saw Zehasael standing near an open drawer, still in her uniform but looking odd. Both hands were clasped behind her back and she was standing very still and upright.

Normally Kasumi was not the most perceptive of people, but Zehasael did not possess a good poker face for these kinds of situations, and so it was quite obvious that Zehasael was hiding *something* behind her back. What it was, Kasumi could not see.

Meanwhile Zehasael, unsure of how much the infuriatingly innocent Kasumi had seen, now noticed that one large blob of grey slime was threatening to pour over the open drawer if she did not close it immediately. To do so would be to arouse the suspicions of the other maid even further however.


"Oh... not a word miss. Not a word..." The stable hand said, nodding his head and backing away to the far wall. The young man seemed to have recovered himself a bit. At least he hadn't peed himself.

She told him to the keep up the good work, to try to alleviate his fear. He cracked a small smile, but didn't say anything else.

When Shiina returned to the outside she heard a pitiful cry come from the fence post. Toy was whimpering, her face down to the earth, while one of the dogs, Duke apparently, was licking her in a rather private place. She moved her arm as if to make for a move, but Duke growled intimidatingly, and she moved back into her old position, afraid to do anything. She choked back a sob.

Shiina noticed that between Duke's hind legs, the stud dog was getting excited and making motions that suggested some rather demeaning consequences for Toy if the maid chose to not intervene. It was doubtful Toy had noticed this yet. For the moment, she was only trying to not upset the fearsome animal by moving away. She might overcome her fear if she knew that this might go beyond licking - which for a woman of her breeding was already likely mind-warping.