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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As much as the girls had earlier seen her carrying slime, Zeha was aware the slimes were hungry and it escaping could result in an awkward situation given her current state. So very carefully, she lifted a leg and gently nudged the drawer back into a closed position, without looking away from the other maid.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

While she couldn't be entirely sure of the stablehand's silence, Shiina was satisfied with the current outcome she had reached with him. As the young maid exited, she sheathed her blade once more, not really sure how many times she might yet need to draw it during the upcoming day. At this exact moment, only the Master and that blade seemed to be her friends, though she hadn't forgotten Zeha's assist during lunchtime.

Once outside, the blonde maid was faced with yet another issue. One of the dogs had taken interest towards Toy's female form, and was now eagerly lapping away at the enslaved noblewoman's privates with it's tongue. Sighing, Shiina went to take down the chains from the fence where she had attached them, and tugged hard at the impending penetrator's chain to make him stop. "No Duke! The Master's little project is not something for you to unleash your urges into! You need to find some perky girl-dog and have fun with them." she scolded the lusty canine, not sure if there was any female dogs around.

Once the hassle was cleared, she'd restart the walk, this time back towards the kennels. They had gone through the majority of the gardens and surrounding areas, so it should be time to get the dogs back into their proper place.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Uhm, are you alright, Miss Zehasael?" Kasumi asked, noticing Zeha's flushed face and strange posture, but mistaking them for something else. Kasumi took a few steps towards the other maid. "Go- Uhm, Master Gomon wanted the guest rooms cleaned before the ride with the guests concluded. I was going to go help Ariane clean up. If... If you're not feeling well, you should probably rest." The innocent maid exuded only compassion for Zehasael, if misguided. "I can bring a hot drink before going to help if you want."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael flinched a little more as Kasumi approached slightly, coming across as strangely vulnerable compared to her usually fiery demeanor, perhaps furthering the girl's theory that Zehasael was unwell. "N-No, I'm fine, you just acught me at a bad time," she says, backing away slightly as Kasumi shifted closer. "I'll be down in a moment; there are some other places that need cleaning, so if you and the others handle the guest rooms, I'll try to clean up the other areas the slimes attacked. The cellar is particularly dangerous at the moment.."

She was rambling. Not a good sign Zeha, she told herself. Trying to snap herself out of it, she shook her head slightly, she needed to refocus. "It'll take more than a bit of a dizzy spell to stop me," she adds, redrawing herself up with renewed vigor, almost swishing her tail triumphantly before she caught herself about to do so. Damned habits. Still, this would hopefully see Kasumi gone so she could get herself together.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka blinked in confusion as her skin writhed of its own accord, seemingly in reaction to her discordant mood, as she stepped into the hallway in the West Wing with the doors to the guest rooms in it. She paused in the center of the hall, still clutching her buckets of water, as confusion and a small amount of fear washed over her. Alien desires mixed in with her own, overpowering them, and crimson tendrils slipped out of her wrists, the pink haired fairy just barely managing to set down the buckets before she dropped them and spilled their contents across the floor, creating an even bigger mess.

The being inside of her that had formed from the demons corrupting influence upon her had always reacted to her emotions before, but had also obeyed her overt wishes. It had never before displayed any ability to form its own wants and needs before, and now that it had....... What if it kept growing stronger? She believed that she could control the urges now, as the strange clawing hunger clawed for satisfaction within her, but what if, eventually, she couldn't? Ayeka doubted that a demon-born creature taking control of her body would be good for her, or for those around her. With an effort of will, she forced the tendrils back underneath her skin, demanding that the presence obey her, as she began to sweat slightly despite not being particularly warm.

She had just brought herself under control, and carried the buckets into the first of the rooms that needed cleaning from the slimes earlier presence, when she heard someone enter. Turning, and seeing Ariane, the beings hunger redoubled in power, clawing against Ayekas will, and for a split second, her ambivalent mask cracked, a look of horror on her face as she stared at the spider girl, and her flesh began to writhe. She struggled silently for a moment, her face completely blank, but as she felt herself once more regaining full control of her body, Ayeka said simply; "Lets get to work, there's still a lot to do before the master returns with his guests." With that, she set about aiding Ariane and whoever else showed up to help in cleaning the soiled guest rooms, trying her best to force any further outbursts from the creature inhabiting her body from becoming noticeable.

(Will, I'd guess.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane just run until reach the place where the butler had said were clean sheets, poor Fade, it have to lift that fatman for her fault and looks like even when he saw all have given her other chance. Ariane has decided to make all calmed and show them that she can be also a great helpfull maid. With her will restored, she take the sheets close a safe place near the room and then heard how the bucklets with water fall on the floor, she just suspect that others slimes have attacked and then for her surprise she found an Ayeka perturbed.

The princess then heard her voice and answer her as start to use the mop to clean Ok, but are you fine? if you are tired just take some moments to rest and then come back to help us again. Said Ariane trying to get calmed even when she was wishing that the maid could continue her work.

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi nodded as Zeha spoke. "Well, if you say so..." The gentle maid replied, taking another step closer. "Still, try to take it easy. I'm here for you if you ever need me." Consciously, Kasumi wanted to comfort the other maid, but unconsciously, she was guided by a different instinct, one she had forgotten, but her body hadn't. "Anything at all, just... ask." Walking up to Zehasael, Kasumi suddenly leaned forward and gently kissed the demon maid on the cheek.

((Seduction attempt! Ready? Goooo! Using Affection.))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As Kasumi advanced, Zehasael backde up, inching backwards until she was pushed back against the wall with nowhere left to manouver. Alarms screamed inside her mind, but she was frozen in the headlights as the other maid moved and and planted a soft kiss upon her cheek. It... just seemed so sudden... hadn't you been fanticising about her moments before no... well, yes... but... not like this... she's offering to serve you, isn't that what you wanted argh, shut up, this isn't what I meant!

Conflicted and confused, Zehasael just stood still for a moment, trying to figure out what was happened. Finally, she came to her senses, albeit grudgingly, no wonder the Master was so keen to dote on her, or perhaps it was just her own vulnerable state which had caused the reaction. Either way, she needed to remain in control; she couldn't allow her self-appointed rival to make her weak in the knees.

"Uh... thanks... I'll... keep that in mind," she managed arther lamely, considering her attempts to psyche herself up. "But really, I'm fine. We have work to do," she added, helping to reaffirm her position. Afterall, it's not like she didn't want to make full use of Kasumi, but right now, she didn't trust herself to stay in control. Certainly, her with her undergarments held behind her back and hiding a tail now pressed up against the way was not a particularly strong position.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As if suddenly realizing what she did and how close she was to the other maid, Kasumi backed up a step, blushing. "Uhm... S-sure. I uhm... I should get to cleaning..." Reaching the door, she gave a quick bow and a "Sorry!" before turning and running off, leaving Zeha alone again.

Around a corner down the hall, Kasumi leaned up against a wall and put her hand on her chest, feeling her heart racing. Why had she done that? And how? Just thinking about kissing anyone made Kasumi freeze in embarrassment. How had she found the courage to get so close to Zehasael? A sudden thought gripped her. 'Did I... used to like girls?' Her face flushed and her hands went to her mouth. She had been told by the nuns at the church that relations between members of the same sex were sinful, but thinking about putting her lips on Zehasael's cheek made her head swim. What if she had turned her head just a little at that last minute?

Kasumi shook her head and hugged herself. There were more important things to do. Moving, with some hesitation in her step, towards the guest rooms, Kasumi pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind. She'd have time to figure out her feelings once her work was done.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael gave out a sigh of relief as she was left alone at last, detaching from the wall and walking forwards slightly. In truth, a part of her was tempted to go back to the bed for round two, but other activities took preference; there was work to be done and she wasn't about to let the others outshine her because she was too busy indulging fantasies.

Redressing herself and taking another moment to compose herself, she was ready. She would head down to the cellar and deal with the mess there, as well as keep an eye out for the last slime which had slipped away. And if a few bottles of wine were to end up back in her bedroom later, well, that was only fair, wasn't it? She needed something to feed the slimes with and she did have a certain fondness for wine herself; getting an emergency stockpile could prove useful.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Shiina succeeded in shooing Duke away from Toy, and action that definitely seemed to relieve the woman. The group of them began to head back towards the kennels and as they did so, they passed the Master Gomon, the two thinner nobles, and Fade propping up the third, fatter noble on his shoulder. The latter looked as if he were drunk, drugged, and half-conscious. Fade's brow was perspiring from supporting the man almost completely, but his face showed no sign of a grimace.

Gomon held up a hand to stop the group and address Shiina.

"I trust the dogs weren't too much trouble for your first day? They seem to have taken a liking to you. And I see Toy is fitting in splendidly with them. When you're done putting the dogs back in the kennels, I'd like for you to bring Toy back to where you first found her and then clean her up. Take could care that she is cleaned thoroughly. Here is the key that you will need."

Gomon handed her a small black key. Shiina recognized by its size that it probably was meant for the door whose lock she had picked earlier.

"We'll be back in a couple hours, then we'll have a short rest to get settled in before tea. Fade will be around to give you the details."

Having said that, Gomon smiled pleasantly and continued his walk to the stables, motioning for the others to follow behind him.


(Officially reporting here that Kasumi took 2 Stress for the failed seduction attempt and will get -1 to further seduction attempts on Zeha)

After the close call with Kasumi, Zeha quickly set about putting her pantaloons back on and hiding her spade tipped tail - a dead giveaway of demonhood - under the safety of the undergarments. Setting everything in order she went to clean up the cellar that the foolish slimes had trashed.

The mess took a bit to clean up but fortunately was not as bad as it had at first seemed. The slime wiped off easily, clumping to itself. It would be worse in fabrics, but since the surfaces down in the cellar were primarily glass and stone with a bit of wood, the job was easily handled by the one maid.

She finished in about 30 minutes, plenty of time to join the others upstairs if she wished, or she could relax back in her room with her newly acquired wines and see about feeding the slimes.


(Ayeka's will roll = 1 x2 = 2. Failure. She needs to reach a six to prevent the creatures from attacking Ariane, which would take 2d6 worth of favor to achieve, do you wish to spend? The following scene assumes that you do not.)

Ariane entered the room and quickly set about to do work. The Master had put all the responsibility of this task on her and she knew that there would be a heavy price to pay if she failed here... perhaps even outright dismissal. That would be too crushing a thought to bear. The disappointment in the eyes of the Spider Queen alone would be incomprehensible. So she busied herself immediately with the mopping, and did not even notice that Ayeka had a strained sound in her voice when talking to her...


It was no use! Completely caught off guard, only a miracle of internal strength could hold back the demon corruption within her as red tentacles sprang out of her wrists and reached inch by precious inch towards the back of the unaware spider-maid.

Ayeka could only stare in shock as the tentacle intelligence within her began to quiver with excitement. It had control now for the first time, and it was about to feed on a luscious female. Ayeka could sense the tentacle's sadistic, lecherous thoughts as if they were a voice inside her head - only this was a voice that spoke only in a language of animalist instincts and intents.

If Ayeka did not pull something out of the bag now, the only thing she might be able to do is to shout out a strangled warning before the tentacles took her over completely.

Then it was suddenly too late. Ariane turned suddenly and looked up, a startled high-pitched cry escaping her...


Kasumi was heading towards the West Wing, trying to put as much distance between her and the servants' quarters as rapidly as possible. Yes... there was definitely a part of her that had been attracted to Zehasael. That full figure, that confident attitude, that natural bearing, and those eyes and lips.... but then Kasumi thought of Master Gomon, and realized that she also felt swept up by his qualities as well. Perhaps she swung both ways?

A loud cry from just ahead broke her out of her reverie. It sounded like Ariane... but what could have made her scream like that?
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With her mind focused thinking in how her mother will react, the spider princess was unnable to see how the red apendages were geting close her, until suddenly her spider senses make her turn back. Soon her beauty face show the great fear in this moment and she without think send a lowd scream, as her body jump away of the place, like any surprised splder does. WHAT IS HAPPENING!? AYEKA!! Her fast mind soon look for the best way to solve this problem and nearly instintively Ariane free her aditional hands and using her web activate a trap to wrap and stop these things, as she run toward the windows and get out of the room by one of them with a jump, she was ready to use her web to stop the fall and then take the monster out of the room to avoid more damage.

[use special maid power "trap" and use cunning or athletic to escape]
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael looked around the room, satisfied with the result and impressed with how easy it had turned out to be. At this rate, the entire house would be easily clean in no time, assuming the others were even better at cleaning than she was, as for all her confidence and bluster, she was aware that her skill was passable at best. Still, she had picked out some good looking bottles of wine, almost entirely reds, and a few... less good ones for feeding her new pets, no sense in wasting the good stuff for something that barely has a brain. Her first priority was getting these back to her room and almost as an after thought, she would grab a bottle of the swill, open it, and then pull open her drawer of slime and pour it in. It wouldn't take long for her to pour a bottle down, and then she could go and make sure the others knew she had finished cleaning where she set out to.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As she was leading the entourage of dogs back to their homes, Shiina came across the Master and his guests. She stopped the dogs to give proper greetings to everyone, and even though the portly gentleman Fade was supporting couldn't likely hear her, she greeted him too. As Gomon addressed her, the young maid faced towards him but kept her face down to accept the new instructions. Once she was offered the key, the girl was able to reply. "Yes, they are wonderful dogs. I'll get this one special dog cleaned soon, after the others have returned to their home in the kennel." she gave her answer to the Master, turning to Fade and telling the young but wise buttler that she'd see her when the cleaning was done.

After giving a last bow to the group of nobles, she continued towards the kennel. She'd get the dogs back into their cages, giving each of them a few treats for their good behaviour. Once that was done, she'd head towards the estate to get the Toy-cleaning operation going.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

(Do not spend favor.)

Ayekas mind suddenly went totally blank as the demonic being inside of her usurped control of her body, her eyes suddenly going white and dozens of tentacles erupting from her flesh. They reached toward Ariane hungrily, the fairy unable to resist the entity any further. With a shriek that warped from Ayekas own voice to one completely alien, the tendrils burst out of her body, the ones from her arms already going for Ariane, most aiming for her torso as a distraction, while four slithered silently against the floor, trying to grab the spider girls legs. The close quarters of the room meant that, when Ariane turned and spring her webs, Ayeka was already practically on top of her, so the agile appendages only chance of reaching the spider girl was if she hadn't put up any defenses along the floor.

(Go with Luck.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi was almost glad to hear the scream, as it distracted her from the strange thoughts going through her head. Hiking her skirt to move faster, she ran for the guest rooms, looking for the source of the sound. "Ariane! I heard you scream. Is something wr-" Her words were cut off by a cry of her own at seeing the tentacles bursting out of Ayeka.

Frozen with fear, she simply stared at the strange scene, not sure what at all if anything to do.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

((Zeha is chronologically a little ahead of all the others, because she would not have heard the commotion upstairs when she was down in the cellar in another part of the house.))

The cleaning done, Zeha took her bottles of wine back to her room and opened the drawer to feed the slime. The fruity smell wafted up to her nose as the grey slime took on a rosy color as it was splashed and absorbed the drink. Once it had fed, the slime became much more animated, as though it were back to full cognizance.

Zeha watched it as it formed two psuedo arms and pulled itself up to the edge of the drawer. Though it had no eyes per se, Zeha was certain that it was peering up at her. She sensed slightly more advanced mental activity going on inside it, but still not enough to improve her prospects of teaching it.

"Hello," came a feminine voice from out of nowhere behind her, making the demon spin around in surprise. Before her, in the middle of the floor, was a snake, coiled around itself, looking up at her.


The dogs all seemed happy with their walk and Duke even licked Shiina's face when she moved to take off his lead. It was affectionate, but the one eyed girl recalled where that tongue had been not long ago, and so she pushed him away gently before closing the kennel door. Once outside she took Toy back into the house, heading towards the west side of the mansion. She heard a few thuds from upstairs once she was in the lower hallway, but dismissed them as just the other maids moving things around in their efforts to clean. Sound seemed to travel strangely in the mansion, so Shiina was unaware of what was developing above her.

She fitted the black key into the keyhole of the black door and turned it with a click. Toy shivered, and then crawled inside. They reached the edge of the stairwell, where Shiina may have let Toy stand up in order to descend, or have her slowly make her way down on all fours still.

Regardless, once they made it to the holding area, it was left for Shiina to decide what to do with the girl. She noticed an envelope on a small table near the far end of the cells, and saw that it was addressed to her.

Opening it she read the following:


It is important that Toy not fall into despair. Yes we shall humble her, but as she becomes more docile we shall show her kindness. Be gentle when washing her. There is a basin in the next room and a lever controls the flow of water from the bath upstairs down to this facility. It is fed by an underground thermal spring, so the water will not need to be heated. When she is cleaned, she can be cuffed and left in the first cell. Feed her in a way that seems appropriate to her behavior. If she's been good, you can let her eat normally. If not, I leave it to your judgement. She does need to eat however.



Ariane's reaction time was good, and she managed to trigger the webbing to wrap about the mass of tendrils flying at her, sticking them together in one massive lump. She was about to let out a sigh of relief when suddenly four tendril that had escaped her trap by maneuvering low to the ground wrapped about her human legs, pinning her to where she stood and threatening to entangle her further.

(Ariane takes 6 stress as she realizes she's about to be raped by tentacles)


Kasumi, by this point had only just arrived, and saw to her shock and horror the mass of Ayeka's tendrils rip free from a clump of spider webbing and go hurtling into Ariane, wrapping all around the silver haired maid's small frame. Kasumi's knees threatened to go weak at the sight, yet at the same time, something stirred in her memory. Tentacles! Demonic tentacles! She'd seen these before! Her amnesiac memory prevented her from making any sensible connections, but Kasumi had a very strong feeling of deja vu, looking at the scene. She also felt something else inside her... an instinctive glowing warmth, but had no clue what it was.


Ayeka's true personality was now simply an observer, pushed back to the windows of her eyes, to gaze and watch as the demonic corruption within her began to have its way with Ariane. Disturbingly, Ayeka felt something of the darkest part of her soul coming alive in the viscious assault. It was as if the alien entity was still partially her - a sadistic, dark version of herself. She licked her lips in anticipation of what she was about to do to Ariane....
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi stared at the scene. She realized she had had nightmares about this when she had been staying at the church with the nuns. Only it had been her on the receiving end of it. There was something else about the dreams that she couldn't quite remember. It was like a fleeting mist, giving enough of a form to make her think of something, but not enough to fully remember, and whenever she reached out to try to solidify it, it dispersed into a puff of smoke. One thought did crystallize however, a phrase. On instinct, she spoke it, striking a strange pose as she did so. "Rabbit Holy Power!" She shouted and was suddenly bathed in light.

In a flash her maid uniform was gone, leaving the girl naked as streams of light swirled around her. Gradually the streams got closer to her, hugging her body close before, in a flash, turning into a brightly coloured dress with a skirt that barely went down to mid-thigh. However, a pair of high-heel boots soon formed on her feet that went all the way up to leave a strip of flesh between them and the skirt. Long gloves soon added to the costume and it was finished off with blue rabbit ears and a cottony tail.

As the light faded, Kasumi was left standing in her new outfit and sporting a provocative pose. Blinking she looked down at herself in shock. "Wh-what happened?! What is this?! I... uhm... Oh..." She trailed off as she looked back up to see the tentacles. Almost on instinct, Kasumi ran into the room, standing in front of Ayeka.

"Ayeka! You're being controlled! You have to snap out of it! I'll help you, for the sake of love and justice!" Striking another pose, Kasumi couldn't help feeling slightly self-conscious at the strange way she was acting all of a sudden. Shouldn't she be running away, trying to find Fade or Gomon? Why did she transform? What was the deal with that 'love and justice' line? She did feel stronger though, and lighter. Perhaps she could actually help out...

((Magical Girl Kasumi! Lesson learned: Don't joke about anime cliches when discussing Maid RPG. Whatever they are, they fit the situation. No exceptions.))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The very first thing she did after tearing her tendrils free of the spider-girls webbing was yank her off of her feet and wrap up the girls arms to her torso, while another tentacle wrapped itself around Arianes throat. Ayekas eyes blazed as her possessed form looked down upon the now bound Ariane, even as her true mind screamed and beat against the walls it was now trapped behind. She licked her lips, and tossed her pink hair lightly as she giggled down at the spider girl, and then said, in a voice that was not hers; "You shouldn't have tried to run, little spider...... You're very lucky that I'm not in a mood to squash you." Her voice flowed out, but each syllable seemed... Stretched, like she saw speaking very slowly and deliberately.

With a surge, her tendrils forced themselves under the other maids clothes, and then tore them apart in a single, powerful motion, leaving Ariane in her bra, panties and head-dress. More tendrils burst out of her, shredding her own outfit and leaving the pink haired fairy naked save for her own head-dress, but just as she was doing so, Kasumi made her entrance, suddenly transforming and then moving to stand in front of her (maiko posted as I was writing this.)

The possessed maid looked the womans new, skimpy outfit up and down, and then said, in a highly unimpressed voice; "It's a little obvious, don't you think? I mean, c'mon, look at you. You're making this far too easy for me. You might as well just take that slutty little outfit off and join the fun. You're certainly not going to stop me, if that's what you're thinking is about to happen." Her words were spoken quicker than before, as more tendrils parted out from her lithe body, but had the two girls known her better, they might have known how different this was from how she usually acted. Grinning at Kasumi and looking her up and down, Ayeka puts a hand on her hip, several tendrils suddenly erupting from her womanhood, and forming a writhing, crimson phallus.

As she examined the girl in front of her, Ayekas tentacles slowly pulled off the remainder of Arianes clothing, her bra coming off first, and then her panties slowly coming down around her large, round posterior, which Ayeka would be happily paying attention to were it now for Kasumis interference. As is, the possessed, pink haired fairy smiled disarmingly at the magic girl, and looked into her eyes as her blood red tendrils pressed suddenly into both of Arianes lower holes at the same time, causing the girl to squeal. As Kasumi looked back to see what had happened, Ayeka took the opportunity to step toward the distracted girl, closing the distance between them, and suddenly pulling Kasumi into a kiss, as more tentacles reached out and wrapped around her bare thighs.

(Athletics, I believe)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The sudden move of the remaining tentacles caught her off guard, she was just abble to struggle in vain as they secure her hands, as other tentacle press her neck making her hard to earn the enough air to continue fighting. "its useless... i failed again, i cant even protect myself, im just a childrish weak princess who cant even do anything right, im alone and all are against me" this and many other througts filled her now tired weak mind and then she was unnable to control her teardrops No... please, Ayeka... stop this, please... this cant be happening her voice reached to escape with the little sad tone in whispers. Then the words and the way that her uniform was tear end her will to stop this with a weak shout please... someone... help her tears fall even more and were getting blank as she look to the floor and relax her muscles "its my end, its a thinking demon, a useless scum like me will never have a chance against this monster...he will maybe will use my body for the rest of my live" but then in that point close not return a warm light appear in middle of then, giving back Ariane from that black place Kasumi!?... she heard all the talk and then decide to help her as she can, brething and talking with all her streng The creature will try to trick you, dont lost the focus on her and dont lost the sight of all the tentacles!...No! a breathless Ariane then saw how her bra free her ample royal breasts and then also expose her more ashamed place ....Nooo... dont look...no-o....Eeek![/color] her body tried to cover her ass but she just stoped as her holes were pressed and her face turn dark red, in her most shamed moment, all could saw her, full slut body and her big rear who was her shamefull place, also her luscious breasts were bouncing free in the air, it was not a princess body, more likely a slutty breeder body.
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