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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You should put some ways of learning this In Game.

I agree, maybe by exermining some bookshelves or something like that. You know, like the books you find in Elder Scrolls and Witcher Games.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I agree, maybe by exermining some bookshelves or something like that. You know, like the books you find in Elder Scrolls and Witcher Games.

Or maybe have Aylia encounters a goddess, who make comments about it and Aylia admits she know.

After that yuri sex, just cuz \' '/
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You should put some ways of learning this In Game.

I definitely will. I've only released the prologue after all. Chapter 1 does have a bit of this, but you'll get far more in future chapters. Chapter 1 is more about Aylia growing accustomed to Zalran, establishing herself, and regaining some of her former power. It really sets the tone for the rest of the game, and offers a look at most of the game's mechanics.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Will there be changes depending on what actions you take? like passives/skills/H game goodness.

I just like it when your character changes depending on what you do, thinking about VH, dungeons and prisoners.
Sometimes games just add passive bonuses/penalties after events. Just a shame so very few games do that.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Speaking of Yuri, what are the chances we'll see any of that in game?? :D
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Speaking of Yuri, what are the chances we'll see any of that in game?? :D

Well, since I have a couple scenes already sketched, I would say chances are around 100%. I don't have any planned in chapter 1 though.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Played it and thought it was a great game. I just hope it doesn't turn out like Adorevia though where the updates drag on so long that it makes the game virtually unplayable ( at least for me ).
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Played it and thought it was a great game. I just hope it doesn't turn out like Adorevia though where the updates drag on so long that it makes the game virtually unplayable ( at least for me ).

The development of chapter 1 is not indicative of how future development will be. I basically started from nothing but the standard RPG Maker system (which I had to learn) and have built everything to where I like it. I'm not a programmer by any means, so this part takes me a lot of time. Also, you must remember than unlike Adorevia or most other projects, I've made ZERO dollars on this--meaning I do this in my spare time between work and family. My Patreon will not run a pledged update until chapter 2 is released. I did this because I knew it would take me awhile to get all this stuff figured out. The prologue release was more of a "call for help," than a demo. I'm quite surprised it garnered the level of interest it has.

Things will speed up, and if you hate playing something in chunks, then my advice is to just ignore this thread until December. Then check to see if the full game is released. If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, as I love all feedback.

@Tontje: Yes, there is an achievement system in place that will reward Aylia with passive and active skills. The majority of her development as a character will be through her in-game actions. She'll learn sex appeal skills based on your choices, she'll earn stat boosts, etc. In fact, after the initial few levels, her stats do not really improve that much from leveling, instead it is almost all achievement based. This has taken a lot of time to plan accordingly.

@Zashs: Not even one. Sorry. This is meant to be a slow corruption game, and Aylia getting down and dirty with one of the females in the game would kind of defeat that whole purpose. In fact, there are really only 2 females in game that would even be an option, as Zalran is pretty desolate right now.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The development of chapter 1 is not indicative of how future development will be. I basically started from nothing but the standard RPG Maker system (which I had to learn) and have built everything to where I like it. I'm not a programmer by any means, so this part takes me a lot of time. Also, you must remember than unlike Adorevia or most other projects, I've made ZERO dollars on this--meaning I do this in my spare time between work and family. My Patreon will not run a pledged update until chapter 2 is released. I did this because I knew it would take me awhile to get all this stuff figured out. The prologue release was more of a "call for help," than a demo. I'm quite surprised it garnered the level of interest it has.

Things will speed up, and if you hate playing something in chunks, then my advice is to just ignore this thread until December. Then check to see if the full game is released. If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, as I love all feedback.

@Tontje: Yes, there is an achievement system in place that will reward Aylia with passive and active skills. The majority of her development as a character will be through her in-game actions. She'll learn sex appeal skills based on your choices, she'll earn stat boosts, etc. In fact, after the initial few levels, her stats do not really improve that much from leveling, instead it is almost all achievement based. This has taken a lot of time to plan accordingly.

@Zashs: Not even one. Sorry. This is meant to be a slow corruption game, and Aylia getting down and dirty with one of the females in the game would kind of defeat that whole purpose. In fact, there are really only 2 females in game that would even be an option, as Zalran is pretty desolate right now.
You shouldn't be so hard on chapter 1. While it was fairly short I thought it was very good and especially impressive since it's your first game. The story and artwork are top notch.

Are you planning on doing episodic type releases like the Opala series or just tacking on extra content?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You shouldn't be so hard on chapter 1. While it was fairly short I thought it was very good and especially impressive since it's your first game. The story and artwork are top notch.

Are you planning on doing episodic type releases like the Opala series or just tacking on extra content?

While not being YummyTiger, I just thought I'd jump in with this information for you.

What you played was not Chapter 1, but merely the Prologue - which is what has most of us salivating for Chapter 1 to be released, which is hopefully, at long last, impending!

YT will be releasing each subsequent chapter as he goes to his Patreon supporters. Other folks will be waiting a while, until the entire game is finished. Per YT's Patreon, the plan as it currently exists is for there to be 5 total chapters (plus the prologue). Once Chapter 5 is done, the game will be released free to the public.

With any luck, given the quality as promised by the prologue, there will be plenty more games coming from YT afterward!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Are you planning on doing episodic type releases like the Opala series or just tacking on extra content?

"things will change as time passes between chapters. The game is sectioned into chapters because I want the world to change dynamically based on your in-game actions. So, time will pass in between chapters and these maps will change. While this is not a fully open world experience, as you're limited to areas that Aylia would realistically travel given the circumstances, it is not a linear experience either. There actually will be reasons to visit old areas and find new scenes as the game progresses. One of the coolest features, and I'm super excited to start working on it, will be seeing Zalran itself come back to life. Seeing those shops open back up, and the hot springs. Seeing the newcomers moving to Zalran. Will be very cool." (taken from YT's patreon)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YummyTiger, you said in this thread and on your Patreon page that you spent a lot of time on the battle system. But why did you need a battle system in the first place? In my mind battles serve 2 purposes:
- Level grinding, but IIRC you said you want to avoid that
- As cheap excuse for rapes, but it seems that you prefer slowly built up situations where the girl reluctantly accepts rather than “simple” rapes.

So, why the battle system? Why not just a game about exploration and decisions? Did you fear the player wouldn’t have enough things to do? But in that case, why not adding things to the gameplay developing the story rather than just being in the way? For example, the possibility for the player to switch between Aylia and Bogwort, Aylia leading the group and making the choices that advance the plot while Bogwort has side quests to make Aylia’s journey more…interesting (twice the exploration with the same maps and NPCs!)

Maybe it’s just me but I much prefer a great story and no battle at all, so every time you had to delay the chapter one because of difficulties with the battle system I could have punched a burning kitten from sadness and despair.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YummyTiger, you said in this thread and on your Patreon page that you spent a lot of time on the battle system. But why did you need a battle system in the first place? In my mind battles serve 2 purposes:
- Level grinding, but IIRC you said you want to avoid that
- As cheap excuse for rapes, but it seems that you prefer slowly built up situations where the girl reluctantly accepts rather than “simple” rapes.

So, why the battle system? Why not just a game about exploration and decisions? Did you fear the player wouldn’t have enough things to do? But in that case, why not adding things to the gameplay developing the story rather than just being in the way? For example, the possibility for the player to switch between Aylia and Bogwort, Aylia leading the group and making the choices that advance the plot while Bogwort has side quests to make Aylia’s journey more…interesting (twice the exploration with the same maps and NPCs!)

Maybe it’s just me but I much prefer a great story and no battle at all, so every time you had to delay the chapter one because of difficulties with the battle system I could have punched a burning kitten from sadness and despair.

Good post, and valid point. Blame Dragon Quest VIII and Jessica's Puff Puff attack. Remember, I'm building the game I always wanted to play, and I love the idea of sexual teasing in battle. Additionally, when I contracted the guy last October to work on the battle system, he assured me it would not be that hard to implement... well, then he disappeared for 3 months.

Anyways, battles will play a big part of the game, they just won't be grind oriented. Once you clear an area, that area stays mostly clear for the remainder of the chapter. Warfare will be a key component in the game down the line, and I always envisioned Aylia as a sexy fighter. I want her to tease her enemies before she crushes them.

Yes, I underestimated the amount of time it would take to build the battle system, to implement the battle AI, and most importantly to balance all this stuff. But, I'm doing all this on my own time and not charging anyone anything, so really, it should not be that much of a problem. The wait sucks, but releasing a half finished product sucks more. My biggest mistake was making foolishly optimistic predictions about things which I'd never tackled before. I'm working to remedy that. Remember though, I'm one of the few developers running a content-based pledging structure on Patreon. I did this because I did not want to be beholden to force anything out the door. If I miss a release date, it is what it is. All I can promise is I'm going to do my best to release a kick ass game eventually.

@MidnightVX: Not sure, we'll see. Development will go much faster after this release, but December is not that far away when considering the scope of this game.

Thanks for everyone's interest. It has been a driving force on those days when I get home from work and don't want to spend any time on the game.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I really like the complexity of the game so far, you put a lot of work in it.Did you make the tiles yourself? They look so detailed and beautiful.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Blame Dragon Quest VIII and Jessica's Puff Puff attack.
I googled Jessica’s puff puff attack. It seemed…Japanese.

I always envisioned Aylia as a sexy fighter. I want her to tease her enemies before she crushes them.
Oh, I see. A fighter who teases her enemies with her sexy potato sack before crushing then with a devastating blow from her mighty butter knife. No surprise you had a hard time balancing the battle system, what can be done to challenge such a formidable warrior? :D

The wait does slowly flail me though.:(
The wait is killing me too but it’s better to delay the game. The delays will be forgotten, the qualities (or lack thereof) not so much. Chapter one is what people will test and evaluate to decide if they put their money on the project, it has to be polished as much as possible (as long as he can deliver the same quality over the other chapters).

So, we have to wait. But it sucks. I plan to make a petition demanding YummyTiger not being allowed to sleep more than once in a week, who’s with me?

And not censored.
No censorship is always a big plus but it’s doubtful it’s what makes people interested in this game since we only saw boobs. The demo is extremely tame from a strict H point of view, even some regular games show more than that. He didn’t promise a particularly juicy list of fetishes either, so I believe the main selling point is the story, it is for me anyway.

Bogwort especially brings something special. First, the game will be more lighthearted with a clear humorous side. Second, Bogwort demands an original plot. Obviously, sex with him won’t be consensual. Well, maybe during the last chapter there will be a path where Aylia will consider him as her walking dildo but surely not at the beginning. Usually for nonconsensual sex the male character has something over the girl, strength or authority for example. But Bogwort has nothing, no strength, no authority, no leverage, no power, nothing. So how this little bastard will manage to fuck her? Even more, he gets away with it since he will continue to tag along. Aylia won’t be that mad at him even after he technically raped her ass, something that tends to make people upset. How will he do that? And repetitively at that.

Plus, I don’t know how YummyTiger intend to do it but there is something I would like to see and that no game explores; it’s Aylia NOT having an orgasm the first times, especially with Bogwort. It fits the character (Bogwort is a loser in everything but suddenly he is a sex expert who makes even the most reluctant girl comes every time?) It also fits the need of progression of the story and the slow corruption.

I hope there will be an evolution in the pleasure Aylia feels over time. This may come from Bogwort getting better and better as he progressively ceases to be a frantic dog and starts doing foreplays, rubs her with an increasing expertise, learns to hold it longer, etc. Or maybe by the fact Aylia grows accustomed and she’s less and less nervous and apprehensive about it.

How will her react when she realizes it really not that unpleasant? Will she be confused, in denial? How will she behave around Bogwort, since of course she would rather die than to let him know? How much the increasing pleasure and lust will influence her choices and how far will she rationalize them?

All the other games miss a great opportunity to develop the sexual journey of their main characters by dropping on them the ultimate orgasm right from the beginning and every single time after that. But since this game is about the story and slow corruption and since the Aylia/Bogwort relationship needs to evolve throughout the game, maybe… *crossing fingers*
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Oh, I see. A fighter who teases her enemies with her sexy potato sack before crushing then with a devastating blow from her mighty butter knife. No surprise you had a hard time balancing the battle system, what can be done to challenge such a formidable warrior? :D

This just catches the enemy off guard when that potato sack wearing, butter knife wielding, Eliandre priestess beats her enemies down! :) Plus, there is plenty of room to grow!

I did not quote the rest of your comment, but rest assured, I read it. You discussion of the Bogwort/Aylia relationship was awesome. I made a number of notes, as while I was planning some of this, you had some great ideas. Thank you.

@Lucy: Figured I was not the only one who like Jessica's PuffPuff attack. Even though her sex appeal line of skills was not the best, I still always go that route. They are just so much fun.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I haven't read the entire thread, so I appoligize if It's been asked previously.

Do you have plans to let Aylia get sexually assaulted while sleeping, like in an
Inn or in a secluded house owned by an old pervert?

That is one of my top fetishes.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I did not quote the rest of your comment, but rest assured, I read it. You discussion of the Bogwort/Aylia relationship was awesome. I made a number of notes, as while I was planning some of this, you had some great ideas. Thank you.
I’m glad I could help. One of the difficulties I foresee is to find plausible plots justifying Aylia being coerced to be really nice to Bogwort without him getting the blame.

They are obvious scenarios, like increasingly daring bets with rivals or Aylia impersonating a sex slave and having to put her money where her mouth is (well, having to put her mouth where her mouth is, actually) or making foolhardy promises of rewards if Bogwort manages to do anything worthwhile. However, only the former can really be repeated, bets getting riskier and riskier makes sense. On the other hand, Aylia would become very cautious with panties-less rewards if Bogwort succeeds every time. Besides, the more Bogwort succeeds the less a loser he is.

Beyond those evident plots it may be difficult to find new ones. If you agree I can try and write down some ideas I will send you in a private message. Just give me a few days, it would be a great pleasure if I could be of inspiration.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I’m glad I could help. One of the difficulties I foresee is to find plausible plots justifying Aylia being coerced to be really nice to Bogwort without him getting the blame.

They are obvious scenarios, like increasingly daring bets with rivals or Aylia impersonating a sex slave and having to put her money where her mouth is (well, having to put her mouth where her mouth is, actually) or making foolhardy promises of rewards if Bogwort manages to do anything worthwhile. However, only the former can really be repeated, bets getting riskier and riskier makes sense. On the other hand, Aylia would become very cautious with panties-less rewards if Bogwort succeeds every time. Besides, the more Bogwort succeeds the less a loser he is.

Beyond those evident plots it may be difficult to find new ones. If you agree I can try and write down some ideas I will send you in a private message. Just give me a few days, it would be a great pleasure if I could be of inspiration.

Just had a great idea myself.

After Bogwort manages to finally get laid with MC he evolves like a pokemon into a blond prince and MC falls in love with him but now he doesn't want her anymore.

Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@YummyTiger, one question, Demo (Chapter 1) size (Mb)?