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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The only problem is that we have give all ours idea and the last thing to do is speaking about waiting. or give bug of prologue
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

How are you yummy ? (no news since 11 august for patreon and for 1 week for ulmf )?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy recently updated the Progress Chart in his Patreon page, it's a public post so anyone interested can view it. As far as I know the only heavy things left to do now are the remaining 4 CGs, Sound FX, and Normalization.

Sorry, no link cant post them yet.

The link to the Patreon Progress Chart is below, thanks Keep.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy recently updated the Progress Chart in his Patreon page, it's a public post so anyone interested can view it. As far as I know the only heavy things left to do now are the remaining 4 CGs, Sound FX, and Normalization.

knowing yummy, he'll probably revamp some more CGs before he goes public :p
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

knowing yummy, he'll probably revamp some more CGs before he goes public :p

Haha true, I do understand he wants to release the game at the highest possible quality he can create. A good CG equals a happy player I always say, so no complaints here :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

yes but it was not when i make my reply.
Main think of the work to do ( and my comment)

System Eventing: 15 of 15 (may increase) (lol probably "will" instead of "may")

Enemy Graphics and Config: only 1 (hopely)

Battle Skills: only 1 (probably the same of the graphite)

Minor Events: 99% (Basically done, but may add a few more on final playthrough) (what is final playrought ? the v2 of game or the patreon / public first version?)

CG Artwork: 24 of 28 base CGs (Last 11 are all started) (11 ? i dont remember but i dont think 28-24= 11: )

Revamped Artwork: 16 of ? (probably 28 ?)

Custom Sound Effects: 20%

Custom Music: 3 of ?

Sound Config and Normalization: 10%
i hope you will not passed too many time in sound especial if you are making it yourself because a lot of good one is make by others and you can take free one. i be alone but i like a lot the rpg maker base sound.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

gotta barge in here real quick.

Minor Events: 99% (Basically done, but may add a few more on final playthrough) (what is final playrought ? the v2 of game or the patreon / public first version?)

the "final playthrough" is like the last thing yummy does before he releases the chapter. Test, if everythings working as intended.
While he can pretty easily change small numbers or stuff, he surely wants to move on once he released this chapter, and probably wont be adding stuff after its basically finished.

CG Artwork: 24 of 28 base CGs (Last 11 are all started) (11 ? i dont remember but i dont think 28-24= 11: )

just something that he forgot to edit, nothing to be concerned about.

Revamped Artwork: 16 of ? (probably 28 ?)

While he may edit some more (at least i think he will), he wont update every single one.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Looks like we may expect ch.1 by mid/late september.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Looks like we may expect ch.1 by mid/late september.

Late september of 2017 one could say :p, just kidding, it's better not to create assumptions with dates :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Aside from Chapter 1 entirely, I'm pretty excited to see some of Yummy's new CGs. It was nice seeing his art gradually get better overtime.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Aside from Chapter 1 entirely, I'm pretty excited to see some of Yummy's new CGs. It was nice seeing his art gradually get better overtime.

Personal i am mixed about it one hand is great that the visual is better but in other hand i want to play. And more time passe more the second point gain importance now the majority of my brains support the mention improve but a lot of lobbying is happen for the second mention.I suspect of a [censor] conspiracy [/censor] good advice of some element of [censor] my testicle[censor] to[/censor] make a coup [/censor] restate the purity in my mind even if i am already a [censor]directorate phallocracy [/censor] glorious corpse of holly myself.

Read and approve by the holy leader of the news order of Azope second. not censored at all because azope is unity azope is pure. Now time to [change in last second] make pussy rape war against yummy for slave him and work for myself and gain patreon money [/change in last second] restore peace and order in the his mind for peace of ULMF :eek:
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Personal i am mixed about it one hand is great that the visual is better but in other hand i want to play. And more time passe more the second point gain importance now the majority of my brains support the mention improve but a lot of lobbying is happen for the second mention.I suspect of a [censor] conspiracy [/censor] good advice of some element of [censor] my testicle[censor] to[/censor] make a coup [/censor] restate the purity in my mind even if i am already a [censor]directorate phallocracy [/censor] glorious corpse of holly myself.

Read and approve by the holy leader of the news order of Azope second. not censored at all because azope is unity azope is pure. Now time to [change in last second] make pussy rape war against yummy for himself to work [/change in last second] restore peace and order in the his mind for peace of ULMF :eek:

I think we're all itching to play the game, but in due time and when Yummy feels ready release it as a full product. I've already seen outstanding Game Creators give up developing due to everyone always pestering them about releases and such, and I'd hate to see that with this game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I think we're all itching to play the game, but in due time and when Yummy feels ready release it as a full product. I've already seen outstanding Game Creators give up developing due to everyone always pestering them about releases and such, and I'd hate to see that with this game.

Maybe it's just me, but I've seen a lot less pestering since Yummy brought out the progress chart, which was an excellent move imo. It makes release dates or estimates unnecessary and gives an actual feel for where the project is at.

Anyway, I never really understood why anyone would get so emotionally distraught over online comments to completely abandon a project. I have a feeling there are often more serious underlying factors involved, because otherwise it's ridiculous. I'd rather not follow a developer who is so emotionally unstable that they can't handle something so mundane. Yummy seems to have a thick skin at least.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Anyway, I never really understood why anyone would get so emotionally distraught over online comments to completely abandon a project. I have a feeling there are often more serious underlying factors involved, because otherwise it's ridiculous. I'd rather not follow a developer who is so emotionally unstable that they can't handle something so mundane. Yummy seems to have a thick skin at least.

Well... Dont be so surprise of devs quitting after they get their money and not finishing their job, I dont remember the name of the dude, but there was a guy who made a game and the game was actually pritty good, but had bad reviews and reviewers complained about it, and the developers was.. well a prick and started to go in arguments as well over the internet and after a while he annouced he was going to stop making the second game that fans really wanted because the game was actually good. I dont remember the name of him and this story has a few years now.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Is it the FEZ developer you are talking about? His name is Phil Fish and I can remember from the documentary which he was in, that he was one unstable chap. Getting into arguments and stuff like that over and over. The funny thing is that for the most part so was it just silly stuff which most other people would have ignored. I recommend people looking up the reasons as to why he left game development.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Maybe it's just me, but I've seen a lot less pestering since Yummy brought out the progress chart, which was an excellent move imo. It makes release dates or estimates unnecessary and gives an actual feel for where the project is at.

Anyway, I never really understood why anyone would get so emotionally distraught over online comments to completely abandon a project. I have a feeling there are often more serious underlying factors involved, because otherwise it's ridiculous. I'd rather not follow a developer who is so emotionally unstable that they can't handle something so mundane. Yummy seems to have a thick skin at least.

The comments alone usually is just the final straw.

Those who quit usually have already been under stress/depression from all the other things already (possibly including their own failing to meet their own expectation, whatever comments from actual people around them who might not understand why they're doing this kind of work, the stress of trying to make enough money to put food on the table while also not using up all the time/energy so there's some left to actually work on the game, etc)

While the comments are mundane, the iceberg of stress hidden beneath is definitely far from it.

And really, when the fans, the people who should've been supportive of the game, ALSO talk shit about it, it can really be the tipping point (et tu brutus and such)

BUT, it's not like the dev is not to blame either.
As you've noted, the complaints have really subsided once more information about the game progress is revealed by Yummy.
THIS is the key.
The fans are people too, and being left in the dark also worries them (as much as I'd like to keep high hope for some blogs that's been no update for 3+ months...)

Even if it's an apology for lack of work, at least a proper explanation on 'why' would help. Was it sickness? Just all around laziness/writer block? Super annoying bug that refuses to go away (which might prompt some of the tech savvy fans to help out)? The old PC exploded and lost all the work stored on it (not everyone uses backup for projects)?

Whatever it is, so long as it's explained, people will be less worried (angry at laziness maybe)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I thing it is good for us and yummy that he say hello time to time just be sure he is here maybe he can start (a vlog here :p ) every time no one talk in this topic i can't be more worry the only way to calm down is play with Yummy senpai friend i have some photo but don't give it to senpai yummy it a little too embarrassment i don't want him think i cheat on him

I particularity like the one where me and her "friend" help me to make a heart for help me to make MY senpai notice me
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I thing it is good for us and yummy that he say hello time to time just be sure he is here maybe he can start (a vlog here :p ) every time no one talk in this topic i reply with hope of my SENPAI answer after all only stalking him is not often my yandere feeling can't take it.

Well yes, we'd love for him to post often about updates on the game but we have to keep in mind that aside from creating an ambitious project by himself (With the help of coders of course). He's still a family man and has various other things to do that require his attention.

That's why Yummy posts the Progress Chart so we're aware of where the game's progress is headed and be able to visualize the ongoing process without having to expect a post from him every week. I understand we're all eager to play but I trust that Yummy will deliver for us in the end.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

lol you anserw befor i stop editing

Ps i start to have feeling of off topic but it probably only imagination.
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