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White girl with vagina tail from the swamp zone, that captures hero and drains him dry with her tail-vagina until he goes wide-eyed. A.k.a. best girl.

Frankly, I found the early designs consistently good. Elf, yamabiko, even the blue slime, cat girl, cat mage, mushroom girl, purple swamp lizard, white hunter, ... there were few, if any, ones I found uninspired or even icky.

Then it started to become hit or miss. Lots of girls I question anyone could find sexy (fairy, devil coral, scylla, ...) by their design alone; a few spectacular ones (cat thief, shadow demon).

And now I'm at a point where I'm surprised by every genuinely great character he comes up with. Lots of designs of his either botch a potentially great character concept (alraune,...) or are so plain scurrilous and dare I say bad that they make me laugh at best (franken, reptilian).

Again, I know that I'm bitching about something that's being handed out for free. But I can't help feel this way.
Franken? The one that picks up the MC and basically reverse-throat fucks him endlessly? That's one of my favorites, personally. I can agree in some cases, the coral and scylla being some of the most niche of niche, but I think a lot of it is still subjective. I think the designs that make me laugh are some of the best ones; such as the buff mouse girl that does a suplex or something on the MC. It's too funny for me to find it at all arousing, to be honest, but who knows; that might be what he was going for.
I'm down for more amazon position scenes, personally. The mummy, the salamander, and those undead girls in that trapped room in the B version are lewd-tastic.
I'm down for more amazon position scenes, personally. The mummy, the salamander, and those undead girls in that trapped room in the B version are lewd-tastic.
Actually salamander is too.
Franken? The one that picks up the MC and basically reverse-throat fucks him endlessly? That's one of my favorites, personally. I can agree in some cases, the coral and scylla being some of the most niche of niche, but I think a lot of it is still subjective.

Yes, that's the one. To me the specific acts are not the only important thing - the actual character design is at least as important to me. And in my opinion, Franken's character design is just plain terrible, to the point where I didn't even want to see her scene. And some of the small fry (looking at you, coral) just feels uninspired, like he haphazardly slapped random things together and moved on. I understand, it's a lot of work, and he gets burnt out on it, and all. But he genuinely can do it (sleepy sheep, cat thief, nightmare, ... are all clever and well designed as well as sexy), and if asked to choose, I'd rather have fewer, but solid additions.

I think the designs that make me laugh are some of the best ones; such as the buff mouse girl that does a suplex or something on the MC. It's too funny for me to find it at all arousing, to be honest, but who knows; that might be what he was going for.


I can appreciate a dash of humor in what is essentially a porn game - poring's Attack it! Devil Legion has genuinely funny writing in there as well as some of the best character designs and animations out there. But a character that's merely comic relief will never be more than comic relief to me, and certainly never rank among my favorites.

What's more, those that seem to make you laugh, just make me cringe :p. Not a fan of Stronk Soviet Furry at all...
To me the specific acts are not the only important thing - the actual character design is at least as important to me...
This alone is a good point. I think some of the girls are genuinely pretty unoriginal or even appear to be simply put together just to incorporate a fetish. At the end of the day, I'd bet some coral-fucker is really getting his socks knocked off, though. :ROFLMAO:
Interesting new entry:
The guest artist is heavy on scat, but hopefully that won't show in zell's work.

Anyway, the great thing about FOBS is diversity.
Forget you've ever played FOBS. Now, every single new screen, you kind of know you'll be raped...
But, by whom? What? how!? ...FOBS is a constant mystery jack-in-the-box. That's its greatest point. And the fact that these supposedly conflicting critters, with incompatible fetishes, mesh in a single game without a hitch.

The end result: you can encounter stuff/content you're not comfortable with, but easily laugh them off; FOBS's true strength, right there.
Interesting new entry:
The guest artist is heavy on scat, but hopefully that won't show in zell's work.
So far, there haven't been any "extreme" fetishes besides vore, right? I feel like it's safe to say it's not gonna happen. The character looks pretty cute, at least.
So far, there haven't been any "extreme" fetishes besides vore, right? I feel like it's safe to say it's not gonna happen. The character looks pretty cute, at least.

Oh? I thought this game had a male being sodomized.
So far, there haven't been any "extreme" fetishes besides vore, right? I feel like it's safe to say it's not gonna happen. The character looks pretty cute, at least.
Do people really think that vore is an extreme fetish? I get that a majority aren't into it, but...
Well there are levels of vore, I think this game classifies as "soft" vore.
Oh? I thought this game had a male being sodomized.

If I remember right, Zell did a pretty old animation that someone dug up in an animation viewer, along with an interesting crown-wearing character with blue skin he might have intended to be a final boss. Anyhow, there was a dragon girl or something that appeared to be humping the boy protagonist. Although from the position, it wasn't 100% clear, which might be why that character was ditched.
Do people really think that vore is an extreme fetish? I get that a majority aren't into it, but...
I'm not really sure what is or isn't extreme. It's pretty much the only upfront fetish in this game that I think is the furthest from "vanilla."
Well there are levels of vore, I think this game classifies as "soft" vore.
Yeah, that's true. It's not shown whether the MC is being dissolved, suffocated, etc; just swallowed, right?
Yeah, that's true. It's not shown whether the MC is being dissolved, suffocated, etc; just swallowed, right?
he's just kinda swallowed and jerked off by the well documented and totally real, stomach tentacles. As shown in the documentary flower witch, flower fairy, and nekoronomicon.
he's just kinda swallowed and jerked off by the well documented and totally real, stomach tentacles. As shown in the documentary flower witch, flower fairy, and nekoronomicon.
i take the more ficticional side where he just become cum and somehow regenerates because that kid can just cum forever.