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Zell's most recent activity has on June 1st, but hes been out of the loop for a bit longer than that. Hes either hard at work or hes significantly lost interest, but hes not dead or dying. According to other users he usually goes quiet for a period of time before he releases a bit update, the developer of succubus affliction is also putting that game on steam so perhaps that has something to do with why Zell has been mia. Either way i wouldn't worry about it too much, maybe hes just enjoying the money he got from SA's sales.
Plot Twist! He just posted earlier today.
quick summary of it:
1. current number 1 goal is working with Ansala on Succubus Affection 2.
2. he's been getting complaints about the performance of SnY (which is understandable, considering he has to learn a new game engine while doing so) so he has requested the aid of Ansala in programming it, which won't happen till after SA2. (don't know if that means SnY is on hold, or Zell's gonna try and work on it as well.)
3. He's having trouble progressing with FoBS because designing issues. the haunted mansion is horror themed, the volcano is heat/fire themed, but Zell is currently struggling to find a matching gimmick or trait across character designs that would mesh well with the next area. (disclaimer: I'm not the best at japanese, so this is one may be somewhat inaccurate. i'm confident in other two bullet points, but take with a grain of salt.)
Oh man, that mouse girl scene he's teasing though...

I've been waiting for a new scene for her ever since she was first implemented. Happy days.
I'm glad that hes alive and i'm happy hes finally making money from his work, but i much prefer the setting and atmosphere of FOBS or SnY to that of SA. The SA setting feels a little too...............happy for my taste.
@Lazyrick Oh, man. Sounds to me like info he could've really shared sooner, but okay, at least he doesn't seem to be in a rut.

What I wonder, is how quickly they will both progress on Succubus Affection 2. Since the foundation is already there, most of the work for Ansala would be to come up with new enemies together with Zell, and then implementing them alongside some plot. His maps are generally pretty basic, and the combat can remain as it is for now, or just receive minor adjustments.
I feel like the most time-consuming part would be to come up with enough new monster girl designs and scenes to satisfy the expectations of a sequel (though I wouldn't hold it against them to reuse previous enemies to stretch the numbers).
SA 2?? Oh damn that's the worst thing I've heard all day :(

nothing against the scenes or the game in general maybe but as someone mentioned already the game's atmosphere just really isn't there (at least in comparison to his other games) 🙃 I would have preferred any other news over this, guess I'll have to wait out another animation cut somewhere. Glad he's making some bank though especially during these times.
Personally I'm happy for another SA, the light-hearted happy tone of the world isn't really a problem for me.
Ansala did all the ground work and fancy coding with the last game, so all he and Zell really have to do is make maps, cutscenes and various npcs with all their flashy pyrotechnics.

Waiting time should be cut in half if they stick to it consistently, unless Ansala adds extra gimmicks like minigames or something... but why would they?
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Ahh, damn, there's really a second SA coming out? It's not so much the atmosphere I've got a problem with as it is the gameplay and focus on vanilla/male-dominant content over femdom, but still, I much prefer FOBS and SnY...oh well. As long as Zell's still making content, that's good news in and of itself. We'll get more FOBS/SnY...we just have to be patient.
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Out of sheer coincidence, I found a doujin on nhentai that has a shota that looks like the MC, but has dickgirl on male.

A man can dream when futanari is added to the game one day.
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I'm not too keen on a SA 2 either. Like people said, the atmosphere isn't the same...
Guess I'll just have to wait too.
guys can anyone please provide me with a complete save file for the latest version of FOBS B? Much appreciated. I tried the save that came with the game but the gallery is empty.....
Ahh, damn, there's really a second SA coming out? It's not so much the atmosphere I've got a problem with as it is the gameplay and focus on vanilla/male-dominant content over femdom, but still, I much prefer FOBS and SnY...oh well. As long as Zell's still making content, that's good news in and of itself. We'll get more FOBS/SnY...we just have to be patient.
I agree 90%
The reason being that I sort of prefer the monster designs from SA.

Baphomet's my favorite design of his right now.

Maybe Zell never noticed the maledom focus because no one's brought it to his attention. I mean think about it. He's drawing both so he might feel that both get the same weight when that's not the case due to the game's structure?

If you check his FOBS popularity polls Yamabiko and the Cat are the two winners. Literally the only maledom chars in the game so I doubt his fans would bring it up.
@TheUnsaid Sounds reasonable. But to be fair, I feel like Yamabiko and Cat Bandit are simply high-level waifu material from a design standpoint. They're very expressive, have incredible bodies, and instead of getting overpowered by the MC, they seduce him, lethally so if you aren't prepared. That has a unique flavor compared to the rest of the enemies in the game, and makes their scenes stand out because of that, which probably helps their popularity as they stand in contrast to the rest of the roster.
Personally I wouldn't even say Yamabiko is a maledom character. I'd say she's more of a seduction and power bottom type.
@TheUnsaid Sounds reasonable. But to be fair, I feel like Yamabiko and Cat Bandit are simply high-level waifu material from a design standpoint. They're very expressive, have incredible bodies, and instead of getting overpowered by the MC, they seduce him, lethally so if you aren't prepared. That has a unique flavor compared to the rest of the enemies in the game, and makes their scenes stand out because of that, which probably helps their popularity as they stand in contrast to the rest of the roster.
Sorry, I disagree with that statement.
Interesting designs to me personally show personality from a glance and a complement for various colors and elements.

Most of FOBS's heroines are attractive to me, and most are expressive as well.

Yamabiko is dressed in a very simple plain white kimono with a red sash. The way she stands is also pretty generic. It doesn't tell me much about her. I don't find anything too compelling about her design. Overall there aren't any elements that really stand out to me or anything. (Though to be honest, I feel the same way about a lot of his early designs bar the kappa and monkey enemy.)

Cat Bandit is a bit better in that regard. She's definitely more interesting to look at then Yamabiko but not by much. Though this is most likely the limitations of design at such a low pixel resolution. She doesn't have any good points of focus though. Most good designs draw you to unique aspects about the character that make them memorable. For the cat bandit, I'd say that's the hat, but the other monsters usually have better focus points, and more than one.

OBVIOUSLY discussion of design is all personally subjective XD. Just like fetishes are a part of your sexuality, what people find visually appealing is also completely subjective. Even though it's relatively meaningless to try to quantify what I find interesting/uninteresting about these designs it's still just my opinion.

Design wise his later enemies are much more fun to look at.

Salamandar is really fun to look at. Skin Color, bands on leg, fire on tail, and her stance tells me a lot about the fact that she's a confident fighter.
And the quiz fire girl's kimono is interesting to look at. She also has black sclera which really shows her demonic nature.

Personally I wouldn't even say Yamabiko is a maledom character. I'd say she's more of a seduction and power bottom type.
I've never heard of the term power bottom before, but she is submissive in both of her positions right? Wait... does that mean submissive tops exist? (I can't imagine it to be honest) I don't get these classifications. She's getting railed in the position so it's maledom. I feel like simple is best when it comes to these kinds of discussions since everyone knew which types of monster I was talking about as soon as I mentioned it.

Hmmm... I feel I should state that there's nothing wrong with liking maledom scenes. Everyone's allowed to like what they like. Please Don't forget that the original reason I brought these two up is because I felt the community wouldn't talk about the incongruity behind sexual themes and gameplay experience of Succubus Affection.
All this talk about what label to tag a game with is getting a bit old - thinking of everything/everyone in terms of alphas/betas, subs/doms or whatever, is restrictive, not to say narrow-minded.

I've said that before, but the great thing about FOBS is diversity; I'd be hard-pressed to name a sexual situation which is not featured in FOBS - leaving out the admittedly most bizarre kinks.
FOBS has a bunch of very different girls, engaging in a broad array of 'activities', in a game when every challenge feels original and distinct from the last.
That's why FOBS is great: it's well-balanced, broad-minded and I doubt there exists someone who would fail to find zero appeal in either the game, the H, or both.

Repetition, lazy or unimaginative design, cloning instead of creating, or forcing your own array of fetishes on your players over and over again, make for a flawed and poor design.
Sure, games with only furries, or only scat, or only zombie rape, etc. exist; they are no less sectarian and inward-looking. They only appeal to small factions easily won over, and as a result such devs won't be likely to expend their horizons and improve in any way but a few. I'd say they make themselves recessive and counter-productive - they hurt themselves, the other devs and market quality as a whole, when they figuratively castrate their own team and playerbase.

And here's FOBS: simple and light-hearted, yet these puzzles did rattle your brains. Girls of pretty much every shape, size or color. In maps you don't like the H, you simply focus on your gameplay so as not to get caught. Not perfect, but certainly harmonious.
FOBS doesn't have a large scope as a platformer, but it does everything it does close to optimally, despite the archaic engine and its limitations.

PS: I'm sad SA2 will be taking precedence, but this might be a good thing if Zell picks up a thing or two from Ansala about selling himself and his work properly. SA2 might even turn out to be a good game if Ansala learns back from Zell/FOBS.
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Sorry @Strange I disagree with most of what you just said. I'll have to respond in part though to get my point across.

All this talk about what label to tag a game with is getting a bit old - thinking of everything/everyone in terms of alphas/betas, subs/doms or whatever, is restrictive, not to say narrow-minded.
@AWACS Thunderhead 's original comment is actually quantifiable, and isn't about labeling the game. It's just about personal preference, and was talking about his preference for FOBS over SA because of the sexual content focus.

You're attaching too much to the conversation.
No one's saying the game's bad, or can't be enjoyed by people with different sexual tastes.

I've said that before, but the great thing about FOBS is diversity; I'd be hard-pressed to name a sexual situation which is not featured in FOBS - leaving out the admittedly most bizarre kinks
I disagree, since FOBS has no story so you can only argue it's slightly diverse in sexual positions not sexual situations. There's no NTR/Cheating, Gangbang, Ugly Bastard, no powerful man making dominant girls submit on a mental level, no submissive guy getting bullied or any of that stuff because there's no story and only one guy.

Also, I argue FOBS is not very diverse in sexual content. In fact, I'd argue the opposite.

It's super focused on one kind of sexual content. People who like male assertive content will find less sexual enjoyment out of FOBS than people who don't because the vast majority, and I literally mean 90% of the game is female assertive. Zell clearly has defined tastes.

I'd say a well-balanced H-game is truly rare, since everyone leans certain ways sexually. Obviously, since that 10% of the sexual content in FOBS still exists, and the game itself is good with it's overall design people who don't like that content can still find enjoyment out of it though.

They only appeal to small factions easily won over, and as a result such devs won't be likely to expend their horizons and improve in any way but a few. I'd say they make themselves recessive and counter-productive - they hurt themselves,
I think broad appeal is actually not a good thing when it comes to sexual content in games.
Take a look at Cloud Meadow. That game has absolutely fantastic animations and is the true definition of aiming for broad appeal in sexual content. It has male/male content, female/female content, female/male content, and in those 3 categories the protagonist's position as the active role and the submissive role is also varied.

If you have a preference that you enjoy it'll most likely be there, but a game where only 20% of its sexual content appeals to you doesn't make for an attractive game.

Games with strong communities that keep coming back like MGQ and Rance, say THIS IS WHAT WE DO. If you like it you'll enjoy 90% of the sexual content in the game, making the game inherently more attractive. MGQ has the tagline lose and be raped, and Rance aggressively rapes 99% of the women he meets.


That being said Awac's statement about Succubus Affection being more maledom focused is true.

The game incentivizes male assertive sex. You are incentivized to make as many contracts as possible, so the gameplay loop is that you fight new enemies, then when you've beaten them to exhaustion you have sex with them. So design wise is, when you win you get male assertive sex, and when you lose you get female assertive sex (and even then you'll be escaping in like half a second). If you have even a slightly functioning brain and motor functions you will win 99% of fights. If you so CHOOSE you can switch to female assertive sex with contracted monsters. Femdom's not a natural part of the game progression like FOBS and the primary form of sexual enjoyment like FOBS. In fact, you can play all of Succubus Affection without seeing female assertive positions, while the opposite is impossible.

It's completely normal to have a preference for one game based on the sexual content, and have desires for future products.

Finally, it's arguable that Succubus Affection was meant to have more of a reverse rape focus since there's actually Game Over CG for the bosses in the game. Most people who played the game normally however did not see them, and I've seen people exclaim surprise when it was mentioned that these CG even existed. I honestly feel sorry for the CG artist since their work is largely unseen.
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That being said Awac's statement about Succubus Affection being more maledom focused is true.

The game incentivizes male assertive sex. You are incentivized to make as many contracts as possible, so the gameplay loop is that you fight new enemies, then when you've beaten them to exhaustion you have sex with them. So design wise is, when you win you get male assertive sex, and when you lose you get female assertive sex (and even then you'll be escaping in like half a second). If you have even a slightly functioning brain and motor functions you will win 99% of fights. If you so CHOOSE you can switch to female assertive sex with contracted monsters. Femdom's not a natural part of the game progression like FOBS and the primary form of sexual enjoyment like FOBS. In fact, you can play all of Succubus Affection without seeing female assertive positions, while the opposite is impossible.

It's completely normal to have a preference for one game based on the sexual content, and have desires for future products.

Yeah, this pretty much hits the nail right on the head. It's not about the sexual positions themselves--yeah, the Cat Bandit and Yamabiko have the protag being more physically assertive, but he's still being seduced into those acts, and if he lets himself get carried away, he'll end up in the same kind of Game Over as with any of the more overtly aggressive enemies. So while those scenes lean closer to maledom than the others in FOBS, it's not the same as what happens in SA. I prefer FOBS's style because, well, I'm simply more into femdom than maledom, particularly when the femdom extends to the gameplay itself (i.e. not only is the protagonist getting overpowered/outsmarted/seduced by the girl, but I as a player am getting overpowered/etc by the enemy), which doesn't really happen in SA unless you intentionally put a lot of restrictions on yourself (and crank up the difficulty).

Of course, the favored fetishes and dynamic between protag and enemies will vary from player to player, but no matter the player, I think @TheUnsaid is absolutely correct when they say that it's better for an H-game to have a narrow focus rather than a broad one. No matter what a player is into, if a game has too wide a spread of content, then it'll be less appealing to any given player, and I'd much rather have one game whose content wholly appeals to me over two games where I have to slog through 50% of each one to get to what I think is the good stuff. Since I'm into femdom and not maledom, the latter ends up being the case for SA in my eyes.
Btw he did an update for the new scene of the mouse girl on fantia
It's ok if I post savefiles or cheats made with cheat engine here (maybe adfly links) ? I would not to break any rules...