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Re: Zell23 game

New post, a huge list of corrected bugs?

Yep, here's a translation by zeroxsaber. Give him your thanks if you may. :)
God he just keep stepping up his game everytime,now i cant wait already for next release,now he is in battery charging mode and fixing bugs.

Here are the the bugs and other stuff translation(ITS LONG)
Confirmed and fixed bug
・The scylla getting stuck and turning into the blue vore girl
・The area after the ruin has walls that doesnt have collision and make you fall off
・Using the double jump cause the diamond to turn into something else
・The clay golem plunging thru wall and has turn into monkey girl dash animation
・Cum onto rocket golem girl and she turn into ant girl
・After attacking the black wolf,hitting any other thing will turn the hit SE into the hard ching sound
・While downed by the monkey girl attack,if she touches you ,your hp goes to 0 instantly
・Double jump explanation is written wrongly as "(On air) press A"
・The cat magician in gallery will only turn into her after sex sprite form when you eject manually
・After dashing into slug,pressing up may sometime force you out instantly
・Fairy become capturable after raped by her
・Theres a monkey girl panel in a wall
・After getting raped to death by black wolf,pressing A to continue doesnt have the black fade out screen
・Even if you get the yamabiko panel,it doesnt show you have the panel in the gallery

Confirmed bug(fixing now)
・The screen move to another part of the map when monster girl pinned you down
→Seems like previous version,the wild cat already has that problem,it has something to do with collision on air and he cant seem to know what is the problem
・↑+↓ dashing bug?(not sure what he meant by 韋駄天dash)
・After getting raped by the bazooka girl,the motor sound doesnt stop
→He is fixing it but seems to have something to do with the action tool he is using to create this game,seems to be hard but he think it might stop after a while
・Even turning off the bgm,encountering the ??? and ???2 will still trigger bgm
→He is now thinking whether to fix it or make it into a gimmick

Unable to confirm bug(unable to replicate)
・The diamond in ruins are pre lit
・???2 is not moving
・Background bug
→He has been asked this question officialy b4 but he cannot replicat it hence he cant do anything about it,its troubling
・getting damaged on air will make charac slide thru stage in dark motion
・Getting touched or dash?? into the inviting yamabiko in based will cause the game to stuck
→He tried a lot but he just cant seem to replicate it ,he hope the one reporting can elaborate problem further

・Theres 2 shroom girl
→Just for the see thru or not,but both will become see thru if enter endless rape mode
・????2 can be pass thru without the original method( I knew it:D,been there done that)
→He originally wanted to make it impassable with the ability but it seems interesting so he leave it as it is,tho he will change it if bugs occur
・Base yamabiko wont invite you till you bukkake on her first
→If its the panel one ,it was meant to be as hidden gimmick.

Other questions
・Is the faq page not getting any update
→Remove unwated part
・The increasing in speed for the fairy projectile after jump is normal?
→Yes,it part of the gimmick,trying to dodge it will cause it to happen
・The panel and skill panel is a lil confusing。
→Thinking of changing the color of them
・Pressing the ↑↓ cause a lot of ingame bug problem
→Thinking of putting the HP and cum gauge MAX command as another command
・It would be great to have a reset button。
→I would like it too,but even when moving ,theres a lot of processing behind,so it can be quite difficult
・I just cant defeat the 3 jumping dolls
→Cum on them then a huge attack can prob make it easier
・Attacking the big ear bunny doesnt have anything, is it a bug
→You cant damage it from the front

And answering my own question before, i actually have three candidates (my own preferences of course):
1. "Meditation", which basically a healing skill. It works by holding the trigger, as long as you meditates your health steadily replenished. Could be used as a part in capture method against ghostly monstergirls for example. Or maybe the opposite where certain Monstergirls will aggro you when you're meditating.
2. "Clone", creates a clone of the hero. Have a variety of uses of course, but what i had in mind is to let you have some kind of gangbang and orgies :D!, also to let you view insta-death vore animation.
3. "Binding Rope", this is based on the fact that older version's Health Window UI has "rope item" icon on them and my fondness of a little rope play ;). The skill is basically a better, fast-acting, and longer-lasting stun skill to monstergirls compared to CumShooting them. Of course it could be used as a part in capture method.
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Re: Zell23 game

I just wanted to ask if someone's interested in the gifs I converted, should be around ~150, so I would need to upload them in dropbox or something (around 200MB) ^^
I tried to get every animation, also the new ones in the gallery e.t.c, I hope that should be it, if someone thinks something is missing, I would be glad to fix the empty space

GIF categories so far are:
After Ejaculation (animation of all monsters who continue and won't stop)
After Sex (Animation of all monsters after the job's done)
Ejaculated on (Animation of all monsters who you can ejaculate on)
Just Sex (Obvious)
Sex + After Ejaculation (Both combined into a longer gif)
While masturbating or watching (Also obvious)

The category "ejaculated on" does have some normal PNG's, since some monsters turn into pictures when you shower them, woudn't make much sense to convert that into a gif

Also, a few gifs are from Zell's uploads, I will include the corresponding links
Re: Zell23 game

I just wanted to ask if someone's interested in the gifs I converted, should be around ~150, so I would need to upload them in dropbox or something (around 200MB) ^^
I tried to get every animation, also the new ones in the gallery e.t.c, I hope that should be it, if someone thinks something is missing, I would be glad to fix the empty space

GIF categories so far are:
After Ejaculation (animation of all monsters who continue and won't stop)
After Sex (Animation of all monsters after the job's done)
Ejaculated on (Animation of all monsters who you can ejaculate on)
Just Sex (Obvious)
Sex + After Ejaculation (Both combined into a longer gif)
While masturbating or watching (Also obvious)

The category "ejaculated on" does have some normal PNG's, since some monsters turn into pictures when you shower them, woudn't make much sense to convert that into a gif

Also, a few gifs are from Zell's uploads, I will include the corresponding links

Sure why not, post them
Re: Zell23 game

He updated his blog again, this time he has released the bugfix patch along with a gif of a clown? girl :)
He also mentioned that he will extend the mansion in the next patch, which is awesome.
Re: Zell23 game

praise the waterlords, more mansion-love.
Re: Zell23 game

Oh no, not the Psycho Knife-Wielding Clown! :D
Sadly it was kinda hard to implement yandere-ness is this format of a game, huh? Cuz your very own Yandere Psycho Clown Girl would be so good. ;)
BTW, the filename reveals that that Clown Girl are actually RedCap, the infamous Evil Dwarf.

@GermanPlasma, i'm interested! Sadly, i think that should had been posted on the OP to be more efficient, but the OP of this thread is nowhere to be seen.
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Re: Zell23 game

@GermanPlasma, i'm interested! Sadly, i think that should had been posted on the OP to be more efficient, but the OP of this thread is nowhere to be seen.

Ah well, I just post the link to it here when I'm done with it, I decided to also include the rest of the animations, to make it complete. Should be done later or tomorrow, I also have to search all links to the gifs Zell posted himself somewhere, I don't want to claim any rights for something I haven't done :3
Re: Zell23 game

Ah well, I just post the link to it here when I'm done with it, I decided to also include the rest of the animations, to make it complete. Should be done later or tomorrow, I also have to search all links to the gifs Zell posted himself somewhere, I don't want to claim any rights for something I haven't done :3

Then I'll just have to sit here slowly rubbing my palms together then.
Re: Zell23 game

I just wanted to ask if someone's interested in the gifs I converted, should be around ~150, so I would need to upload them in dropbox or something (around 200MB) ^^
I tried to get every animation, also the new ones in the gallery e.t.c, I hope that should be it, if someone thinks something is missing, I would be glad to fix the empty space

GIF categories so far are:
After Ejaculation (animation of all monsters who continue and won't stop)
After Sex (Animation of all monsters after the job's done)
Ejaculated on (Animation of all monsters who you can ejaculate on)
Just Sex (Obvious)
Sex + After Ejaculation (Both combined into a longer gif)
While masturbating or watching (Also obvious)

The category "ejaculated on" does have some normal PNG's, since some monsters turn into pictures when you shower them, woudn't make much sense to convert that into a gif

Also, a few gifs are from Zell's uploads, I will include the corresponding links

Yes plz. Do an album of the gifs on Imgur!
Re: Zell23 game

Well, Zell had worked on this game called Dream Buster Alice, and i say it's good.

Already got it.
Re: Zell23 game


Already got it.

It's quite good, right? ;)

Ah well, I just post the link to it here when I'm done with it, I decided to also include the rest of the animations, to make it complete. Should be done later or tomorrow, I also have to search all links to the gifs Zell posted himself somewhere, I don't want to claim any rights for something I haven't done :3

Looking forward to it! :)
Re: Zell23 game

Yes plz. Do an album of the gifs on Imgur!

Don't have much interest in doing it that way but when they're up someone could do that too ;)

Sscdrake said:
Then I'll just have to sit here slowly rubbing my palms together then.

Oh well guess I'll try to finish it today, I mean it's literally done, just have to record ~4 more times, cut it and convert it, get the links of the ones Zell uploaded and every other link I can find of him.

Btw, does anybody know if Zell has a page where you could give him a donation? Would include that too.
Re: Zell23 game

The day a monster girl kisses my lips, that's the day my penis retires.
Re: Zell23 game

Here it is, the (maybe) biggest FOBS gif collection as of the 1.09
Including animations and pictures of
  • After Ejaculation (12 files)
  • After Sex (35 files)
  • Ejaculated on (28 files)
  • Sex (63 files)
  • Sex + After Ejaculation (12 files)
  • While Masturbating or Watching (14 files)
*pervy grin*

Link to the new post including download links: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=889959&postcount=1307

I spend some good time making these (guess around 12-15 hours in total, hope it was worth it >.>) I tried to loop them perfectly and crop them in a good size, I think the result is not bad ^^
I also tried to keep the animations as clean as possible, means that only that what's important can be seen, though that didn't always worked out. Some animations just played too fast, means if I tried to get out of the view, a big part of the animation was already over, so I decided to take what I can.
Again, if you miss any certain animation of the current versions, let me know, I try my best to fix that ^^
(also let me know what you think of them >3>)

Have fun! :)
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