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ACT Enty Fantia [Zell23] 『シロノヤカタ』/ Shiro no Yakata


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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you through corridor and see your buddy behind window
According to twitter the buddy is being removed.

I don't know why... it was one of the things making the game unique. But I guess the girls don't feel like waifus if they fuck other guys. I think the horror aesthetic should've been more important than making the game's girls be appealing as girls though.

What i mean is you have scene from horror movie or game and seexualize it (or attach to some mg) for example Lone survivor had couple weird scenes or in Nightmare house 2 you have moment where you through corridor to dead end then go back and there dead and as well so the space becomes smaller and smaller in 2d with dim lightning possible to do this and you change scene so at the end some mg appears from ceiling but it blind or something and you just need to avoid her for a bit while she roams this small space.
Cool ideas on the environment playing a role in the mystery and horror atmosphere. That kind of setup will make free roam exploration of the mansion impossible though. The game has a base so the MC needs to be able to return back to a hub area at any point in time. It's not impossible but with the way the design is shaping up, I doubt it'll happen. I could be wrong though. This is a design challenge that's a bit annoying to think about but Answerer and Zell might figure it out.

Again. Not to say the game is gonna be bad. I think the monster girls are going to be good, and they'll be able to set up some good moments. In fact, their last post had Answerer talk about how he was coding gimmiks for the game and how level design is much more important in SnY than it was in Succubus Affection!

Is it that time of the year we share memes again? I'll contribute.
Can you explain the Greed thing?

I don't get it.

Zell created FOBS and released it for free.
He got approached by Answerer to make Succubus Affection.
Succubus Affection had a different workflow from FOBS and is objectively higher in quality.
  • Camera zoom
  • higher resolution
  • Effects animation
  • 3D models
  • Better AI
All that pales in comparison to the #1 benefit though. The workflow change. Zell could just draw, and give out directions for how he wants the girls to act.
Possible convo:
  • Z: Ok this girl is demon girl I've had in my mind for a bit. I always wanted to draw her at a high resolution but the time it would've taken to program her in my game would be a lot and I have a lot of ideas regarding her.
  • Z: Can you make it so she has a shadow ability that sticks the player into the ground if he gets caught? Also can you make her teleport and fly?
  • A: No problem, I'll work on that and all you have to do is draw her.
  • Z: *Giddy* (Ah I can focus completely on the eroticism of my character with how they appear. I don't have to worry about the trouble of getting them to work in the game bug free)
It makes perfect sense to me that Zell would so easily capitulate to his partner's desires if he enjoyed that workflow and doesn't want to spend the time programming his characters anymore.
I mean... Look at FOBS. There's a reason no progress has been made there. Ever since the big setback of the memory limitation that is FOBS A ver, his desire to code his own game has basically reduced to 0.

I don't see the greed personally. If you have any insight, I'd love to hear it tho.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Some of the more recent posts are confirming my fears here. If this game does indeed become maledom, then i'll never buy another Ansala/Zell colab out of spite. While SA was a fine game, it was a gigantic leap backward from the kind of game i want, i don't want the combat to be any more involved that it is in FOBS and even then i feel like it was going a little too overboard.

Sex-oriented games should focus alot of their creativity on how sex can be introduced as the game mechanics, COT does this perfectly and (a game the people in this topic might not be familiar with) Wolf's dungeon does it especially well. There are so many sex-themed puzzles that the game can't be called an 'action game' though there is a minimal amount of shoving, kicking and punching, while we're on the subject of COT, poring also commented on twitter that he prefers SNY's original gameplay over this.


Like dude -- i'm not playing your game for the combat, i could play a non-hentai game and have better combat and play non-H RPG for a better story, we're all here for one thing and that is see some dick in some vag so the more of that we can see the better.

While i'm on this rant i have to say something else. I don't know what is about these devs that are trying to engineer the next great source code, all too often does the development of the engine or the capabilities of the engine. Dude, you don't have to create the michelangelo's david of Hentai game, just put out something new about every year and gradually improve upon your last work and you'll make all kinds of money, i don't know how many hentai developer's kidneys began to shut down before they actually started utilizing the assets they spent three years to put together but it's alot of them.

Hopefully Ansala sees this because holy fuck man, i don't know a single person whose happy with the direction this game has taken to essentially become SA with horror elements. Fuck sake.
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Lol all this discussion feels like Succubus Affection all over again.

But people ate Succubus Affection up.

I guess the frustration here is because of where SnY originally was headed on a design level.
I'm also quite disappointed but you don't have to go too full doom and gloom. He did say that level design was more important in Shiro No yakata in comparison to Succubus Affection, and that there were a lot of gimmiks involved with the unknown. The core is probably not going to be gone, it just won't be at the same level as what we originally hoped is all.
we're all here for one thing and that is see some dick in some vag so the more of that we can see the better.
I mean, that's not all I want. I want the eroticism to come from the gameplay. If I wanted some dick in vag I'd stick to videos XD.

While i'm on this rant i have to say something else. I don't know what is about these devs that are trying to engineer the next great source code, all too often does the development of the engine or the capabilities of the engine. Dude, you don't have to create the michelangelo's david of Hentai game, just put out something new about every year and gradually improve upon your last work and you'll make all kinds of money, i don't know how many hentai developer's kidneys began to shut down before they actually started utilizing the assets they spent three years to put together but it's alot of them.
I half agree half disagree.

Improved technical ability does a lot for you. For instance, your workflow can be faster if you have good level editing tools. You can create more complex and interesting levels with better level editing tools. More technical ability allows you to create more varied gimmiks for your enemies. There is a benefit to spending time coding a good system... It can even save time in the long run. It's why so many people use RPG Maker.

I agree on the fact that spending too much time there is no good tho.

Sex-oriented games should focus alot of their creativity on how sex can be introduced as the game mechanics,
I agree that this is very important.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
I didn't hate SA, but it wasn't a RR game. It was far too cutesy and innocent for my tastes. the gameplay was a step back from FOBS which is puzzle oriented. Combat doesn't belong in games trying to create a scenario where the mc is supposed to be a victim/prey/meat toilet


May 11, 2017
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It may not be due to somebody trying to bend his original design tbh, this game kinda started after the popularity of the haunted house level, he may just be swinging differently since, SA probed to not be as unpopular as some say, which may be the reason again why his ideas are changuing. Still i whole hearty agree with the previous post, personally didnt liked at all SA, and would had prefered that this game kept being as it was originally, like other games that create scenarios were the MC becomes a meat toilet/cumdump.


Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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I'll be honest, ever since I saw Ansala working on this title I knew this would happen.

I don't have a problem with SA personally, I quite enjoyed it minus the annoying bosses (Alraune was great tho), but that wasn't what SnY was supposed to be...
It was supposed to be a survival horror with limited platforming, relying on special gadgets to get by monsters. Gameplay-wise that's what made it stand out. Yeah I'm focusing on the gameplay rather than the whole femdom priority thing, dominating and being dominated is A-OK with me, giving us the chance to dick the monsters sounds interesting. IF that element's carried over of course.

But, otherwise... I really don't want to see Pink Girl, who chased you down relentlessly for dick demolishing, spitting out bullets in all directions like some Touhou wannabee. Nevermind fuckin' catching her and having her follow me around like a fuckin' Pokemon. That doesn't make sense to me and doesn't work outside of SA.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
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Could be worse...
Like, SnY with a 10 y-o shota MC, needing to d*ck kappa girl 20 times (if no bug) to finally get her panties to stick on his face so he can splooge 1.2x more.
Oh, and with a wonderful translation, of course. Surely that'd make for a 18,000 DL product too, and triple that on Steam.

No doubt, there is good hope. Somewhere.
Jul 11, 2018
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I don't believe it's been confirmed that you can capture any enemy and have them as companions AFAIK. However if it does end up being too maledom then I will likely not end up purchasing it. I love Zell's designs but maledom isn't really something I'm looking for in these types of games.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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I didn't hate SA, but it wasn't a RR game.
I remember commenting on one of the SA posts. Answerer replied. Apparently it was never meant to be a reverse rape game.
Check his ci-en. You won't see the reverse rape or submissive man tags.


That being said the actual dlsite page for the game does have it. The Ci-en page usually has tags for what the ci-en creator intends on making.

It may not be due to somebody trying to bend his original design tbh, this game kinda started after the popularity of the haunted house level, he may just be swinging differently since, SA probed to not be as unpopular as some say, which may be the reason again why his ideas are changuing.
Just so you know, FOBS on Fantia still has horror enemies. He just released a bunny girl unknown that's face is entirely covered and she has a huge meat cleaver. Zell hasn't changed much sexually. He's always liked temptation enemies, and there are lots of enemies the protagonist willing fucks in that game as well. I think Zell is the same as he always was sexually.

But, otherwise... I really don't want to see Pink Girl, who chased you down relentlessly for dick demolishing, spitting out bullets in all directions like some Touhou wannabee. Nevermind fuckin' catching her and having her follow me around like a fuckin' Pokemon. That doesn't make sense to me and doesn't work outside of SA.
This doom and gloom atmosphere is very reminiscent of Succubus Affection XD

Again, he said that level design was a higher priority in SnY than it was in SA. He also talked about including gimmiks in previous posts. Sure there isn't too much info on the game, but I doubt the identity of the game will change COMPLETELY. Part of what you liked about SnY's core will definitely make it through. At least the atmosphere should.


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
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He should make Creepypasta references, just for laughs


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Dec 31, 2020
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I come here every so often to check progress, is it mainly going to be maledom now? I was certainly hoping for what was in the demos. Sorry trying hard to keep track but there is an extra 2-3 pages of reading since I've been here last.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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I come here every so often to check progress, is it mainly going to be maledom now? I was certainly hoping for what was in the demos. Sorry trying hard to keep track but there is an extra 2-3 pages of reading since I've been here last.

All I said was that Answerer leans maledom and he's gaining a larger influence in the production of the game.
Originally it was simple like they added jumping to the game when it originally didn't have that feature.
Then they added support maids, and now they show the first enemy in the game shooting Succubus Affection like balls at the protagonist.

I think that Zell's completed a lot of monster girls already and the concept of the game is still "horror." That means to me that at least 70% of the game is gonna be female leading.

My issue is with Answerer's influence reshaping the core of what I thought the game was.

Answerer has some clear preferences.
1) He doesn't like girls being too monstrous. It must've taken Zell some convincing to get him on board with SnY.
2) He prefers the guy leading. Every monster in SA has two scenes. One where the guy leads and one where the girl leads(which is usually foreplay.) It's basically the devs getting both of their interests in.

Zell isn't completely blameless either since he couldn't give a firm direction on what exactly he wanted the game to be. When Answerer asked questions relating to the game design all Zell did was make vague gestures to other games like Clocktower and Silent Hill.


I feel like I should stop giving my opinion tho XD.

I said one thing, "Answerer prefers maledom" and everyone loses their shit and focuses entirely on that...
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Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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I said it once and I'll say it again. Dicking down the scary girls appeals to me, if we got a 50/50 dom to sub for most enemies I'd actually be pretty happy.
The only thing I hope for is that it plays into the game somehow, like you get a special item/weapon/consumable that renders monsters in that area harmless, or at least defeatable. Assuming there's a special gallery area built into the game is practically a given, and that's okay because it's obviously separate from the true game environment... if that makes any sense.

I guess it just tickles my neurons because one-upping the monster is a seldom-seen thing, and Setaria really sold the concept of hot-scary monsters to me.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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I said it once and I'll say it again. Dicking down the scary girls appeals to me, if we got a 50/50 dom to sub for most enemies I'd actually be pretty happy.
The only thing I hope for is that it plays into the game somehow, like you get a special item/weapon/consumable that renders monsters in that area harmless, or at least defeatable. Assuming there's a special gallery area built into the game is practically a given, and that's okay because it's obviously separate from the true game environment... if that makes any sense.

I guess it just tickles my neurons because one-upping the monster is a seldom-seen thing, and Setaria really sold the concept of hot-scary monsters to me.
Personally I feel like horror loses its feeling as soon as the horror monsters become traditional enemies.

In games like Silent Hill, the enemies are actually scary because of the low ammo count for your gun and the fact that the protagonist can get perma-downed if he gets grabbed like... twice.
Resident Evil stopped feeling horror when the game went into the action side of things and let you mow down zombies easily.

Personally I felt like SnY was trying to take that horror atmosphere and make the protagonist weak and helpless to the crazy monster girls around him making it so that he avoids them through various gimmiks. That was what I thought SnY was going for. Remember that video he shared of the MC hiding in a closet and then being found by the monster and then the monster jumping in to the closet and raping him? That kind of feeling.

If you gain the ability to defeat the monster girls in a traditional way, I feel it takes away from their identity as scary girls you have to do whatever you possibly can to run away.

To me, on a design level, this shouldn't be a 50/50 game.

Kind of like how Parasite in City is 100% male leading where the female protagonist doesn't try to rape the zombies in that game. It would take away from that feeling of her being pressured, and cornered if she fought back sexually, and that game actually already has an action element.


Demon Girl Master
Jan 4, 2016
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To me, on a design level, this shouldn't be a 50/50 game.

Kind of like how Parasite in City is 100% male leading where the female protagonist doesn't try to rape the zombies in that game. It would take away from that feeling of her being pressured, and cornered if she fought back sexually, and that game actually already has an action element.
I think the COT approach works best here, especially with a male MC. Sure, you could willingly stick your penis in there but you're definitely taking damage/losing the game if you do. So 99.5% femdom I guess?

Also, shame about Answerer influencing design. On the monstergirl spectrum I prefer monsters that happen to be girls, which Zell dips into sometimes. Answerer prefers it the other way around and I'd like the former in a horror game, especially since SA was so vanilla.


New member
Jul 26, 2018
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I would like the design of this game to be 50/50 on the reverse rape aspect, on one hand, the monsters want to feed on the seed, on the other hand, some monsters would be shyly passive, and give off the vibes of :"I probably should not stick my penis in there...however!"
this makes sections of the game feel like you are prey, and others to feel like a kid in a theme park.
on a side note, did the game get any work done on it since I last checked ?, seems like half a year ago already.


Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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Actually, has Zell shown any signs of life at all lately? Getting a little worried for him.