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Re: Zone

yea i was thinking zone has been slow with the flash stuff. even with the ssf4 juri i mean it was a mini loop not a full game like that zelda one. but i guess i shouldn't complain he/she has a life when not on a pc
Re: Zone

I agree... The Juri one had so much potential... And I must admit i got a kick out of the parody song. But it was just too. damn. short. But I guess all I can do is just bite my tongue and hope for the best for the next one.
Re: Zone

yea i was thinking zone has been slow with the flash stuff. even with the ssf4 juri i mean it was a mini loop not a full game like that zelda one. but i guess i shouldn't complain he/she has a life when not on a pc

It takes an enormous amount of time, especially if it's just him doing it. I have no doubt that some animations may be a lot easier than others. I.E. This new Teenage Robot flash. I mean, that style is fucking simple as shit. It's ugly, terribly incorrect for realities standards and thus just easy to draw. So he can probably smack down a set of frames quicker than say...

The Juri flash, which has more realism and way more details. Definitely would take way more time.
Re: Zone

I'm not saying it was poor quality or anything. Just, I always think one should take their time to finish something, rather than give in to people who try to rush them. I (and many others) would have been willing to wait for a while longer so the flash could be more intricate. However, if Zone just didn't wanna do anything else with it, that's a different story.
Re: Zone

If zone released a flash every hour people would complain it ain't enough, porn freaks are a greedy bunch.
Re: Zone

I'm not saying it was poor quality or anything. Just, I always think one should take their time to finish something, rather than give in to people who try to rush them. I (and many others) would have been willing to wait for a while longer so the flash could be more intricate. However, if Zone just didn't wanna do anything else with it, that's a different story.

I agree with you.

Art has several values. Most of these values are ignored, and we're left with the simplest of them: personal arousal.

Personal arousal is just a greedy value. As long as people can get their thing going, then the art will get its pass. This idea has shaped the erotica community as a whole; turning it into a wasteland of angry opinative selfish assholes.

With this system, artists are manipulated to turn selfish themselves. They'll start to draw popular shit not because they want to, but because it'll get them more viewers. They'll do the same for fetish types as well. Heck, even some artists will start to cheat by tracing shit. They loose the sense of passion and dedication for the illustrations.

Zone has lost some of his dignity. He's giving in to greed, one way or another.

Just my opinion.
Re: Zone

I agree completely... And I'll prolly get laughed at for this, but I prefer my porn and such to be artistic too. "Oh look, there's a girl with no shirt." But her face will be a mess... Spend the time to make the whole thing good, not just the arousal part. Many people can get aroused by other parts than breast, pussy.
Re: Zone

Yeah, let's not forget the ass. Lot's of ass-men out there.
Re: Zone

1- It seems Zero reckons himself to be a smart aleck methinks (fixed that)

2- I see a lot of hacked zone flashes, or imitation ones. They're frankly all crap imo... Hell, those mastiff games were HORRENDOUS and there was some new group doing mock Zone TV flashes that had horrible quality and no sense of what "transition is". If you take a crayon to the Mona Lisa, you failed at transition (Guess what).
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Re: Zone

I personally like legs. Legs are sexy. But you have to have the full package. No pulling a Guro, and cutting off and keeping just the parts you find sexiest...
Re: Zone

You guys do realize that making porn may not be what ZONE does a for a living right?
Re: Zone

We know that. That's why we're ok with waiting for a Zone Flash.
Re: Zone

Dunno if anyone mentioned it since this has been necro'd, but there is a new zone mini scheduled to be released tomorrow (oct 16th)
Re: Zone

Dunno if anyone mentioned it since this has been necro'd, but there is a new zone mini scheduled to be released tomorrow (oct 16th)


Re: Zone

Jenny Flash is Out!

Re: Zone

The stylization was a nice touch and twas interesting