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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

On the other side of the fence, there was a larger patch of grass extending to the left, before ending at the building, and it's stretch stopping after about 50 feet, to reveal a path forking to the direct West, as if there was a road that circled around the building in the middle. The road continued North, before stopping at another wooden gate, a stretch about 75 feet down from where they were standing. Along their right, was a body of water that connected to the ocean where, by Melissa's sight, was where this little ball of energy was in.

There was also another stand, but this particular stand had no advertisements on it, and seemed to be blocking a path down, where the side of the road ends in a cliff, like a bridge over the water, extending in that little spot enough for some steps to stick out, and lead downwards to the body of the water, so people can view the fish that swim around when humans approach, thinking that they're going to be fed.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn takes a look about...


Deep water... I seem to recall someone hinting that we might wish to avoid that. Besides, the woman isn't going to be underwater. More likely... she's in that central building. Yea, we should take a look at that, then move on. And keep well clear of that water.

"We're supposed to be looking for that woman. And it seems to be the big locked building on our left is probably a good place to start. And, you know, don't wander near the water."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa sees Mina there, curiously looking around at, well, not much of anything. She lets out a huff of air, breathing deeply as the burst of adrenaline subsides.

"Huff... huff... Mina, please don't do that... you scared me..."

Melissa continues looking around as she catches her breath.

"Okay, not under GROUND, under WATER. Um... but it's not a fish, since it's not swimming around... and it's too big, really, for fish eggs... Don't go down there, Mina, PLEASE? I don't think any of us can swim..."

(Ocean? I didn't know the city was on the ocean...)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

( The Zoo is at the edge of the city, along the bay, which is how it's connected to the body of water known as the infamous Ocean. )

Mina turned on Melissa, and started pouting like a child, sounding like one as well as she complained, "Well, you were taking forever!" she said as an excuse.

Mina looks over to the water for a second, then laughs at Melissa hysterically, "You don't know how to swim!?!" she makes fun of Melissa, "That's too funny!" She laughs loudly, her cries of laughter echoing into the air.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Okay, I don't know about Melissa, but I've lived in the city all my life - there's just no call to go swimming. Also, my opinion stands as it is. We get a closer look at the locked building and if we can't get it we continue north."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa gets a little red and flustered at being teased.

"Well, the instructors tried... but I couldn't get the hang of it, and I was in the reserves for the Army, anyways..."

Her voice, too, isn't exactly pitched for stealth, although it definitely carries less than Mina's ongoing laughter, Melissa's embarrased glare only setting Mina off more.
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Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina walked over to Melissa, and rested an assuring hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry! I'll teach you how, when we get the chance!" she winked at Melissa, showing a little bit of her perverted side as she did, likely wanting Melissa to be wearing a little less than a swimming suit...

Before anyone could say anything else, Melissa's attention was suddenly diverted to the activity of the energy in the water. Not only one ball, but dozens suddenly formed right before her senses, as a hoard of the things were suddenly approaching...

A couple dozen of octopus-like tentacles shot up from the water, suction cups and all, as they seemed to already be locked onto the three women standing in front of the wooden gate they just came through, ready to attack at any moment.

Mina gasped as the things showed up, and quickly looked back and forth between Melissa and Jenn, "What do we do!?!" she asked them in a shout, sounding terrified.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Um... think of it like this: there's only 8 of them, unlike the tentacles you've apparently battled before"

Jenn looks more closely...


"No wait, there's more then 8. Run away!"

Jenn assumes a defensive stance and backs up toward the gate...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Um... RUN?!"

Melissa tries to dash back through the doorway, grabbing at Mina if she doesn't move fast enough. Jenn, being quicker on her feet, is undoubtedly already through the gate...

(Yeep... dozens of aura-balls = dozens of octopus monsters? Or dozens of octopus monster tentacles?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

( Dozens of aura-balls = dozens of tentacles )

As the three rush for the door, Melissa quickly makes her way away from the tentacles lunging for her, while Jenn and Mina have worse luck, having several of the things wrapping around them, holding every limb down, and lifting them slowly into the air, about 10 feet into the air before Melissa, or even the rest of them, could react.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Ohmigod... ohmigod... FIGHT IT!"

Unable to tell which of the rapidly-writhing tentacles is attached to which girl, Melissa picks one at random, aiming as close to the water as she can, before pulling the trigger...

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Acrobatics 2, Dexterity 4, Running 3, how could you fail me!)

Jenn Struggles to whip her rapier around enough to cut herself free.


So many of them, I've got to manage to hit one... and crap, now I'm way up in the air. Oh well, I'll just have to try to roll when I hit the ground...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As Melissa fires at the base of the tentacles grabbing at her comrades from the water, her shot barely missed the thrashing tendrils, but seems to actually hit something, as she notices the large mass of light that every tendril in the air it's connected to tremble with what appeared to be pain, and a little bit of blood emerged to the top of the water.

Mina, using her great strength, manages to stop the tentacles from ripping her clothes apart and revealing her cock and pussy, but can't get the suction cups to loosen, as they seem to pulse with life, as if making sure she can't get away.

"Melissa!" she cried to her lover, "The suction cups won't let me go! Shoot them off of me!" she recommended to Melissa.

Jen could barely move, but managed to work her blade like a saw, and started to cut away at the tentacles holding her, and working into her clothes, cutting one free so that she could swing her blade wildly around, chopping the rest off in succession, as she feel straight down to the ground with a painful thud.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Alas, Mina, I fear that the octopus ain't just holding you still in the air like a scarecrow on a stick...)

Melissa looks up, rifle tracking the movement, trying to follow the coiling tentacles assaulting Mina.

"I can't, it's waving you around too much!"

She jacks another round into the chamber, angrily trying to eyeball down the line of one tentacle she thinks is holding on to Mina, then shooting at its base...

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well, that was a better roll then >.>)

Jenn takes a quick look around at the tactical situation. On the positive side, she was free and her past experience with tentacle-like things led her to believe she was probably pretty effective against these. On the other hand... she had a feeling actually setting foot in the water would be a Bad Idea. She compromised by doing her best to hack at the tentacles holding Mina from as far away from the water as she can get.

(If Jenn thinks she can get at any without touching the water, attack tentacles holding Mina in a neutral stance. Otherwise back up and try to defend herself and Melissa from any oncoming tentacles in a defensive stance)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa's aim was Excellent!

Melissa's bullet ripped through one of the fat tentacles holding Mina, going through it's middle. The main tentacle that was holding Mina gave a shudder, and a loud, "pop" was heard, as Mina fell down to the ground, freed of any tentacle holding her, while the tentacle she shot still seemed to be active.

Not long after her shot, a tentacle darted for Melissa, only to be smacked away by the butt of her gun.

Meanwhile, as Jenn quickly went on the defensive for any oncoming tentacles, a swarm of them quickly overwhelmed her. She was barely able to fight those lunging for her upper body, while a quick, and sneaky tentacle wrapped around her leg, and sent her to the ground with a sharp pull. The other tentacles soon followed, and began encompassing her in their grip, lifting her into the air once more...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa lets out a yelp as she swats the aggressive tentacle aside.

"Arrgh... shoot one, and two more take its place..."

That first shot she'd taken... it'd seemed to knock the entire monster off-balance. Maybe she could do it again? The rifle-butt kicks against her shoulder as she tracks what she thinks is the body...

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"There's too many of them!"

Jenn again struggles to free herself with pointy steel.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Right when the tentacles lunge for Melissa, her shot seems to hit something underwater again, and the tentacles stop in place, halting their lunge, as more blood leaks up to the surface of the water.

Mina tries to grab at, and possibly wound the tentacles lunging for her, only to find herself once again, wrapped and caught in it's snare. "God fucking damn it!" she curses savagely as the suction cups lock in once more.

The tentacles on Jenn seemed to learn their mistake, as Jenn's arms were thrusted behind her back, holding her arms firmly in place, as the tentacles work their way into her clothing. Two tentacles started squeezing and playing with her breasts, while two others slipped into her pants, their slimy skin easily pushing inside her pussy and anus, making her skin crawl, and her pussy wet, as she feels the two tendrils moving around deep inside her, raping her in midair.

(Jenn's orgasm status: Yellow)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As the tentacles find her breasts and begin toying with them, any doubts Jenn might have had regarding their intentions evaporate. She desperately tries to cut herself free again, but this time her arms are forced behind her back and her blade meets nothing but air. Then one tentacle slips between her pants and flesh, coiling around her leg as it upward. Jenn's futile struggle to get free intensified as the tentacle dipped under her panties.


"Kill it! Please, kill !"

Jenn's plea is cut short with a gasp as the tentacle finds what it's looking for and unhesitatingly thrusts deep inside her. In the sudden rush of intense pleasure, she doesn't even notice a second tentacle slipping under her panties from the top. She surely notices when that one finds its mark, though. Jenn screams as it shoves itself up her ass and begins pumping in and out. Tears come to her eyes from the pain, and a blush comes to her cheeks from the pleasure and shame. This is the first time anything has ever violated her behind with sexual intent.

After the initial shock, Jenn resumes her efforts to cut the tentacles off herself, fighting back gasps and moans with each thrust.