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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Huh. Our eight-armed opponents have the ability to strip clothes AND penetrate a victim in one action? Or they can ignore clothes when penetrating?)

Melissa looks up as Jenn gasps. Apparently the tentacles she sent recoiling aren't attached to the ones assaulting her - or the ones assaulting Mina, for that matter. Three monsters... they'd have to be dealt with one at a time...

She returns to her own target, to see them rearing up to strike, and sends a bullet flying at the body in the hopes of sending it packing once more...

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

( The tentacles slipped into her pants, but didn't destroy them, instead choosing to slip into her and begin draining her essence. )

Melissa's shot was Mind-Boggling!

As Melissa's bullet rips into the monster better than she could have even known, using her mind's eye to guide her, she notices the large ball of energy show what she thought was fear. All of the tentacles hanging in the air suddenly dropped whatever they were doing, including the process of raping Mina and Jenn, and retreated into the water. The large ball darted away quickly, and disappeared from Melissa's vision, leaving Jenn and Mina to fall to the ground, freed from the rapist monster in the water.

Mina was laying on the ground, leaning her head up to look down, confused about what had just happened, as she lay on the ground, panting, catching her breath.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Gee... maybe Melissa should stick with that .22 rifle, rather than trying to get ahold of an M-16. She's been SO lucky with it...)

The sudden end to the battle leaves Melissa uncertain that the monster really ran away.

"Mina!? Jenn!? Are you alright!?"

Melissa cautiously advances towards the two, rifle still aimed out over the water, eyes and other senses probing for any sign the monster's still lurking nearby.

(Did the monster flee, or hide?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Quick question on stimulation - does it get reset now that the fight is over or does it stick around until an orgasm?)

Jenn groans as her body hits the ground for the second time (how long is a round of combat, approximately? The traditional '6 seconds'?) and she's much slower in getting up. After a few seconds, though, she fights through her body's various conflicting protests and stands up. Her cheeks are clenched together and she looks flushed, but both fade as she stretches a little to loosen up while looking away from the other two girls so they can't see her face.


Ugh, I can feel that thing's slime every time I move my legs... at least it doesn't seem to be like that aphrodisiac...

"I think I'm alright. I mean, nothing broken at least..."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

( About the monster, GM stuff only, tis classified. ;) )

( About thetwo's questions, Orgasm is the only stat you do not need to rest to have it recover. It regenerates every turn based on the actual value of the stat when your character is not engaged in sexual stimulation. )

( As for time, every turn is considered to be 15 seconds, while certain actions taken out of combat cause more time to go by depending on how long the task usually takes. )

Mina angrily gets up from where she fell, and starts stomping her feet on the ground, pounding her way to the water, "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!!!" she shouts loudly, stalking towards the water, with intentions of actually diving in, wanting to pursue and finish off the tentacled beast.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Argh. Okay, revised question: did the aura Melissa was watching fade away due to distance, or did it just dive deeper and vanish? So yes, it could be trying to circle around outside of Melissa's view...)

As Mina starts cursing and stomping, Melissa dashes forwards, freeing a hand from her rifle to try and grab her shoulder and stop her.

"Mina, DON'T! It might be trying to bait you into the water, so it can drag you under and hold you there till you stop fighting! I don't know about YOU, but I certainly can't breathe under water!"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

( The aura Melissa was watching faded away due to distance. The monster can't circle around, as it can only attack from the East, due to there being land to the North, West, and of course, South. )

Mina cast a frustrated look at Melissa, "But-!" she started in protest, "-But we can't just let it get away! We have to kill it, so it can't come back for us!" she looked out into the water, "I saw blood, and I think that it's running away to lick it's wounds..." she casted her opinion.

Melissa slowly started to see Mina's bright aura fade, as she felt her third eye close...

(Melissa's Divine Sight has worn off)

(Jenn's orgasm status: Green)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Devil's advocate note: real-life octopi are known to be bright and strong enough to climb out of their own fish tank and into nearby feeder tanks, in order to get at the feeder fish within. Our mutated opponent might be even more durable.)

Melissa transfers her one-armed grip from Mina's shoulder to around Mina's back, hugging her reassuringly. Phooey on the slime still glistening on her shirt.

"I know, but even wounded it's stronger and faster in the water than you could be. I'm not even sure where it went, after it got out of my sight." She gives her a tight-lipped smile. "Tell you what, if it does come back, and then we scare it off again, you hold onto its tentacles so it can't run away through the water, okay? You're so strong, I bet if you're ready, it'd never be able to pull its way free."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina brushed some of her brown hair off of her face, and gave a vicious smile at Melissa, "Fine, but if it does come back, I'm not lettin' it get away again!" she declares, clenching a fist in the air, trying to show off her muscles. They weren't big, but for a woman, they were very decently sized.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Okay, if everyone's ready now shall we continue to the next gate?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina chuckled, and quickly rushed behind Jenn. Both of her hands started squeezing her breasts playfully as she mocked her, "Hee, hee!" she cackled, "You look a little flustered! Those tentacles show you a good time?" she laughed.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn remembers the feeling of first one, then the other tentacle sliding into her and her blush returns with a vengeance, then molts briefly into anger as she elbows Mina in the stomach enough to make her let go.


"They raped me!"

Her anger fades a little. It wasn't Mina's fault.


"In the.... front, and in the ass as well."

Jenn squirms uncomfortably in her pants, still able to feel the slime between her clenched cheeks, but not as badly as before.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa, about to yell at Mina yet again for being too forward, pauses.

"Um... if you'd rather not continue, you know we can radio out for the helicopter to come and pick you up..."

While she says this, she swings her backpack onto the ground, pulling replacement cartridges out and feeding them into her rifle while she waits.

(Reload rifle (ammo count: 10 in rifle, 16 in backpack))
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"No, I'll keep going. I'm just a little bit, um, sore. In more ways then one. Can you look past this gate too, or give me a boost to look over the top?"

Jenn approaches the northern gate and takes a good look around for anything different while she waits for an answer.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa finishes reloading and puts her backpack back on, leaving the radio tucked away. She does pull the knife out and tucks it into a pocket for easier access.

"Okay, then, if you're sure."

Following Jenn, Melissa takes a look down the west path as she passes the intersection, her "inner eye" becoming easier to use with every try, then through the fence as she comes up to it and rests a hand against its solidity.

(Reactivate Divine Sight, look west, look north through the fence.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina lets out a, "Oof!" as Jenn elbows her. Recoiling from Jenn, Mina takes on a look of shame and embarrassment after the elbow, "I was just playing!" she makes an excuse for her behavior, holding her gut in her hands.

Using her sight again, Melissa detects some energy over to the west, and is unable to determine exactly what kind of monster the auras of energy might represent, but their size is about that of a large dog. She also detects signs of life to the North, but these were much smaller in size, and seemed relatively spread out, unmoving, as if waiting in ambush.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Jenn uses her amazing temporal powers to take actions before hearing Melissa explain what she saw in order to save time later!)

Jenn takes a peek through the door to the north to see what kind of terrain it is.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As Jenn walks up to the door, she notices two things; It's locked, and a sign on the side of the wall on her left indicates that this way leads to the aquarium. Upon looking at the lock on this door, Jenn notices the lock is quite a good one, and might be difficult to pick...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa frowns on sensing auras to both north and west.

"The Aquarium? Might be some fish or something, just floating around... that octopus might also consider this its home, so it might've fled here. There's some more stuff westwards, too... dogs? Or maybe wolves?"

(Is there a fence to the west? Can we see far enough to see the path bending south around the building?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"The brochures mentioned hyenas...

The aquarium, though. You'd think that'd be safe, but I guess we have to think about squid, octopuses, and seals without even thinking about anything that might attack us were we to fall in the water. And I can't swim either.

Ugh, I don't really want to go either way, but I'm not going home empty handed."