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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Ryona [RAVE-N] Twilight Scramble / とわいらいとすくらんぶる (RJ01036414)


Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2012
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First thread I make in like 20 years of lurking, so the chance of me screwing up something is somewhere around 200%. Sorry in advance.
Anyway, Twilight Scramble.


(download link removed because I don't want the loli police to come baton the ulmf servers)
Probably better save from my post below
Fan translation patch


You're a magical girl. You discover that, because while walking home one evening a slime girl restrained you and started sucking out your magic power — while gloating about the fact that she is sucking out your magic power.
Well, you've discovered your powers and managed to chase her off. So now you've got to go through a series of dungeons — where everything wants to restrain you, drain your magic power, or often restrain you then drain your magic power. Occasinally, while gloating about it.

Primary fetish of the game is restraining. There's also a lot of energy drain. Game has multiple dungeons, and the monsters have neatly ghettoed themselves by preferred method of restraining you.
  1. Restrained / drained by slimes
  2. Restrained / drained by tentacles
  3. Hardening (petrification or freezing)
  4. Swallowing / draining while enveloped
  5. Adhesive / drained while struck.
  6. Greatest hits of all of the above.
There's some nudity, infrequently, but no sex. Very little ryona, basically confined to a minigame you can access in the hub — where you can talk to a pillow guy and he asks "do you want to play a minigame?" and if you say yes he ties you to a huge metal bell and starts hitting you with a battering ram. Pillow guys are jerks.
Every dungeon boss (and a couple other fights, such as the tutorial battle) have a game over scene where you get cgis of yourself getting — you'll never guess — restrained and drained of your magic power, except slower and more throughtly, and with more elaborate gloating, until you get detransformed.
The gallery is fairly interesting. It's in your hub, and you can reach it about one hour in the game after clering the first dungeon. You'll unlock all enemies in the dungeon you've beaten, and you can choose to unlock every individual dungeon's gallery right when you reach the hub if you prefer. You can watch the animations, or the bosses' cgi, but also repeat the whole fight — which is far less useless than it might sound, since you'll get the dialogue and the "narrative element" of the fight, plus several attacks are missing on the animation gallery — for example, the boss of dungeon 2 seems to have only one grab in the gallery, but she's got plenty more in the fight, that use or combine tentacles you fought previously.
Edit: There'a second, more complete gallery that you can access in the "debug room" -- only after finishing the game, I assume. It's unlocked in the save I linked above, more details in my post below.

Game is actually fairly playable and enjoyable. I feel that the dev took effort in the game part, too.
There's an easy mode, but normal mode is fairly balanced, where if you strategize / hit enemies with the correct elemental weaknesses you can clear a fight relatively easily, whereas not picking on the right strategy or failing restraint mini-games will get you in progressively more resource-taxing and hard to escape restraints, until you have no choice but to watch your bars empty up in the defeat animation.
There's a resource-management element, too. Should you use up mana to easily defeat this opponent, or just stick to regular attacks and hope you can avoid/evade/endure the grabs so you use up less mana? But then you risk getting grabbed, and he might heal at the expense of your HP or drain more mana than you'd have used to fight it…
As enemies are visible on the map, and choosing to avoid them or fight them later is an important part of the strategy.
Eventually, you will get restrained. And by "eventually" I mean "every time an enemy gets a turn" — you'll be restrained more turns than you aren't, you'll forget what your life was like while you were not restrained. Then you'll have to go through a minigame to end the restraint, either as a reaction to the enemy's attack or through a dedicated action on your turn (usually while your hp/mp is sinking). While the game starts off with the classic "click fast enough", so far as I've gotten it's introducing new minigames.
Exploring the dungeon will give you items that will allow you to progress, incuding usables or equipment that will allow you to defeat previously undefeatable monsters. There's also often shortcuts or hidden treasure. But beware because there's also traps, which will… tar and feather you! No, obviously they'll restrain you and drain your magic power, that's your life now accept it.

Gameplay hints
  • If a fight seems unwinnable, you're probably supposed to find/use an item, use a specific spell, or to equip a spellbook and then use that specific spell. Good examples are the large red slime in dungeon 1, which you need to throw an item at, or the golden tentacle in dungeon 2.
  • Remember that the "click fast" QTEs can be cleared quicker by using both the mouse and the Z button. Wish I didn't discover it only halfway through dungeon 3.
  • Several useful spells and powers don't use up your turn. The 50 TP ability that cures your MP can be a lifesaver, and you can also shorten grabs by using the "resist" spell — if it's not working, you're triggering a particular event that is overriding it. Refresh and clean up, which you can get with tomes, will clear statues that might be automatic defeats otherwise.
  • If you're stuck, there's a walktrhough in the game folder. Just find the folder with the text files numbered 1-7 and throw it on Google Translate, and then go get that pesky item you were missing.

Language barrier
Basic gameplay is fairly accessible even with little to no japanese — fight options are relatively self-explanatory, and a lot of the dialogue is fairly simple, you can get away with mostly katakana and trial-and-error.
Issue is that even relatively small things can be issues if you don't get a specific hint — I've just recently spent an inordinate amount of time trying a different useless thing and then getting double-restrained then draind by a golden tentacle because I didn't bother to labor through a sign at the start of the dungeon that said "you can't defeat golden tentacles, if you see one run".
It's more of a pity that you don't see the dialogue — I mean, most of it is fairly cheesy "oh no I've been restrained, now they're gonna drain my magic power" stuff, but I mean that's why we're playing this sort of game, isn't it? Hopefully, being an RPG Maker project, it's translatable, and a thread such as this one might be a place where the information about such translations might eventually hopefully end up.
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Got the latest version of the game from DLsite.
Apparently, he's still adding content.

Bug fixes

・Fixed a bug in Makai no Mori Recollection and Debugging Room where only ``smiling'' would appear when defeated by Pink Slime.
・Fixed a bug where the font changed when viewing the true ending in the debug room.

Minor fixes

・Fixed the illustration to be covered with mucus up to the head after being vomited from the Gigant Frog.
・Fixed to be able to cut QTE obstructions when equipped with "Kumokiri no Blade" in Eva† battle in the Dusk Corridor.

additional elements

・Added a Luna-chan beaten scene in the debug room (a character borrowed from Namaste Koubou)
・Added U-chan beaten scene in debug room (borrowed Ninifu-sama's character)
・Added a scene where Freya-chan is beaten in the debug room (borrowing characters from Barrett and Libra)
・Added a Riona-chan beaten scene in the debug room (borrowed a character from Abso Blog)

I can't find these four additional scenes in the gallery, I think this "debug room" where they're supposed to be located is unlocked by finishing the game, and I'm still at the (hopefully) final dungeon.
Wonder if there's more stuff there aside from these new scenes, I'll update the thread when I get there — I was planning to do that anyway to upload my full game-finished save, since the 8-minute just-unlock-the-gallery one in the OP is kinda lacking in some stuff (bonus boss, character is too weak to go through most of the fights…).

Ok, ignore the paragraph above I'm stupid.
There's a second gallery — this aforementioned debug room — accessible from the red teleporter in the bottom right corner, in the room with the pillow.
It's unlocked in the savegame I provided above. In that save you have abysmal stats, so I assumed it was incomplete and it was just obtained by unlocking the gallery as soon as you get to the hub — turns out, stats are abysmal because it's new game plus!

The debug room has all enemies' galleries in one place (not the traps — if you want to watch those, you need the normal individual-dungeon gallery), plus debug controls (change your character level etc.), PLUS several bonus animations, including the bonus boss, what I'm assuming are abandoned variants of a couple ingame animations, and, as stated in the update, several bonus ddefeat scenes in the game's engine where you can see some other characters get restrained and drained/played with by the game's enemies, or even by new stuff. Most of the animations seem to be completely new, and yes I confirm the latest version has the four new animations the dev mentions in the update notes.
I think the characters used are from other hentai games, or pixiv users. Only one I recognize is Miifa-chan, who actually has two animations — meaning, she has arguably more animations in Twilight Scramble than in her own still in-development game.
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So, apparently there's some extra content coming.

From my understanding, RAVE-N is cooperating with some vore-specialized group (…I think I remember a vore game by these guys, a while back?) and this cooperation involves an upcoming expansion to Twilight Scramble. There's some screens on the link.
Translation says expansion will be vore-centric — not my thing, but I'll take any extra Twilight Scramble with delight. New content will be accessible via a mirror in the hub after the ending, and it will be available with version 1.1.0 of Twilight Scramble. Date not yet known.
It might involve some kind of golden succubus and also some harpy girl? He shows illustrations but I'm not sure if it's something he does for the other group or vice versa. Succubus girl looks a lot like the giant woman eating you in the guest illustration, where you seem to have an extra party member?

D-Gate's more recent work has been vore-related scenes for other games. They had content in updates for Captive Alicetromeia and Monster Surprised Yuki-chan. The latter of which features the same blonde succubus as the boss of its extra level, which is probably what will happen with this update. The blurred out party member seems to have the same red streak in black hair as the harpy.
Thanks for the info, and thanks for the replies. Glad to that there *is* someone else in this thread. This game is really amazingly made, I'm glad to see it has an audience.

Concerning that interesting bit with the harpy girl, I think I found out something else.

But I gotta change the subject a second, because Absorblog published some nice Twilight Scramble fanart (EDIT: link deliberately removed following mod removal of the image it contains).

Most of the post is the protagonist in her natural environment of getting her mana sucked. Sample here.
Mod edit - Image removed due to loli content

But I'd like to point your attention to this other piece of fan art. Which is very cute, isn't it?

There's even the Raven. They even drew his red hair streaks, never noticed he had those in-game!
...just like the harpy girl?

Is that harpy girl the fucking raven, lolified? So we will get to see them get caught and restrained and drained of mana by a smug female monster for a change?
Do we get to let the feathery bastard get their well-deserved comeuppance? Assuming they deserve comeuppance, I have no idea what he says to justify his actions in the final dungeon, Japanese is hard!
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Btw don't worry admins, no nude loli, the mana-suckining worms act like pasties

No... No, that was pretty damn explicit. Image removed.
New update on the cooperation. It has two videos, that seem to show the whole animation for both the green Echidna Wars vore thing, and the succubus of Monster-surprised Yuki chan.

Dev's being generous posting the entire animation like this. I'm hoping that, together with the relative long time it's taking, it's a sign that the expansion is bigger than just that couple of monsters.
Oh, and I can finally give the good news: there's a fan translation in the works, and it's coming along nicely.
https://f95zone.to/threads/translat...4-rave-n-rainbow-chikuwa.158668/post-11416162 (and onward).

I've had the privilege of testing the MTL myself, and even contribute with (a minuscule portion of) testing and editing.
Chief translator says they'll be done before the end of the month.
Oh that's such a relief to hear. I saw on Twitter that the dev had no plans to have an English version, so hearing that a fan translation is in the works is great news.
Thought I'd let people know that the debug room is unlocked by getting the alternate ending. Here's how you do that:
  1. Beat the game.
  2. After the ending, the blue door in the Hub area will be open. Defeat the enemy there to obtain an item.
  3. Defeat the final boss again with the item that the enemy dropped equipped.
Defeat the enemy there to obtain an item.
This SOUNDS very easy.
He still rips me a new asshole, even with the guide from the author.

Congratulations to you for succeeding, though!
This SOUNDS very easy.
He still rips me a new asshole, even with the guide from the author.

Congratulations to you for succeeding, though!
Here are some tips:
  • "Magic Transcendence", the skill referenced in the author guide that boosts Magic Attack for 1 turn using TP, is obtained by reaching level 40. It is the only skill connected to leveling AFAIK.
  • Cast the spell that boosts struggle power on turn 1, and recast it every 3 turns until the boss uses its bind skill upon reaching 75% HP. It only does the bind that one time from what I have seen, and it seems like the boost is needed to escape fast enough to not run out of HP.
  • If you have it, I suggest equipping the Hero's Pendant (20 TP regen per turn) vs the Sparkling Ring (200 Max TP) suggested by the author. The Hero's Pendant is obtained by de-petrifying the Stone Pendant (which is found in the Petrification Ruins) in the Vore Temple.
Rave-n is posting updates on his twitter.

Nono is apparently studying insects. Ah very least, she's made a pretty big work friend.

We have a couple new heroines for the bonus gallery.

There's this pink haired magical girl getting to know the meat wall from dungeon 4.

And this different magical girl getting a hug from her octopus friend.

His feed is pretty good. Very focused on energy drain hentai. Couple promising games there.

Oh, also. Thanks in large part to the amazing advice from swpkmn, I finally defeated the bonus boss, and got the good ending.
So here's a far better final save than the one I got from the internet — where you don't just have the final gallery open, but you actually have a properly leveled Nono and legitimate endgame equipment.

I'm missing the two top weapons, since I can't find the last stupid sparkle in the forest, but otherwise I should have everything-ish.

Advice if you're also having trouble with that turbo ultra cunt of a bonus boss.
  • You are very likely to be carrying very strong equipment you didn't realize you had because everything else in the game is trivial compared to that bastard.
    When I actually bothered to clean house, my Nono went from 4000ish to literal OVER 9000 HP, like the meme. And something or other I equipped made my spells free.
  • The bastard's worst attack is the black requiem of gale -- which deals 5 digit damage and is always fatal. But I never realized that the bastard only uses it RIGHT AFTER YOU HEAL.
    So, unless you're actually skilled and your Nono doesn't regularly facetank all of the attacks, having high HP is crucial. So is equipping the book that gives you the full heal.
  • Best combo I found was casting the magic boost thing (I think it's a book, and not leveling up? Haven't checked), use the other TP magic boost that doesn't consume your turn, and then the ludicrously expensive light magic. I did 24-30k damage with that combo.
  • Once the guy hits 50k, it starts the countdown. That actually makes him easier, because he stops regular attacks and you no longer have to worry about him attriting you — If you can, try not to get caught without the magic boost at that conjuncture. That also means that even if the boss looks hopeless, he isn't as bad as it looks — you only need to endure 150k hp, not the whole 200k.
If I get the last two weapons, I'll update, but I don't know.

Also, the translator didn't credit me. Lol, hope he forgot and I didn't piss him off or something.


  • twilight_scramble_save.zip
    17.9 KB · Views: 102
Thanks in large part to the amazing advice from swpkmn
You're welcome.
And something or other I equipped made my spells free.
The accessory that makes spells cost 0 MP is found in the same area as the extra boss (in case anyone was wondering).
The bastard's worst attack is the black requiem of gale -- which deals 5 digit damage and is always fatal. But I never realized that the bastard only uses it RIGHT AFTER YOU HEAL.
If I remember the creator's guide correctly, that attack isn't connected to healing, but to failing the QTE on the other attacks too many times.
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If I remember the creator's guide correctly, that attack isn't connected to healing, but to failing the QTE on the other attacks too many times.

I *do* tend to heal after fucking up the QTE too many times.
Probably it's like you said, but it was consistent for ma across 10 or so attempts -- I was consistently healing at about the same time.
Oh, something juicy that I had missed.
I wrote:

And this different magical girl getting a hug from her octopus friend.

I didn't realize it at the time, but this is NOT a gif or a preview, it's from a standalone free download, where you get to control the scene.
It's . Scroll down to the second section, and look for the " " button.
I suspect it might be standalone because the characters (yes also the octopus) are from an anime called Tokyo Mew Mew. Probably might've been a copyright issue to put in Twilight Scramble.

Oh, just a curiosity I didn't notice at the time.

There's this pink haired magical girl getting to know the meat wall from dungeon 4.

The "pink haired magical girl" is Haltiel. I hadn't yet made an extensive thread about her game at the time.
any updates on v1.1? d.gate is my favorite hgame creator, excited for this!