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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

When people attack you for attacking them, the obvious solution is to attack them better.

Ye'd best get used to it if you intend to be a "Pirate".
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Would you screw a rule... 9th October 2011 01:45 - Your excitement is really cute.

I admit. The concept fascinated me. :3

Unfortunately this one seemed to effectively turn into a double strength negrep as a result of the temporary rep reversal I had during the time I got it. But it's the comments that count, not the numbers.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Lol, should have figured it was you. Butthurt much? It wasn't the joke in the shoutbox about you being covered in fins because you said you were finnish, was it? BTW the average backblast on almost all bazookas made after the 80's is below their minimum firing distance (they need to get up to a high enough speed before they will explode).

Alsssssssoooooooo, pirates don't use words to do battle, they fight like men! Slitting your throat in your sleep, shooting you from behind, poisoning you, and enslaving your town while all the able-bodied men are away! These are all acceptable ways for a pirate to settle a dispute.

OH! And I forgot the best part! I'm not going to neg rep you back HS, no matter how much you do it to me! So just keep at it. Heck, why not search for older posts I've made and neg rep them! That'd really confuse me.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Alsssssssoooooooo, pirates don't use words to do battle, they fight like men! Slitting your throat in your sleep, shooting you from behind, poisoning you, and enslaving your town while all the able-bodied men are away! These are all acceptable ways for a pirate to settle a dispute.

Oh fuck no, you obviously underestimate pirates. Let me lecture you, boy.
Not only did you neglect to mention at least fifty other acceptable physical ways to defeat a man or woman, you also implied that it was the only way a pirate should know.

You are sadly inept and ignorant, child. .
"You can’t match my witty repartee."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You are sadly inept and ignorant, child. .
"You can’t match my witty repartee."

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

get your off-topic discussion out of here

You must be new here, welcome to ULMF.


Edit: Hey, look at that, I spread enough rep to negrep you again. You must have missed the topics that were locked for excessive off-topicness.

It's not your decision as to when enough is enough. I have had idle chatter in threads before about vaguely relative things, and I will continue to do so unless told not to by somebody in authority.

I didn't know that fascist oppression was your kind of deal HentaiSpider.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

get your off-topic discussion out of here

You must be new here, welcome to ULMF.


Edit: Hey, look at that, I spread enough rep to negrep you again. You must have missed the topics that were locked for excessive off-topicness.

It's not your decision as to when enough is enough. I have had idle chatter in threads before about vaguely relative things, and I will continue to do so unless told not to by somebody in authority.

I didn't know that fascist oppression was your kind of deal HentaiSpider.

You're right in that it's not my decision. If it was, I'd have just deleted those posts. However, I can still voice my opinion. I chose to do so in a manner that didn't make me a hypocrite by bringing even more off-topic discussion to the thread. What, exactly, is your problem with that?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I didn't mention it before because I just took the clue and deleted it, but, due to lag, I accidentally posted my last reply here twice and received a negrep for the double post, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. I have no idea how I missed that
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You're right in that it's not my decision. If it was, I'd have just deleted those posts. However, I can still voice my opinion. I chose to do so in a manner that didn't make me a hypocrite by bringing even more off-topic discussion to the thread. What, exactly, is your problem with that?

I don't have a problem with you stating your opinion, you can continue if you like, and it won't really shape my opinion of you negatively. But if you disrespect my right to defend my position / mock you for it, that little factoid may change very quickly.

Non-anarchy isn't fascism

One of the few things about America's ideology that I like is free speech, so when you meet your friends in your neo-soviet-union community club, tell them I said that actual anarchy would make them wet their red-banner bedsheets. AGAIN.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Don't start this shit here.

WTF? I was simply pointing out the similarity. The only reason why I put the p.s. was an attempt to prevent someone who likes the gop from getting all butthurt. Ya'll need to take a chill pill.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

u mad

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

In related news, only one of the games referenced in this following picture matters.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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