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Re: Hate Thread

You know, I knew that one would fire you up... but now I wanna find something to hide behind... eek!
Re: Hate Thread

You know, I knew that one would fire you up... but now I wanna find something to hide behind... eek!

I don't shoot the messenger... unless they're a prick. Which yer not. So yer safe.
Re: Hate Thread

Whoa, wait... I'm all for EQUALITY of genders. Neither gender is superior...

But what's this?
What's this? There's powder everywhere...
It's unfortunate that most women have to work? Sooo... It's unfortunate that women have proof they aren't inferior to men? Or is it unfortunate that they can be independent from the evil man?
Re: Hate Thread

some women have realised that they had it better (by it i mean some specific things) when they had less rights, as there where also less responsibilities.
Re: Hate Thread

some women have realised that they had it better (by it i mean some specific things) when they had less rights, as there where also less responsibilities.

Yes well....

Re: Hate Thread

Yes well....


Yes, that we do, all the time in fact. Most of the smart people in the world have already said their thought on feminism. And that in general it's the wrong way of thinking. Maybe at the beginning they really fought for their rights but now it's mostly filled with women who think that they should take the bigger bite of the cake while they can and the end result is that we live in a world where flirting can get you in jail and rape is considered worse than murder by law. The world we live in is growing more insane by the day. It's already past the peak when it just makes you rage, it's even past the point where it's sad it's nearing the point where it's just fucking frightening.
Re: Hate Thread

I've come to the realisation that feminism is intrinsicaly a biased thing, equalitarianism is a better name as it removes the defining factor of what is happening. the removal or ignoring of meaningless labels is the true goal, anything else is having apples and pears.
Re: Hate Thread

some women have realised that they had it better (by it i mean some specific things) when they had less rights, as there where also less responsibilities.

Being a housewife has less responsibilities? HA!

There are some women who are stay at home moms that work just as hard as the women with jobs, if not more so.

>.> Uhm, right. I took sociology in high school, and the teacher (a black woman no less) was more concerned with dispelling stereotypes and studying foreign cultures and telling the black kids in the class to stop pulling the race card every time they don't get their way, and telling the girls to stop pulling the gender card XD

I loved that teacher.

"flirting can get you in jail" Also not true. If they're going to prosecute someone for harassment they (Usually) don't just arrest anyone that a woman cries at. ... I could go on with a bunch of stats on rape, but let's not go there. Bad memories, and all. Because when you're dead, there's nothing left... you can't feel anything. Rape hurts and causes nightmares for the rest of your life.
Re: Hate Thread

Beppo causes nightmares.

Hyuk hyuk!

But seriously...feminism, misogyny...I stopped paying attention a long time ago.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate freaking clowns, exclamation.wav! *Lila's voice calms down near mechanically, despite being completely organic* It is enough that I have seen clowns on earth by the dozens, but they oftentimes look at my size. Then try to 'cheer me up' by looking even more creepy. Why do most clowns have EYES painted OVER their EYES anyway? Do they want an excuse to sleep, query.wav?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the horrible feeling that you need to go to the bathroom, but you don't have the time right now, so you hold it in with all your might, causing you to focus completely on holding it in. And when you finally do have time, you ended up holding it in so well, you no longer need to go.

Yeah, I'm a little delirious from the backed-up shit in my bowels right now...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the horrible feeling that you need to go to the bathroom, but you don't have the time right now, so you hold it in with all your might, causing you to focus completely on holding it in. And when you finally do have time, you ended up holding it in so well, you no longer need to go.

Yeah, I'm a little delirious from the backed-up shit in my bowels right now...

I generally hold it in until it tries to force its way out and I find it too hard to hold it back.

Anywho, onto the hate.

I hate the fact that one of my friends that I lent money to is ignoring my phone calls now that I've told him I need the money back ASAP. I lent him some money several months ago because he was strapped for cash and needed some otherwise he'd have no money for food, I was happy to lend him some and said that he could pay me back when he gets his next uni grant. Once he gets the grant though he says he wouldn't be able to give me the money back straight away because he needed to get some stuff for his film project. I said that was okay because to be honest I wasn't in any rush to get the money. He then said he'd pay me back on his next uni grant payment which I agreed to. Now, he said that his payment will be coming in this week and I told him that because I'll be moving out of my parents house and into a flat in a couple of month's I really need the money because I need to put it with the rest of the cash I've saved up. He said sure and since then I haven't heard a word from him and he keeps ignoring my phone calls. This is obviously pissing me off quite a bit, and it's going to come to the point that I may have to get violent. Hopefully it doesn't but this has at least taught me never to lend money to anyone ever again.
Re: Hate Thread

He said sure and since then I haven't heard a word from him and he keeps ignoring my phone calls. This is obviously pissing me off quite a bit, and it's going to come to the point that I may have to get violent.

This sounds like the prime time in your life to become a loan shark.

But on a more serious note, meet him in person and corner him, then follow him around until he gives you the money.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, overall I don't think my schedual's going to get better. Looks like I'm going to have to run to my car to eat every time, unless more seating magically appears. Won't be as bad once it warms up, but for the mean time quite annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being pushed into a certain frame of mind... and not having the fucking tools to be comfortable in that frame of mind.

It's uncomfortable, makes me edgy, angry, violent... it's just not fun. It feels like walking around naked in front of a bunch of prudes all wanting to pounce on you and tear you apart. It feels like dancing in a lion's den drenched in steak sauce... and I FUCKING HATE IT!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate getting locked out of my account because everytime I log on I need to answer a security question and I've forgotten the exact wording on my answers. Like, was this answer one word or two, did I put a space between or a hyphen...

So yeah, something that I need to submit today and I'm locked out of my account for 12 hours. And it's 2:36pm. No one I can call either.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate funerals. I know Nobody there. Ever. They know ME though. odd.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't think it's possible to like funerals... unless yer a psychopath.

I for one hate missing funerals, for even while I don't like them, I wish to be there to honour the passing of someone I know in whatever capacity would cause me to be present at said funeral. Not that this has happened as of late, just that the mention of funerals brought it up.

I also hate the season finale for the second season of castle. For fuck sakes why?