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Questions about / Discussion on the new rule changes

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Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Had to reply to this real quick, lol.
Ahahahaha, rotfl.
You realize I'm talking about a single pledge, even if you unpledge and never pledge again, right? As in, $10, total, ever. That's the same for all of our rewards.
You know, I like how you think people are dumb. We both know this is not how people see it. Expecting them to stay and provide support month by month.
Also, I am glad you included that information on the pledge itself and not somewhere in the long main page... Oh, wait. But at least you did include it at all.
Then you have issues you should probably seek therapy for, instead of projecting them onto others and claiming the world is objectively how you perceive it.
Inherently not trusting people for being kind is an actual psychological problem. This isn't an attack, nor does it make you a bad person, this is just speaking from how people naturally would favor kind people; it's not normal by any stretch to distrust people for being kind.
You know, you are getting worse from post to post. First it was nice and dandy and now you are getting further and further from that. But yeah, Online Freud, I am sure you are the one to tell people about their mental status. Not an attack? You sure? Doesn't look like that. Again, not surprised by instant deflection right away.
Don't spin it. I specifically included "politicians" to make a point. When it comes to nice people and money, they generally are two faced. Considering amount of deflecting, shilling and excuses... Oh well, it looks how it looks.
But yeah, now I'm done writing in the thread. Had to clarify that since some people might possibly want to know about the Hatred drama and clarify the pledging thing for those who misunderstood.
Bye until you come back.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
This isn't true of all crowdfunded games. If you pledge $10 or more to us, you get our game at launch, period, and if something catastrophic were to happen to the game somehow, you'd get that money refunded, in full, no questions asked.
Yeah, sure. You'd refund over a hundred thousand USD, split over a few thousand pledges, every single cent that people gave for Future Fragments with no questions asked. Bullshit. That money is already gone.

Also, nice job making this subject all about you, once again.

You've heard of lootboxes, right?
Name one non-crowdfunded H game with lootboxes.

Nope, it's the opposite. Business model of crowdfunding discourages delays and reworks
Did you really just type that? Your own project has, what, three or four levels completed over four years? Four. During which you've been getting paid for the entire time without releasing a finished product. Crowdfunding like a Patreon model, as seen by projects like Breeding Season, Cloud Meadow, Fek, Crisis Point Extinction, Malaise of the Machine, encourage devs to drag out (and in many cases 'redo') projects to milk as much as they can from supporters hoping to see a finished product. This is easily observable. To say otherwise is just... idiotic.

"if you take too long or aren't considered to be doing your job properly, people pull out of funding."

And you still make off with a tidy profit without having to finish anything. Who loses out the most here?

"Just look at what happened to Akabur; went from $10,000+ down to $5,000 as a result and he's continued to drop due to lack of product being created."

I'm sure Akabur is really kicking himself, managing to gain thousands of dollars before people started to catch on. But hey, I'm sure he promised to completely refund it all, didn't he? He probably could, after all he's still making over $5000 USD a month.

"With normal funding, a project could get reworked countless times and investors will still keep putting in money."

Who are these 'investors' you talk about? Most H-devs use either their own funds or those gained from the sale of previous games they've finished. You, the consumer, buys the game at the end of the development and this in turn funds more games. This is a simple concept.

And as for titles that have been delayed/reworked that are "normal games",
I'm going to sum this up, because you have just spent your post defending incomplete games on Patreon by using established gaming development companies with publishers and stocks as if they are in any way relevant to this situation. Let me help you out since you seem to think comparing Patreon game devs to Bethesda and EA is an arguemental point. Since it seems like you enjoy making this topic solely about Future Fragments, we'll use it as an example:

Future Fragments:

  • Multiple team-members including programmers, artists, sound design, and voice actors
  • Currently earning over $14,000 a month
  • Game has three levels completed, one half done
  • Team-members are working on other projects at the same time, each with their own patreon
  • Has been in development for close to four years
And for the other example, let's go with :

  • One team member
  • Doesn't have a subscription based model
  • Has finished four games since January 2015
  • Hasn't taken a single donation

But hey, since I 'Don't know about the industry', maybe I'm completely wrong and giving people free money for nothing in return is a good way to guarantee a return. Buying games after they're finished is for suckers, after all. After all, some AAA devs do it, so why not accept it from some guys on Patreon?

Nothing but a joke.

CHad ACID Release.png


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Also, HW, I know you love slandering people when they can't respond in your little safe space and I guess you are doing it right now. But if you have something to say, do it directly to my face, like a man. My DMs are open.
Just like whining about imageboards and so on. All that whining about everyone being so bad to you. Yes, I took "few" ss before you realized I am on your discord (I may be autistic xD). And I can tell you now since I had to go back through shitload of stuff. You changed to the worse :D
Yoshiiki out, no need for anymore offtop (from me).


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
To both Yoshiiki and Captainstarfish, why is splitting by funding better than splitting by completion status? That's the question I've wanted to know this entire thread. Every complaint I've seen seems like it would be addressed by simply requiring all incomplete games to be in "Under Development." It would also eliminate the issue of what do you do when a DLSite game also runs a Patreon/Enty/or any other crowdfunding-style account, since that would be irrelevant.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
To both Yoshiiki and Captainstarfish, why is splitting by funding better than splitting by completion status? That's the question I've wanted to know this entire thread. Every complaint I've seen seems like it would be addressed by simply requiring all incomplete games to be in "Under Development." It would also eliminate the issue of what do you do when a DLSite game also runs a Patreon/Enty/or any other crowdfunding-style account, since that would be irrelevant.
Not sure about Captain idea on it, he can speak himself.
First of all, that was the most common element I saw around threads related to this. I guess main part comes from the fact that there is a lot of finished games from Japan and not as much finished from west/russia/other. Being often in constant development hell or taking tons of time to finish something that shouldn't take as much for a team. It's easier to find translations for Japanese games than finished western products.
Second, while there are threads for non-released J-games, very often release date comes and you can get that game. Considering frequency of such things, there will be much less moving threads around - meaning, less work for mods. In case of "in-development"/"finished", each time a J-Game changes status to "released" someone will have to move that thread. And we are adding that on top of already taking time to moderate everything. This is going to be extra mundane task. Though, funny enough, majority of games that will be left in "in-development" will have that "patreon" tag next to them. Irony.
And again, there is a lot of stigma with western patreon games, let's not pretend there isn't. And to state my case, how many years has it been for Aylia's Story? (A note, this is rare case where no milking of people occurs, just to be fair).
Just to say it in more graphic manner: You don't mix sick people with healthy ones during outbreak, you contain sick people, sometimes getting healthy ones in there too.

Now, what's the issue if game is developed by Japanese and also on patreon? I don't see any.
This all falls under one thing, western developers did this to themselves because no one bothered to speak loud enough. Instead of solving the problem, I see more causes popping up. Sure, there must be problems with Japanese games too, statistically must be. But, until it turns out to be as bad as it is in the west, none is visible for average adult game player.

Funny thing though, I know it will sound weird, coming from me, but I generally came to dislike a lot patreon dev community. Especially after I got to discord server or two. And I am not even talking about anything money related. It's this weird mentality of "I am a gift to the world" with a stick so deep their ass, they can taste the wood. Then comes laziness with money flow and product is never finished. If I were to take a wild guess, I would say it's because there is no personal investment, so no possible loss, which creates lack of care. And I had enough of all of this "It takes time!", "We are just a small team!", "come on!"... Well, Japanese don't need as much time, they are also small teams and yet, they provide. Yes, yes, I am speaking like I found a high moral horse. But it's the same, I have to constantly keep slapping myself to not slack off. As soon as someone says they liked my thing, I have to slap myself again to not get into narcissism. This shit is tough to control, but neither me, nor you, or that dev or any other. None is special enough to treat himself higher than it should. Would I like to get more money? Fuck yeah, dumb question. Am I going to maximize things I could do to get that money? Honestly? Tried in a way, but was bothering the living fuck out of me.
Plus, I have seen all of this before. It's the same thing when a certain "-gate" turned from something that had a good reason behind it to money, shilling, shitty behavior and everything else.

Btw. Seems like Dark is doing what he thinks he needs to do, neither demand him changing his mind (would want to? Yeah, so?). What will happen, will happen, so I am generally treating this as discussion that won't change anything. Which is fine, you can't satisfy everyone.
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Jungle Girl
May 24, 2016
Reputation score
I only hope there will be separate place for crowdfunded projects and projects where you pay only for finished product. Captainstarfish already explained this well enough (especially with acid release analogy, and it's funny how FF is actually one of patreon games with more content than majority of others). I don't want any russian-to-eng translated 0.0.01alpha renpy low effort trash with crappy DAZ renders and 3 patreon supporters near my dlsite demos when i'm looking for potential future games to check out (that or some option to hide games by tags, but im not sure how much work it would take from site owners, i dont know shit about coding a website).

Putting them together is an insult to japanese devs


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
I kinda have a problem with the new system as well, albeit far less.. intense. So I got this game, The Order of Light, it's a complete game, full version acessible online without throwing money at anything.
I believe in the beginning I tagged it as incomplete and while those tags are gone(I think), the game is still in the new under construction tab now. I do believe this is a sorting error, something I missed?

Beyond that.. I dun see this campaign against patreon myself.

I mean.. my under construction patreon games got moved to well.. under construction, that's where they belong, they're under construction. Sure, things could have been sorted differently, but they didn't. I'm sure this is a work in progress and was not done lightly.

You'll always have kinda crappy games among the ones you enjoy, in part because one persons crappy game is another's gem, we all have different tastes. I don't think anyone can fulfill the miracle of perfectly sorting everything.

p.s. I think this discussion would overall benefit by focusing less on individuals and more on the issue.
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Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Hey guys! If you pledge $10 to us, you get a game at launch... How long it will take? A year? $120. Two years? $240
Do you even read?
"if you pledge $10 to us" is a accurate message. you don't have to pledge 10 per month to HW to get future fragments, ONLY $10.

Ahahahaha, rotfl.
I don't know whats funny about someone wanting to clear their name from beings wrongfully smeared by you.

Funny thing though, I know it will sound weird, coming from me, but I generally came to dislike a lot patreon dev community.

Hentai Writer is no perfect dev, everyone has their flaws. In-fact i have my own opinion of them and better yet i don't even like Future Fragments.
But that doesn't allow for arrogance, your own shitty opinion, baseless accusations and ignorance of fact to form any sort of crusade.
In-fact all your have proven to me is you are a waste of forum space and have dirtied this discussion.

Maybe get your head out of your ass, might get you somewhere.

Nothing but a joke.
"it's just a prank bruh", grow up.

Getting back to the actual subject:
Any "in development" game is "in development. If they are supported by Patreon or store bought doesn't make a difference.
It's no lie that the hentai games forum is a mess and still needs organization, i remember asking for it years ago... but with the porn game industry exploding over the last few years things are likely to only get WORSE as time goes on.
More and more projects (funded or not) will start to appear and the issue will just get worse and worse.

I don't want any russian-to-eng translated 0.0.01alpha renpy low effort trash with crappy DAZ renders
This is a question of quality, just like jap games there are bad non jap games. Ignoring that fact, quality is something that is a personal judgement.
I myself HATE CG, like seriously just delete all CG games REEE
Splitting games by engine/type is a good way to segment away things people don't want to see. Tags work, but they are limited as said before.
I don't see why crowd funded games should be segregated from all other games, it just shows a level of distaste of paid/community supported content.

Anyway I'm blabbering on.


Jungle Girl
May 24, 2016
Reputation score
I don't see why crowd funded games should be segregated from all other games, it just shows a level of distaste of paid/community supported content.
I have no problem buying stuff if it's quality is good. Crowdfunded games very often are not up to the quality they should have considering how much money devs get when compared to devs who charge only once for complete game. It feels like too much reward for too little work - many people will always see this as a negative thing.

Your dlsite game will sell if it's good and people review it highly which will in turn increase it's popularity so your next game could sell even better, your patreon game doesn't even have to sell as long as you're working on it and you still will make money (often way more than dlsite devs make, even the biggest fishes). On patreon you can literally sell promise of the game and never finish it, while your patrons belive in you. It's not even like kickstarter where you pay once - it actively provides you with more money the longer game takes to develop.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
See, Its pretty easy to see there a stigma against patreon games... which is quite funny on a forum known for pirating games.

Your dlsite game will sell if it's good and people review it highly which will in turn increase it's popularity so your next game could sell even better
Do you look at dlsite much? im gonna guess easily 80% of games rarely sell over 100 copy's.

your patreon game doesn't even have to sell as long as you're working on it and you still will make money
On patreon you can literally sell promise of the game and never finish it, while your patrons belive in you.
If there's work being done, people will pledge. I don't see the issue here.

Time is money, development isn't free.

It's not even like kickstarter where you pay once
Kickstarter has its own issues, ignoring that is stupid.

People seem to forget that patreon is a funding platform. You arent paying for a product you are donating for it to be developed, what you receive in return for your pledge is a reward no a product.

The next issue is, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at Patreon, there's a limit of speed at which a project can be worked on.
Hiring extra people is more work and with how little the general populous know about game development CAN YOU EVEN TRUST THEM?
Its not like there's a ready list of people ready, able and willing to work on porn games. (yet)

On the note of jap devs making games faster etc, theres too many differences to list but a few key points are:
Jap games and western ones are under different rules, im gonna say easily half of jap porn is rape content.
Most of the western world doesn't know how development works and many upcoming developers are flooded with a stigma against asking for money to develop a game.

Hating "Crowd funded" is a funny concept, its like you forget that the money is coming from people who are interested in the outcome. You don't have to join the crowd, if you don't like it ignore it.

Filtering by crowd funded or not is just a failure of an idea, most crowd funded projects have free version to play.
If this forum was filtered better and segregated it will be easier to find what you want and block out what you don't.


Jungle Girl
May 24, 2016
Reputation score
If there's work being done, people will pledge. I don't see the issue here.
Not in all cases as long as lazy devs or outright scammers exist like Akabur, some people won't even notice he's not doing anything anymore (10k he used to make dropped to half of initial ammount, not to zero).


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
---skipped this and another post because HW brought it up on himself and he doesn't need a prince to defend him, unless you are his... you know... Representative, what did you thought I would say?---

On the note of jap devs making games faster etc, theres too many differences to list but a few key points are:
Jap games and western ones are under different rules, im gonna say easily half of jap porn is rape content.
That's... actually a valid point to divide by country of origin.
Most of the western world doesn't know how development works and many upcoming developers are flooded with a stigma against asking for money to develop a game.
That's... again, another valid point for containing them.

Hating "Crowd funded" is a funny concept, its like you forget that the money is coming from people who are interested in the outcome. You don't have to join the crowd, if you don't like it ignore it.
You are correct. I don't have to say anything, I am choosing to say something. I have a voice and I am making use of it, just like you. Am I literally telling you to shut up because we don't agree? Well, you do. Your point?
Filtering by crowd funded or not is just a failure of an idea, most crowd funded projects have free version to play.
If this forum was filtered better and segregated it will be easier to find what you want and block out what you don't.
What if I want to do a massive block of all non-japanese content? How is that going to help?
Stop being outraged and take a second to calm down, because I think I will start adding trigger warning so you guys can handle it.
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Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Not in all cases as long as lazy devs or outright scammers exist like Akabur, some people won't even notice he's not doing anything anymore (10k he used to make dropped to half of initial ammount, not to zero).
"Not in all cases" works both ways.
Not all devs are good, not all devs are bad.
What it comes down to is what people are willing to throw money at, having a stigma against a subject like crowd funding because people are backing stuff is like saying you don't like porn anymore because it has porn in it.
Crowdfunding needs 3 things, people, money and a purpose. its a pretty simple thing.

That's... actually a valid point to divide by country of origin.
No, that's just a listed difference in development, not a valid reason for forced unfair segregation.

That's... again, another valid point for containing them.
Are yo....are you even fucking reading?
No, the unfair stigma against all western/crowdfunding devs is not a valid reason to force them apart.
Did.. did you seriously just say that, like what the actual fuck?

You are correct. I don't have to say anything, I am choosing to say something. I have a voice and I am making use of it, just like you. Am I literally telling you to shut up because we don't agree? Well, you do. Your point?
What if I want to do a massive block of all non-japanese content? How is that going to help?
Stop being outraged and take a second to calm down, because I think I will start adding trigger warning so you guys can handle it.
Outraged? boy, do not assume my state of mind.
Your opinion is your opinion, but taking that and being aggressive towards someone for your misinformed/jaded/narcissistic reason is unacceptable.

Saying stuff like this:
he doesn't need a prince to defend him, unless you are his... well---
Shows just how arrogant you are. "Oh no they are defending someone from my stupidity, must be a fan/"prince"/whatever."
Just stop, actually form/continue an intelligent discussion/opinion and stop insulting people/groups.


Jungle Girl
Mar 30, 2014
Reputation score
I've always been an advocate for preserving information in the forum. However, I believe there needs to be real consequences for all the low effort posting that's been happening all these years. I've made this a community effort so that the community can either come together and collectively raise the quality of content, or allow themselves to be at fault. It's harsh, but if community is willing to let some of those threads, some of them spanning 70-90 pages of discussion, go because they don't want to spend a little time typing, then it really isn't any skin off my bones at this point.

Also, the window really isn't that small. If I was able to single handedly find six pages worth of threads with bad OPs in 7 hours total, I could've just as easily spent an extra 15-20 minutes making a small paragraph for each of them. This is not difficult. I'm asking for very little more in the OPs right now.
Is blaming and punishing 'the community' for the actions of a few bad apples really reasonable? Should said 'consequences' really mean retroactively punishing the countless lurkers/posters who did nothing wrong and the countless future readers who will lose access to information? Personally I think that's an absolutely ridiculous way of going about things.

Many people like myself have in the past and continue to rely on these threads for information/quirks of their respective games. Expecting average users to come up to take charge and then punishing them when they aren't spending their time finding rewriting threads that aren't theirs (adding an additional step to the process) is extremely unrealistic. These are threads that have been built up over years, and giving people only a matter of weeks (comparatively very small) to first realize what is going on, self-organize, and then systematically rewrite 6 pages of threads doesn't seem like a reasonable course of action at all. Doubly so when you realize the people you are asking to do this don't necessarily spend as much time browsing a hentai forum as someone who is an active moderator.

The new rules seem to be very strict on what can and can not be posted going forward. If a higher level of discussion is what you want, I think they'll be great at attempting to do that, but if you're really an advocate for preserving information... Preserve information. Make clear what is wrong about said information and use the new rules to enforce how said information needs to be presented going forward.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Not sure about Captain idea on it, he can speak himself.
First of all, that was the most common element I saw around threads related to this. I guess main part comes from the fact that there is a lot of finished games from Japan and not as much finished from west/russia/other. Being often in constant development hell or taking tons of time to finish something that shouldn't take as much for a team. It's easier to find translations for Japanese games than finished western products.
Second, while there are threads for non-released J-games, very often release date comes and you can get that game. Considering frequency of such things, there will be much less moving threads around - meaning, less work for mods. In case of "in-development"/"finished", each time a J-Game changes status to "released" someone will have to move that thread. And we are adding that on top of already taking time to moderate everything. This is going to be extra mundane task. Though, funny enough, majority of games that will be left in "in-development" will have that "patreon" tag next to them. Irony.
And again, there is a lot of stigma with western patreon games, let's not pretend there isn't. And to state my case, how many years has it been for Aylia's Story? (A note, this is rare case where no milking of people occurs, just to be fair).
Just to say it in more graphic manner: You don't mix sick people with healthy ones during outbreak, you contain sick people, sometimes getting healthy ones in there too.

Now, what's the issue if game is developed by Japanese and also on patreon? I don't see any.
This all falls under one thing, western developers did this to themselves because no one bothered to speak loud enough. Instead of solving the problem, I see more causes popping up. Sure, there must be problems with Japanese games too, statistically must be. But, until it turns out to be as bad as it is in the west, none is visible for average adult game player.

Funny thing though, I know it will sound weird, coming from me, but I generally came to dislike a lot patreon dev community. Especially after I got to discord server or two. And I am not even talking about anything money related. It's this weird mentality of "I am a gift to the world" with a stick so deep their ass, they can taste the wood. Then comes laziness with money flow and product is never finished. If I were to take a wild guess, I would say it's because there is no personal investment, so no possible loss, which creates lack of care. And I had enough of all of this "It takes time!", "We are just a small team!", "come on!"... Well, Japanese don't need as much time, they are also small teams and yet, they provide. Yes, yes, I am speaking like I found a high moral horse. But it's the same, I have to constantly keep slapping myself to not slack off. As soon as someone says they liked my thing, I have to slap myself again to not get into narcissism. This shit is tough to control, but neither me, nor you, or that dev or any other. None is special enough to treat himself higher than it should. Would I like to get more money? Fuck yeah, dumb question. Am I going to maximize things I could do to get that money? Honestly? Tried in a way, but was bothering the living fuck out of me.
Plus, I have seen all of this before. It's the same thing when a certain "-gate" turned from something that had a good reason behind it to money, shilling, shitty behavior and everything else.

Btw. Seems like Dark is doing what he thinks he needs to do, neither demand him changing his mind (would want to? Yeah, so?). What will happen, will happen, so I am generally treating this as discussion that won't change anything. Which is fine, you can't satisfy everyone.
To your last point first, I am not demanding anything. In fact, I've seen no one demanding things change back. I've seen people offering suggestions and concerns. That's a discussion, and it is healthy.

Now, the only argument I see in all this that holds water is the argument about workload moving pre-release threads to the main forum when games are released. I just don't see how it would be that much work. In fact, why not just create a new thread when it is released and purge the pre-release discussion that is largely irrelevant at that point. It would make browsing release threads cleaner anyways. Or, if there is important information, PM Darkfire if you're the thread creator, problem solved. Again, I watch DLSite, we are talking about a few threads per day, max (and even that is stretching it).

From a user standpoint, I just see a forum as having nothing but complete games as being preferable (and humorously enough, more damaging to "in-progress" Patreons). I also see it as better for the forum overall if a split must occur, which is why I'm arguing for it.

Your bias against western products and over-generalizations regarding them SHOULD NOT impact forum reorganization in any way. I can list a lot of finished Patreon games and I can list a lot of Japanese games that were unfinished or were/are in development for 4+ years. Both sides have low quality games, both sides have games that slow during production, both sides have a few top tier games. Also, it is without question maximizing money to release full games, any objective evaluation would show that your patreon does better with large content releases and full games. Steam sales also dwarf the vast majority of Patreon earnings.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
Reputation score
Oh, the horrors. The Violated Heroine thread gets to stay, but I don't have to wade through a page or two of contentless "incest story" pre-alphas to see it. How EVER will we survive?

Like I said, the forums naturally bury incomplete and also no-interest games that aren't being posted by the person who stands to profit from the posting.

[...]the whole reason this subject came up in the first place is because there was way too much crap to swim through.
Once again, crap is entirely subjective. I hate said "incest story" Daz3D RPGMaker games too, but there's no reason for them to be suppressed, obfuscated or disallowed any more than any other games posted here - especially by proxy of its business model. As you said, the forum self-regulates in regards to "stuff people don't care about". Again as you say, a lot of devs do come here, post their blurb and patreon link and don't return. Have you checked their Patreons? Usually they're not getting very much if anything at all, and they stay that way because they don't interact with the community or, as is quite often the case, the community chooses not to interact with them - usually because the project they came to advertise is nothing special at all, or the majority of users recognise it as a cynical drop-in-drop out post to get the Patreon link out there and choose not to reward that behavior.

If it ever became such a problem as you're making it out to be, moderators can step in. But for now, inside of 2 seconds you can click "ignore" and never have to see such threads again.

Speaking of advertising, that's no real basis on which to blanket-dismiss them either. Everyone gotta eat, and if there are people willing to pay them money to work on a game they want to play - even if not at the pace or quality you personally might not see as satisfactory - more power to them. Furthermore, the western adult games industry pretty much owes its current breadth to crowdfunding and the thing about crowdfunding is it don't work without a crowd. Just like any other field of endeavor, 65% is shit, 30% is good, and only 5% rise to the top - and that's only out of what's "put out there" in the first place. This holds true of the eastern and non-crowdfunded markets too.

The thing with Crowdfunding is it's much less risk on the developer's part since they are being compensated for their work (assuming they have an audience), much like AAA game devs on a salary, rather than investing time and effort (Both resources that can otherwise be exchanged for money) into a product that might not make returns after its completion. In either case, the money has to come from somewhere, and being a relatively young and niche market, adult games are not afforded publishing deals or salaried development studios. So, H-game devs typically have two options; One has them take all the risk using their own money to pay for the time they spend developing it; the other offloads it onto the consumer, but on an individual basis the risk is comparatively minimal. The more that choose the latter option, the greater the volume of projects attempted, even if many still fall flat on their face because their product lacks novelty (eg. said "Incest Story" games).
I think it's safe to say that a greater volume and diversification of potential products in a market is a good thing industrially. The audiences drive the products because they'll fund the ones that appeal to them, while niche audiences might be dissatisfied with traditional marketing because a developer may see something as too great a risk to attempt. See Star Citizen. Whatever your opinion on the game, its development and business model, you can bet your socks it wouldn't be happening under a contemporary publisher since space games aren't maximally appealing, but the $15m it raised shows there's enough demand for such a game to warrant its development.

I guess it then boils down to the fact that Japanese and eastern devs generally don't come here to post about their games - whether it be a low-effort, 5cg RPGmaker affair or something widely hailed like Wings of Rolldia - by virtue of the language barrier. Meanwhile, the majority of western devs don't have that issue, many of whom happen to use Patreon or similar to fund the development of their game. A dev posting about their own game-in-progress can be construed as advertising and cynicism irrespective of business model. The only difference is one would be trying to attract/gauge interest alone so their product has an audience when it's released, while the other is trying to attract interest and investment.

Oh and not to mention, crowdfunding is taking off in the Eastern market now with Enty and Ci-En. At least three Japanese devs I follow whose games are respected here have made the switch for their next projects.
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Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score

No, that's just a listed difference in development, not a valid reason for forced unfair segregation.
Still seems like a valid reason to me... Now, how is that unfair? Are you suggesting... western devs won't manage without it? What are you going at here?
Let's go back to what you said yourself: "Jap games and western ones are under different rules, im gonna say easily half of jap porn is rape content. "
So, by your own words, you want to mix them together while not same rules apply and by that, making it... fair?
That's the most out of touch logic I have seen for a while. Took you one post to do a loop and hang yourself on it... The fuck?
Are yo....are you even fucking reading?
No, the unfair stigma against all western/crowdfunding devs is not a valid reason to force them apart.
Did.. did you seriously just say that, like what the actual fuck?
Considering few sentences above, unfortunately for you, yes, I am reading this.
But let's go deeper, since you are already digging, let me give a hand.
This is what we have right now taking few sentences above: Japanese games are under different rules, better knowledge of development and overall, providing more.
Now, we have an unfair stigma on western/crowdfunded devs that do not posses quality of Japanese ones.
Let's mix them together!
Basically, what you are saying by your own logic is: Let's throw featherweight amateur against heavyweight champion! It's fair!
Outraged? boy, do not assume my state of mind.
I just did assume your state of mind. And what are you going to do about it, boy?
Your opinion is your opinion, but taking that and being aggressive towards someone for your misinformed/jaded/narcissistic reason is unacceptable.
I almost agree with your description of yourself. However, I think it's acceptable, don't worry, I can handle opinions, Timmy.
Saying stuff like this:

Shows just how arrogant you are. "Oh no they are defending someone from my stupidity, must be a fan/"prince"/whatever."
Just stop, actually form/continue an intelligent discussion/opinion and stop insulting people/groups.
Direct quote would be: "---skipped this and another post because HW brought it up on himself and he doesn't need a prince to defend him, unless you are his... you know... Representative, what did you thought I would say?--- "
Never said you are a... fan... But thanks for sharing. If you don't want to be a prince, you can be a knight in shining armor, Jimmy. But seriously, if you want to take a swing, I will tell you the same what I did to HW: my DMs are open, no need to offtop so much. Though, don't blame me if you can't handle it.
To your last point first, I am not demanding anything. In fact, I've seen no one demanding things change back. I've seen people offering suggestions and concerns. That's a discussion, and it is healthy.

Now, the only argument I see in all this that holds water is the argument about workload moving pre-release threads to the main forum when games are released. I just don't see how it would be that much work. In fact, why not just create a new thread when it is released and purge the pre-release discussion that is largely irrelevant at that point. It would make browsing release threads cleaner anyways. Or, if there is important information, PM Darkfire if you're the thread creator, problem solved. Again, I watch DLSite, we are talking about a few threads per day, max (and even that is stretching it).

From a user standpoint, I just see a forum as having nothing but complete games as being preferable (and humorously enough, more damaging to "in-progress" Patreons). I also see it as better for the forum overall if a split must occur, which is why I'm arguing for it.

Your bias against western products and over-generalizations regarding them SHOULD NOT impact forum reorganization in any way. I can list a lot of finished Patreon games and I can list a lot of Japanese games that were unfinished or were/are in development for 4+ years. Both sides have low quality games, both sides have games that slow during production, both sides have a few top tier games. Also, it is without question maximizing money to release full games, any objective evaluation would show that your patreon does better with large content releases and full games. Steam sales also dwarf the vast majority of Patreon earnings.
First, I would refer you to b00marrows post on how mixing Japanese and non-Japanese actually would be bad for western devs, he did a good job with it.
Now, I don't see anyone demanding anything so far. I see opinions, which are still as you said: healthy.

Actually, you are making assumption as much as I am in the terms of workload. I would rather hear it from a mod himself. Then, is next mod going to have same views as previous one? I don't think mods are payed, so whatever they do is for free and I find it a really dick move to assume "I just don't see how it would be that much work.". Not when you get a lot of thrown your way and have to deal with it... And rarely anyone will even say "thank you".

Don't list Best of Worst to compare it with Worst of Best.
Compare finished patreon games with finished Japanese games in amount, preferably per year. Then do the same with unfinished titles. Otherwise this is a very flawed way of twisting everything.

So ironically... Did we (fucking) finally got close to the fact that mixing Japanese devs and western devs is bad for westerners or still not close enough? Do I really have to repeat what I said to HW?
"Road to hell is paved with good intentions".

Edit: Nope, kek.
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Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Your bias against western products and over-generalizations regarding them SHOULD NOT impact forum reorganization in any way.
This pretty much sums it all up for me, neither origin nor creation process should be cause for specific segregation.
im all for seperating the games by type than tagging them with WIP or whatever, the forum has needed that for years.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
Reputation score
the fact that mixing Japanese devs and western devs is bad for westerners

(Tbf I'm not sure exactly where GRIMHELM is from - By the fact he uses Patreon, has an English blog, it's safe to assume he's from a Westernized country at the very least)

This "fact" doesn't hold water when you take it and apply it to eastern marketplaces.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
the fact that mixing Japanese devs and western devs is bad for westerners
Yeah I'm with Jesus for the first time in my life. Pervyfantasyproductions publishes both over Patreon and on a predominantly japanese site, pixiv and it's a different audience, simply as that, you can't compare apples and oranges.
Neither can you compare full on paysite models like DLSite and partially free patreon projects.

Yoshi, I can respect your reasonings, but not your tendency to present your opinions as facts with little backing.
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