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Questions about / Discussion on the new rule changes

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The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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Dogshit 3.png
I spent way too much time on this
Oh, I also forgot - release status, crowdfunding, genre checkboxes or dropdowns, w/e, for the filter

@DarkFire1004 Would I be okay to post this in the poll thread? Ed: Disregard, I'm assuming no since HentaiWriter didn't express any opinions. I just don't think the poll option pertaining to this concept represents it accurately.
Note, the thread title and body are meant to be autofilled, and the crowdfunding disclaimer is automatically added if the OP checks the box
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Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
@ninjabob - Now, I'm confused. Perhaps I'm arguing this incorrectly, but I just checked Darkfire's announcements and I don't think I am. According to his announcement, the current split is based on FUNDING, not completion. It even says the current "Under Construction" name is being changed. So, whether I finish or not, I would be in the new sub-forum. Am I mistaken on this? You seem to be arguing for completion versus incomplete (which is literally my entire point).

I'll add, so where does someone like Sierra fall who published games on both DLSite and Steam? Yet, she has a Patreon. Is that now main forum material because she has a DLSite version? It's actually almost silly for potential devs to not open a Patreon at this point, even if they are selling it on DLSite. Why not? It costs you nothing, and has a revenue potential--something every indie dev needs.

I also don't see how the statement that crowdfunding is not going away is a "non-sequitur." How does the argument that moving all crowdfunding games to a sub-forum is only "kicking the can" so-to-speak because more and more games are adopting a crowdfunding model. All the evidence I see indicates that crowdfunding is growing very fast. Japanese devs have adopted their own system already. So, you already have the issue I pointed out above where a game is on DLSite and also crowdfunded, where does it go? Does crowdfunding win out?

I'll finish by saying I'm fine with seeing how things play out. I already said as much. Yet, I see no harm in continuing the discussion why this experiment is conducted, and I'm confused by some of the responses to the complete/incomplete split where those arguing for these changes indicate that it what is happening (which contradicts the forum announcement).


Jungle Girl
May 24, 2016
Reputation score
There is difference between patreon-like crowdfunding and dlsite: in one you pay for game only once after it's fully finished, in patreon you pay for development process, not for the game itself, some devs use this to drag out development process in attempt to rack up as much money as they can with as little effort as possible before people realize they're being screwed over. This is why one should recognize two distinct cases of "under construction" games: patreon-type crowdfunding where as i said you pay for development process and games where while under construction you pay only once for finished product. Each should be treated differently because of that and also because how quick usually dlsite demo evolves into full game and how long in comparison it takes for patreon funded games to be finally released (whether the game is a scam and never gets released or dev has full team working on the game that just simply takes very long to make).


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
I find it quite funny that as soon as money is involved some people still get all antsy "mah pirated porn", its a joke.

Tagging should already be a hard pressed thing, all threads should be properly tagged by default. (engine, genera, CG?, animated?, VN?)
Any splitting is hard to weigh in on as its not easy to see how well its going to function without practice.
Moving crowdfunding games to their own section is a good idea, but so is moving all unfinished games too.
Not all change is accepted by everyone and that's fine.

In the end its an attempt to not drown out, projects which i can back completely.
Splitting be genera and maybe than by complete or not is probably the best move, clean and straightforward. But i can see people getting more antsy about that, but...that's not a problem.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
I find it quite funny that as soon as money is involved some people still get all antsy "mah pirated porn", its a joke.

Tagging should already be a hard pressed thing, all threads should be properly tagged by default. (engine, genera, CG?, animated?, VN?)
Any splitting is hard to weigh in on as its not easy to see how well its going to function without practice.
Moving crowdfunding games to their own section is a good idea, but so is moving all unfinished games too.
Not all change is accepted by everyone and that's fine.

In the end its an attempt to not drown out, projects which i can back completely.
Splitting be genera and maybe than by complete or not is probably the best move, clean and straightforward. But i can see people getting more antsy about that, but...that's not a problem.

While I agree with you, there are still some feature of the forum that old back - like only 1 choice of tag to be displayed on the title, making it hard to refine : you have to put the multiple tag in the thread OP - informative BUT not easy to search for a particular tag ATM, especially since there not many tag available.

On the point of crowfunding game being put apart, I'm sending you back to my late question to Darkfire on this thread ( https://ulmf.org/threads/questions-about-discussion-on-the-new-rule-changes.12175/post-1006632 ), which is in short the Ci-EN problem being use as a blog by many dev and not a crowfunding as the main objective.
Plus, some dev use patreon for small extra income and small bonus at release but release game on DL site - where do we put them ?

And there the actual idea of putting unfinished game in their forum, and when they are finished to close the thread and start a new thread in the hentai game forum. That make it hard for some game with lot of interest, because there already lot and lot and info about gameplay, troubleshooting... shared in the whole thread (d-lis newest work in progress is a good example).

Changing is always a troubling moment, but as I can see from now, the change in the forum organisation need to have some change in the forum function (like multi tag / extra tag) as well. But that take time.
What experience has teach me however, is that 1) you can please everyone so there will always be unhappy peoples to voice their discontent.
2) Any big change need time to be accepted
3) however well you plan your change, reality won't make it work in one go and you'll need to do some fine tuning over the time to actually make it work as intended.

PS : not that I'm again a debat about where to put the patreon & co funded game, but the thread is literraly overwhelmed by a hot debate on that point only, any other question about the forum change risk being overlooked, I've been wondering if that particular point of debat wouldn't be better in it's own thread - though I'm sure Darkfire already considered that so I won't press the issue ;)


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
@YummyTiger While I said that I would be ignoring this thread from now on, as you're trying to respond to Bob, I feel obliged to point out that he was 2-week banned for threatening antics in another thread. So you'll have to wait a while for his response, which I'm sure will be delightful when it comes.

And just as a point on @Jesus / @B00marrows suggestions, the issue is that both of these would require the development of new forum features, which is something that (to my knowledge) isn't really on the table. Both sound like good ideas in theory, but we've got to work with what we've got, unfortunately.

Sue Nami

Demon Girl
Jun 5, 2014
Reputation score
Incorrect. with this model, you STILL have to wade through incomplete games to find complete ones.
Oh, the horrors. The Violated Heroine thread gets to stay, but I don't have to wade through a page or two of contentless "incest story" pre-alphas to see it. How EVER will we survive?

Like I said, the forums naturally bury incomplete and also no-interest games that aren't being posted by the person who stands to profit from the posting.

You can CLAIM that there's no dev-and-friend bumping, but the whole reason this subject came up in the first place is because there was way too much crap to swim through. It was a problem... you think people just decided one day to punish crowdfunders because it was a Tuesday? No! It was because the situation was out of control in a way that wasn't true when we allowed incomplete dlsite games but didn't have funding drives. It was like having a moderator who leads a girl scout cookie-selling troupe. So while you may claim there's no reason to discriminate based on funding, actual forum user experience tells quite a different story.

You decide whether you want to explain it away as incorrect bumping or so incredibly many of the crap patreon projects that there's always two new ones for each one that falls to page 5. NEITHER of those answers help your case, however. The fact remains that they were a plague, and I'm glad to see the back of them, and I don't feel the same way about incomplete non-crowdfunded games, because they tend to be self-cleaning in a way that crowdfund spam is not.
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Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
@Sue_Nami When I've gathered my data, I'll be able to tell you if there was friend-bumping or not, and indeed the proportion of crowdfunded games on the front page on any given day. I mean, I have to point out that you're asserting that people on the other side of the argument need to bring evidence, and yet you're not providing any yourself other than your own feelings about the matter.

Anyhow, I'll be back in a week with evidence, and as I said, I'll put the data set and the analysis out there so anyone can look at it. Hopefully that will allow everyone to get to the truth of the matter. But for now, this thread goes back on the Ignore list. It's still too heated for my tastes here.


Jungle Girl
Mar 30, 2014
Reputation score
Is general feedback to the rule changes also welcome here? There doesn't seem to be an active place for discussion on them other than this thread (the thread in forum development has been inactive since the 12th), and in the interest of not flooding the board with topics it seems like the best place.

I think that straight up deleting over a hundred threads with thousands of posts seems like a fairly poor way of going about doing things. I understand the want for a better organized board, so if you must go through with it wouldn't it be better to lock them all and move them to a (locked) archive board? That way history is preserved and in the future if people want to revive the threads with new OPs they can do so rather than being constrained to a such a small window of time.
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Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
@habisain @Bryanis
If its true that 'ye olde single tag' marking is the limit AND there not going to any update on that, than it makes a shit ton more sense to segregate things into a more organized fashion to monopolise on the singular tag limit.

Split either by "complete/incomplete" than tag Genera OR Genera than tag "complete/incomplete". Something like this would be the most efficient way of doing things.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Oh, the horrors. The Violated Heroine thread gets to stay, but I don't have to wade through a page or two of contentless "incest story" pre-alphas to see it. How EVER will we survive?

Like I said, the forums naturally bury incomplete and also no-interest games that aren't being posted by the person who stands to profit from the posting.

You can CLAIM that there's no dev-and-friend bumping, but the whole reason this subject came up in the first place is because there was way too much crap to swim through. It was a problem... you think people just decided one day to punish crowdfunders because it was a Tuesday? No! It was because the situation was out of control in a way that wasn't true when we allowed incomplete dlsite games but didn't have funding drives. It was like having a moderator who leads a girl scout cookie-selling troupe. So while you may claim there's no reason to discriminate based on funding, actual forum user experience tells quite a different story.

You decide whether you want to explain it away as incorrect bumping or so incredibly many of the crap patreon projects that there's always two new ones for each one that falls to page 5. NEITHER of those answers help your case, however. The fact remains that they were a plague, and I'm glad to see the back of them, and I don't feel the same way about incomplete non-crowdfunded games, because they tend to be self-cleaning in a way that crowdfund spam is not.
Uh, who said anything about Violated Heroine? I'm talking about all the DLSite games that are posted about pre-release. Those are quite numerous. I could make the argument that new users searching for completed games don't want to sift through those either.

It wasn't true before crowdfunding because there was no western market to speak of. You forget that this board was founded on a western game, and is populated by English speaking users for the most part. Therefore, of course it got busier when English games starting getting produced in far higher volume. Also, I don't CLAIM anything. I said it's pretty easy to spot new users bumping threads or the same person doing it over and over again. I don't know how prevalent it is, and neither do you. I also think you're blowing the entire thing out of proportion, both forums have about 2-3 pages worth of threads getting new pages combined. I'd say that's far from "out of control."

Finally, based on the current poll, I'd say the user experience is arguing they don't give a shit about funding, they care about completion and content.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
Wow, so many patreon creators in this thread afraid of losing their precious shekels.

Really though, incomplete patreon projects really should go in a thread separate to the other games. The forum gets flooded with, as people have previously mentioned, the 'one-post advertisement' mob who drop a link to their shitty generic VN or whatever and then fuck off. At least when people make a thread for an incomplete game that's not crowd-funded, it's because they're actually looking to start a discussion about it with other users and not siphon funds out of them.

Even when patreon game (and I'm using patreon because you don't really see many Enty or CI-en guys around) creators update their own threads, it's usually 'Hey people, so we finally finished the third rework of the game this month, head on over to patreon and subscribe to get the latest build!'. The majority of creators seem to keep even basic project reports locked, where a non-patreon dev will just... update their blog for free.

On that topic...

How many patreon games advertised on this forum even get finished? Future Fragments is about four years in now, Crisis Point Extinction is about the same but not nearly as finished as FF seems to be, Mogi origins and Malise and the Machine is... I don't even think the creators know anymore. Add to that the chaff that is thrown out often like that unforbidden clone where the creator wouldn't even answer questions in his own thread, generic Zombie game #212 that dies within a month, etc.

Patreon threads generally just turn into an advertisement, hence the horde of one-post OPs.

Megabulge managed to make a great thread for their game (Pixel Panic Gardens), even remembering what site they were on and not hunting down link-posters with the fanatic zeal of a witch hunter, and they were rewarded by forum users with eager praise and sales once the game was published on DLsite. Yes, sales! Because they actually managed to finish a project and sell it like a normal product! They even stayed around in the thread after release and discussed it with users. Now that's a decent dev attitude.


Yes, Patreon/other crowdfunded threads should be moved to a separate section of the forum for the following reasons:
  • One-post OP's who just copy-paste patreon pages clutter up the new thread list and piss people off
  • Patreon threads are pretty much just used as advertising most of the time, with the majority of the game discussion held off-site behind a locked paywall.
  • What discussion there is on Patreon threads is usually either users getting mad that there's been no release for three/seven months or creators teasing development info.

I for one won't be sad to see Patreon threads put into a separate area outside of the main forum. Think of it less as a prison, and more of a big, beautiful field in the country. You can prance and dance around in the sun with your followers and fellow creators, and have a great time discussing your projects in a convenient, easy to find place. Maybe even a sticky thread where you all post completion rates of your work and a general description, making it easy for anyone who wanders in to spot a project they like and fling money at you in the hope it'll be finished one day. Away from the judgmental eyes of the ULMF plebs, the scoundrels who lurk in the darkened corners of the normal threads who greedily rub their hands together in anticipation for that one game due to release on DLsite within the month. Everyone will be happier, a win-win situation.


Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
Reputation score
I figure even though it's probably naive to hope this post would change anyone's mind, I'll post it just for the hell of it to respond and to hope to prove that we're not all out to DMCA every link, rob people of money, or basically be evil incarnate.

Wow, so many patreon creators in this thread afraid of losing their precious shekels.
Nope, just wanting equality. See my earlier post saying that we just want all incomplete games together. I mean, to be fair, putting Patreon projects ONLY in a single forum regardless of completion would actually get them more attention if you think about it, and as you note at the bottom of the post; despite this, I'd rather it be all incomplete games because I think putting the focus on/giving special attention to a specific kind of game or genre over others is unequal and as such that's why I (and others) are wanting equality for this stuff, even if it would get Patreon games less attention or less focus.

In all honesty also, ULMF has fallen down quite a bit from what it used to be in terms of viewership. I don't think many devs who already have projects are getting many views or much attention from here, but we continue to update our threads here and we continue to post here because a lot of us started here, and we want to continue being active on a forum that we've been on for a very long time, as well as being invested in how that forum is ran due to being on the forum for so long.

Really though, incomplete patreon projects really should go in a thread separate to the other games. The forum gets flooded with, as people have previously mentioned, the 'one-post advertisement' mob who drop a link to their shitty generic VN or whatever and then fuck off.
As already mentioned, these should be shunned and if a creator isn't staying to engage with posters, then it shouldn't even be allowed on the forum, period.

At least when people make a thread for an incomplete game that's not crowd-funded, it's because they're actually looking to start a discussion about it with other users and not siphon funds out of them.
Even when patreon game (and I'm using patreon because you don't really see many Enty or CI-en guys around) creators update their own threads, it's usually 'Hey people, so we finally finished the third rework of the game this month, head on over to patreon and subscribe to get the latest build!'. The majority of creators seem to keep even basic project reports locked, where a non-patreon dev will just... update their blog for free.
Believe it or not, some of us aren't posting here to siphon funds out of people as a sole purpose or even the main purpose either. Many creators, myself included, post demos right in the OP, and over at F95 https://f95zone.com/threads/future-fragments-v0-32-hentaiwriter.1550/ you can even get the latest patreon version of the game, in the OP, as well as the polished public demo, and in that same thread you can see that we're not against piracy, we actually actively respond to pirates and encourage people to pirate if they can't afford to support us or if they're in a place they can't pledge to patreon; https://f95zone.com/threads/future-fragments-v0-32-hentaiwriter.1550/page-24#post-717788

Honestly, I just do the topics because Patreon rules require that we can't have our posts be public because it's a NSFW campaign lest we get banned, so I use ULMF and F95 and other places as places to post patreon updates, artwork, and other things, in full. I'd make them public on Patreon and I'm sure many other creators would too, but we can't do it again per Patreon rules.

How many patreon games advertised on this forum even get finished? Future Fragments is about four years in now, Crisis Point Extinction is about the same but not nearly as finished as FF seems to be, Mogi origins and Malise and the Machine is... I don't even think the creators know anymore. Add to that the chaff that is thrown out often like that unforbidden clone where the creator wouldn't even answer questions in his own thread, generic Zombie game #212 that dies within a month, etc.
We did actually finish a small game a year or so ago, and Eroding Ego should be done in early 2019, with Future Fragments done in April 2019. Given the amount of content in the game and that we got delayed for months, plus having a small team, the game has taken a long time, yes. We haven't missed a monthly demo though in nearly 2 years now, and current games I'm working on + future games should take no longer than 2-ish years. We're human, we do make mistakes.

There are Japanese games that have the same issue; Fairy Fighting took nearly 8 years to be complete, if I remember right. The creator was getting PayPal donations the entire time, as well. Not saying that this is excusable, but more that western adult games are still growing and some games will take longer than others as some of us are trying out new things and learning from our mistakes.

Megabulge managed to make a great thread for their game (Pixel Panic Gardens), even remembering what site they were on and not hunting down link-posters with the fanatic zeal of a witch hunter, and they were rewarded by forum users with eager praise and sales once the game was published on DLsite. Yes, sales! Because they actually managed to finish a project and sell it like a normal product! They even stayed around in the thread after release and discussed it with users. Now that's a decent dev attitude.
If you'd look around, there are actually many devs that do this. Very few devs nowadays hunt down links to DMCA them. I personally actually don't know of any that do, and I also only know of a few, tiny percentage of devs that don't stay in their topics to converse with people when the game's done or at all. I definitely do think, as I said above, that topics should get wiped if the creators aren't engaging with people.

I for one won't be sad to see Patreon threads put into a separate area outside of the main forum. Think of it less as a prison, and more of a big, beautiful field in the country. You can prance and dance around in the sun with your followers and fellow creators, and have a great time discussing your projects in a convenient, easy to find place. Maybe even a sticky thread where you all post completion rates of your work and a general description, making it easy for anyone who wanders in to spot a project they like and fling money at you in the hope it'll be finished one day. Away from the judgmental eyes of the ULMF plebs, the scoundrels who lurk in the darkened corners of the normal threads who greedily rub their hands together in anticipation for that one game due to release on DLsite within the month. Everyone will be happier, a win-win situation.
See above about how this would actually benefit Patreon creators, but would still be unfair to other threads by giving a higher than normal amount of focus to them. If the forum ends up going this way though, that's just how it is, and personally I don't think it'll affect me or most other devs that are already going, but it would potentially give more attention to new devs and if anything, encourage even more attention towards/more topics to be made for Patreon games as it would quickly become the hotspot for people to post...

...which is exactly what would be bad for diversity on this forum in terms of topics, which is why I think it would be a bad idea and again why i think all incomplete games should be in the same section.
That said, Darkfire's already made his choice so nothing's gonna change for now.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
Nope, just wanting equality. See my earlier post saying that we just want all incomplete games together. I mean, to be fair, putting Patreon projects ONLY in a single forum regardless of completion would actually get them more attention if you think about it, and as you note at the bottom of the post; despite this, I'd rather it be all incomplete games because I think putting the focus on/giving special attention to a specific kind of game or genre over others is unequal and as such that's why I (and others) are wanting equality for this stuff, even if it would get Patreon games less attention or less focus.

Sorry, but no. Simple fact of the matter is that crowd-funded games are not in any way equal to games under development without crowdfunding.

Crowd-funded Games:
  • No product guaranteed despite payment provided
  • Content often locked off to non-payers
  • Business model encourages delays and reworks
  • Entire product development is on the Crowd-funding platform's rules and can be destroyed/hampered by rule changes, eg the whole bestiality/non-consent crackdown
  • Threads are often made by Creators/sock-puppets focused on increasing revenue and not much else
'Normal' Games:
  • Product guaranteed at time of payment
  • Dev blogs are free and open to all, devs do not chase down people posting progress reports on other sites (as there is no financial benefit to doing so)
  • Business model requires devs to finish their product and release it to obtain money, quality of product increases revenue gained
  • Game development is up to the dev, they make their own rules
  • Threads are mostly made by normal users, focusing on discussion (and of course future pirating) of the game
Allowing Crowd-funding games in the same forum encourages creators to just post copy-paste threads to increase their revenue, their motive is entirely different to the average user. This is a recognised problem.

Believe it or not, some of us aren't posting here to siphon funds out of people as a sole purpose or even the main purpose either.
Come on, be realistic. Sure, the wording I used is cynical and harsh, but gaining money for your projects is your primary motivation. An understandable motivation, mind you, but it's certainly a major factor in posting threads regarding patreon projects. Even the occasional demo released serves this purpose, it's all to encourage people to finance you and donate to the game's progress.

We did actually finish a small game a year or so ago, and Eroding Ego should be done in early 2019, with Future Fragments done in April 2019
"with Future Fragments done in April 2019"

Future Fragments.jpg

A release date that continues to grow and grow, such is the fate of pretty much all games developed on Patreon it seems. The whole debacle with the Polish guy or whatever is only more evidence to not trust Patreon projects in the slightest.

"We did actually finish a small game a year or so ago, and Eroding Ego should be done in early 2019"

So? You've still taken in thousands across four years for Future Fragments. Releasing one smaller game (which I believe also had a patron) is no excuse. The fact that you consider actually finishing a patron-funded game as an achievement worthy to be used as defense really says something about the patreon model for game dev.

We're human, we do make mistakes.
Many mistakes. That directly cost people money. And I personally consider Future Fragments to actually be one of the more productive patreon projects too. What a state.

See above about how this would actually benefit Patreon creators, but would still be unfair to other threads by giving a higher than normal amount of focus to them. If the forum ends up going this way though, that's just how it is, and personally I don't think it'll affect me or most other devs that are already going, but it would potentially give more attention to new devs and if anything, encourage even more attention towards/more topics to be made for Patreon games as it would quickly become the hotspot for people to post...

...which is exactly what would be bad for diversity on this forum in terms of topics, which is why I think it would be a bad idea and again why i think all incomplete games should be in the same section.
That said, Darkfire's already made his choice so nothing's gonna change for now.
"Unfair to other threads"

Pull the other one.

"but it would potentially give more attention to new devs and if anything, encourage even more attention towards/more topics to be made for Patreon games as it would quickly become the hotspot for people to post..."

Good. They can have their own section to thrive in, and users who want to avoid Patreon thread spam can do so in the regular forum. A win-win situation.

"...which is exactly what would be bad for diversity on this forum in terms of topics, which is why I think it would be a bad idea and again why i think all incomplete games should be in the same section "

Nothing is stopping users from browsing both sections of the forum you know.Unless a paywall is put up on one, of course. But that would be silly.

The argument you're presenting is 'A separate section for crowd-funded games will suck posters away from the main forum, and that will hurt everyone!' No, it won't. Users are capable of posting in multiple threads and multiple sections. If users want to stick to just the Crowd-funding section then that's their choice, all the luck to them. But most users won't do that, they'll post and lurk in both areas. Most of us here are on multiple sites, an extra section isn't going to hurt. What it will do is allow moderation to better police crowd-funding threads and manage the clutter they can cause, which is something we should encourage.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
That said, Darkfire's already made his choice so nothing's gonna change for now.
Which is fine, as I myself encouraged him to do that.
However... What are you doing then? Doesn't that mean poll is useless? Doesn't that mean this discussion is useless...
Ok, here is what some will see: A lot of threads on the topic, Dark decides to do something... And then you show up, injecting yourself into the issue like "here comes the savior, since no one can do anything!". This is how this looks... And after Dark decided to do something. I am still not sure if it's attention whoring or "road to hell is paved with good intentions", but one of the two.
Also, even just going by Captain's post above, there are too many shabby Patreon devs, so unfortunately it hits few of those that are ok... Well, it sucks but that's how it is.

Anyway, if you are so fair and ok, go ahead and add a poll choice I already mentioned, I want to see the results. Unless you don't want to, then I can make another useless poll, just to have a look.


Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
Reputation score
Alright, let me correct some of the stuff here.

Crowd-funded Games:

No product guaranteed despite payment provided
This isn't true of all crowdfunded games. If you pledge $10 or more to us, you get our game at launch, period, and if something catastrophic were to happen to the game somehow, you'd get that money refunded, in full, no questions asked.
Additionally, a lot of the rewards people pledged for they've already gotten on our game (and other people doing Patreon, same goes for their campaigns too). Anyone who pledged to, well, any tier already has gotten their rewards for the appropriate tiers.

Content often locked off to non-payers
You've heard of lootboxes, right? :p And content from Patreons is often pirated on many sites, as well as posted (again) by the devs themselves.

Business model encourages delays and reworks
Nope, it's the opposite. Business model of crowdfunding discourages delays and reworks compared to normal funding for the simple reason that if you take too long or aren't considered to be doing your job properly, people pull out of funding. Just look at what happened to Akabur; went from $10,000+ down to $5,000 as a result and he's continued to drop due to lack of product being created.
With normal funding, a project could get reworked countless times and investors will still keep putting in money.
And as for titles that have been delayed/reworked that are "normal games", just see my post on the second page of this thread, literally over one thousand of them from all eras of gaming, almost all of them prominent titles; I'll repost that here for you.

- (Amazon's first big foray into gaming, sank millions into it and multiple huge events)
- (A playlist of 35 cancelled games by AAA licenses or companies)
- (games that changed drastically and had to scrap most of their stuff)
- (more of the above)
- (has a list of quite a few big name games that were stuck in development hell that came to exist eventually, like Mother 3, which literally jumped from the N64 3D to GBA in 2D and after a cancellation that lead to nearly 5 years off the map, it came back in 2006, making total "development time" effectively almost 10 years between announcement and actual release)
- (more of the above)
- (and even more)

And a wikipedia list of literally *over a thousand* games cancelled;
And another list of unreleased games;
And on Cutting Room Floor too, you can find countless games that had massive changes in content during development, like TF2 and Overwatch which I both named and many others.

Entire product development is on the Crowd-funding platform's rules and can be destroyed/hampered by rule changes, eg the whole bestiality/non-consent crackdown
Again, exact same thing is prominent for normal games. Remember the debacle with Hatred on Steam? There's also tons of censorship issues and advisory board stuff that companies have to adhere to when making a standard-produced game, FAR more than Patreon or any other crowdfunding campaign would ever force on you.
You can see some examples here of some of the more ridiculous ones that cost time and money to fix.

Threads are often made by Creators/sock-puppets focused on increasing revenue and not much else
Have any statistics for that? Because as I said in the last post, I don't know of more than a few creators who are doing this, while the majority that I've seen are doing the exact opposite and engaging with their threads. I could go and tally up a list if you'd like on the first 30 or so pages.

'Normal' Games:
Product guaranteed at time of payment
I replied to this up above.

Dev blogs are free and open to all, devs do not chase down people posting progress reports on other sites (as there is no financial benefit to doing so)
What AAA company has dev blogs besides Blizzard with patch updates? Very, very few "normal" game companies have dev blogs at all, and if they do, it's usually by a head PR guy like Jeff at Blizzard, and practically never is it from an actual team perspective of having the entire team get talked about like most crowd-funded games do. This is probably the weakest point of all because crowd-funded games have FAR more insight and transparency into what the game creation process and status is than practically any AAA company or normal game does, by the sheer design of crowdfunding campaigns needing to update their backers on progress.

Additionally, who "chases down people posting progress reports on other sites" for crowdfunding? Can you find a single example of this? I've definitely heard of it from AAA companies silencing news outlets and youtube videos and even temporarily cancelling games based on people leaking news of development, sure, but for indie/crowdfunding games I've never heard of a single example of this.

And again, in another backwards statement, there would be a massive reason to block it for AAA games, because if a big release is leaked or information on a new type of hardware or game mechanic that's fairly unique is leaked that was supposed to be hidden during the development process, it can cost the company millions of dollars because other companies can jump on that and instantly start making their own counter attack to this new type of hardware, or put similar features of gameplay in their games and beat the other game to the punch. This happens in the industry all the time when stuff gets leaked with big companies and big games.

Business model requires devs to finish their product and release it to obtain money, quality of product increases revenue gained
People making "normal games" get paid the entire time they're doing their jobs by investors or the company they're working at, but they almost never get paid from game sales.
When the game is complete, the people who made the game themselves get basically squat, and the publisher/development company/investors that were financing the game and paying said creators keeps all the money.
You know that's how it works with practically every business similar to this, right? The only exception are creators who are exceptionally well known, like Kojima probably got some good money when he was working with Sony directly, for example, but his staff probably got almost nothing, if anything at all.

Game development is up to the dev, they make their own rules
Nope. I really think you should study about what actually happens with making a "normal game", because everything you're saying "normal games" do is almost universally more stronger of a statement to be made about crowdfunded games :p
"normal" games have investors and higher ups that completely decide what goes in a game and what doesn't go in a game, just like editors at Shonen Jump.
If they don't like the way a plot is by a writer, or they don't like the art an artist's done, it doesn't matter what the director says, the investors and publisher are at the top and if they want it gone or changed, it gets gone or changed, whether you like it or not.
This stuff happens literally daily in hundreds of game companies all around the world.

Threads are mostly made by normal users, focusing on discussion (and of course future pirating) of the game
This is the only point I'll agree with you on, but many devs have started up threads for games they're not a part of making the game in, and participated in other threads not about their game too.

Allowing Crowd-funding games in the same forum encourages creators to just post copy-paste threads to increase their revenue, their motive is entirely different to the average user. This is a recognised problem.
It's only a "recognized problem" to the vocal minority, as the poll shows. Also, I've never seen anyone doing "copy-paste" threads in the 6+ years I've been here.

A release date that continues to grow and grow, such is the fate of pretty much all games developed on Patreon it seems. The whole debacle with the Polish guy or whatever is only more evidence to not trust Patreon projects in the slightest.
Yeah, and that's an unfortunate side effect of games having issues, especially on small teams.

It's not like Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Daikatana, Ocarina of Time, or many other games had delays and setbacks that pushed them out for years and years, right? :p

So? You've still taken in thousands across four years for Future Fragments.
Most non-crowd-funded games today take in tens of millions for about 1/4 the content some indie games are offering.

Many mistakes. That directly cost people money.
Money which I have always been happy to refund, in full, if anyone ever felt their money was ill-used, and this is something I've stated repeatedly publicly and on the Patreon.

Anyways, yeah, I'd highly suggest you study what actually goes into making a "normal game" sometime, there's a lot of your statements here that are objectively untrue and show a pretty solid misunderstanding of how the industry actually works.

However... What are you doing then? Doesn't that mean poll is useless? Doesn't that mean this discussion is useless...
Darkfire said he would consider changes to the forum once he had made the initial changes. Also, discussion isn't useless even if it doesn't lead to anything, because it gets viewpoints and ideas out in the open.

Ok, here is what some will see: A lot of threads on the topic, Dark decides to do something... And then you show up, injecting yourself into the issue like "here comes the savior, since no one can do anything!". This is how this looks...
Nope, just your viewpoint. Never said I was a savior nor did I say anyone else couldn't do anything.

Anyway, if you are so fair and ok, go ahead and add a poll choice I already mentioned, I want to see the results. Unless you don't want to, then I can make another useless poll, just to have a look.
Sorry, not going to add a racist poll choice (which is what that is, because you're effectively saying there's something different with how a Japanese person would make a game vs anyone else). I've also already proven in the Discord that's a terrible idea objectively because unlike every other option which has objective selections (complete, incomplete, etc), there are many edge cases with what a "Japanese game" constitutes (is it Japanese if they're of Japanese nationality? What about Japanese birthplace? What about a game made by 50% Japanese people and 50% non-Japanese? What about someone who's half Japanese and half German? and so on).

Hold on, Yoshiiki has a Patreon for his game? (And he's got posts behind a paywall?)
Doesn't that make him a dev?

But wait, he just said...



That all said, this is turning back into a timesink and I'd rather just work on my games, so feel free to reply however; I likely won't reply because I've said all I really wanted to say in the thread by now. :) Darkfire will do what he wants and that's fine, I trust his judgement.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Is general feedback to the rule changes also welcome here? There doesn't seem to be an active place for discussion on them other than this thread (the thread in forum development has been inactive since the 12th), and in the interest of not flooding the board with topics it seems like the best place.

I think that straight up deleting over a hundred threads with thousands of posts seems like a fairly poor way of going about doing things. I understand the want for a better organized board, so if you must go through with it wouldn't it be better to lock them all and move them to a (locked) archive board? That way history is preserved and in the future if people want to revive the threads with new OPs they can do so rather than being constrained to a such a small window of time.
I've always been an advocate for preserving information in the forum. However, I believe there needs to be real consequences for all the low effort posting that's been happening all these years. I've made this a community effort so that the community can either come together and collectively raise the quality of content, or allow themselves to be at fault. It's harsh, but if community is willing to let some of those threads, some of them spanning 70-90 pages of discussion, go because they don't want to spend a little time typing, then it really isn't any skin off my bones at this point.

Also, the window really isn't that small. If I was able to single handedly find six pages worth of threads with bad OPs in 7 hours total, I could've just as easily spent an extra 15-20 minutes making a small paragraph for each of them. This is not difficult. I'm asking for very little more in the OPs right now.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Alright, let me correct some of the stuff here.

This isn't true of all crowdfunded games. If you pledge $10 or more to us, you get our game at launch, period, and if something catastrophic were to happen to the game somehow, you'd get that money refunded, in full, no questions asked.
Additionally, a lot of the rewards people pledged for they've already gotten on our game (and other people doing Patreon, same goes for their campaigns too). Anyone who pledged to, well, any tier already has gotten their rewards for the appropriate tiers.
Hey guys! If you pledge $10 to us, you get a game at launch... How long it will take? A year? $120. Two years? $240
Shit, even on steam greenlight you don't pay so fucking much. Holy fuck.
Also, shilling so damn much so far... Yeah, I think it's attention whoring and shielding as fuck.

Nope, it's the opposite. Business model of crowdfunding discourages delays and reworks compared to normal funding for the simple reason that if you take too long
Oh no, I am stopping you right there. The fuck? How about tons of projects that are delayed and delayed since devs try to milk as much as possible with each month? No one likes when you try to sugarcoat them, so stop.
Just look at what happened to Akabur; went from $10,000+ down to $5,000 as a result and he's continued to drop due to lack of product being created.
Yeah, people had enough. How long it took? How much of it was related to patreon bank change? How much can be milked before that and then back to same crap because "sigh, I have to do things"?
--- List of cancelled games founded by company money. No potential buyer lost their money ---
Again, exact same thing is prominent for normal games. Remember the debacle with Hatred on Steam?
No, let's see it.
There's also tons of censorship issues and advisory board stuff that companies have to adhere to when making a standard-produced game, FAR more than Patreon or any other crowdfunding campaign would ever force on you. ---snip yt link --- You can see some examples here of some of the more ridiculous ones that cost time and money to fix.

Have any statistics for that? Because as I said in the last post, I don't know of more than a few creators who are doing this, while the majority that I've seen are doing the exact opposite and engaging with their threads. I could go and tally up a list if you'd like on the first 30 or so pages.

I replied to this up above.

--- No statistics provided ---
---snipped more stuff--- Money which I have always been happy to refund, in full, if anyone ever felt their money was ill-used, and this is something I've stated repeatedly publicly and on the Patreon.
It's the nice people that I don't trust, just like politicians.
Sorry, not going to add a racist poll choice (which is what that is, because you're effectively saying there's something different with how a Japanese person would make a game vs anyone else).
Here it is, I was wondering how long it will take you to use such argument.
Yes, Japanese culture and western culture (which further divides) is way different. That's not racism, that's a simple difference in people, so things they make are different. But thanks for showing us what you actually think about that.
Hold on, Yoshiiki has a Patreon for his game? (And he's got posts behind a paywall?)
Doesn't that make him a dev?

But wait, he just said...

View attachment 16453


That all said, this is turning back into a timesink and I'd rather just work on my games, so feel free to reply however; I likely won't reply because I've said all I really wanted to say in the thread by now. :) Darkfire will do what he wants and that's fine, I trust his judgement.
Heh. Again, was waiting until you go for this. Nice colors you got there under that shitcoat.
Anyway, yes, I still do stand by what I said and I hope people will come from such perspective. I know you are trying to add your shit on me, but... I don't care.
And no, you won't reply because you realized this may be a really bad PR for you and bite back at some point. Wise decision.
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Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
Reputation score
Had to reply to this real quick, lol.

Hey guys! If you pledge $10 to us, you get a game at launch... How long it will take? A year? $120. Two years? $240
You realize I'm talking about a single pledge, even if you unpledge and never pledge again, right? As in, $10, total, ever. That's the same for all of our rewards.

No, let's see it.

It's the nice people that I don't trust, just like politicians.
Then you have issues you should probably seek therapy for, instead of projecting them onto others and claiming the world is objectively how you perceive it.
Inherently not trusting people for being kind is an actual psychological problem. This isn't an attack, nor does it make you a bad person, this is just speaking from how people naturally would favor kind people; it's not normal by any stretch to distrust people for being kind.

But yeah, now I'm done writing in the thread. Had to clarify that since some people might possibly want to know about the Hatred drama and clarify the pledging thing for those who misunderstood.
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