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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

It’s a good thing it's not common sense, then. Host is an epic level converser, he's tapped into the way Grave thinks just by studying him from their short records (basically since he entered ULMF) and he's going to argue using 'Grave sense'.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

This may produce epic results, altough I'm not sure if Host really knows what he's trying to do.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

That'll depend on his mood, but it's kinda unlikely unless someone important enough (to Grave, that is) needs Host.

If Grave one-hits Host, he might consider him not worthy of his time and abandon him after dealing some damage, but if he's pissed off, he might deal a killer blow.

And is anyone currently around Grave someone he deems "important"? I mean, he's snarky to Copper, and she's in charge *laughs*

Suffice to say, the mood she's in currently, if Grave were to go after Host, Copper'd be having a Willy Wonka blase "No. Stop. Come back." moment.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Copper? Maybe he'd spare Host - if her reasons to keep lizardface alive were good enough.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I've now come up with another way to get Grave to spare Host. What's more, each of these arguments are independent of each other, so if the first one fails Host can just try the next, and then the next if that one fails... I'm pretty sure one of them will work, at the very least.

In other news, I still want to know if Pale is changing her response or keeping it the same before I will be comfortable posting a response...
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I don’t think it’s humanly possible to comprehend how much this means to me. (I’m not quite sure how I’m doing it, myself.) Suffice to say, thank you. =’)


Right, more explanation time. The plan was that I was going to explain things about the Lurkers when everyone was at the Lurker base, make it a ‘telling the non-forum members about the Lurkers’ scene, when really it’s for everyone, instead of some OOC thing. That was back when I expected this scene to take about five posts. Instead, I’ll get to it now.

Lurker is a group term for beings that lurk on forums. It is commonly used in a derogatory manner, though it is used between people who consider themselves Lurkers as a sign of respect (sort of like ‘homie’, I suppose). The Lurkers who attacked the first ULMF forum were a group that ‘officially’ branded themselves The Lurkers after being brought together by Supermeme. Supermeme had a symbol that he used for his Lurkers, though I haven’t bothered thinking of it (its not currently relevant).

Anyway he lost, and the Lurkers were reduced to nothing but a small resistance movement. As Adom was then leading them, they changed their symbol to something Adom made (the one I’ve been posting when talking about the Lurker’s symbol). Anyone from the first forum only won’t recognise the new insignia, anyone who was on the second forum however will know what it is. Also, this group calling itself the Lurkers was so short lived and localised that just about no-one outside the forum would know about it.

The Lurkers have been presumed completely wiped out after the second forum, where they were vital in helping the members escape the doom that had threatened them, and no one knew they still existed till Burrito met them in the hive (though some may have had their suspicions). Still, despite helping back then, most forumers still hold prejudice against the Lurkers, if not outright hatred. Admittedly, the Lurkers actually hate the members right back, if not more so. So, getting to the point, the question is – which forums has Pale be on, if any?

(Now, if some forum oldbie wants to take up the role of Lurker hater, before there’s no one left…? That ought to make things interesting, especially if it’s Siphon. Really difficult for me to not get everybody killed, but interesting.)

As to why the Lurkers hate the members, it's actually practically individual for each Lurker. But that's not really important to the current state of things, that's more exposition stuff for later.

Handy stuff. But Pale's an old fighter.. she's been around on every single forum to date. Meaning she's seen the first rise of the Lurkers... and the second. So the oddity here is they're using a symbol no one uses any more, since the presumed collapse of the Lurkers after the second forum... Edit going up :p.

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I figure this part ought to look epic, and I don’t know how Oni’s power ‘looks’, so I’m going to leave it to Oni to do the energy vs super shield part. Also, Burrito might want to add some talking, because this was played out in PM’s between only myself and Oni.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Sorry Siphon, but Host did remember to un-stasis Copper, which is why I assumed she'd be venting her rage either on the ground in front of her, or maybe the side of the house. It's near the end of his last big post, I'm pretty sure ;)
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Oh. Oops lol. Ah well, this allows for something she and I have planned there. I;m too lazy to edit it so .... LOL.

Anyways yes, there's reason I'm having him stand in front of her.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

A couple of things.

1: That was the house of a female tech-researcher. I'm not quite sure I mentioned that specifically, but it is. I'm grinning trying to imagine what Siphon would've come out in...

2: There are still captives upstairs that I'd actually forgot about - the three of the squad that was sent here before you, and the researcher who owns the house.

3: Yes, you're still in the forum.

4: ...

5: Profit!

6: I'm assuming myself that Copper was put around the corner, and no one's gone to look. Dunno why she wouldn't have moved, but that's for her to decide. Hit by vertigo from stasis, maybe?

7: The forum probably won’t be sending another squad for some time, as it’s only been about a half hour since you left. On the other hand, MASSIVE, MOUNTAIN OBLITERATING HIVES OF DOOM appeared over the house, so Aika might have sent someone.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Nothing says she didn't have a b/f lol.

Nah all joking aside, it's one of those things of, he just found it there. View this to get an idea of the clothing.

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

((I'll continue the post if thats alright Host, if not then say and I'll delete to let you finish it))

I’d expected that we were going by the events of the PMs… I also thought you’d want to make the big ‘breaking the invincible shield’ part more epic than just a slash through. But I can go with this… post in a bit.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol he doesn't really do anything epic until he's in his true form. And think of the slash as a typical samurai duel type slash where the two samurai run at each other and slashes.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Because it's beginning to become important and likely won't stop being so: stating the entire detailed account of Lurker events would take ages, so I won't be writing them up. If you want your character to talk about something more detailed to do with the Lurkers, and have even the slightest doubt about anything, ask me. I'm more than happy to give out information that your characters should already know (..just not excessively so, i.e every small detail - I'm not trying to remake Lurker wars, here! =P). Besides, I'm pretty sure I've covered all the most important, 'general' points in my initial character post and recently in the post to Pale.

...Actually, scratch that last sentence, I think I'll clarify some stuff. Firstly, important persons:

Supermeme. The lord of the Lurkers, ungodly, near indestructible... and dead, too. Killed in the rather literal collapse of the first forum. Showed incredible abilities before dieing. You know, no one actually saw him die... he hasn't resurfaced though, and the second group of Lurkers claim to know that he's dead.

Supersonic. Supermeme's right hand monster killing machine. Supermeme wasn’t exactly bright, but Supersonic makes him look like a genius. Also dead, same time. Also showed incredible abilities, also never found the body. Lurkers also claim that he's dead.

Adom. A general in Supermeme's original Lurker army. Very secretive, didn't let anyone see him, spoke only through machines (i.e. telephone) and such. Went on to lead the Lurker remnants in the second forum, and is thought to be solely responsible for turning a group of dumbass meat shields into capable guerrilla fighters. Currently dead when overrun by addbots on the second forum. Nothing could have survived that...

Host. No-one even knew he existed till he showed up at that house. Well, except, perhaps, if the demon is to be believed, Aika...

Events of importance:

First forum war. In short: Haters gather and hate the forum. Supermeme arrives and drives them into a frenzy, creating the Lurkers, sends them against the forum. Forum pretty much caves, Lurkers infest most places. Members get smart, fight guerrilla. Supermeme isn't smart, keeps trying to throw guys at targets till they stop bothering him, despite these targets no longer being there/being traps. Supersonic arrives, causes trouble but is outsmarted on several occasions. Lurkers actually get smarter, the ones under a general identified as Adom do particularly well. Forum starts loosing again. Forum 'scorched earth's' the place. Members escape via magic portal, Lurkers die. GG... or so they thought...

Second Forum war. In short: Bots are fucking everywhere, forum tries to bunker down and kill them anyway. Bots get worse as time progresses, by the time they realise they may be screwed the bots have an anti magic shield in place. People attack warehouses and flee, hampering ULMF's war effort. Strangely they kill very few. 'People' are revealed to be Lurkers after one unfortunate slip up, and now led by Adom apparently. Have a new symbol; use reasonable quality weapons and Kevlar. Lurkers change tack to raiding tech labs, don't actually hamper anything or destroy research. Still don't kill anyone.

Lurkers lay a calling card on one raid, telling of a future attempt to meet with Aika. Lurkers and Aika meet (after they knock out all of Aika's guards, of course, Lurker policy), negotiate peace. Lurkers have a technological teleport to leave, though it's not quite finished and they lack all the resources - instead of raiding, this time they're just given them, which speeds things up. There was only enough stuff for one teleporter. Bots turn into a sea of grey and come at the forum nonstop. Lurkers and members fight and hold them off, teleporter is made and everyone runs like hell to the portal. Members are the first ones through; Lurkers never come through at all. Lurkers are presumed fucked.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


Is Grave able to sense Host and others?

As a half-darkling, will he be able to hear Oni's shadows?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Hmmm, Im not sure. The shadow demon is a part of him because they're merged together. It's like a voice in his head.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Hmm... In that case, he probably won't hear anything.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

((Is Burrito with Host at the moment?))

I answered that about two posts ago, in the brackets at the top. It was in the post that I gave to you to look at; while it wasn't in the version I PM'd you, I did add it into the actual post. (The answer is yes, by the way.)
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Oh okay, fair enough. Though I have slept since then :p
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Note: The hive at Oni, Burrito and Host's location is there due to request from Burrito himself. Idk what you folks have planned with this, but it ought to be good.