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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

If Tsuki was raped again... I'd just go "OH GEEZ" and not know what to do. Heh. I think I'll pass and wait 'til after the big bad fight.

Still wondering, besides the obvious being depressed parts of changing, what else I should change.... Personality wise for her.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I think it'll be better if Tsuki doesn't get raped. We don't really need a broken hacker...

Oni, I have a plan that - if executed correctly - would allow Grave to kill the thing by himself. It involves several powerful, altough a bit unusual attacks. He might use them later.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Nemesis? Ho boy, I've got a few images that beg to differ on the rape part. And maybe I should sit it out until the huge battle is finished. My character, as soon as he enters, would have enough power to cut him down in one go.
See, I would have done that ten minutes ago, but SOMEONE had to FLASHBANG me...as well as KNOCK OUT most of my teammates...

*mock-glares at Host*


(I'm not actually angry, we all love you really..)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Host got himself in trouble, though. Even if Grave doesn't start tearing everyone apart, he won't forgive Host. This might end with a challenge.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol I was actually talking about a single, basic sword attack. If Burr approves of my entrance you'll see what he's capable of at nearly full power. Dont worry though I've already got a plan to limit his power during the RP. So he'll never get that OP again unless it's allowed.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I wasn't talking about limits either.

However, killing that beast with one slash? Hmm... I do hope you won't do things like that, otherwise there'll be no point in fighting.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

See, I would have done that ten minutes ago, but SOMEONE had to FLASHBANG me...as well as KNOCK OUT most of my teammates...

*mock-glares at Host*


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I wasn't talking about limits either.

However, killing that beast with one slash? Hmm... I do hope you won't do things like that, otherwise there'll be no point in fighting.
Oh dont worry, his powers will be VERY limited after releasing all his energy. And remember, he's destroyed countless planets, so it's very reasonable to think he'd kill Nemesis in one blow.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Oooookay, now that I've got perma-internet again should I post up my modified character sheet now? And whats happened since the last story update?
Character sheet whenever you wish, as for a recap on events -

This is the last thing that happened at the end of the last recap, to refresh what's been happening:

They find a friendly Wraith who tells them that there’s a rebelling Wraith faction, and that they freed Siphon… but because they killed a Wraith that was feeding off of him at the time, he got pumped with some nasty chemicals that modified his body and he went berserk. The party enters the hive to extract him.

They find him, but he’s too unstable and Pale turns him to stone. Shrike and the wraith (who has been named Sparky) believe that they will be able to put his mind back together if they can get out.

Burrito splits off from the main group and goes looking for the core of the hive; he has a chemical that should destroy the ship if it’s administered properly.
The party encounters leech-men (a Resident Evil reference, I believe), one of whom rapes and impregnates Tsuki. To stop the spawn from eating her from the inside, the party get some cure from a storeroom.

My Lurkers are added. It’s advised that anyone from the forum reads the history given in my character’s backstory, but for a non-forum character that’s less important – I intend to explain a lot of it in game. (Yes, I give this importance. I never said I wasn’t biased…)

Burrito encounters one party of Lurkers as they battle the Wraith in the halls. He saves them without knowing who they are but quickly realises. They request his protection. For a long time they fail to realise a radio-blocking unit is active, so there’s no communication between Burrito and the main party.

A second group of Lurkers is killed by leech-men, and a third finds themselves fleeing from a large group of Thembrihkal. All groups of Lurkers seem to have TP form members with them. Each Lurker is in some kind of power-armour suit, designed to look like some kind of demonic reptile. (Pictures are included in the posts that first show the Lurkers, but can also be found from my ‘Random’ picture collection.)

The remaining enemy Wraith on board feel overwhelmed; they set the ship to self-destruct. Sparky, the friendly wraith, realises that the ship is on a large magma chamber, (or some such, can’t remember the specifics,) and destroying the hive here could very well destroy the world. He decides to try and fly the ship away, while the main party makes for a dart bay so they can escape in the darts. The Lurkers make for a different extraction point. Burrito and the Lurkers with him realise they’ve left the radio jammers on, Burrito gives a quick and rather unhelpful message to the main party before deciding to go with the Lurkers.

The main party escapes, the remaining Lurkers meet up at the extraction point and also escape, Sparky flies the hive away and them escapes as well. The hive explodes, Pale is effectively MIA. Burrito is MIA also, having been taken prisoner by the Lurkers (although no one from the forum knows that, they only know that he isn’t there and was supposed to be escaping with some unknown group). Sparky’s dart is shot down by an enemy dart while protecting the players, but Tsuki takes him out of the cockpit in a transport beam before the Dart crashes.

The main party makes it home, and awaits orders.
And this is the new stuff that's happened since the last recap:

The Player Characters go through 'mission revision' interviews, think Woolsey from Stargate.

They get some RnR, except for Burrito who is still captured by Lurkers, Siphon who is still stone, and Shrike and Sparky who fix Siphon's mind after a forum mage ‘un-stones’ him (then they get some rest too).

Siphon goes off in a dart to scout for the super hive, Tsuki is depressed from being raped, Sparky goes to look for something outside the forum.

Copper, Grave and Shrike get gathered together by Aika to check on the house of a researcher who hasn't reported in. The researcher was working on a weapon prototype, and something about the situation has Aika unnerved.

The trio kill illusions that they believe are the inhabitants of the house, but soon realise they’ve walked into a trap - Grave is immediately knocked unconscious, Copper is crippled with pain, and Shrike is surrounded.

Shrike submits to being knocked unconscious in a less painful manner, Copper thrashes around a bit before being captured in a stasis field.

Two hive ships materialise above the house, and then promptly leave.

Pale, who had been in orbit since the explosion of the hive ship, crashes to earth on top of a large wraith thing that was attacking Sparky. She notices the illusion being used by the Lurkers and goes to help.

Pale and the Lurkers begin to fight, but one of the hive ships from before returns and blows up a mountain with a shot before leaving again.

Siphon, still in a dart, finds that the super hive had left the position he thought it was at. He returns to the forum.

Nemesis comes out of the destroyed mountain and heads towards Pale and the Lurkers.

Siphon notices Nemesis and successfully distracts it, being shot at in the process.

Pale and the Lurkers come to something resembling an agreement, and then get attacked by Nemesis.

Nemesis blows up one of the building's rooms, but the Lurkers have long since fled from it.

*Current time:*

The Lurkers gather behind the house along with Pale, and try to kill Nemesis, while Siphon is making a bombing run at the creature with his dart.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

So, um... How many players do we have, and how many of them are actually playing right now? Like three? I know everyone needs their time in the spotlight, but the rest of us are getting kinda bored. At least wake Copper up and let her have a go, that'd be fairly easy to arrange.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'd join it, but I lost all ability to think on this particular RP a long time ago.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

So, um... How many players do we have, and how many of them are actually playing right now? Like three? I know everyone needs their time in the spotlight, but the rest of us are getting kinda bored. At least wake Copper up and let her have a go, that'd be fairly easy to arrange.
Attempting to, though I've gotta play my characters they way they'd act. Assuming Pale's spell actually does nothing, they'll release Copper so they can stasis Nemesis (and in fact, they might do so anyway). I'd hoped that this would've been over in one fell attack - and it almost was... then Pale arrived, and then when that was almost resolved, the Nemesis appeared. =/ I just hope nobody springs anything else on us before this is over...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Hehe, maybe I should have the ai of my ship decide to wander into this...

Nah, too much work ;)


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm not sure this whole Nemesis business was very well-timed. It does kinda reek of "What-about-me"-ness.



Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Now now, play nice, Pumpkin ;)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Don't look at me. I'm in Stasis.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Don't look at me. I'm in Stasis.
Don't be like that, Copper... think of all the benefits! Like...



...You make a really good shield! :D


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

You do realize it's a very good thing she's not aware of all this, right? That being said, off again. Wake me when I'm able to actually play again.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Name: SirOni, though most of the time called just Oni
Description: Oni stands at about six foot, average white male and a plain ol’ human. Shoulder length brown hair, often tied up at the back and sports a pair of thin, black-rimmed glasses. Since his travelling he’s taken to wearing a coat and hat, the likes of which old film noir P.I.’s wore though they have cuts and tears all over them. Oni doesn’t cast a shadow, instead, a circle of shadow appears directly below Oni, about two foot in diameter. Every step Oni takes a mist of darkness rises up and dissipates, the same happens when Oni is standing in place.

Oni was once a citizen of the planet ‘Linemarvel’. This planet was home to people who worshipped the sexually deviant and perverse, though despite that nearly all of its citizens were upstanding, good-natured people. Their God, for whom the planet was named after, once walked among the mortals though for unknown reasons he left without a word, though he spoke the name of a new messiah a while before he left; Mystic Girl.
Oni himself worked alongside Aika and Antithetical Inquiry at the Church of Linemarvel, where he was a scribe. It was through him that their God spoke of the trials of their previous messiah, Demon Girl, and from this Oni began creating the tome that all citizens came to revere; the Demon Girl Doujin. Though because of Linemarvels mysterious disappearance Oni had lost contact with their God and so could not continue the bible.
Now having nothing of note to do Oni decided it was time to actually mix in with the rest of the citizenry whilst continuing his education. It was at this point that he befriended many a person, including Darkfire, possibly his closest friend on the planet. It was during this time that darkness set in his heart though at the time he was not aware of it.
Eventually Oni lost direct contact most of his friends because of his education, and at this time the darkness started to grow bigger. It started to feed on his insecurities, making him doubt his place in the community and if anyone did actually like him or if it was to keep him happy so that maybe he’d be able to find a new connection with their God and continue work on their bible.
It took some time, but thanks to the help of someone that became a big part of his life Oni finally got a backdoor access to the whole community again. Though his happiness didn’t last long. With new access he realised that much had changed since he was gone, that everything had gone further without him. It was as if he was left in the shadows of everyone, standing in the corner as everyone hung out in their own groups and gangs. This was when the darkness began to envelop Oni.
During much of this time Oni went back to doubting everything again, it wasn’t just because he thought people only wanted him for his connection with God, he became paranoid about everything. He lashed out and demanded absolute attention as the darkness worked its way into his whole being.
Oni’s lowest point came when everything fell apart, by now the darkness had completely taken over him. Though it wasn’t physically noticeable, Oni’s body became host to a creature of darkness, this creature couldn’t manifest itself outside of Oni, instead it became a part of Oni, turning his body into shadow. However Oni could still keep his physical form and it wasn’t until later that Oni found out that he had another being inside him.
During his transformation, because of the other creature Oni had been unconsciously taking in the worlds negative emotions and converting it into energy for himself. Eventually everything completely overwhelmed Oni and his final transformation was complete; the shadow being used the negative energy to transform Oni into a shadow knight, he then proceeded to wipe out all life from the planet. Once all life was extinguished a rip in space and time appeared before Oni and before he could do anything he changed into a cloud of darkness and flew into the tear.
Since then Oni has travelled through thousands of dimensions and come to hundreds of thousands of planets and galaxies to find a place that he can finally rest and be free of the constant destruction. Though because of the shadow creature whenever he comes to a new planet he eventually destroys everything there before moving onto the next.

Because of the shadow creature Oni’s entire body is made from shadows, though he still retains a physical form that can be damaged even if he can’t actually die. Nearly all of his abilities consume the negative energy the shadow transforms negative emotions into. If Oni is low on negative energy then he is limited to what he can actually do. His abilities are:

1) Shadow Form; At any time when he isn’t in battle Oni can transform himself into a cloud of darkness, either in his own form or anything else. Though for the most part he changes into an amorphous cloud. In this form Oni cannot be damaged though at the same time Oni cannot attack and damage anything. He can though pass through solid matter. Oni doesn’t need a space to solidify himself, instead it forces solid matter outwards, the affect is kind of like an explosion though the harder the matter the more damage it does to Oni. Transforming between shadow and solid forms doesn’t require any energy. (think of the gaseous form the Death Eaters in the Harry Potter movies take)
2) Increased Parameters; Oni’s strength and agility have been increased to the point that he can take on over two dozen armed opponents without much trouble (if you’ve played games like Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors it’s like that).
3)Shadow Weapons; Oni’s preferred weapons are the katana and an AK-47. As he had these weapons prior to his transformation they have become a part of his being and as such he can create and conceal them at will. The gun doesn’t use conventional ammunition, instead Oni uses negative energy to form the bullets. This allows him to continually fire without having reload though it does come with the a penalty, continual use eventually increases the amount of negative energy used in each bullet to the point that it uses nearly all his energy for just one bullet. Oni can also create shadow knives that disappear on contact as well as shock waves and shadow balls.
4) Rapid Regeneration; Because of the shadow being Oni’s wounds are healed at an exponential rate. Flesh wounds are healed almost instantly, deep cuts and bullet wounds take up to a minute to heal and even severed limbs and decapitation heal in a matter of minutes. Though there is a drawback, the more severe the damage the more negative energy it takes to recreate the lost area, and if the whole body is lost it can take up to twenty four hours to completely regenerate himself. This is not to say Oni can’t feel pain, he can feel pain but his endurance and pain threshold has increased so he can block out a lot more than a normal human.
Once he has run out of negative energy, or has only a little left his body automatically turns into its gaseous form and only reverts back once he has absorbed enough negative energy. Luckily, Oni’s body is constantly absorbing the negative emotions of those nearby, though it’s only a small amount at a time and as with a complete regeneration the less energy Oni has left the longer it takes for him to absorb enough to change back to solid matter again. For complete energy recovery it takes about eight hours to fully recover. There is another way Oni can regenerate lost energy, he can envelop a person and destroy them utterly. In the process he absorbs their soul, and the darker their soul the more he recovers. Though Oni does this in the most extreme circumstances, he believes that doing this makes him even more of a monster than he wants to be. (If anyone’s played Prototype it’s like how he sneak kills people)
5) The End; This is Oni’s final form and most dangerous. Named simply because that anytime he transforms into it it means the end of everything on the planet. Impenetrable armour forms over Oni (think in the style of Gabranth’s from FF12 though the horns are a big longer and the armour is pure black) and any weapon he is wielding is replaced by a sword about the length of him. His strength and agility are increased 100x what they are normally, a field of darkness extends from him, starting at six foot it eventually envelops the planet and absorbs all negative emotions from people as well as taking away their will to fight. This allows him to slaughter the planet without any opposition. His sword can extend a further twenty foot though it’s harder to swing like this, it is mainly used to skewer multiple people in front of him. In this form Oni is completely invulnerable and only once everything is destroyed does Oni jump to the next planet.
Oni has no control over activating and deactivating this form, it automatically activates when he’s either absorbed enough negative energy or he’s in danger of having his body destroyed and he has time to transform.

Note on ‘The End’; For Defend ULMF! there will be a time limit put onto this so that it doesn’t screw anything or anyone over. Though people are warned to stay away from Oni when he’s in this form because he doesn’t distinguish between enemy and ally and so you may end up on the wrong side of his sword. The time limit will be up to the Mod’s to decide, if they feel that Oni has been in that form for enough time then they can post a message and I’ll end it.

Oni is quiet and withdrawn, after what may be hundreds of years of slaughtering, he’s not had much time to converse with people without killing them afterwards whether he wanted to or not. Because of this he doesn’t normally initiate conversations, though he does answer people when spoken to. It is unknown whether because of all the screaming in battle or because he hasn’t talked to people in decades that his voice is hoarse and gruff, he talks quietly though he does raise his voice when something angers him. The shadow being constantly whispers to Oni, feeding his paranoia’s and insecurities, most of the time Oni ignores them though sometimes Oni does talk back to it even in front of others. Naturally only Oni can hear the shadow.
His posture and mannerisms are that of a person who seems to have given up on life though doesn’t have the will or perhaps the ability to end it all himself.
Because of what he is Oni has no need to sleep, eat or drink. Though he does experience a kind of fatigue when he’s low on negative energy, it is then that he consciously absorbs more.


Now I do know he looks OP to the extreme, but believe me he will have his powers extremely limited once he's lost all his energy the first time round. And who's in charge of GM'ing this? Cos I have something planned for his entrance and I need to see if you will approve it or not.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Approved, Oni.