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ACT [Den CC] Lustful Sorcery (RJ266184)

Yeah, Ernesta is gone completely so if you didn't have it previously, you're out of luck.
There's a Ci-en post saying that the game got delayed again
Well that sucks, but on the bright side, it seems they're planning to release it on December 9.
I gotta say that this game was surprisingly longer than I though. A little more than 3 hours for me. I am unsure if I've done everything in the game, but as far as I can tell, there is no gallery. At least until the dev decides to put one in at a later date. I'm backtracking though as much as I can find, but right now I have no idea what I haven't seen. The map doesn't really help for backtracking, as it only really tells you what room you're in and if there's exits. Doesn't even show you where you are in the room. I could possibly have seen it all already, and the places I haven't been just have gems or whatever, but there's some items in the menu that you can get, but I have no idea what they do. Or even IF they do anything. I'll throw in my save if anyone wants it, but remember there's no gallery, so if you want to see the scenes, you're gonna have to go look for them. You might as well just set aside a few hours to play the whole game in that case.

Also since the game is out now, maybe it can be moved to the regular H games section.


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Game released, thread moved to H-games.
Will it come out on ENG DLsite? Idk if my eng dlsite account can buy Japanese games (it doesn't show up on search either)
I'm stuck at a point that seems bugged. I went down a tree trunk into a wooden area with a crystal. But when I shoot the crystal nothing happens (the other crystal blocking the path remains). I also came across a point where I went through a door using a key, and when I came back the door reappeared locking me in and softlocking the game so I know there are bugs.
The thread is already there. Scroll to the top and you'll see the "Hentai Games" sub-forum.
yes I tried that
but the only thing i can find on that section on this game is this thread

could you provide a link please?
yes I tried that
but the only thing i can find on that section on this game is this thread

could you provide a link please?

I think you're misunderstanding. You're in the thread, but the thread used to be somewhere else.

This was previously in the Games Under Construction section, because it wasn't released yet. Once it was released, the entire thread was moved to the regular hentai games section, which is where you are now if you're reading this. There is no other link; you're here.

Unless you were asking for a link to the game, in which case, don't. It's against the forum rules and incurs a two week ban. For your sake, let's assume you were asking about the thread, and hopefully I've clarified that.
I think you're misunderstanding. You're in the thread, but the thread used to be somewhere else.

This was previously in the Games Under Construction section, because it wasn't released yet. Once it was released, the entire thread was moved to the regular hentai games section, which is where you are now if you're reading this. There is no other link; you're here.

Unless you were asking for a link to the game, in which case, don't. It's against the forum rules and incurs a two week ban. For your sake, let's assume you were asking about the thread, and hopefully I've clarified that.
Ah thank you!
yes how embarassing
I'm new to the site, or forums in general...
Tried out the demo, and currently reached the forest area. Is the forest supposed to be the "end" of the demo, since now all new enemies are silhouettes? Interesting way of doing a demo if so. For people looking to get scenes, keep in mind that auto revive item is default on, so go into your inventory with Q and open up the items, you can select the revive crystal (3rd item) to toggle auto use on or off.

While each individual enemy's animation doesn't seem to be too remarkable imo, there seems to be enough content to make up for it, and the frog boss animations were much more involved as well. Now if only navigating around the map wasn't such a chore.
Game is released and on torrent sites (edit, I've been ninja'd regarding posting about the game's release date). Lack of gallery is a serious pain and later levels are very maze like.
I wish the game wasn't rape on lose since that means I literally missed all the games h-content because I didn't even know how to trigger it.
Levels are very sparse with very few checkpoints so those looking for h-content have to be very careful though you will respawn in the same room if you die, revive items are used automatically so getting raped means losing all 3 of your rare and expensive revive gems.

Here's my save. Save 1 is before the boss gauntlet, Save 2 and 3 is after the boss gauntlet to the right is the final boss (which has two phases). Unzip in game data folder


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Finally got around to playing this. The game starts off fine, but...never really goes anywhere. The new spells you get are passably interesting in that they offer something for both combat and exploration, but nothing that your standard knife and magic bullets couldn't handle for fighting monsters, and they're strictly only used for gate-keeping in terms of exploration. There's no real puzzles in the game apart from finding matching colored crystals, or finding a key to open a locked door (save for a single instance in the game where you cut a rope to drop a hanging block to reach a platform). There's a maze-like section where a grid of platforms is sectioned off by colored blocks, but it's more tedious than fun, in my opinion. All in all, a huge portion of the game is just traversing space with a lot of filler mobs. Character progression quickly becomes locked behind skill books, which I couldn't be bothered to hunt down, so I just sat on my pile of 20,000 mana at the end. The stage designs are really uninspired, too.

The game is an improvement over Ernesta, and there's nothing egregiously broken about it (there are some bugs, such as walls which aren't solid which can lead to you getting softlocked by becoming trapped inside of the terrain), but it's hard to say that's it has much to it that is fresh or exciting. I feel like the choices for bosses and their loss scenes were pretty boring overall, and the normal enemies quickly wear out their welcome with how often most of them are used - and one of them is a palette swap at that. Game is much slower and bigger than it needed to be, for how much content there is in it. I didn't hate it, but it did become a bit tiresome to play through past a certain point (about halfway through the forest stage, really).
Mmm, if I remember correctly, I think it's in one of the books you can read in one of those side library rooms. It should be given to you when you go through all the text for it.