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Would you survive?

Re: Would you survive?

I could use a representative from Germania on my island. We need people, and I can promise you opportunities to use your molotov cocktails. Plus we don't have strict gun laws here, especially as I'll be coming up from the South.
Re: Would you survive?

Okay, well Zero Space is trying to suck away my fun. In all seriousness I would fight my fucking hardest to keep myself and my family/friends alive, but since I'm on this forum I don't mind having a little bit of fun and stretching to fantasy a bit.

Rule, flamethrowers/molotovs are good for the long run, but since it takes a bit of time to eat away at flesh, the zombies still have some time to stumble after you and perhaps even set you on fire as well.

HopeyouGuess, if you read Dead Sea, coast seems less friendly. A lot less friendly. (Dead Sea is a zombie novel by Brian Keene, quite good)

Tassadar, again to bring up the C7, most stoppages can be corrected without the need for a tool within less than a second. Quite simple really. Tap rack and go, right Ronny?
Re: Would you survive?

Island setup is good if you have time. Zombies don't need to breath, so they can still come up on you from underwater. It may be more dangerous if you have the lobster traps, because they'd be harder to see. Otherwise, you'd be more secure in the midwest with the same set up. Snipers/archers/guards would be able to see zeds from a long way off on flat land, allowing for easier defense. Or up north, so they freeze before they get to you.
Re: Would you survive?

All of this depends on the type of zombie. Would they be smart enough to know how to swim? Or would they be just swept away and eaten by sharks? Would we then have to deal with zombie sharks?
Re: Would you survive?

I'd like to join you on your island. I'd bring my jarhead brother and some military-grade explosives that my brother........erm......."Acquires" from the military, then bring them all there. Plus, I'd be the lone guy on the watchtower, ready to yell that the zombies are there. Also, I'd bring Rule all the Molotov ammo he could ever need. Raiding a liquor store ftw
Re: Would you survive?

Well now... if zombies could spread their... zombiness... to other organisms, like dogs, cats, mice, fish, birds and so on, we're truly fucked no matter what we do. How are you going to avoid the zombie flies and zombie micro-organisms? Ya can't. You're fucked. The minute you get the zombie flu it's game over, man, game over.

The second prevalent issue is zombie putrefication. Zombies are classified as undead and normally portrayed as decaying, shambling beings, which would suggest to me that while able to consume human flesh and whatnot, they are biodegradable. Like any non-walking corpse, a walking corpse would putrefy, which from what I understand would prevent it from sinking in water. Skeletons are stuck on the ocean floor, zombies it seems are stuck on the surface, unless you state that your cool new brand of zombies do NOT in fact putrefy.

Third question is, why would a zombie swim? They'd presumably have plenty of things to do on land (i.e. shamble, moan, eat brains) and I've never heard of a zombie deciding it's time for a pleasure swim. Not being able to sink in water would prevent them from developing a taste for seafood, as well. So really, your zombie would have to learn to swim effectively to reach the island AND would have to decide it was so bored on land, it wanted to try swimming for a change. I don't know of too many mindless zombies that decide to try something new.

Throw some razor fences around that island and it honestly looks pretty good for at least temporary relief, unless you get some manner of intelligent undead that grows wise to your plan. Enter dmronny and sinfulwolf. If they come for us, we're probably fucked anyway.

But we'll take anybody who wants to sign on and who is willing to obey orders. :)
Re: Would you survive?

i'll just stay in britain, head up to london

they have more guns there then the us, chinese, korean and middle eastern army in one place :D
Re: Would you survive?

*Ahem* you forgot my experiments, right? I can make them smart, I can make them fast, I can make them leap a house and explode on the other side if I stuff a firecracker up it's ass. Heck, I daresay you'd have the ocasional 'smart' zombie in the batch too.
Re: Would you survive?

See the problem is we don't really know how zombies would actually be, in the movies they're mindless, shambling creatures who eat flesh. If a zombie outbreak did occur, depending on the cause it may just be a step up in evolution. We could possibly be able to learn, move quickly, swim, and eat other things besides humans. In short we aren't neccesarily evil like we are always portrayed. Maybe the zombies and humans could learn to get along in a mixed society even. Though considering how well humans get along with each other that's doubtful.

Yeah, in my experience any M series or variants of it are extremely reliable in many conditions. If they required special tools to fix jams, me and every cav/scout in the army would be dead. For example as infantyr Sinful would still have reasonable acces to the weapons repair guys in the support region. As a cav/scout I'm deep in enemy territory I have no access to the support more than likely so if a weapon needs to be fixed by someone with special tools I'm screwed. i would probably go with a hi-power myself for side arm reliable and I already have one. The hatchet/bowie combo is tough to beat in melee. The bowie is for parrying and countering while the hatchet is for disarming or attacking.
Re: Would you survive?

1) Sorry for sucking away your fun sin, just trying to be logical.
2) If there are zombies that WON'T kill humans AND is going for coexist I'd be fine with dat.
3) If they are not, and are somehow upgraded, I am sure I can still deal with them by being in the middle of the pacific ocean or some un discovered island will help me and my group if I have one. And no matter how upgraded your zombies are, they will still be a victim to the elements such as rotting, etc. Which means that as long as we hide where zombies can't get/find us or where it's hard to reach (Like on island) it should be pretty impossible for any rotting thing to fight through currents, pressure, and be able to locate us. Now if it can swim or ride something to get to us, we would be ready for you guys by setting traps, etc.
4) If you make them smart and unrotting, you might as well make them alive and blindly following you guys.
Re: Would you survive?

*points at Sarah in Character thread*

I'm gonna try the whole 'pacifist' zombie in Loli's game later on, after I get some more experience and I can, that is. I may still need human flesh, but I'll try to limit it ^,^
Re: Would you survive?

You guy's should have payed attention to the earlier portions of the thread. My zombies ride in hover tanks, thereby making your islands a pretty useless defense.
Re: Would you survive?

Right...Time to side with the humans, and play my trump card.

I'll join the humans, as stated, and bring my crazy engineer of a brother along. They don't call him Hardware for nothing. He knows his shit.
Re: Would you survive?

We zombies have the UnHoly Hand Gernade of Antioch. You can't win
Re: Would you survive?

...You have no idea what I mean, do you Lurker? You will learn. Your UHG means nothing compared to what Hardware's come up with, much less what he's capable of coming up with.
Re: Would you survive?

Come on Shadowwolf you know your brother would join the side with the hover tanks. Just to sweeten the deal we the zombies managed to hoard the entire supply of duct tape in the world. Join us or have no duct tape.
Re: Would you survive?

Oh yeah? Well what if I cast my lvl 56 Holy Shield around my island then!?!?!?! And we will built EMP missles towards your hover crafts, not to mention we can just shoot at you guys before you guys get near our island, then since your hovercraft hover, it will hover towards our island with all zombies dead and we will use it against you! And uh... we'll be fine and dandy! (Not to mention the Holy water atomic bomb I have)
Re: Would you survive?

Ah, but what if you've been fooled, Ronny?

What if...you've been toyed with? Perhaps you haven't truly hoarded any duct tape, hm? And besides, what are hover tanks to someone who we both know would have starships? Orbital bombardment capabilities rather render your hover tanks, and UHGs, rather pointless, don't they?

Besides, I know Hardware far better than you. He would side with the humans, even if I did not.
Re: Would you survive?

Silly that holy stuff only works on zombies in D&D. Besides why are you trying to kill us anyways, -sob- I was just trying to send you guy's some cookies, and you killed my zombies for no reason. You monster.
Re: Would you survive?

"One... Two... Three!"
"Five sir!"

