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Attaching a file with half good half crude translations of literally everything, courtesy of eugene88 over on the F95 forums. Just extract it into the root folder of the game and the files will end up where they should (Text/ENG). And I've personally traveled across the entire map and wiped out entire cave systems of enemies and shit with not much of a problem. Grind up for fancy weapons and get the saber, then just buy or make a shitload of good soup. I've already said how much I like this game, despite all its bullshit. Not sure why you're still playing it Slicer, when you seem to... well, have way more gripes with it than what's worth dealing with. I can definitely, to 200%, understand that this game isn't for everyone though. Probably not even all that many in fact.

Oh because I like to punish myself by playing games that I see the potential to be fun in but the dev manages to make all the wrong decisions in the pursuit of some tryhard experience that they just won't be able to pull off. To be fair, it's not like the teams for any of those type of games in the mainstream were small or inexperienced, and who knows this guy MIGHT manage to do it on his own, but it looks like it's got a long way to go to provide a challenging, fair, and fun experience. And I forgot that I could use cheat engine to give myself all the trait points that I wanted XD. I'll give it this though, it's far more interesting than 90% of RPGMaker games.

Which I did a little while ago and I've got some more fun info for everyone!

SCU: Does not increase opacity as advertised, may not be implemented, maybe I misunderstand what the stat description is trying to tell me, but at 10 and even 99 everything is just as dark as it was with 2. Also, I'd yet to be able to steal from anyone with 8 scu, tried it a bit at 20 and it didn't work either, would need more testing to see at what point it becomes possible but at 99 I did manage to steal a small copper coin. Also looks like the speed increase doesn't actually make you faster, whether it's just placeholder and a later version will make it worthwhile or I increased it too high so it reset is anybody's guess, so again at 99 SCU enemy hitboxes still moved instantaneously to whatever square they wanted to be in, lona's basic attacks still took longer than both enemy movement and enemy attack wind up (undead are about the only enemy type that wasn't able to stun-lock lona whenever they wanted to), and her hitbox was still in both squares (the one the sprite shows and the one you're moving to).

ATK: Highest I could get is 80 including all the the traits and a saber (no reason to waste stam on a polearm for like 6 points of damage), still not enough to reliably splat enemies other than the base ones.

Bloodlust and Bloody mess: Nice enough combo but the results aren't spectacular, it won't get you through a fight with multiple opponents so there really wasn't any reason to make the player wait till lvl 40 to have it. But it will give you back some stam and health on every kill so if you're taking out solo opponents it'll mitigate a bit of resource drain. Pretty sure it restores a fixed amount and not a % of your current max, again I need to test a bit more.

Con: Well, I managed to beat the monster version of the fortune teller with 99 con, not sure how many injuries Lona had piled on her, but she didn't pass out or die. Would need more testing to see if there are any effects other than increased stamina and HP.

Not sure which stat does it but you can increase your carry weight, prime suspect being con.

Oh a note on allies: The necromancer's pretty boss, since the undead she summons seem to be faster than normal undead. Actually, I'm pretty sure if you just stand around in the catacombs while the escape event is going on, she'll be able to wipe the enemies out on her own.
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This game has a lot of potential. Even in the demo it has more content and h-content than most hgames I've played in a long while. This guy really knows his stuff.

Can't wait for the full release.
> This guy really knows his stuff.

Then how come he can't manage to make it so attacking a hex that the enemy is in actually work correctly?

Sure, RPGmaker games are generic, but they don't normally sport such a glaring problem.

I want to like this game, but that's just intolerable and should have been the first thing fixed.
Some initial impressions I had in the small amount of time I spent trying the game out:

1) I am unsure if the standing sprite is supposed to reflect whats happening to her during H attacks or not. In some instances it shows groping, or flashes an arm in a restraint pose during rape, but usually just flickers over and over in the hitstun pose instead. Have no idea if its supposed to function like maidensnoweve or not in that respect.

2) She is basically always dirty to some degree during any sex scene. Makes me wish there was a toggle to remove the stains from the sprite (much like wings of rolladia allows you to remove cuts).

3) The learning curve on this game is high, and things easily go from 100 to 0 before you even finish a single in game day without you really understanding why since everything is so stat driven or unconventional, plus it looks like some stats don't work correctly or just don't have a meaningful impact. The game is basically a newcomers worst nightmare. I dont mind the difficulty, but the learning curve and game mechanics are such that i think more needs to be done to help the players get a handle on them in the beginning

4) Attacking the rats in the first dungeon felt off, probably due to the reason the poster above mentioned. That 100% needs to be fixed

I like a lot of what I am seeing, but it definitely has some things that are holding me back from just casually enjoying it.
> This guy really knows his stuff.

Then how come he can't manage to make it so attacking a hex that the enemy is in actually work correctly?

Sure, RPGmaker games are generic, but they don't normally sport such a glaring problem.

I want to like this game, but that's just intolerable and should have been the first thing fixed.

That is a technical issue that might be corrected in the future since this is an early version and the game has not been released yet.

However the overall design and mechanics are not as easy to fix, and those are really well thought and there's a lot of attention to detail. That takes a good designer to make them which are harder to come by these days.

Also, remember we are talking about a hentai RPG maker game probably made by a single person. Most h-games don't even have gameplay - this one has it in spades plus lots of erotic content, and we're talking about the demo!
I'm just saying it's a fatal flaw. This is not something minor that you can release with. Read the thread. Literally every strategy involves hiring a merc and letting them do the fighting, because fighting is broken in several ways.
I didn't say it is minor, I said it is a technical issue that you can fix with coding. The overall design and mechanics are imo solid, they just need balacing and tweaks but that's expected of a game in an alpha stage. That's why I said it has a lot of potential.

You can make a rough gem beautiful by polishing it, but a polished turd is still a turd.
I'm just saying it's a fatal flaw. This is not something minor that you can release with. Read the thread. Literally every strategy involves hiring a merc and letting them do the fighting, because fighting is broken in several ways.

Depends on the coding of the combat system.

If the problem is that 'real time' combat is too fast right now, the author can increases the time between 'turn' if they want to keep the real time combat but not overwhelm players by how stupidly fast the turns are.

Or heck, make an option to let players set the time per turn tick, with the last/slowest option effectively turn the game into turn-based combat like MaidenSnow.
Personally, the build I have was to make her Meek, increase her SUR and WIS and get the fire staff and fire book, get a load of soup to increase mood since magic reduces it, get some mine and the just have hit and run tactics.

I agree that combat is somewhat broken since if an enemy or worst those boars so much as stun you, then you are screwed. Maybe some mobility options would make combat easier, since the main iddue is not the taking hits, but how taking one when surrounded means you already lost.
Soooo is everything like, idk, unfinished when you get captured? Cause I tried purposely getting captured twice by (what I assume to be) slavers, but every time they put lona in chains and take her to some specific spot, i get a handful of "missing/error messages" before getting exited out of the game. Feels a bit weird that's in it at all compared to the rest of the demo where things are just closed off, so i wanna make sure here.
If you're getting error messages, something else is wrong. Off the top of my head, the slavers will dump you at one of 4 or 5 places(back alley, mine, one of several human held forts) after you're sold.
When i saw gameplay and the overworld, I thought, "Hey this looks pretty good. But why is his patr-"


Still, the game looks good. The lighting makes it work. Portraits are notably well done.
I just wish they brightened your top down character in the darker areas more, kinda like darkwood.

1597750496518.png 1597750561044.png 1597750455212.png
From left to right: This game, darkwood (night), darkwood (day)
Equip a lantern to your left hand and the problem is solved. Scoutcraft is supposed to increase the opacity, but it's either not properly implemented yet or it simply doesn't work.
from what i remember scoutcraft does increase the opacity, but only when you're underground ( in the ork cave down the sewers for example )
I just wish the art didn't look like it was drawn with a turd

Another thing I hate is how dropped items vanish into the ether after a few seconds
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Is there any Demo or Trial available for this Game??? = o
he left the thread on f95 cuz of a dispute with some dumb user, but the new versions are still updated there afaik
he left the thread on f95 cuz of a dispute with some dumb user, but the new versions are still updated there afaik

How far goes the Demo? In my case it always crashes when some thugs try to attackme on the streets = /
How far goes the Demo? In my case it always crashes when some thugs try to attackme on the streets = /
There's a lot of quests and a bunch of places to go to in the map, u're probably experiencing a bug. Go on the f95 thread and ask for help there, there's always ppl having problems and getting help there and it's very active so u might get lucky