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ADV Ci-En [Super Dimension Awakening Laboratory] Succubus Reborn

New version is up:

Trial version now has one additional scene (Wisdom handjob), several guardian cards' cost got reduced by 1 (e.g. Large shield soldier costs only 2 now) and one new type of card: SR ticked. It costs 1, and allows you to randomly draw a squeezer with a certain attribute, e.g. legs.

No idea how to trigger the new combo attack of bloomer and bunny girl...

Wisdom was buffed, every time you cast a cursed card you draw a card. The new Immoral Sister can get you a random disaster card from your discard back to your hand. Consecutive Summons (Draw a card, play an additional squeezer) has both the type disaster and curse.
So, the plan is to have Wisdom on the field, play Consecutive Summons (and draw 2 cards), get the card back on to your hand with Immoral Sister, and then play it again.

Here is an example build:
CS005=3,CS006=1,CT006=3,MC001=3,MC003=2,MC004=2,MC005=3,MC007=3,MC008=3,SC001=3,SC002=3,SC003=2,SC004=3,SC005=3,SC006=3,p=SC003,n=Infinite Energy

Two Wisdoms to be safer against Traffic, and The Day The Star Fell and When to quickly make a bunch of blockers.
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Apologies for the slight necro, but I wanted to try this game but haven't had any luck with getting ReiPatcher. The links on page 1 take me to GitHub and a Xunity Auto Translator that asks me to get a license or gtfo. Could anyone be so kind as to post a link that directly downloads said ReiPatcher? Thanks in advance.
Apologies for the slight necro, but I wanted to try this game but haven't had any luck with getting ReiPatcher. The links on page 1 take me to GitHub and a Xunity Auto Translator that asks me to get a license or gtfo. Could anyone be so kind as to post a link that directly downloads said ReiPatcher? Thanks in advance.

Are you sure you downloaded the right file?
Wow, I clicked the API one above it instead. I am beyond retarded, thanks for pointing out the obvious to me!
how do I change my deck? When I select other cords in edit deck it doesn't do anything apart form showing me some red numbers like 1/40 on the top right corner
The 1/40 means your deck has currently 1 card, and it is red because it has less than the required 40 cards.
You should see the available cards in the middle, click on one to select it and have it displayed on the left, click on it again to add it to your deck. Click on a card on the right side to remove a card from your deck.
Click on the (iirc) "P" at the very right of a squeezer card to make it your main squeezer. You always draw your main squeezer as the first card.
New Version

This has quite a lot of changes.
A new system that allows the player to more consistently draw squeezers even if their deck is low on them.
That's nice.
Some new cards, and a few balance adjustments. Read the ci-en article for more info.
The developers made a post for players to share their decks in the comments:

It is worth a shot if you wanna test how your deck fares against the one of others.
No idea how to trigger the new combo attack of bloomer and bunny girl...
this is really late but just have both of them on the field (on your side of course) then use bunny girl titjob
New version:

Anal cowgirl scene for the Immoral Sister and breast feeding scene for the Bunny Girl.

Not breast feeding, but temptation.
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New version:

Anal cowgirl scene for the Immoral Sister and breast feeding scene for the Bunny Girl.

Not breast feeding, but temptation.
Can't wait to try the new cards.

Also, No it's a breast-feeding scene.
The same animation is also a temptation scene.
New version:

Anal cowgirl scene for the Immoral Sister and breast feeding scene for the Bunny Girl.

Not breast feeding, but temptation.
Neat. Hope he'll add an alternate animation to switch between the Sister's anal to vag.
Hope he'll add an alternate animation to switch between the Sister's anal to vag.
Unlikely, as her backstory is along the lines that she is a nun and thus has to remain "pure".

The new card that gives every guardian +1/+1 and seemingly cannot be removed is insane.
Unlikely, as her backstory is along the lines that she is a nun and thus has to remain "pure".

The new card that gives every guardian +1/+1 and seemingly cannot be removed is insane.
It's a miracle card right? There's a 2 cost card that gets rid of a miracle.
EDIT: Wait... just checked. It's a stationary strategy card? WTF XD
That should really be a miracle to be fair.
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they just announced a collaboration with incubus quest, which features one of my favorite artists. Oh shiet.
this is some interesting collab, tho i don't think i'm gonna like the girl that come from there... too chuby for me.
this is some interesting collab, tho i don't think i'm gonna like the girl that come from there... too chuby for me.
I agree. I personally don't find chubby girls attractive either.

Though this was a really good business decision at the end of the day. Succubus Reborn is a great game, but has no weight at the moment. It's barely being followed, and no one knows what kind of game it is. Having a guest artist means that the community that follows Incubus Quest will become aware of Succubus Reborn, and vice-versa.

here are some new cards he finished making, but need a bit of adjustment before adding:
squeezer card: marianela (gray-haired demon lady from collab post)
seal 4
on summon, summon a "lesser succubus" (this is the "incubus" card some of you talk about, the basic squeezer with no image)
when the player begins their turn, squeeze 1. Reduce seal by 1. When seal is released, remove "marianela's lust crest" and send it to discard/graveyard. If this is not possible, summon the "marianela's lust crest" and send marianela to the deck, then shuffle.

marianela's lust crest
curse card
when you lose hp, lose 1 more hp

??? 3 cost, succubus/incubus type
5 hp
when you are squeezed, instead of reducing your hp, reduce this card's hp for the same value instead. When this card reaches 0 hp, return it to the owner player's deck and shuffle it.

??? 1 cost, strategy/plan type
select a guardian that has not moved. Increase it's attack and attack count by 1. Then draw a card

??? 2 cost, strategy/plan type
select a guardian, remove it's "armor" status and deal 3 damage to it. If it still lives after that, draw a card.

??? 1 cost, miracle
activates when being attacked by a guardian. Interrupt that attack and make all guardians lose their move for that turn.

The rest are just cost adjustments

lactation card will now add +2 lactation value to a target who is already lactating (you will still have to draw) so you can drink the milk immediately

There will also be a filter for cards so you can find cards more easily
finally, cheerleader preview
he's wondering what to do for the bust size up paizuri effect
New version (ver20201103a) is up:

A deck using the new squeezer:
CT009=3,GD004=3,GD009=3,GD010=3,GD016=3,GD020=3,MC001=3,MC004=3,MC006=3,SC001=3,SC004=3,SC006=3,SC999=1,TC018=3,p=SC999,n=Last Longer

Perfect start is having Incubus Spiers and another random squeezer in your starting hand. Play the other squeezer and play any 1 mana spell. On the second turn cast Incubus Spiers and then the legendary squeezer. You now have a 3/6 guardian on turn 2.
Once the legendary squeezer has reached Seal 0 make sure you have some goats from Flock Of Goats, BBQ Set or a few slimes from Squeezed Slime on the field so you can sacrifice them once the legendary squeezer starts to destroy one of your own permanent cards.

I am unsure if I should take Immoral Sister or Bloomer Girl. Immoral Sister allows me to get Incubus Spiers back from the discard pile, Bloomer girl give +1 attack with Bunny Girl and Quick and Pursuit.
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new version is up (ver20201213a) with new squeezer the cheerleader