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My hatred for Mimic is purely gameplay related. My current build doesn't do well with escaping stances and the Mimic encounter makes you start out in one. Though now that I think of it, I do consider it kinda weird that you have to select Mimics in exploration routes (or get them in randomize if you use it). I feel like they should just be a % chance encounter on any chest you open. It's not quite a surprise, like they're supposed to be, to get a Mimic if I just chose to include Mimics in the route.

Mika gets bullied because she sets herself up for it. Also those in my bully tier aren't necessarily characters I dislike.

Mimic is actually one of the top characters who's fight I wanna rework xD (tho you'll likely still start in a stance.)
It's very old and janky compared to newer ones, especially for a mimic type enemy you find in chests.
Same with encountering certain things regardless of events selected, but that's an entire other thing. Which I def wont get to for a long while.
please,tell me that belle will have more content,i like that the game feature romance,but will we have endings based on who we waifu'd the most?
My hatred for Mimic is purely gameplay related. My current build doesn't do well with escaping stances and the Mimic encounter makes you start out in one. Though now that I think of it, I do consider it kinda weird that you have to select Mimics in exploration routes (or get them in randomize if you use it). I feel like they should just be a % chance encounter on any chest you open. It's not quite a surprise, like they're supposed to be, to get a Mimic if I just chose to include Mimics in the route.

I find her everything unappealing. Art, combat, her opening stance. It's all just so... blah. Having the option to avoid at all costs after the initial exploration is a welcome option. Granted, if Threshold reworks her everything, I may change my mind. I agree, though, that having the feature that allows optional encounters with what is essentially an enemy type that ought to be a surprise encounter is a bit disheartening.

Mika gets bullied because she sets herself up for it. Also those in my bully tier aren't necessarily characters I dislike.

She just wants butt fug and your headpats. She's just tsundere about the pats.

Mimic is actually one of the top characters who's fight I wanna rework xD (tho you'll likely still start in a stance.)
It's very old and janky compared to newer ones, especially for a mimic type enemy you find in chests.
Same with encountering certain things regardless of events selected, but that's an entire other thing. Which I def wont get to for a long while.

Mimic definitely feels part of an older, non-existent game. Then again, reworking it could take away from development progress...

Nah, it's fine. It's not like Venefica took an entire quarter of a year to finish. XD

please,tell me that belle will have more content,i like that the game feature romance,but will we have endings based on who we waifu'd the most?

Fox waifu is shit. Cat waifu is shit. All waifu's are shit. Even yours.

Especially yours.

-The Crusader Squad
EDIT: My tier list:
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I find her everything unappealing. Art, combat, her opening stance. It's all just so... blah. Having the option to avoid at all costs after the initial exploration is a welcome option. Granted, if Threshold reworks her everything, I may change my mind. I agree, though, that having the feature that allows optional encounters with what is essentially an enemy type that ought to be a surprise encounter is a bit disheartening.

Mimic definitely feels part of an older, non-existent game. Then again, reworking it could take away from development progress...

Well her art wont really change other than new experssions most likely.
But her entire combat n such is in need of stuffs.
But yeah it wont be any time soon.
And for more randomish explore events I'd like to have them be togglable too to an extent, with having them on increase rewards or something.

Nah, it's fine. It's not like Venefica took an entire quarter of a year to finish. XD

Me: Quick and easy 2 week character, but I can probably throw in a quest to add more depth to the whole thing.
*Ends up taking far, far longer than I ever possibly planned, but I'm far too deep in now to revise stuff without it taking even longer.

EDIT: My tier list:
Wow you're very strict with your upper tier list ratings. xD
Am surprised and curious on some of your oh no section tho, like, Jora, Shizu, ancilla, and perpetua.
Am surprised and curious on some of your oh no section tho, like, Jora, Shizu, ancilla, and perpetua.

I'll take the liberty of chiming in on these, as I also ranked Ancilla rather low and Perpetua bottom-tier:

Ancilla's "shtick" is being emotionless, and that's not terribly attractive in itself. What's way, way worse though, is that she interferes with Vili's trial! Boo! Vili ist best girl material and how dare you spoil her fun! Bad Ancilla, bad! :p

Perpetua, well. Again, I know it's her shtick - but man, she is annoying as a blowfly. You know how a bad personality can make even an attractive person real ugly? That's Perpetua in a nutshell.
Bad Personality? Perpetua is THE Tsundere! You just don't understand her asthetic! -Gloating Weeb Face-

In all seriousness, Perpetua just wants attention, and she sees being the bad guy as the best way to do this. While some find it annoying/not attractive, I find it extremely cute and endearing. If anyone has watched One Punch Man, she fills the same slot as Sonic.
v23.5c is now out for more bug fixing, QoL stuff for android, and some other smol things.
Edit: v23.5d is now out for bug fixing.
Edit: Edit: v23.5e for quick fix.
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New updates feel... lacking. I'd chalk that up to Venefica taking so long and adding anything more substantive while stability is still... iffy would be inviting issues. Also, no Christmas for anyone, so Threshold can work through the holidays! 😁

Well her art wont really change other than new experssions most likely.
But her entire combat n such is in need of stuffs.
But yeah it wont be any time soon.
And for more randomish explore events I'd like to have them be togglable too to an extent, with having them on increase rewards or something.

I feel like some stuff like random-ish events should more focused on an intelligence check than anything else. I also think the system as it exists now kind of invites an unbelievable kind of premise where monstergirls will specifically wait for your dick, even if the threat of being rolfstomped is much greater on every visit. I'm almost expecting in-universe for the succubus ninjas and harpy tengus to unionize and demand a level cap on adventurers who explore the Willpower Temple to grind for materials (for Venefica) and eros. I don't know how many harpy tengus were I've denied the dicking to just cause I wanted to grind levels.

It works for the willpower temple and forest dungeon only because those are set areas, and I would even argue that keeping them without the explore option (or implementing an exclusive optional combat system) as they are would be better. Both dungeons, it makes little sense for certain mobs to willingly engage your character who, after their second pass and being absent x days, might be a bit stronger than before. That said, I guess you could argue that your character has them available as a kind of "sparring partner."

I think rewards are fine. Obviously, if you're like me, you grind an area until you basically one-shot everything and then move on. You make your eros and build a respectable inventory along the way, and get to repeat scenes ad infinitum. The downside is, well, becoming an unstoppable force plowing through more "moms" than Amelia Watson can in a single week. It becomes tedious to grind, too, since newer areas basically force you to. You can respec, but that only helps so much and after the first time, the guild gouges you for being such a noob that you need to manipulate your atomic structure to adapt.

Wow you're very strict with your upper tier list ratings. xD
Am surprised and curious on some of your oh no section tho, like, Jora, Shizu, ancilla, and perpetua.

I don't even recall Jora, probably should put her in "Indifferent."

Shizu is tolerable during the rest stop ambushes. In her actual mini-boss fight, unless you have chosen to grind the temple until you hit level 60, will fuck you over with either her paizuri technique, or her aphrodisiac thing, or her high damage values across her and her clones. The fact that she can create her clones with zero fucking drawbacks is either a testament to how stupidly-OP the later bosses are, or how utterly stupid it is that she isn't the Demon Queen herself. Time will tell.

Ancilla is okay, but between the emotionless thing, and having no real identity as an enemy (her schtick is mattresses and sleepy sex and also tons of foreplay, and also no weakness for some reason), she just feels... meh. Whenever circumstance forces me to start the game over, I dread her fight. I think the issue is that the forest dungeon doesn't have much identity to work with. The mountain temple has a somewhat consistent theme to it. even the initial mountain climb prepares you (mostly) for what's to come. In the forest (and its subsequent dungeon), there is an existing theme of chemical influence, but it never seems to take advantage of that. Ancilla feels like the embodiment of that, basically. A mish-mash of ideas in a "meh" model, given a mish-mash of traits to make up a personality.

Perpetua is a shit waifu. I mean, let's go down the list:

1) She puts up flyers that imply she's tough, only to get rekt by any noob that encounters her.
2) She bars your entry to the forest dungeon, despite most characters preparing in excess to face the trials of said dungeon.
3) She tries to bar you from taking the mountain lift despite the fact that you've just proven yourself capable of even beating Ancilla.
4) She goes into the caverns and makes friends with Cthulhu's ugly half-sister, then proceeds to obstruct your progress by being chased by said abomination and involving you in her stupidity.
5) She gets roflstomped and invokes you to take pity on her stupidity EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

I'll take the liberty of chiming in on these, as I also ranked Ancilla rather low and Perpetua bottom-tier:

Ancilla's "shtick" is being emotionless, and that's not terribly attractive in itself. What's way, way worse though, is that she interferes with Vili's trial! Boo! Vili ist best girl material and how dare you spoil her fun! Bad Ancilla, bad! :p

Also, this shit. I wanted to perform a willpower check against Vili and instead Ancilla summons the Prohibition Mattress. As we all know, prohibitions only expand demaaaa-!

Perpetua, well. Again, I know it's her shtick - but man, she is annoying as a blowfly. You know how a bad personality can make even an attractive person real ugly? That's Perpetua in a nutshell.

See, there are a few monsters like the toxic matango and Mika who would normally get the Thot Hammer slammed on them repeatedly. It's that their content is written well enough, and their models and just overall schtick is enjoyable enough to tolerate all that. Ancilla and Perpetua have neither the appealing content or models to embody enough appeal to make me forget that they need to be PURGED.

Bad Personality? Perpetua is THE Tsundere! You just don't understand her asthetic! -Gloating Weeb Face-

In all seriousness, Perpetua just wants attention, and she sees being the bad guy as the best way to do this. While some find it annoying/not attractive, I find it extremely cute and endearing. If anyone has watched One Punch Man, she fills the same slot as Sonic.

Speed o' Sonic has the appeal of his hard work actually amounting to becoming an actual threat to anyone who isn't Saitama, though. Heck, I'd go as far as to say that, because OPM use Saitama as a narrative device rather than the main focus (you could argue otherwise, but we all know it's Genos), it makes every appearance by a previously-weak character becoming stronger that much more significant. Seeing a character improve over time and seek to break the proverbial "glass ceiling" of hero society is what makes OPM so good. Obviously, if a threat to Saitama exists, the series ends because that threat can basically obliterate the planet without trying. Saitama can't breathe in space, last I checked.

Perpetua improves, but we never see her get serious enough to be a threat to anyone who isn't the Saitama equivalent. She even praises the Black Knight for one-shotting her, rather than realizing she's punching way above her own weight class and deciding to become that strong through hard work. As a joke character, Speed o' Sonic works because he's working towards an impossible goal, even though he himself is a significant enough threat to anyone else. Perpetua doesn't work because she is never a threat to anyone else, and lacks the personality and determination to ever want to reach that point.

...that came off as a lot harsher than I intended. I don't want to suggest that a few characters make the game shit, either, since the rest of it is really good. I would even argue that, despite those flaws, it's one of the better hentai game projects currently.
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Any tips for someone who is returning to a now newer version of this game and had no idea what he was doing during the previous playthrough? I mean mostly building the character with fetish and weakness choice. I spent most of the last playthrough avoiding any kind of lose scenes (was reloading after watching them) because I assumed getting higher sensitivity and fetish for certain attack types following scenes was, like it almost always is in these games, inherently bad for your progression, until I went full fuck everything soon before abandoning the game for the time being and realized that it also had upsides in terms of dealing damage to enemies, which became more and more of a problem in my playthrough, it even gave me more "lifes". With everything I am reading in regards to how annoying and grindy it can be in later stages, I guess it would not hurt to have somewhat of a clue what a decent approach would look like to minimize the grinding time and frustration for boss fights.
Saitama can't breathe in space
Freeza said the same before. It didn't turn out too well.

Perpetua is a comical relief character, for Pete's sake... That said, she's fine as a Team Rocket-ish squishy mascot, but fails in her rival role. She'd need to be much more buff to serve as a "you should be to be lv xx to enter" signpost. But then again, I'd rather not see 6 months spent on Perpetua-exclusive content, as cutesy as I find her.
Any tips for someone who is returning to a now newer version of this game and had no idea what he was doing during the previous playthrough?
Yup: do whatever you want.
Seriously: you can respec now, anytime you like, courtesy of Elena. If anything noteworthy:
- don't forget to improve Spirit! If you just want to mess around, start on "easy" and pump up your spirit - you can then consider a 'loss' a fight you spent 2-3 spirit on
- willpower is a great stat (cost-friendly for its HP/MP grants) but will technically lock out much content, as you won't fail rolls
- a well-rounded character is best for experimenting a bit of everything, and nothing's so hard that you'd need a respec
- it's more effective to prioritize 1 tactic/target. Breasts are the current meta, with many perks boosting damage. So DEX/Allure
- remember to save before interacting with girls w/ lock-able content: Ancilla, Jora, Mika(?), Loretta(mod), etc(?). It's hard not to notice when you've derped, honestly.
- changing accessory/runes will do wonders to adapt (favorably or unfavorably) to different situations
- if you just want to play around, you can get XP from losses (perk & items). At worst, cheat yourself some money to remove fetishes - although it's hard to go broke (or was, if you're into findomy fatarse elves)
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Yup: do whatever you want.
Seriously: you can respec now, anytime you like, courtesy of Elena.
Hell yes, thanks for the info that will make things a lot more comfortable, also fits my personality to target the titty, win win:sneaky:

I think I will actually give the game a proper shot this time around. The first time I played it I felt it was not really up my alley in terms of the erotic content, especially with it basically being text only when I very much prefer CGs or animations, so I mostly played it for the story and characters, but I have gotten somewhat used to get something out of text only content too since then so I can appreciate it more now.
Eh, acknowledging that Thresh is wrapping up Venefica, the only two things I really look for in an update are new art and new characters. The only reason I see for spending the time and bandwidth is to either read a new writing gimmick or to recontextualize a gimmick with whatever art was given to the character (I'd argue that the art makes up at least 2/3 of the character; Shizu was among my least favorite enemies until she got art and popped up to the biggest reason I launch the game between updates.) Sure I enjoy seeing more content for an enemy that I'm into as the sole focus for an update, but it won't make me download a new version. The two big enjoyment triggers for me are art and progress. Hell, I'd even prefer waiting two months for an update that gives me new art and new content for a pre-existing monster over waiting one month for an update that just gives me new content for a pre-existing monster.
Again, I acknowledge that the last few months were an exception to the normally good rate of progress. I'm just trying to give out some opinions and feedback since this is an RPG that I really like. You know what I do with all the games on this board that I don't care for? I ignore them!
See, there are a few monsters like the toxic matango and Mika who would normally get the Thot Hammer slammed on them repeatedly. It's that their content is written well enough, and their models and just overall schtick is enjoyable enough to tolerate all that. Ancilla and Perpetua have neither the appealing content or models to embody enough appeal to make me forget that they need to be PURGED.

Hmm. I don't find Perpetua to be that bad visually.

Toxic Matango ist just way fucking hot 'cause she's more of a "vamp" (i.e. genuine bad girl), whereas Perpertua strikes me as a hatable toddler or an annoying Animu trope - and I'm neither into kids nor anime.

Toxic Matango, as a matter of fact, has some pretty hard cringe in her content (the whole womb penetration...) - but she's otherwise well written, her art is hot and eh, I have a thing for bad girls (and good girls too, no worries) and the fact that she isn't antagonistic or even aggressive while still being clearly a sexual predator is what makes her so damn attractive.
Toxic Matango, as a matter of fact, has some pretty hard cringe in her content (the whole womb penetration...) - but she's otherwise well written, her art is hot and eh, I have a thing for bad girls (and good girls too, no worries) and the fact that she isn't antagonistic or even aggressive while still being clearly a sexual predator is what makes her so damn attractive.

I would say she's an "equal opportunist" sexual predator, meaning she only takes advantage of the opportunity that people like the PC present. Heck, the signs outside her habitat indicate going further would be pretty damn dumb, but it's also a shortcut, so proceed with extreme caution. Obviously, the adventurer who runs into that willy-nilly gets what they fucking deserve, Murray!

I'll admit that I haven't read the scenes in their entirety for a while. Womb penetration started as a thing in hentai, and kind of got adopted in the west as a thing. Unfortunately, a lot of those artists/writers didn't bother updating their understanding of the female anatomy (or just didn't care enough) to recognize that womb penetration is impossible. I mean, these are the same people who will put a seven-foot-wide pole in a character's cooch even though the maximum capacity is six inches in width iirc. I also blame some of it on Fenoxo and his 10-foot-long horsecocks.
Freeza said the same before. It didn't turn out too well.

Perpetua is a comical relief character, for Pete's sake... That said, she's fine as a Team Rocket-ish squishy mascot, but fails in her rival role. She'd need to be much more buff to serve as a "you should be to be lv xx to enter" signpost. But then again, I'd rather not see 6 months spent on Perpetua-exclusive content, as cutesy as I find her.

Freeza could actually survive in space without any air, though. I guess you could argue in recent media that Goku breathing in space proves a point, but I would simply chalk that up to him being in the upper atmosphere and, being a kung-fu artist with access to life-energy, could probably sustain himself for a short period in an environment without any air.

I don't wanna post cringe, but Team Rocket only appeals to children because their hijinks are at that level. Yeah, they do have their moments, but they're designed for children in a franchise targeted toward children.

*looks over at Gardevoir and others.*

Mostly for children.
I mean OPM could probably rip open space time to create an air pocket ex nihili... Or whatever deus ex maxhina the author would fancy at the time.
I do agree with the Sonic support, he's a solid character, in the manga at least. Dunno how the anime makes him look (and don't care).

Perpetua is a character at that level, yes. It logically ensues you're not supposed to even consider her as a possible waifu.
But whatever, she's kinda fine, and more importantly I consider anything that comes in the way of real content, the labyrinth and the capital namely, a nuisance and a liabilty to MGD's health (yes, brownie bunny, looking at you🔪).

Anyway, be sure to check the mods. Hard work and good stuff be (disclaimer: quality and content focus vary)
I would say she's an "equal opportunist" sexual predator, meaning she only takes advantage of the opportunity that people like the PC present. Heck, the signs outside her habitat indicate going further would be pretty damn dumb, but it's also a shortcut, so proceed with extreme caution. Obviously, the adventurer who runs into that willy-nilly gets what they fucking deserve, Murray!

Right you are, but what I mean is this: Toxic Matango is the bad girl to Ambush Matango's good girl. Ambush Matango is sweet and loving and horny if a bit shy; Toxic Matango is sinister and calculating and very direct about what she wants. Both are best-girl-tier hot - sexy and sweet go extremely well together, sexy and naughty go extremely well together.

But toddler and sexy never go together and toddler and sinister don't go together either. And that's why Perpetua, to me, is what we in our schoolboy days used to call, "skip". And this brings me to your side-note here:

I don't wanna post cringe, but Team Rocket only appeals to children because their hijinks are at that level. Yeah, they do have their moments, but they're designed for children in a franchise targeted toward children.

That is a great simile. That's probably what makes Perpetua feel ultimately wrong to me - she's written like a villain designed for a toddlers' show. It's like having Teletubbies in your porn. You just riddled it to me entirely.

Anyway, be sure to check the mods. Hard work and good stuff be (disclaimer: quality and content focus vary)
Well, I had to get Beach Party simply because it has more Imp and Elf (both a.k.a. bestest of best girls) content ;)
Perpetua is a character at that level, yes. It logically ensues you're not supposed to even consider her as a possible waifu.
But whatever, she's kinda fine, and more importantly I consider anything that comes in the way of real content, the labyrinth and the capital namely, a nuisance and a liabilty to MGD's health (yes, brownie bunny, looking at you🔪).

Anyway, be sure to check the mods. Hard work and good stuff be (disclaimer: quality and content focus vary)

>Mari the Butterfly
Oh, cool. Someone is gonna do moth girl content better than Fen-
>Foot/leg content

In Venefica's defence, her content isn't bad. It's just that it took so much time away from actual development progress that shooting her in the kneecaps out of frustration is completely understandable. I am not advocating for violence against waifu's, but...

Aside my kimono-wearing waifu, no other monsters are good enough. Smug fox is smug, Mika is too anal about things for me, and matango are just uber-sluts. Fight me.

Right you are, but what I mean is this: Toxic Matango is the bad girl to Ambush Matango's good girl. Ambush Matango is sweet and loving and horny if a bit shy; Toxic Matango is sinister and calculating and very direct about what she wants. Both are best-girl-tier hot - sexy and sweet go extremely well together, sexy and naughty go extremely well together.

See, and this is probably why the imps don't really appeal to me. I get if people like fake loli stuff, but I can't see their art and not want to condescendingly pat the fuck out their heads. If Holy Headpat did damage based on the recipient's level of embarrassment, there would be an imp genocide from my side of the island. The matango, on the other hand, are uber-sluts. The normal matango are just more reserved until she charms herself (what plant doesn't have a pre-existing immunity to its own prey-attraction method?). Toxic matango is just the crazy girlfriend who pretends to listen until you let down your guard.

I mean, don't get me wrong, almost everyone is after your dick. What gets me is how varied their reasons are. You could have everyone being a generic slut, but that's not the case here. Alraune has to eat. Manticore is just fucking with you. Nara is basically a pre-trial trial. Oni twins are final boss music.

But toddler and sexy never go together and toddler and sinister don't go together either. And that's why Perpetua, to me, is what we in our schoolboy days used to call, "skip". And this brings me to your side-note here:

I mean, she does feel childish. I was gonna compare her more to a manchild, but she's a she and...

Also, refer to last point about headpat crusading.

Well, I had to get Beach Party simply because it has more Imp and Elf (both a.k.a. bestest of best girls) content ;)

Remember to copy your original game file, etc

Gonna try a couple now.
Kind of a side note, but I want more absolute anger instant-loss interactions with Holy Headpat like with Sofia. More amusing Headpat interactions in general would be pretty cool. It has the potential to be a really unique move. Heck maybe even an entire Holy skill tree for those that want to go the Paladin of Venereae route