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The Adbot's Revenge!


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave winced. Ever since he transformed, he felt such things not only on a spiritual level, but physically as well. Even if it wasn't painful, he didn't have time to get used to it. "I swear... Whoever or whatever it was, I sincerely hope that Gig kills that... And dies in the process, preferably."


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((I suppose that your char has the same abilities?))

(Actually, their abilities are almost completely different… this Nox is more technomancy than time magic, though he is capable of Action-Point draining a person into a veritable statue, like his class is known for. One on one fights against Nox are a bad idea… but summoners give him a whole hell of trouble.)

Nox’s eyes narrowed. (Which is something entirely reasonable for what are basically camera lenses to do… it seems Nox follows the laws of reality about as loosely as Rhomus.)

“I’d pre-emptively kill you but I don’t want to waste all that AAAAAAAARRRGHHH

Grave is treated to Nox collapsing and writhing in pain as the wave hits, letting go of Grave’s hand in the process. Parts of his body are sending out sparks, and he’s partially futilely trying to remove them as they unleash electricity through his body. He tears off part of his chest armour that was sparking; beneath… are cogs. Nox seems to be not electrical, but clockwork. …You’re pretty sure that’s not even possible. His screams of agony are intermixed with giggling. he doesn’t manage to claw much off, but after a minute or two it stops sparking on it’s own, apparently fixed.

“Heee he hee… Let’s go!” Nox says as he gets up, actually seeming cheery. He grabs Grave by the shoulder and teleports. Grave sees Rhomus moving towards them, startled look on his features at one moment, and trees the next.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((No. He's much more "physical" now... You'll see, anyway.))

Grave was startled by Nox's outburst, but he did nothing. The sudden teleportation, however, was a bit suprising, just like Nox's insides. 'Clockwork? I think I saw something like this before... What was it?' The darkling didn't let that break his composure. "Not bad... Not bad." Grave took a look around, scanning his surroundings. Afterwards, he'd decide what to do.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((No. He's much more "physical" now... You'll see, anyway.))
(Ah, whoops… that was me making a quote fail. The first line was just me quoting your earlier question.)

Grave was currently in a forest, namely the one that the orks had been found in… though a reasonable distance from any actual orks. It seems Nox’s teleport got them all the way in only one jump.
…The strange thing is that you’re pretty sure he never actually looked at the screens with the data and the forest’s location on them... well, before everything started breaking in the viral energy wave, anyway. Then again, Rhomus did mention that, ‘with a Lurker suit’, he could have accessed the satellites without the need of the bunker… Nox was certainly not in a ‘normal’ Lurker suit, but if he had such a device on him, that would explain the situation. …It would also explain the sparking electric lightshow that parts of Nox’s body were making; he himself may be clockwork, but there was likely electrical equipment on (or fused into) him.

Something was definitely wrong with Nox. More than before, that is. If the giggling and rapid attitude change weren’t a big enough sign, the fact that his soul seemed to have fractured in places, and started occasionally flaring around wildly ought to make it obvious. The only question now was whether Nox had been damaged in the viral wave, or if this was something normal for him. Currently he was chasing after a bird like some giddy kid.

(And now we reach the trade-off point; I don’t know what ought to be here, so from this point forward, you get to do all the main GMing.)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Well, I just hope I won't suck...))

Grave sighed. He hoped that the mechanoid would be kind enough to avoid getting in the way. The darkling quickly began to wonder how to find the orks - he had no idea where to go, and asking Nox was most likely a bad idea. After a brief moment, Grave shrugged and decided that letting orks find him would be easier... And he had a good idea how to make them look for him - and let Gorgutz know who came with a visit. Altough it'd leave his throat dry and quite worn out, Grave was going to do something no other man had done before him. He took a deep breath, gathered some phlegm, then let out a loud, deep cry that sounded similiar to a roar.


A careful listener would be able to realize that this cry wasn't raised by an ork - but due to the proper amount of growling, it sounded orky enough to be recognized by a certain someone. That someone replied with the same cry - and Grave recognized the voice. He smiled. He could hear various crashing sounds and voices getting closer. The orks were coming.

((And I guess it's time for Nox to react.))


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Nox had hit the bird he had been chasing with some projectile. He then proceeded to torture and maim the animal within an inch of its life, giggling all the while. He totally ignored Grave’s cry or the response, and seemed disinterested… but then quickly finished off he bird and looked towards the direction of the oncoming orks.

“Fungi? But fungi taste terrible, hehe. Like those bugs. Heehehe, Wraith."

"...Hey... hehehehe."

"...Why did I come here?”


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave facepalmed. He could feel a growing urge to hit his head against a tree, but he figured that he'd have enough time for this later. "You're a taxi, in case you've forgotten. But now, just stay quiet and let me talk."

Right after the darkling said this, a large ork in a power armor that looked as if it was made from tank plating and scrap smashed his way through a young tree. He had a fairly dark skin and was followed by two slightly smaller orks. Grave quickly realized that those two were nobz, not regular boyz. The one in the middle was their leader - and the darkling knew him. They had seen each other before.

As the large ork looked around, Grave approached him, raising his hand in a welcoming gesture. "Lookin' good, aren't you Brokk? Seems you've got an upgrade for your armor as well... As far as I can recall, you had a smaller shoota. Is that a flash?" The large nob looked at Grave, as if he was trying to remember something, then opened his mouth in what seemed to be disbelief.

"Dark humie! Wat are ye doin' ere? An' who's dat metal-boy?"

"Doesn't matter. I do hope that the warboss is around. As you probably remember, he owes me for that one before Kronus."

"Bah, Gorgutz is big an' mean... He ain't goin' down soon. But he's with Gorbash now, talkin' wit dat weirdboy... Wat's his name again? He don't wanna go, an' Gorgutz wants him to go to da WAAAGH!!! Gorgutz is gettin' mad."

"What? Gorbash's still alive? Damn... How many head transplantations did he get after I've left?"

"Five or six. I gotta take ya two to da warboss now. He's gonna get more mad if we're late."
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Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

“That’s not what I mean, you –“ Nox suddenly snapped, being cut off at the end by the arrival of the orks. Even moderately insane as he currently was, Nox was not so out of it as to pick a fight with orks, not when he could help it. Besides, they had so little nutritional value the gain wouldn’t justify the effort. Grave, on the other hand, was a more delectable target, albeit one Nox was under order to help. He’d travel wherever Grave went… for now.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Both Grave and the orks ignored (or didn't notice) Nox's outburst. As the darkling and the nob talked, about 10-15 boyz arrived, joining the group. When the conversation ended, Brokk gave them a few orders in the native language of orks. Grave knew what Brokk said. In fact, Nox probably figured out the meaning as well, since ork language was very easy. It was, however, unpleasant to anyone but orks, because it involved a lot of punching and head-butts. Basically, the armored nob told his boyz to escort the guests (this part took a while to explain - altough Gorgutz had little respect for anyone, Brokk knew that delivering Grave in a bad state was out of the question, so the regular ork hospitality couldn't be applied) and follow him to the warboss. The orks surrounded Nox and the darkling and on Brokk's signal, the whole group began to move. However, while the boyz and the nobz didn't treat Grave with respect, they weren't eager to get on his bad side either. This could make Nox wonder what kind of favor Gorgutz owed Grave, since the greenskin would go as far as to push or even drag him if he failed to match their speed or refused to walk. If the mechanoid had good ears, he'd also her a few of them discussing him in a rather indiscriminate manner.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Nox kept himself amused by thinking nasty thoughts about lower life forms, namely anything other then himself, but particularly the orks. Other than that, he didn't seem to be doing anything strange... which would be worrying to someone that knew him.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The jungle wasn't the easiest kind of terrain for a walk, but the orks moved through it without problems. Despite their size and posture, the boyz walked among the trees with superb agility, keeping up a fast pace easily. Of course, Brokk and the nobz simply smashed their way through with power claws, dealing a lot of damage to anything that got in their path. After a while, Nox noticed some small, four-legged creatures running around the group, followed by small green figures. The other noticed them as well, and Grave moved a bit closer to the armored Nob.

"Squigs and snotlings. We're close to the camp, aren't we?"

"Yea. Boss said to bring da one screamin' 'ere... Means bring you 'ere."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I wonder if he's in a good mood."

The relative silence was broken by a loud roar, as if a large, furious beast broke free. It frightened the boyz, and seemed to have a similiar, altough smaller, effect on the two nobz. They've moved away from Brokk and started to bark orders, as if to justify their behaviour. The armored ork seemed to be a bit uneasy as well...

"And if I'm not mistaken, that's my answer."

"... Yea. We're toast."

"Not necessarily. Just let me talk."

"Wateva. It's yer 'ead, humie."

The group marched out of the woods, altough now the orks moved slower, as if they didn't want to approach too hastily. Nox would notice that their behaviour towards him changed - now they seemed to be too busy thinking about saving their own skin to be nasty to the mechanoid. Grave walked close to Brokk, speaking with the nob about some events from the past. In front of the group was a large settlement built mainly out of wood and scrap, surrounded by primitive fortifications and posts with built-in guns. The perimeter was patrolled by a few orks and a number of small, goblin-like creatures known as Gretchin operated the guns, looking around from one side to another - they seemed to be much less eager to fight than the orks. Brokk's group made their way into the camp through a large gate, which was guarded by several orks with large shootaz, placed on watchtowers. The guards let them in without problems, but seemed to be curious about the guests - they had no idea who Grave was. Most of the orks who had met him before were nobz now. Nox, of course, was an even more interesting type, and he could notice a large ork in a strange-looking armor that seemed to be composed of junk and tools was paying a lot of attention to him, following the group. The camp itself seemed to be made of wood, junk and guns. Nox could recognize a large workshop, something that seemed to be a primitive hospital and a few fungi farms ran by snotlings, who were currently busy with feeding the squigs. Eventually, they've reached the middle of the settlement. In front of them, two figures could be seen standing in the middle of a large square. One of them was a normal-sized ork, whose appearance made him look like a madman - he carried a number of amulets and similiar junk, hanging from really weird places, and seemed to be some sort of a shaman. The other one was a truly massive ork in a awe-inspiring armor that made him look like some sort of a walking tank, equipped with huge guns and enermous power claws. He was currently yelling at the smaller ork, who seemed to be fighting against some sort of invisible pressure emitted by the large one. Grave smiled and moved forward as soon as he noticed them. Apparently, he found his target, and now he waited for the giant ork to stop throwing a tantrum.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(You know, I’m almost contemplating having Nox shout “psyke!” kill the weirdboy, shoot at the warboss and teleport out before anyone reacts, leaving Grave in the middle of a probably hostile ork camp…)

A small band of orks Nox could have dealt with, easy. There was no threat so there was no reason to make plans to counter threats. In the middle of an ork camp was another matter entirely, especially with some cyborg sizing him up – probably for spare parts - and now facing down what was probably the largest pile of fungus on the planet. Nox giggled again – it seemed to be some kind of nervous tic, except not just for nervousness.

His first idea was, characteristically, to kill people till there was no longer a threat… but Nox was still rational enough to know what his chances of success were. He could always teleport away, of course. While the other orks were merest snacks, the one standing next to the giant ork was something else. And he wasn’t under orders to protect that meal. Eat it, teleport out before anyone reacts. He almost went through with that idea, too, but a part of him remembered that the weirdboy was what they’d come there for, and thusly couldn’t be killed either. This is something he was decidedly not happy about. He giggled again.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave cast Nox a glance when he heard the mechanoid giggle. It seemed that his taxi wasn't entirely stable... Perhaps some protective counter measures should have been applied. However, the darkling also noticed the mecha-ork. He smiled slightly. If Nox tried to do something stupid, he'd regret that immediately. That armored oddboy was a Big Mek, fully equipped. Also, despite it's looks, ork tech exceeded the level of advanced races in some aspects - it could even outmatch eldar technology, altough so far the mekz did so in the field of force field, tractor cannon and teleportation technology. Most likely, the large oddboy wanted to "eksperiment" a little. However, Grave's train of thought was interrupted by sudden silence. The warboss stopped yelling, and now turned to face his guest. Just like Brokk, he was suprised. Very suprised. That didn't mean he was less angry.

"In da name of Gork, wat do ya want 'ere, humie?!? Wy did ya bring dat scrap?!?" The last remark was aimed at Nox. Gorgutz seemed to be eager to ruin something to relieve his stress, and Nox certainly looked like a good punching bag to him. This worried the Mek a little, but the oddboy was silent. No one picked a fight with Gorgutz in his own camp and lived to tell the tale.

"Long time, no see, Gorgutz. Seems like you're back to rebuilding your WAAAGH!!!, right?"

"Dat's right! I'm da biggest and da meanest, and I'm gonna make dis da best WAAAGH!!! eva! So say wat ya want and get lost."

"I've noticed that you seem to have a little problem with that..." Grave gestured towards the weirdboy, who was busy doing something to one of his amulets. The darkling noted that it seemed to be made from a squig. "I might be able to help you. So, here's the deal - I get that guy to follow you, and in exchange for that and the favor you owed me for that large WAAAGH!!! - you know which one - you'll let me use that guy's power for a... Sort of a ritual. Sounds fine?"

"Fine? HAH!" Gorgutz's shout was so loud that Grave had to cover his ears. "Ya betta rememba who ye talkin' to, humie!"

"Ah, my apologies... I respectfully ask to lend you my services again, for a small favor in exchange, great warboss." Altough the darkling definitely toned down, he didn't seem to be very serious. In fact, he seemed to be confident - as if he had won already.

"Deal, humie. But ya betta make dis quick!"

While Grave took the weirdboy to the side and began to speak with him, presenting his points in an attempt to convince him, Gorgutz made his way towards the rest of the group. Brokk quickly took a place by the warboss's side. The biggest ork on the planet stopped in front of Nox. Even in the gorrila-like posture (which was typical for orks), he was at least 3m tall and easily dwarfed the mechanoid. "Wat are ya, scrap?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Been long enough...))

Siphon skillfully drove the transport directly to Silvers place, not bothering to try and use the front door knocking method. He didn't know how badly Burrito was damaged, or if they had time to wait. Picking up the cyborg, he turned to the others.

"Be back as soon as I can."

Then he and Burrito vanished in a swirl of angry red light.

Moments later they appeared inside Silver's place. Immediately Siphon called out.

"Silvers, it's Siphon, Burrito's second in command. Need your help here, he's been damaged. Again."

He'd already set the cyborg down on the table, waiting.

((Damn ya Grave, ya ALMOST have me wanting to have Siphon just show up there for the sheer lolz of some bald motherfucker teleporting right into that camp.))


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, well, well. Looks like he's screwed himself up again." Silvers says, smiling through his rotting teeth as he begins to examine Burrito and sighs "The outer damage is superficial. The internal damage, however, seems catastrophic. His entire micro-fusion core has destabilized. He's not getting enough power to any system other than his brain." Silvers says, tapping the front of Burrito's armor, forcing it to open and reveal a small blue orb of light trapped within what looked like a honeycomb of yellow light "It won't explode, but it can't transfer enough energy to his body. I'll need time to get it replaced. In the meantime, you and your friends should go on ahead and do what needs to be done. I'll send him your way when he's fixed."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded.

"Understood. Thank you in advance. Now the time has come to end this blasted fight once and for all."

With that he once more vanished in a swirl of red light, appearing near Sinful, Copper and anyone else on the transport.

"We ready to finish this shit? I for one am sick of being on the defensive, it's time to put the enemy on their heels for a change."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Uncrossing her arms Sin glanced down at her wrist, realized she wasn't wearing a watch, and shrugged.

"Let's go I say,"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Finally," comes from the vampire. "Kick ass and to hell with the names. Let's go."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

An uncharactaristic grin crept to his face as he climbed back into the vehicle, then headed off to join the assault on the enemy stronghold that was likely already under way.

"And the seeds of war are sown, reap what thou hast brought upon thyself. Let the blood flow, the carnage reign, and may fire fall from the skies. Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and you motherfuckers stole all my bubble gum."

Who he was speaking to was unclear, or maybe it was some kind of warm up, who knew, but it wasn't exactly something he was known for.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!



Probably shouldn’t insult the ork…

He giggled again.

“I am Nox, hourglass of Xelor - god of clocks, and time through them.”

Nothing you would understand, fungus.


Host continued to lounge in the transport for most of the trip, humming parts of the tune to ‘The Ultimate Showdown’. He spoke when Siphon made his proclamation.

“Oh? You find out where their base is when you vanished? Or did the Brotherhood call while I wasn’t watching?”

He sat up a little straighter.

“So, where is their base, anyway?”