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MTool: RPGMaker/WolfRPG/TyranoBuilder/SRPGStudio/Kirikiri2/SGB/Bakin/Ren'Py Real-time cheat + one-click machine translation tool

Sure, you can find it here (no dlsite version yet, game in making) :
Only translation function have a limit to texts size, if you each it, you will get a hint.
No matter what the game size.
then the problem with the not starting with tool might be something else? (RPG Maker MV)
then the problem with the not starting with tool might be something else? (RPG Maker MV)

Grab a nwjs frome here, replcae the game's one, the game use a unofficial version of nwjs may cause issues.
Innteresting what's a njws also request to the admins to pin this thread it deserves it
Innteresting what's a njws also request to the admins to pin this thread it deserves it
The RPG Maker Mv/Mz are base on nwjs, u can download it and see their files, all the same... except the game.exe (just rename the nw.exe to game.exe and change a icon....)
Any plans for ATLAS still?

Also, is RPG Maker MV the only one that gets "permanently" translated? Keeping it running while tryin to play a WolfRPG game is making it clunky and not sure how to apply what it translated?
ATLAS is a local translation tool, its old but i think most ppl use it since google and stuff have a fit if you try to translate real time.

As for not being Permanently translated, are you sure? i used it on Magical Girl - Celesfonia and i can restart the game by itself and its fully translated except a few things here and there.

Chevalier Historie is clunky with it going, like if you open the save menu, it drops to like 2 fps or some other windows it drops to a slideshow.
ATLAS is a local translation tool, its old but i think most ppl use it since google and stuff have a fit if you try to translate real time.

As for not being Permanently translated, are you sure? i used it on Magical Girl - Celesfonia and i can restart the game by itself and its fully translated except a few things here and there.

Chevalier Historie is clunky with it going, like if you open the save menu, it drops to like 2 fps or some other windows it drops to a slideshow.
I currently no plans for local dynamic translation.

I made no changes to game, the mv if you delete winmm.dll then start game normally, you will get absolute original game.

I play Chevalier Historie with no that problem, if you mean the problem is menu then the game keep running at "n fps"
Until you close the menu.
Open menu then drop fps for the moment, and recovery back instantly are expected.
That was why the tool is bugs free.
Is trade off, u have to choose a buggy game or a slightly clunk.
I concur there was a game i played that was wolf rpg that if ran with the tool ran slow, but if ran without the tool ran fine. It was magnolia aries girl and knight. However i found out i didn't like the game so i didn't care.

But in chevalier histoire i don't get that problem, it runs ok.
I concur there was a game i played that was wolf rpg that if ran with the tool ran slow, but if ran without the tool ran fine. It was magnolia aries girl and knight. However i found out i didn't like the game so i didn't care.

But in chevalier histoire i don't get that problem, it runs ok.
Some wolf RPG game has a actively change text square, like dynamic game mini map.
It eat up all resources when trying translate it.
What do you mean "trying to translate"?
Doesn't this translate all in one go?
(I mean Even making it playable offline after)
So if i choose the option "generate a patch", and i patch the game with it, so it can run without the tool hooking it, then it will be good?
So if i choose the option "generate a patch", and i patch the game with it, so it can run without the tool hooking it, then it will be good?
No, first, there's no that option.
Then if we have the option, you choose patch the game, then it will cause bugs like other MTL like T++.