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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread


Grim Reaper
Jul 2, 2012
Reputation score
A little birdie told me about this thread.

I haven't been checking this forum since I lost my old email (and by extension any way to get my old accounts password). I wasn't going to post anything, but I figured i'd address that post above because a lot of it is just flat out wrong and is just a gross misrepresentation of my character. It's one thing to say I don't heed any feedback and just blindly chug along, but it's another thing to blatantly lie with such a presumption when I have -three- different means of communicating with me (twitter, discord, and patreon..which has public posts btw, not sure where you got that there aren't) available and the vast majority of things I implement comes from patron suggestions.

The most legitimate critique I saw was about the commissions, which I already plan on cutting back on. For everything else, there's really no excuse for you to not just contact me instead of griping on a forum you know I don't frequent. I can't do anything about stuff I don't know about.
You seriously came here just to tell me that i am wrong and all of that without even quoting my post at the very least and despite the fact that one of my main points was that you don't seem to listen to people. But yeah let's turn me into the big bad that can't be reasoned or conversed with (i actually half expected you showing up and doing something like this from the very beginning and yeah i appear to have been right on the money so no offense, but there's really no need for me to bring your character into question)...

I will however bite your obvious bait and tell you this: I stand by and behind every word i have said. One thing you seem to not understand is that whatever i said wasn't something i said out of spite or in order to slander you in any way, but rather was among other things caused by frustration of you seemingly not giving a damn about fixing things (Brian is an obvious example) and pushing in additional features all the while the base char is completely broken. And before you tell me: "But i have fixed several bugs already just check the changelog!" , i will just say to that: "Green dick bug is fixed, except it's not", so yeah...

If that was something that was the case for like a version or two of the said char i would just keep quiet about it, but fuck it has actually been like a year and a half since one particularly game breaking bug was introduced (unlimited cumming works bug) with a whole slew of other ones following closely behind (the said green dong issue as the first and very obvious example or the recent creepy as fuck floating heads and arms bug). I think that any one person would be hard pressed to justify something like that...

Now don't get me wrong i am, or at least i used to be a fan of yours because your name alone meant quality and you yourself had some serious passion for doing what you do and that built the community's trust in you, but as of late that trust is becoming paper thin...

If you actually have some circumstances (real life issues) that affected your work in any way then i will and i do apologize in advance, otherwise you will not get a free pass for things that other people most certainly woudn't. You appeared here for a reason that nobody cares about instead of appearing here for all the right reasons (more involvement with the community). Seriously get involved with people here some more like you did once upon a time and pay more attention to what they are saying at the very least and they will respond in kind as most people here would be more than happy to help even if it is just by doing some bug hunting for you. If there is anything that made it worth being in conflict with you, than that is the fact that you are here, now in whatever capacity...

Note#1: I know that i am just some random dude ("the head" guy apparently, lol) and i think that i have already stated that i don't feel entitled to anything (some of my posts a few pages back i believe), so you can just freely ignore the fuck out of me if you really want, but i will just say this in conclusion : think trough whatever you yourself are actually having any fun anymore in doing mugen related stuff because in the end THAT is the only thing that matters...
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Mar 8, 2011
Reputation score
Will also echo the sentiment that the ratio of patreon posts / updates behind a wall versus non is pretty big.

Like, being told check the discord is okay for people who paid before, but what about those not in the discord? They're stuck seeing "5 dollar post" xN and no effective way of seeing whats going on / what they'll be paying for. It's like a lapse in communication has occured.

And ya the whole, enthusiasm thing.
You're in college, granted, have classes, granted. But I dont see how "I prefer you take your time and pause the patreon versus charging people for something you rushed/is incomplete or buggy" isn't valid critique. You aren't doing a PixelPheromones, we all see that - but you definitely take up idea xN versus refining things now.

I had something else but it escaped me for a bit. Might come back.

Anyways for the sake of conversation / actually conveying whats wrong lets, imo all step back (on both ends) for the passive aggressiveness/hostility cause we can air our greviances like adults I think.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Thanks for replying and addressing the issues I brought up, @gettagmk3 . I'm fine with conversing civilly in any medium you prefer, even if it's Discord.
I don't think I'll respond to your points, as I think you've given me a lot to think about already, and will be more patient in the future regarding some of those bugs.

However, I don't want this to devolve into more bashing or hate on you, since I think we can all agree you're one of the few who are at least providing content to H-mugen. And I think we all here have stronger opinions on others (as we've not so discreetly name-dropped) in the community who are even more universally hated and less contributive, haha.

Anyways for the sake of conversation / actually conveying whats wrong lets, imo all step back (on both ends) for the passive aggressiveness/hostility cause we can air our greviances like adults I think.
This. I think we're entitled to our opinions and even our critique, but I also think we're all mature enough that we can be constructive in our discussions without the emotions behind our words flaring out. I for one was/am guilty of this, and I do regret certain choice wordings I've used in previous posts. I apologize. I hope we can all agree that we want to see H-mugen grown and developed at the very least.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
The last time I was a patreon was when voters kept on voting for characters that take long time to make. I had to back out at that point. Nonstop back to back super high pixel count characters. Voters don't even try to alternate between one high pixel count character then one low pixel count character. I think gettag is just sorta overwhelmed. I haven't been a patron in several months now.


Grim Reaper
Jul 2, 2012
Reputation score
However, I don't want this to devolve into more bashing or hate on you, since I think we can all agree you're one of the few who are at least providing content to H-mugen. And I think we all here have stronger opinions on others (as we've not so discreetly name-dropped) in the community who are even more universally hated and less contributive, haha.

You know i don't give a damn about the guy enough to do that on purpose, and i don't have the sort of free time required to make some elaborate scheme in order to defame him or anything, in fact i don't even have any sort of personal beef with the the dude... I did however express my concern of him taking any sort of critique as some sort of personal vendetta which is something i mentioned in my exchange with NSR in a post that gettag deemed as somehow offensive. Sure i might have gone a bit too far with my wallet metaphor, but the person in question has yet to prove me wrong (not that he has to).

I will however apologize to everyone for that last bit of my outburst (my previous post) which was out of line but was caused by my inability to comprehend just what exactly that guy is even thinking showing up just to take that one post of mine (i'm rather sure that he didn't really bother to read anything above that one post) entirely out of context and indirectly tell me that my opinion has no worth by not even trying to talk to me about whatever problem he has with me (if there really even is one)...

Fuck, i'm done... I won't be either talking about nor with gettag anymore (which is slightly funny because there was no "talking" bit whatsoever), but seriously one last thing i have to say is that this previous "event" has convinced me that he won't be changing his modus operandi concerning, well anything really anytime soon...

Ok, NOW i really am done and won't be responding to anything even remotely concerning gettag ever again...
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New member
Apr 1, 2020
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As for discord, i mean why the fuck are you people allowing Hippopotamus (Hip-Ernov) to post there anyway? (i mean i get it, he is like that one really annoying cockroach that just never seems to die no matter how much poison you've used on him, but still...)
The discord is a dead zone. Filled with passive aggressive bums and untalented hypocrites. Eip-Ernov is one of the problems. The other is the jackass that continues to spam twitter posts of as art that looks like it's from a light novel every day and pisses and moans so erratically if you disagree with anything that is his tastes or correct him if he's wrong. (Star something).

Finally the icing on the cake for that shit show is by far one of the most inconsistent moderators you'd ever want to see. Plays favorites, starts fights when her clique feels insulted (mentioned above) and does fuck all to follow the forum rules because it only applies to whom she deems it to. Acting like she's scolding children lol. It's just interesting this hasn't happened sooner and no one has picked up on Gettags cash grab approach.


Grim Reaper
Jul 2, 2012
Reputation score
The discord is a dead zone. Filled with passive aggressive bums and untalented hypocrites. Eip-Ernov is one of the problems. The other is the jackass that continues to spam twitter posts of as art that looks like it's from a light novel every day and pisses and moans so erratically if you disagree with anything that is his tastes or correct him if he's wrong. (Star something).

Finally the icing on the cake for that shit show is by far one of the most inconsistent moderators you'd ever want to see. Plays favorites, starts fights when her clique feels insulted (mentioned above) and does fuck all to follow the forum rules because it only applies to whom she deems it to. Acting like she's scolding children lol. It's just interesting this hasn't happened sooner and no one has picked up on Gettags cash grab approach.
So... it's MA all over again?

I mean wow, i knew it was bad from how E_G described it, but never could have guessed it was bad to such an extent... I'm glad that i decided to just not have anything to do with that place from the very start.

>Mugen hentai is dead.
Is it indeed?
The answer to that question is something that varies wildly depending on who you ask, but personally as of late i'm fairly convinced that the answer is... yes?

As to why... well after a recent situation that was very close to a shitshow (for which i bear much of the responsibility) which started with me wanting to know how to give some feedback to youknowwho (no not voldemort, lol), a half fight ensuing and resulting in... well nothing really, things just went back to being very much the same (outside of people here actively avoiding me now), in other words dead (the tumbleweeds rolling around a desert sort of dead)...

I mean you yourself are an actual creator, so things might look different to you, but from my (your average consumer's) point of view that's just how it is...
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Mar 8, 2011
Reputation score
>Mugen hentai is dead.
Is it indeed?
Honestly? Yes.
New(good) creative blood is practically nill/remains in WIP forever.
We hit the cycle of when we check sakura uploader, while we occssionally see new sprites/stuff thats still rare to see. You add them into chars, feel happy, then nothing.
Spriting isn't for everyone either, so it isn't like lmao anyone can be new blood and deliver quality. Doing the code, ya anyone can learn. Spriting? Not so much in my opinion.

And theres the whole, monetized sentiment becoming a core part of it. Support is nice! But uh in the same vein H mugen lasted practically a decade without it becoming financial. It's eerie.

Get your hustle on, nobody can stop you, but ya feels motives, creative drive, and general pace of it all shifted.

Shana Fenix

Demon Girl Pro
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
The discord is a dead zone. Filled with passive aggressive bums and untalented hypocrites. Eip-Ernov is one of the problems. The other is the jackass that continues to spam twitter posts of as art that looks like it's from a light novel every day and pisses and moans so erratically if you disagree with anything that is his tastes or correct him if he's wrong. (Star something).

Finally the icing on the cake for that shit show is by far one of the most inconsistent moderators you'd ever want to see. Plays favorites, starts fights when her clique feels insulted (mentioned above) and does fuck all to follow the forum rules because it only applies to whom she deems it to. Acting like she's scolding children lol. It's just interesting this hasn't happened sooner and no one has picked up on Gettags cash grab approach.
Ah yes. Because you are oh so apt at making anything yourself! Go on, show me your boundless talents that allow you to shit on the people that at least try to get something done instead of sitting here in this thread whining all day waiting to be spoonfed (right @HangerDanger ?). Also love that fresh, anonymous account you got there. Really brave of you to 'speak up' with your 'name all out in the open' :')
On sidenote, if it feels to you I was scolding children maybe it's because you're behaving like one. And if I was playing favorites you'd be noticing it, believe me.
Anyway - Gettag's discord is open to the public. You'd just have to go take the 2 seconds it takes to google his twitter to find it, but that's too much effort now isn't it? It's also not like he doesn't release his stuff to the general public either. It's just a later relese than for patreons which is... a fair deal imo. There's other people with patreons in the mugen scene I'd understand if you got on their case but gettag I do not.
I swear you guys are showing me exactly those traits that were the reason why I pulled Umbreon off the downloads. Like, I get it. No new, interesting, fancy stuff for a while. It's gotten kinda stale in the MUGEN community, I know. But it's like you start bashing at the next best target and cry for not getting a lollipop when you get too frustrated. People like you are the reason why there's less and less creators willing to work on MUGEN. Because the people that try, all they ever get is "why isn't this done yet" "why is so buggy" "why are they charging money for the work that I'm not willing to even touch". It gets tiring. Very tiring.


Mystic Girl
Jun 9, 2013
Reputation score
The other is the jackass that continues to spam twitter posts of as art that looks like it's from a light novel every day and pisses and moans so erratically if you disagree with anything that is his tastes or correct him if he's wrong. (Star something).
I'm sorry having different tastes in art styles somehow makes you feel attacked, but that's really your problem. It's a channel dedicated to posting art from wherever whenever, so posting one or two images per day, sometimes not even that, is somehow considered spam, okay i guess. Wouldn't want to live your life.


New member
Apr 1, 2020
Reputation score
Ah yes. Because you are oh so apt at making anything yourself! Go on, show me your boundless talents that allow you to shit on the people that at least try to get something done instead of sitting here in this thread whining all day waiting to be spoonfed (right @HangerDanger ?). Also love that fresh, anonymous account you got there. Really brave of you to 'speak up' with your 'name all out in the open' :')
On sidenote, if it feels to you I was scolding children maybe it's because you're behaving like one. And if I was playing favorites you'd be noticing it, believe me.
Anyway - Gettag's discord is open to the public. You'd just have to go take the 2 seconds it takes to google his twitter to find it, but that's too much effort now isn't it? It's also not like he doesn't release his stuff to the general public either. It's just a later relese than for patreons which is... a fair deal imo. There's other people with patreons in the mugen scene I'd understand if you got on their case but gettag I do not.
I swear you guys are showing me exactly those traits that were the reason why I pulled Umbreon off the downloads. Like, I get it. No new, interesting, fancy stuff for a while. It's gotten kinda stale in the MUGEN community, I know. But it's like you start bashing at the next best target and cry for not getting a lollipop when you get too frustrated. People like you are the reason why there's less and less creators willing to work on MUGEN. Because the people that try, all they ever get is "why isn't this done yet" "why is so buggy" "why are they charging money for the work that I'm not willing to even touch". It gets tiring. Very tiring.
Shana stop being an enabler and a hypocrite. You are a shockingly terrible moderator and you do play favorites. Not to mention you don't even mod the channel unless someone comes crying to you to do so. Then you attempt to put on a show as if you're something that you truly aren't.

Even here with this reply we see the snark, impulsive behavior and over all condescending attude that shows how inept you are. Truly a self fulling prophecy.

Did you get that wake up call? Or is it still nap time in kindergarten?


New member
Apr 1, 2020
Reputation score
Stay civil.
I'm sorry having different tastes in art styles somehow makes you feel attacked, but that's really your problem.
I agree, it becomes my problem when you make it others problems. But again - you prove that point entirely.

I hear they sell back bones for hypocrites here at the Home Depot. Would that be cash or card? Or shall your mod be making the payment today as before?

Shana Fenix

Demon Girl Pro
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
Shana stop being an enabler and a hypocrite. You are a shockingly terrible moderator and you do play favorites. Not to mention you don't even mod the channel unless someone comes crying to you to do so. Then you attempt to put on a show as if you're something that you truly aren't.

Even here with this reply we see the snark, impulsive behavior and over all condescending attude that shows how inept you are. Truly a self fulling prophecy.

Did you get that wake up call? Or is it still nap time in kindergarten?
I've been watching this channel for a couple days and it's really hard to keep my mouth shut while you people mouth off on people that actually put in some work.
Also you should get out of that habit of trying to sound like you know anything at all, Sarai or whatever your name was. I may not be the best mod - but I try. And I stand by what i said earlier.
As always, you didn't adress any of the points being made, you didn't see any of it for what it was and you're still the same self-entitled person throwing around insults and accusations I've known you for. Good to know you haven't changed at all and I can continue to ignore you as your words bear no significance.


New member
Apr 1, 2020
Reputation score
I've been watching this channel for a couple days and it's really hard to keep my mouth shut while you people mouth off on people that actually put in some work.
Also you should get out of that habit of trying to sound like you know anything at all, Saruei or whatever your name was. I may not be the best mod - but I try. And I stand by what i said earlier.
As always, you didn't adress any of the points being made, you didn't see any of it for what it was and you're still the same self-entitled person throwing around insults and accusations I've known you for. Good to know you haven't changed at all and I can continue to ignore you as your words bear no significance.
Again, this shows that you don't pay attention or listen. If you did have attention to detail this is the 3rd post I've made. As a consumer or products why should anyone care about "working"? Do you work on the car you drive? You can say you try but your actions writes a novel all on its own. Even here you must have me confused for another (another sign of your great 4d chess of moderating). As I don't recall insulting a soul for about the year I spent in that discord.

The only thing I can and will address is how well you've proven everyone's point and concern. One day we hope you actually mod instead of taking second hand information as gospel.

(And if you're ignoring they they are significant enough *yikes*)
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Mystic Girl
Jun 9, 2013
Reputation score
So much salt, if this is such a grievance for you then your life must be pretty easygoing. I guess I'm sorry if I've wronged you at some point? But i really don't know when that would have been, since i clearly have no idea who you are. Digging at stuff like me posting art you don't like really has nothing to do with the decline of MUGEN or anything in this discussion, it just comes off as a personal jab against me because you clearly don't like me for whatever reason you've deemed justifiable.


New member
Mar 6, 2021
Reputation score
Thanks for replying and addressing the issues I brought up, @gettagmk3 . I'm fine with conversing civilly in any medium you prefer, even if it's Discord.
I don't think I'll respond to your points, as I think you've given me a lot to think about already, and will be more patient in the future regarding some of those bugs.

However, I don't want this to devolve into more bashing or hate on you, since I think we can all agree you're one of the few who are at least providing content to H-mugen. And I think we all here have stronger opinions on others (as we've not so discreetly name-dropped) in the community who are even more universally hated and less contributive, haha.
No need to apologize, seriously! I get the intent behind it. Anyway, I should have a fix for the issues you pointed out shortly, got pushed back somewhat due to irl stuff. At the very least, it should help by reducing the random occurennce of ear rape.


Mar 8, 2011
Reputation score
Honestly I was seriously asking prior to keep things as a normal discussion - My points kinda went by the wayside as well.

I said it before, my problem isnt solely the monetization but how its done. Like, futacharsmaker at least if somethings not ready/in a state to be released instead of a rushrelease every month / bugs he'll just pause the patreon till ready or the backlog of ideas is done. Of course this is me heavily summarizing my posts but yeah.

Shana Fenix

Demon Girl Pro
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
Honestly I was seriously asking prior to keep things as a normal discussion - My points kinda went by the wayside as well.

I said it before, my problem isnt solely the monetization but how its done. Like, futacharsmaker at least if somethings not ready/in a state to be released instead of a rushrelease every month / bugs he'll just pause the patreon till ready or the backlog of ideas is done. Of course this is me heavily summarizing my posts but yeah.
MFCM is the last person you should be proud of in terms of his patreon honestly. He makes patreon only polls that he then proceeds to ignore because he doesn't like the outcome, ignores criticism entirely and takes months and years to release anything workable that is just a copy of the same old thing that was released last time. With all due respect, I rather take experimental, new and sometimes buggy features than a million copies of the same thing disguised under a different skin. In fact, MFCM decided to remove features that were once a great asset to their characters (anyone remember the team attack move that some characters had?).
In the end though I know that this is merely my opinion on things and you are free to have your own, of course.