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SIM [ cmacleod42] Slavemaker Revised Now up to 3.2.06 2/18/12

Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

nvm its 4-0 now and 1-0... i need to start making points.....
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Any news on an update? Also, could we perhaps get the latest version linked in the first post so people don't have to dig through the thread.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I don't believe it's out yet. 'Bout nine days ago the dev said he "was confident a beta would be ready in about a week" on .

I believe that's the latest on release. There's newer entry on the blog from four days ago, but it was more of a modding support blurb.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Actually, he said a few more days until a new release recently on MasterBloodfer's forum. I'm checking constantly for the new update.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

"End in sight, I am quite close to finishing the new version. A few days at most to finish the coding." - March 13th.

That's the most recent quote I can recall. I think he was also going to do a closed beta?

It's all I can do to wade through that forum, though. I mean seriously, even ignoring the problems inherent to it being a primarily non-english forum, and the incredibly annoying 3-row-high animated emoticons that some people feel the need to use in lieu of punctuation... the difference in literacy between that forum and this one is astounding.

(That was a bit off topic, but it's been bothering me since I was directed to that forum.)
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

It's an annoying trait to the forum. Why do you think I announced my Girls on this forum instead of Bloodfer? After my first post got flooded with odd comments along the lines of 'stoopid subs will always be around', I decided not to really post development stuff unless I had questions about flash or the SDK.

...Anyways, when I read Cmac's post about coding nearly done, I took it as a sign he'd be done with the game completely. I think I remember him saying that he wouldn't announce when he was doing Closed Beta, which makes sense.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Ah yes... the person I hate the most on that entire forum 'Mystery_99X'. Mystery seems compelled to use every chance available to derail any even vaguely useful topic all while using massive emoticons in the place of punctuation.

There are times I'm almost tempted to go ahead and make a profile on that site just to PM Mystery to shut up.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

There are times I'm almost tempted to go ahead and make a profile on that site just to PM Mystery to shut up.

It's something that hasn't seemed to helped, no matter how many tell him/her to stop.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Pity. It gets really annoying when I see that the announcement thread has updated only to see Mystery is spamming it again.

Is there a chance you could just start reporting every spam post Mystery makes in the announcement thread?
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I don't believe Cmac has that kind of authority. The other mods mostly speak Spanish, which I am not very good at.


Mi amo Silth!
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I don't believe Cmac has that kind of authority. The other mods mostly speak Spanish, which I am not very good at.


Mi amo Silth!

Tu hablas espanole. and yes i know my Spanish spelling is terrible.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I usually navigate to it via Google. Just getting to the SM boards that way is kind of annoying, so I don't check very frequently.

Would not a release require a post-coding-finished bug hunt period? So it might take longer, maybe. I'm not familiar with how cmacle handles his releases - just releasing once it's playable and fixing bugs upon complaint, or trying to debug before that, like.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Usually he just releases, then fixes bugs as they come.

From his post yesterday (after locking down the announcement thread! Yay!), he said that this weekend would be the beta test. This is the first time he's done a testing period, then a full release.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Ah yes... the person I hate the most on that entire forum 'Mystery_99X'. Mystery seems compelled to use every chance available to derail any even vaguely useful topic all while using massive emoticons in the place of punctuation.

There are times I'm almost tempted to go ahead and make a profile on that site just to PM Mystery to shut up.

That's the one always talking about the plot to take over the world and/or skateboarding, right? Glad I'm not the only one annoyed by that poster.

I'm also eagerly awaiting the release of the newest version. Hopefully it'll be any day now.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Just out of curiosity did any of you on your ramblings on that forum. notice if the explorations of your homes will be in this next version, or is that slated for a later version?

I myself didn't notice it in the preview of this version, but as you've noticed wading through some of the stuff there could make your brain explode.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I saw an update on that somewhere Ronny. Let me search for it, and I'll come back with some news.

EDIT: Found it. I can't find anything else on house exploration, so it's probably going to be in v17... or 3.2, whatever it will be called.

a fair bit
-still parts of the revised planning
- skill progression
- house upgrades
- new end game
- finish the beach

House exploration was planned but may be left for v17 so I can get a release out. Some parts of twin support will not be finalised (a lot to rewrite properly) and most male slave aspect will be left for others to write.
Last edited:
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

Aww shucks and I was looking forward to exploring the houses, but I guess I can live with the current update coming out soon. Best not to complain when I'm getting something so enjoyable for free anyways.
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

'Nother update on the status:

-Coding is done, Cmac hasn't made it through a single game without a bug.
-Because of this, closed beta starts today or tomorrow.
-He plans on it lasting a week, or until there are "no more significant bugs".

So... we are at least a week away from a new version of Slave Maker!
Re: Slavemaker Revised Now up to 2x15.8

I do believe it has been a week. Anyone find any links? Or is the update delayed again? And if you think I am lazy then by yes! I am lazy! >.>

Edit: I just checked and there is no new version. Now consider this post a bump!