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RPG Shota [Rambalance] サキュバスのオーブ 家出娘と二人の淫魔 (RJ415169)


Sex Demon
Nov 6, 2015
Reputation score
A game that was in development for 4-5 years and inactive for 2 years finally gives a heads up on their latest game.
its got a Dlsite page now
This is a game where you go around town and beat up some corrupted people, but if you let those people attack you, you will get sexually assaulted, and eventually they will have sex with you. you can also interact with various normal people and interact with them that way, you are tasked with finding some coloured orbs hidden through-out the map guarded by the succubuses minions.

there was an old demo for this game, but it was so long ago that a link to it probably doesnt work anymore, which is fine because now theres a new demo on DLsite to play.

controls are a tad different from regular wolf RPG games,
you have a whole hotkey of buttons to attack and use skills with like using a heal skill, and attacking with a slash attack at range, as well as many others you learn by gaining experiance through battle and sexual experiances.

Thanks to lazycat for the story synopsis.
A girl runs away from home.
Stumbles into a magic circle.
Gets cursed by a red succubus and was about to get futa'd into her minion.
A blue succubus shows up, gets a trap card by red succubus and loses a lot of her power into 8 orbs, She STILL kicks red succubus's ass but due to the same circle locking her within it she can't finish off red.

The Red girl goes off to try and find the orbs/recuperate from the ass whooping.
The Blue girl asks you to gather the orbs and in turn she'll break the curse on you.

And thus the game begins for real.


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good to know he's still alive + the game is close to completion

though this also refills my copium that some missing names will resurface to finish what was a promising demo into a full game (Princess Sacrifice was the start of that particular jar)

EDIT: For people who want to try, the main page of their ci-en still have link to the old test version on dmm
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This randomly popped up on my ci-en after so many years. Hopeful to see the release.

With trial.

Projected release date is late October.

Assuming all those samples are available in the trial, then this is a lot more content compare to the old trial.

EDIT: The opening is a little more polished (and the red succubus got a design change) but the basic plot is still the same.
Girl run away from home.
Stumble into a magic circle.
Get cursed by red succubus and was about to get futa'd into her minion.
Blue succubus show up, get trap card by red succubus and lose a lot of her power into 8 orbs, STILL kick red succubus's ass but due to the same circle locking her within it she can't finish off red.

Red go off to try and find the orbs/recuperate from the asswhooping.
Blue ask you to gather the orbs and in turn she'll break the curse on you.

And thus the game begin for real.
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With trial.

Projected release date is late October.

Assuming all those samples are available in the trial, then this is a lot more content compare to the old trial.
nice to know that its coming out on my birth month

With trial.

Projected release date is late October.

Assuming all those samples are available in the trial, then this is a lot more content compare to the old trial.

EDIT: The opening is a little more polished (and the red succubus got a design change) but the basic plot is still the same.
Girl run away from home.
Stumble into a magic circle.
Get cursed by red succubus and was about to get futa'd into her minion.
Blue succubus show up, get trap card by red succubus and lose a lot of her power into 8 orbs, STILL kick red succubus's ass but due to the same circle locking her within it she can't finish off red.

Red go off to try and find the orbs/recuperate from the asswhooping.
Blue ask you to gather the orbs and in turn she'll break the curse on you.

And thus the game begin for real.
thank you for this update. I used your plot synopsis for the thread.
I've been waiting for the dev to wake up for years, now he better deliver.
So any thoughts on the demo? I thought it was pretty good so the full version looks promising. Similarly to Platinum War Elf the game is more or less open world, since you need to find (vs destroy) several orbs that were spread around town. Getting out of grabs is too easy imo. Still, the idea that there's a futa succubus out there hunting for our heroine, making an army of lustful zombies is great. A shame the dev confirmed the game won't have any stockings, that's a big blow.
Overall, the game seems to be shaping up great but may be too easy since in the trial even defeating the main antagonist isn't a big deal and levels you up like crazy.
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I dont mind the fact the game is very easy, its designed in a way that people playing just for the lewds dont feel punished when trying to progress to other parts of the map and get roadblocked by massive attackers, tho with that being said it may be a different story when we actually get to fight a boss, I remember the boss in their elf game being a bit hard to fight before so that may be where the real challenge lies.
Alright, looks like my kind of game. Now just hope it actually has a decent amount of content.

a little sneak peek at the subway area. gonna be different from overworld encounters as I assume all you can do is break out of grabs, but at least theres different positions compared to the overworld. (plus a big picture)
Couldn't get far into the game before it kept glitching and I lost track of where to go. Is this game all humanoids or are there any monsters in it?
Couldn't get far into the game before it kept glitching and I lost track of where to go. Is this game all humanoids or are there any monsters in it?
There doesn't seem to be too far to 'get' in the demo, you basically just have a good portion of the 'city' (at least as far as it seems on the map) but none of the 'dungeons', so all you can really do is wander around. The demo only contains human molesters (and that one humanoid succubus) but the internals reference tentacles, orcs, and slimes which should be in the full game. You can also see some thumbnails and sprites in the gallery rooms.

The demo seems promising in some areas- not many games try to sell you on the 'homeless' experience to the point that you're walking around the city picking up empty cans for money, or old clothes to cut up and craft into a tent. But at the same time it's not a very big city, and it's way too easy to just walk past enemies and/or make hundreds of dollars a day just by mugging some suits, which kinda undermines any potential fun from the survival/crafting gameplay. Why even bother crafting a tent when it's actually less work to just rent an apartment?
kinda undermines any potential fun from the survival/crafting gameplay. Why even bother crafting a tent when it's actually less work to just rent an apartment?

I mean, the plot is you're turning into succubus (the rpg leveling side I guess) and you've seen at least 2 of them and what they can do
If you run into the red one during the day (she's in one of the sewer tent, though it seems to be 1 time encounter only) she even mentioned how she's currently too weak to fight you in her human form.

THAT red succubus that instantly murder the poor sod in the opening despite her weaken state after just getting stabbed by blue

weaker than the player character

and all these enemies are just 'normal' human

you can't really have 'survival crafting' mood in a game where everything alive is technically your food and the more you murder the stronger you become
Maybe there was a plan to make survival with all kind of usual stat management (you can use toilet and a lot of healing items are food) but probably got scrapped in favor for the RPG side since that's more in line with the plot
If you run into the red one during the day (she's in one of the
Huh, I found her in the
during the day.

As for different kinds of enemies, you can see some of them in the demo gallery (the kind of enemy, not their animations).
you can't really have 'survival crafting' mood in a game where everything alive is technically your food and the more you murder the stronger you become
Maybe there was a plan to make survival with all kind of usual stat management (you can use toilet and a lot of healing items are food) but probably got scrapped in favor for the RPG side since that's more in line with the plot
'everything alive is technically your food and the more you murder the stronger you become' is technically true in real life, just that you get stronger from the exercise of murder rather than by gaining experience points.

And I'm pretty sure that the Red one is only temporarily weaker now because she got stabbed by the Blue one in the intro. (You can randomly encounter her looking like a normal NPC in several different locations in the city during the day.) It's not like the PC's strength is characterized very well against either of them, she just faints, so they could easily hand-wave her being relatively strong or weak based on whatever magical MacGuffins succubi use for their magic powers.

But really, what I meant to say wasn't whether magical flying succubi were 'realistic' or 'in line with the plot'; just that the demo has a lot of interesting mechanics that aren't often seen, and I think it's a shame that they're mostly useless to the current gameplay.
Huh, I found her in the
during the day.

As for different kinds of enemies, you can see some of them in the demo gallery (the kind of enemy, not their animations).

I'll have to try that, maybe it's related to the days cycle (fire/water/wood days + day/night for 6 possible NPC variations)
I'll have to try that, maybe it's related to the days cycle (fire/water/wood days + day/night for 6 possible NPC variations)
ok so i know that she appears in the library in the day during fire days and she appears in the subway during water days so i guess she appears in sewers during wood days?
Couldn't get far into the game before it kept glitching and I lost track of where to go. Is this game all humanoids or are there any monsters in it?
theres pictures of the game that shows the character getting grabbed by tenticle monsters. so im sure theres more then humanoids. tho im sure humans will populate the majority of the map. I saw a room with tenticle monsters in the demo before it kicked me out saying thats the end of how far I can go.