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VN/TEXT RPG Active NTR [Makura cover soft] Dungeon and Bride

Would also make sense for her to try to sabotage the hero's party from within given they're trying to stop the red head demon succubus from reviving the other demons. Where's the Male NTR at lol. I haven't played much of the story of the game anyway since there's no way to translate the game efficiently, even mtool sucks for it.
Hmm, the translation patch seems to have a bug where it overlays Sapphire City's landmarks over the other two towns.

I miss the loli with the whip personally, I hope she has more content too.

She's still in the game files... a little tweaking of the code in specific places and she can be restored as guest fighter. So I'm guessing she's still a thing in the full game.

I definitely like her a bit better just because the elf woman is overpowered. I actually messed with the files to give her a basic fire spell instead of the AOE fire spell, and the game was much more enjoyable as a result.
Would also make sense for her to try to sabotage the hero's party from within given they're trying to stop the red head demon succubus from reviving the other demons. Where's the Male NTR at lol. I haven't played much of the story of the game anyway since there's no way to translate the game efficiently, even mtool sucks for it.
Yeah, if she's working for the guy she came with, have her hypnotize the girls ot send them off to slowly be converted into members of his harem. Then he uses them as a wandering party that the hero has to deal with later.
If she does work for the head demon, then she would do the same thing, except that she send the girls off to the demon to be enslaved by her so she can use them as pawns againt the hero.
Where's the Male NTR at lol.
This. I was honestly hoping she would be another NTR obstacle like the men. Tries to steal you from the other girls. Maybe she even tries to orchestrate situations where your love interest at the time walks in on PC cheating/fooling around with her. Love interest gets dejected/crushed and one of the other guys "comforts" PC's LI.

She could also work to manipulate the girls' jealousy/anger to cockblock you/force the girls to shack up with the other guys to get out of her way towards trying to take you for herself. Maybe even strike a deal with one of the other guys. Have him go after your LI while she goes after you. Separate PC and his LI that way.

That would've added some interesting additional things to watch out for.

Also, I'm disappointed that the men's (and women's) lust doesn't just gradually go up as you walk from tile to tile in the dungeons or go through any fight. Tension can be an amazing aphrodisiac. Would make the shield mechanic actually feel more appropriate. Kind of hoping that it'll have difficulty settings and some of the settings make the NTR harder for you.

Fuck me, every NTR game I play feels like it desperately needs modular difficulty settings like System Shock and some horror games have. Pump up the NTR difficulty to max while keeping the general gameplay difficulty at normal, for example.
They're either a NTR or avoidable NTR, there's no in-between and that reflects even in the gameplay. Besides, this creator doesn't setup the NTR all that seriously, mostly like 30 paragraphs shared between the love interest and protag is about all there is, some unrequited love or just the player's desire putting shade on the actual relationship. The NTR does make this H game more interesting then the usual rape fantasies at least, an extra spin to it.
Did the creator mention if we can get our guy into a harem? That would be kinda neat as well. Don't need it, but I would go for it if it's there.
My thought exactly, where cure Petrification when even a mid-tier Harpy sisters can even trigger it?

They need either an item to grant immunity, or a durational spell that prevent status abnormalities.
Honestly, paralysis seems cute now when you can do almost nothing against Charmed and Petrification.

Actually, that's what i meant by using cure mind 'later'. It cures charmed form the succubi.

Also paralysis is a huge dickmove when it lands from a trap on someone wearing the goddess robe. enjoy not being able to take off the anti-magic robe because paralysis, but also not cast cure paralysis. hope you kept a potion!

Edit: Also how do you guys think the elf chick's spell is OP, it's literally the first shitty aoe fire move, it does no debuff, and hits a row for 15-20, and she almost always seems to target the front row, which my frontliners have already whittled down by the time she uses her spell, so it hits less enemies anyway. and if the enemy is resist fire, she'll still spam that one spell only.

She's low-tier, ya'll. I ignore the fact she exists, outside of filling fat aladdin's bedroom and keeping his fingers off my girl, and the one i've designated as Max's.

Fatboy is the one whose better, as at least he'll target backrow enemies, and he hits them pretty hard, like 50 often, he's slow enough to go after assassins and dervishes so he isn't wasting dmg on something that's getting instant-killed anyway.
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Thanks Xebit for the headsup on some equipment special function and the effort to translate the game, I've enjoyed the game purely from the game presentation itself, but playing blindly causes some difficulties. Thankfully, this game mechanics is not wholly dependent on understanding foreign text, so after some times, the game became playable. But again, playing blindly can have quite the negative impact (especially understanding quests and such).

I forgot about Cure Mind skill, thanks A Lost Cat for the reminder. Like you mention, the way they organized the cure mind and cure poison around baffles me, like, Why?

I think from previous demo, Alchemist was it, have a spell to negate Projectile Attack, which doubles as negation to enemy Capturing moves, not sure now, never got to try (somehow, only Elder Succubus likes to spam charm and capture, other enemies either attack or request backup for most of the time. Was there a gimmick to adjust the probability of enemies spamming harassment attack?).

Highest Magic Tier of any Magic Guild now capped at Tier-6, but only for singularity, dual-guild capped at Tier-5 at most (I think). Except for the slave Mage, she can use higher tier Blizzard, as well as one other AOE annihilation spells, making her probably the most glass cannon character, period. One other character class I can think of is if you had a Spellblade equipped with the Black Scimitar, a wide slash can have an average damage almost the same as Tier-6 AOE fire spell, and it's free!
Well, damage also depend on the enemies defense and resistance, but I kinda wonder how significant player defenses are though.
Thanks Xebit for the headsup on some equipment special function and the effort to translate the game, I've enjoyed the game purely from the game presentation itself, but playing blindly causes some difficulties. Thankfully, this game mechanics is not wholly dependent on understanding foreign text, so after some times, the game became playable. But again, playing blindly can have quite the negative impact (especially understanding quests and such).

I forgot about Cure Mind skill, thanks A Lost Cat for the reminder. Like you mention, the way they organized the cure mind and cure poison around baffles me, like, Why?

I think from previous demo, Alchemist was it, have a spell to negate Projectile Attack, which doubles as negation to enemy Capturing moves, not sure now, never got to try (somehow, only Elder Succubus likes to spam charm and capture, other enemies either attack or request backup for most of the time. Was there a gimmick to adjust the probability of enemies spamming harassment attack?).

Highest Magic Tier of any Magic Guild now capped at Tier-6, but only for singularity, dual-guild capped at Tier-5 at most (I think). Except for the slave Mage, she can use higher tier Blizzard, as well as one other AOE annihilation spells, making her probably the most glass cannon character, period. One other character class I can think of is if you had a Spellblade equipped with the Black Scimitar, a wide slash can have an average damage almost the same as Tier-6 AOE fire spell, and it's free!
Well, damage also depend on the enemies defense and resistance, but I kinda wonder how significant player defenses are though.

TBH, this game has just enough in english (side menu, some buttons, spell categories), a basic D&D stat spread and class style, close attachment to wizardry, a fairly limited spell list in a table format, a medium adjustable difficulty, and if you're careful, nothing truely esoteric to do, with even tangental knowledge of those things, it's playable right out of the gate.

There is a spell ミサイルシールド (Missile Shield) on alchemist, T4, far-right. i haven't used it myself. situational magics haven't exactly been my forte to play around with.

It feels like player defense has a medium to medium-low significance. my black bikini dervish and valk do take less damage than my white shawl mage ladies, but not enough that the defense values feel like they really should, tbh. Going from 20 def to 85 def you'd think would be significant, iirc, the angel knights hits landed around 80 for my backline, and maybe 50-60 for the front. It's possible it's depreciating gains. idk.

My thoughts on game balance are pretty similar to previous comments.
  • Spellblade and Assassin invalidate all non-boss combat (particularly dual wielding ranged weapons).
  • Spell slots are something different, but they kinda suck for player casters vs dungeons full of hordes (and infinite reinforcements) when guests/summons can spam their spells at will or you can buy a load of antidotes rather than burn mid-level heal poison skills.
  • Item costs are crazily uneven, particularly for repair/identify, which as pointed out can be done free by the right classes.
  • The Amethyst Magic Stone from the witch can be equipped on the MC to protect from a charm induced rampage. For girls, wearing one piece of the pink Witch's Bikini protects against petrification, OHKO, and resists fire too. Great for the back row.
  • Central to the inn premise seems to be the idea that the men are thirsty beasts the girls need protecting from, but:
    • You have to work hard before the new shield mechanism even becomes relevant
    • There's no penalty if you fail to do so (I thought pregnancy mechanism would change that, but no, that's just for captives. Hell, rescue them at any point and they get a silent abortion, unlike Leane 2)
    • It would be trivially easy to calm male lust with guests, even if there were penalties for player characters.
    • The jealousy mechanic does mix things up a bit by preventing always staying with a chosen character, so that's a positive
    • Given all that, why do magic locks even need to exist?
  • Development seems less chaotic than last time. Patches have been small and mostly fix content rather than code based bugs, unlike some of the shockers from demo 1 and 2. Dev still doesn't seem to have a good approach to avoiding releasing debug only code though.
  • The Hot Spring ticket isn't available in the game yet, for the curious.

Derv/Assass: pretty sure they can do that to some bosses too.
Spellslots: It's D&D vancian system. and yeah, it does. T4 spell for poison cure? or 260g. lol.
Item costs: yep.
Amethyst stone: Ah, so that's what it does. and the pink bikini does that? nice. a lot of items have so many hidden abilities and unmentioned stat boosts, it's both kindof awful and exciting at the same time.
Inn mechanic: the shields are too strong, the magic lock is redundant with them, it's weird how difficult it is to get them to be tempted by anyone else, for a dev that makes NTR games, it's like they're trying to NTR the player too. fortunately, i'm immune as i don't care about NTR. Bwahahaha.
Development: mmm.
Hot spring ticket: I thought so. i'm going to bet it's a repeatable quest reward, obviously, we're going to want to use it more than once, but it seems too good to just be cheap and easy to get. if there isn't sexytimes and temptation in the hot spring, i'mma riot. though i'd prefer some yukata than just towels, but i'll take what i can get.
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and the pink bikini does that? nice. a lot of items have so many hidden abilities and unmentioned stat boosts, it's both kindof awful and exciting at the same time.l.

Actually these resistances are listed in blue in the items description. At least for accessories and the bikini in question.
Actually these resistances are listed in blue in the items description. At least for accessories and the bikini in question.

Yeah, i don't often plow those things through google translate, though i'd entirely forgotten that armors actually had a "resistance" marker. I see it there now.

That also extended into all the weapons, which don't necessarily tell you if they're able to cast stuff (at least by the wording of google translate, it's just vague enough on the fire/ice rods), and an assumption there will be more. It just reminds me of older FF titles, where using things like a black shirt or whatnot will cast spells. It helps alleviate the problems of a Vancian magic system against large numbers of fights with groups of enemies. Whether they end up telling the player all of them or not, i hope the game leans into the concept.
Hahaha, save and burn a couple of jump spells. EZPZ. Probably cheese, but i don't care, cheese with legit game mechanics is just another solution.

Edit: Thanks for telling me the switch will reset the room, got a pic of it in starting positions, figured out an easy solution

I'll try to make a guide for the switch dungeon tomorrow, hopefully i remember everything. lol.

How u open that gate on F6 to go inside puzzle room ?
How u open that gate on F6 to go inside puzzle room ?

I think you need the time switch from the witch's cave.

That. Just having the switch opens the bars.

Progression here seems to be...

Kobolds for sewer key -> (polaris shrine for unlocking magic shops to buy jump spells?) -> sewer for power bracelet -> tower to kill dragon
and the end of that is opening the museum/bestiary.

everything else is sidequesty it seems.
Witch's cave for the timeswitch to do the upper tower floor
grave flower for mansion key to do the trafficker quest
i forget if anything important is in the barb cave/underground, probably just some quest equipment.

along the way of everything you get a goddess robe, some angel wraps, the amethyst, the magic platform, black bikini armor top, some decent weapons, the float feathers...

My second team is having a very rough time finding the sexy red panties, if anyone remembers where they are, that'd be nice to know, lol.
Derv/Assass: pretty sure they can do that to some bosses too.
Hot spring ticket: I thought so. i'm going to bet it's a repeatable quest reward, obviously, we're going to want to use it more than once, but it seems too good to just be cheap and easy to get. if there isn't sexytimes and temptation in the hot spring, i'mma riot. though i'd prefer some yukata than just towels, but i'll take what i can get.
If it's not immune to OHKO, I can't see it as a boss. I was actually surprised to see a grey wasp in the monster gallery, which must have been a silent OHKO victim in the wasp fight.
Yes, hot spring is definitely there for various events, hopefully of the sort you mentioned.
I really hope they have some options in the full game to let you join forces with bandits/human traffickers or just betraying a party member for stuff
Cleared the content, it's alright dungeon crawler.
- Class imbalance is way to great (assassin , spellblade kek)
- Mages are limited in spells, but not very strong compared to those above.
- Most backline users cannot use any resonable weapons. So they are just cure-heal-buff bots.

As ero game, it kind of interesting ? I quite like the in combat strip, lust increasing, duels and so on.
Unfortunately there is 0 tension. You need to try really hard to get any ero. I had problem losing to Wild Bull. Not to mention there is almost 0 ero content in demo.

Looking foward to full realse. Also huge thanks for translation.