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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

._. And here I was thinking "oh crap, I haven't been checking ULMF, I need to go catch up on the updates" and you guys haven't even gotten more than one page past my last post months ago.

Wutthebugger happened to this project?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

._. And here I was thinking "oh crap, I haven't been checking ULMF, I need to go catch up on the updates" and you guys haven't even gotten more than one page past my last post months ago.

Wutthebugger happened to this project?

"Real Life" decided to do release another expansion pack, would be my best guess.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

"Real Life" decided to do release another expansion pack, would be my best guess.

I really don't see why people keep paying for the expansion packs. Seriously, it's not like it's FFOnline or anything *badum-pish*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Give us...something???

Listen you filthy little grubfucker, Nunu and Hettie doesn't have to put anything out until they feel good and ready to. In fact you be lucky Hettie decided to release the animations that she has done already. So stop being a whiny little piece of shit and get back to lurking.

There, you got something. My ire.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

What he said but here's a nicer version.

It HAS been a while yet but have patience. I don't know if it is still in progress and I think Hettie has some background stuff in her life to watch for too. Don't worry about Sir Oni. He's a miserable man.

Though he does bring some good points. This IS a free project afterall.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Listen you filthy little grubfucker, Nunu and Hettie doesn't have to put anything out until they feel good and ready to. In fact you be lucky Hettie decided to release the animations that she has done already. So stop being a whiny little piece of shit and get back to lurking.

:Claps hands: Well said sir.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'd be miserable too if I took it upon myself to tell off every single goofball that popped in, asking dumb questions.

I'm not so much miserable, it's the fact that I had literally popped on as I woke up and not two minutes into browsing I saw this dickspurt with his sense of over entitlement. The fucker, along with the rest of the impatient ass jackets past, present and future alike should learn to lurk more before demanding results be posted now. Though admittedly I do take a disturbing amount of pleasure from tearing these tossers a new one.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Someone who fucks worms/larvae?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

A term I've picked up from Homestuck, one of the characters uses it quite a bit.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Listen you filthy little grubfucker, Nunu and Hettie doesn't have to put anything out until they feel good and ready to. In fact you be lucky Hettie decided to release the animations that she has done already. So stop being a whiny little piece of shit and get back to lurking.

There, you got something. My ire.

Thank you, quite polite...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Thank you, quite polite...

Coming from someone demanding free work from someone who more than likely has to work, pay bills, possibly go to school... yet you pretty much demand that they put all that aside to work on some animation of naked women.

You be polite, and perhaps others will be polite to you.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Coming from someone demanding free work from someone who more than likely has to work, pay bills, possibly go to school... yet you pretty much demand that they put all that aside to work on some animation of naked women.

Hey hey hey, it's not his fault that modern day culture and technology has spoiled us all with instant gratification such as obtaining info on the web, microwave foods, spray on tans, and downloadable music. 8 year olds like Zip here are just victims of circumstance. However, his parents do need to teach him more about patience.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

With violent beatings?

Yeah, like what my parents did with me. Words never worked, so I got the belt. If they hadn't done that, I'd probably be a spoiled child and such as well. Of course, I only got the belt under extreme circumstances.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

None of you should ever have children. Because children are a pain in the ass
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm surprised nobody's made the follow-up "I agree. Where's the game?" joke yet.