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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

For those of you keeping score, my mom had her surgery today and all went well. She is home and resting and now we gotta get her recouped so we can see about the whole radiation treatment thing. But, so far, all's good in the hood!
Also, it's awesome that things are going your way on this, and I sincerely hope they continue to.
What's the point value on that?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

about + a shit load
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks all. Been a long day and she's finally in bed (tried sleeping in the chair but it wasn't working out) so we'll have to see how she's doing tomorrow. And I've got an interview, so we'll see if there's doubly happy news to be had.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hope so. I'll cross my fingers for ya when I go to bed tonight. So that means my fingers will be crossed for like 6-8 hours! Finger crossing is cumulative so that's gotta help a little.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Great news Cop.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yep good to hear Copper both about your mom and the interview. Good luck with the interview.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks, all! I'll keep y'all posted!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm pretty excited. Sometime soon I'm going to start up my first Let's Play.
It'll be a text and screenshot Let's Play though, nobody shall hear my voice, and everything will be within my comfort zone, no real pressure.

Sometime probably tomorrow I'm going to start an ULMF Edition Let's Play of Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, the team is going to be Orcs, and it'll be consisting of ULMFers for players.

IE: There'll be a sign up thread to take names for Positions on the team(In other words, they will be named after you). One lucky lady/stud will get to be the team's ONLY GOBLIN. Fun, right? (Obeliskos has already been decided as the Team Troll)

I'll probably post the thread in the creative section, or somewhere at the very least. I'll also try put some basic information in the starting post for people who don't know their asses from their elbows when it comes to Blood Bowl. AKA, people very slightly less knowledgeable than me. Which basically means you've never heard of it.

There'll be a total of 12 positions to fill at first, and there might be more later as people die, or we need back-up players to fill in the gaps of the injured. It'll be interactive-ish. Not very interactive, but it will have it's gimmicks which observers can dabble into.

Whadya guys think?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm pretty excited. Sometime soon I'm going to start up my first Let's Play.
It'll be a text and screenshot Let's Play though, nobody shall hear my voice, and everything will be within my comfort zone, no real pressure.

Sometime probably tomorrow I'm going to start an ULMF Edition Let's Play of Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, the team is going to be Orcs, and it'll be consisting of ULMFers for players.

IE: There'll be a sign up thread to take names for Positions on the team(In other words, they will be named after you). One lucky lady/stud will get to be the team's ONLY GOBLIN. Fun, right? (Obeliskos has already been decided as the Team Troll)

I'll probably post the thread in the creative section, or somewhere at the very least. I'll also try put some basic information in the starting post for people who don't know their asses from their elbows when it comes to Blood Bowl. AKA, people very slightly less knowledgeable than me. Which basically means you've never heard of it.

There'll be a total of 12 positions to fill at first, and there might be more later as people die, or we need back-up players to fill in the gaps of the injured. It'll be interactive-ish. Not very interactive, but it will have it's gimmicks which observers can dabble into.

Whadya guys think?

Looked up Blood Bowl and remembered this vid:
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The LP sign-up derp is up in the Blank Page. I'll start the game once all the positions needed are filled.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey peoples, I am heading to Florida for vocation tomorrow night, I'll be ther till Saturday. Though I will have my phone the whole time, and I may bring my laptop with me. They have Internet there at the condo, though im not sure i can get on in our room. Or if there pc will let me on ULMF or not. But I shall try to get on every so often while I'm out. So my posting may be sporadic if nit absent. Just a heads up.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, a little update about my brother. He's doing a lot better already, but his brain is still a bit wonky. My parents brought him home over the weekend, and he still can't play video games - the fast movements are too much for him.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to hear he's doing better, at least. Hopefully (despite it sucking) the video games will be the only issue and he can follow other media and won't have issue reading or the like. Here's hoping he gets his mojo back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So yeah, should've mentioned this on Sunday but I have a mind like a colander. All my posts after this one for this week will be typed out liike thii2 iin the Everythiing El2e 2ectiion. Why? Because ii can. That and iit'll be fun two 2ee how long ii can keep iit goiing for. ii wiill al20 be doiing thii2 iin the 2houtbox two.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So yeah, should've mentioned this on Sunday but I have a mind like a colander. All my posts after this one for this week will be typed out liike thii2 iin the Everythiing El2e 2ectiion. Why? Because ii can. That and iit'll be fun two 2ee how long ii can keep iit goiing for. ii wiill al20 be doiing thii2 iin the 2houtbox two.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

(Comiing out of thii2 for an iimportant po2t)

Holy shitballs, I'm going to be moving into my apartment this weekend.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Grats, don't forget to pack the nutella.

(i especially like how the end of this url is "eww")

Also congrats and stuff