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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I keep myself informed mostly through friends who take the time to read stuff and then link what they think is interesting. Since I have a lot of friends doing this, I get loads of news articles

Such as this interesting piece I got linked just now from a friend that's into the supernatural

Re: In today's news...

Sorry for all the posts in short time, but a lot seems to be happening.

Meet the British version of PRISM

This stuff is all over, and there are groups of people I know working on organising stuff to try to stop it. Not sure how that's going to go, but that's a good cause if anything.


Official charges of espionage on Snowden.

A quote the guy who linked me that one added to it:

This means that they have charged him with revealing information to the enemy. He revealed the information to the American people.

The federal government has literally just declared war on the American public.

I am unsure how correct this is, as I haven't followed everything he released, nor do I know the exact wording of the espionage charge in the lawbooks. But it just seems to me like pressing charges against whistleblowers is the best way to make people pay attention to them.
Re: In today's news...

That's actually rather faulty thinking as Snowdon released the information to more than just the American people. If he had somehow released the information so that only the American people learned what is happening than I could see that reasoning.

My whole opinion on the matter could basically be summed up as this. Yes, Snowdon should be charged with espionage because quite frankly he released classified information to everyone, but he should also still be considered a whistle blower and receive whatever protection is possible as a whistle blower.

Of course I do have a rather unique point of view in this as I am a former US Army intelligence analyst. The same job as Snowdon just for the army instead of the CIA, also the same job as Bradley Manning. I have the unusual feeling of being both disgusted that they would release secret information and yet can't help but be thankful for some of the released information.
Re: In today's news...

It is no panties day, apparently. And also Caturday.

Re: In today's news...

Not really a thing.
Re: In today's news...


At least I still have Caturday.
Re: In today's news...


I'm in Red Deer, on the top of the map. We have refugees crowding most every public place in town right now :/
Re: In today's news...

Thanks Obama!

Okay that was terrible but I needed to get that out of my system

On a serious note, that royally sucks Shrike.
Re: In today's news...

Thanks Obama for what now?

It isn't really that bad, got home and i'm able to bunker down now, nothing different from a usual night, cept the traffic. This is expected to keep rising till Sunday or Monday before starting to even out and go down again.
Re: In today's news...

Thanks Obama for what now?

It isn't really that bad, got home and i'm able to bunker down now, nothing different from a usual night, cept the traffic. This is expected to keep rising till Sunday or Monday before starting to even out and go down again.

It's a political joke from the states. Basically, some people attempt to blame Obama for every little bad thing that happens ever, and it's supposed to be making fun of them.

The flooding isn't expected to hit you directly, is it?
Re: In today's news...

ah, gotcha.

the river running through down is an hour or two away from breaking it's banks in a few places, but the rest of it has very high banks. about the only thing that may affect me is a power station down there, but they've been sandbagging for two or three days now, so everything should be alright. both my house and work are way above even the most radical estimates, though on opposite sides of the river. if i get lucky, i won't be able to get to work, heh, but i highly doubt it.
Re: In today's news...

ah, gotcha.

the river running through down is an hour or two away from breaking it's banks in a few places, but the rest of it has very high banks. about the only thing that may affect me is a power station down there, but they've been sandbagging for two or three days now, so everything should be alright. both my house and work are way above even the most radical estimates, though on opposite sides of the river. if i get lucky, i won't be able to get to work, heh, but i highly doubt it.

Since where I'm from there have been floodings as well, I can kind of relate. Thankfully I was lucky. What really pissed me off was how the insurance companies managed to weasel their way out. Then on the other hand, nowadays there are buildings in places that are prone to being flooded.

Anyway, hope everything goes well for you. Gif somewhat related.
Re: In today's news...

ah, gotcha.

the river running through down is an hour or two away from breaking it's banks in a few places, but the rest of it has very high banks. about the only thing that may affect me is a power station down there, but they've been sandbagging for two or three days now, so everything should be alright. both my house and work are way above even the most radical estimates, though on opposite sides of the river. if i get lucky, i won't be able to get to work, heh, but i highly doubt it.

When the rain gets kinda high over here we comment that some streets turn into lakes ',' sounds like you totally need a boat though soon.
Re: In today's news...

Dunno if it's been posted and discussed yet, but WHAT THE FUCK AMA.

I'm fat and I disapprove of this.
Re: In today's news...

Good luck with the possibly not being able to go to work, Shrike. I have a pretty good idea what it's like because. A: I'm from New Orleans and well let's just say it floods in places below sea level that are located next to the ocean. B: I was looking at the pictures of downtown Cowtown, where they were showing the tunnel near the hockey stadium.

Well they might as well call it a disease, everything else already is. Or maybe instead of trying to fix a symptom they could stop giving bajillions of dollars to put more fucking corn syrup in everything.
Re: In today's news...

Well they might as well call it a disease, everything else already is. Or maybe instead of trying to fix a symptom they could stop giving bajillions of dollars to put more fucking corn syrup in everything.

Suddenly, I'm having flashbacks from Season 7 of Supernatural...

And Shrike, hunker down and take care. You're still posting, so I'll take that as a good sign. And hey, you're at the top of the map, so means the water rolls downhill, right? *grin*
Re: In today's news...

Oh boy, here we go.

I think I need to get fat now, and declare sickness and not go to work and still get payed, yep, hear me out:

You're fat, now being fat is a disease, how do you become fat? Not enough exercise (it has nothing to do with the amount or type of food you eat, we're not talking about getting a six pack here, we're talking about being fat, or being skinny), so if you don't exercise, you're either out of time, or lazy.

Being out of time causes massive amounts of stress (it's usually work and/or business related) which is known to cause eating disorders among many other things, so that way you would be thin.

So we can only attribute being fat to one thing, being lazy, so if being fat is a disease, being lazy has to be the cause, hence a disease too.

So if I'm really REALLY lazy I can call in sick and not go to work?

Nah... Calling in sick would be too much effort.

Also to whoever said: "You're objectively wrong on the correlation between food and obesity." Really? Enlighten us how being fat is more about eating than the lack of exercise, seriously, entertain us with your ignorance.
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Re: In today's news...

Dunno if it's been posted and discussed yet, but WHAT THE FUCK AMA.

I'm fat and I disapprove of this.

Well, technically it can be classified as a disease. That's a bit far-fetched though.

Mostly, I think this is just going to force insurance companies to pay money to the obese.

Small news: Snowdon left Hong Kong and is flying to Moscow. It's not his final destination. I've been told he is considering considering Cuba and Ecuador.

You can track his flight live here, if you're interested in that. But you better hurry, he's already over Russia and most of the way there
Re: In today's news...

disease /dis·ease/ (dĭ-zēz´) any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown. See also entries under syndrome.

Going by the definition, obesity is a disease. It is a disease with readily available fixes. I'm fat, I know how to fix it. I'm also lazy, but lazy is an etiology not a disease.

You can thank my medical terminology class for this post.