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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito sighs into the radio, then finds a grate covering a maintenance tunnel before yanking it off and speaking into the radio as he crawls in "Okay. Since my sense of direction sucks, tell me where to go."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John nods. "It makes sense. We know that he has some sort of mental link to the ship, much like he can communicate telepathically with some of us despite some of us not having the ability to return it. It's likely then the ship simply is rejecting his commands, or he simply can't exert enough focus into reaching out that the ship can recognize."

Nodding to Pale, he lifts the statue Siphon has become up into his arms, lugging it around. "So... he can still see and hear us and talk back or anything, just not move?"

((Asking IC since I'm not entirely sure here.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale grins, happily.

"Well, I didn't really get a chance to ask the last person I cast that on before he sank, so... I presume so?"

She skips on the spot, spins around, and starts towards the exit. Then.. she stops.

"I'm a Mage. And I have wings. Why am I walking round all this corridors? Silly me."

With a smile and a gesture, she cuts the air open.

"TravelSplice... Now. Coming?"

She hops through the small window in the air.. through which daylight is clearly visible. Any emerging would find themselves a good ten feet above the ground, though.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I wouldn't know where to go. I'm not exactly a hive ship specialist. You'd just have to find some sort of main conduit system. Just... be sure not to stick it into a power cable or something. A waste pipe would also be useless, since that stuff wouldn't be accessed by anything except toilets. Hang on, I'm going to see if I can find some sort of blueprint or something to help."

"Be careful with Siphon," Tsuki said. "I'd rather not find out what happens if, say, you drop him and he chips or something, or, even worse, if an arm breaks off. Anyway, I need to go find some control panel to help Burrito."

With that, Tsuki departed from the rest of the group to go and search.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I won't drop him, promise."

He gingerly bumps Pale and whispers in her ear, "we'd better pray that it's because his mind is too wrecked to control that ship and not interference from the hive, because if he can call on it and is hostile to us, the second we get out of here he's going to rain that thing down on us to get free."

Pale might also catch a faint whisper in the back of her head from Siphon at this point. Pale please, whatever you do DON'T let me out of here until Shrike is sure the mental damage is done. I couldn't live with myself if I killed you all.

Whether he could hear them or not was unclear, but the thought kept bombarding her head every few seconds, with breaks when he lost it, then returning when he was under control.

John looked at Pale again then added, "I suppose it's time we go and get that other wraith and threaten him to help us or we start cutting things off?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale skids to a stop in front of her portal, barring the way.

"Whoah there, cowboys. Slow down. This kid's right. We can't just go strolling out there like a picnic... We have to either put him out.. store him somewhere.. or fix him. Since this isn't exactly a hospital.. we might have to knock him unconscious. All in favour?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John thinks for a moment then quietly asks, "do you have a spell you can use with that other one still active that would put him to sleep for now and keep him that way until we can do something for him? I don't really think we want to let him out to KO him since we already know he's much faster than normal."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito sighs as he crawls through the maintenance tunnels, finding s grate underneath him and looking down, spying one Wraith with a stunner rifle "The hell is that?" he thinks, moving past the grate so his feet were over it, kicking it out and sliding out of it, landing back to back with the startled wraith, elbowing him in the back with a loud crack "I'll take that." he says, picking up the rifle and looking at the area, containers and supplies strewn about "Guess this isn't the right place." he says, sighing as he begins to examine the rifle and slowly walk through the area "Curious weapon they have here."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Well, baring having a spell or Shrike maybe convincing him he needs a nap, we could always just try and make him pass out. Not like that stun gun, since that obviously only slowed him down, but really knock him out. Cut off the air supply until he passes out on us. Then we just make sure he's down for the count. If that doesn't work, we could always dome him." She makes a smacking gesture.

((Btw, Pale. Is Siphon turned to stone or just petrified?))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave shrugged. "Sounds good. The problem is, I don't think that we can do that unless our mage knows a spell for things like that." The warrior glanced at Siphon. "And speaking of storing him, where do you want to put him?" He asked Pale.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito sighs as he walks through the area, confused at the construction of the ship, hearing thumping footsteps and standing straight against a wall, two Wraith walking through the area, sweeping it with their weapons. These Wraith had helmets on as well, blocking their faces from being seen. Burrito frowns as he crouches and spins out from behind the crate he was hiding behind, shooting the stunner rifle at one of the Wraith and watching it cringe, Burrito firing a second shot, dropping it, then aiming at the second wraith, who fired a shot at Burrito and hit him in the chest, causing him to spasm and drop the rifle, his eyes looking at the Wraith as he drops to the floor. The Wraith growls beneath it's mask, stomping over towards Burrito, who was seemingly unconscious. It was at that moment that the Wraith growled, moving it's hand over Burrito's chest, trying to feed off of him, and gasping as Burrito brings the right toe of his boot up to hit the Wraith in the back "Sorry. You won't be draining my life out of me anytime soon." he says, standing and kicking the Wraith in the chest, sending it crashing backwards "Tsuki. Please tell me you have a blueprint. I'm getting tired of running around like a fool." he says over the radio, picking up the stunner rifle he had dropped and shouldering it
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

(Turned to stone. Her spell's a misnomer)

The Mage adopts a thoughtful look, tapping her fingers against her cheek pensively.

"I.. guess. A finely tuned MindMelt could do it. Maybe. If I was -really- careful. I'd need you guys to keep the area clear for a few minutes, though.. takes some focus to get the spell shape that tight."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John nodded. "Do it then, I got you."

A moment later all of them heard in their heads from Siphon. Heads up, five wraith coming down the corridor Pale has her back to, I can hear them still. They are armed with stunners from the sounds of it.

John set the statue of Siphon down, then moved past Pale. From further down the hall the cries of startled and dying wraith were soon heard.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale shakes her head, ruefully, and moves into the center of the room, standing beside the stone Siphon.

"Well.. here goes nothing."

Focusing on a spot between her palms, spinning it with her fingers.. the Mage starts to trace a tiny shape in the air, impossibly detailed, thick with complexity, that makes the eyes hurt just by looking at it.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Copper thought about giving Siphon a head's up on the nap but decided against it. If he already heard what they were planning, there wasn't much they could do about it, but telling him when might give the crazy part of him enough of a head's up to fight them off.

So as not to disturb Pale, she motions for Grave to keep an eye on the mage here while she slips off after John, in case they had any more party crashers from a different direction. Damn, the 'Hive' lives up to its name, doesn't it?. Once she feels she's sufficiently clear, she pulls out a couple more of her knives and stalks down the corridor. John would hear something whistle past him and a wraith about to fire on him falls to the floor, knife sticking out of its mask.

"You are not allowed to have all the fun," he hears as his Sire joins the fight. Sometime in the middle of it, she finds one of the stunners. Seems it slows them down enough for a right and proper beat down. "We may just keep this," he hears as she backhands one of the wraith with the weapon in her hand.

((Figure the vampire would like the gun that leaves people alive *coughfoodcough* And not trying to leave Grave behind again, but figured that was best since he's not here atm. Not saying we can't have more company for him to play with later, of course.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave stayed with Pale, keeping his guard up. So far, he didn't have much luck, but he knew that he could easily get more attention than he wanted. "Hmph. Those two..." The warrior sighed. He wasn't really fond of vampires, but he liked Copper a bit. Her definition of entertainment - ripping people apart with blades - was the same as Grave's. And where the Hell was Burrito?
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John didn't bother looking back to Copper as he spoke. "Fine by me, and thanks for the save there. Doubt those stunners would really affect us but better to not take any chances."

More wraith were coming down the hall, but the passage had collapsed to be narrow enough they could only make it three at a time. Easy pickings for two vampires.

((Leaving it optional for anyone else to have a little killing fun.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

After some searching, Tsuki finally found a terminal. Luckily, it seemed the wraith were off doing something else, probably frantically patrolling the ship after the havoc Siphon had caused. She hoped they wouldn't show up any time soon."Hang on Burrito. Almost have it... I think."

A bit more searching, this time on the computer, the hacker found a map of the ship. "Okay, so... where are you at the moment?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Yeah, well, let's not test that theory if we don't have to, okay?" The words came out in a rush as more wraith, firing more of the stunners, decided to join the party and Copper took cover behind one of the pillars that seemed prevalient in the architecture around here.

"This keeps up, I'm going to run out of knives." Leaving the stunner for the time being, she drew out two more of her blades and, drowning out the shots from the wraith around her, focused her blood into granting her more speed. They couldn't hit what they couldn't focus on. Here's to hoping a little celerity would do the trick.

Zipping out from around her cover, she ran low at the wraith. With John drawing a good portion of their fire, she managed to get close enough to start cutting into the ones brave (or stupid) enough to be the first through. Her aim was to work her way through and disarm them, literally, if she could manage it, and leave John to distract and dispatch.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John opted for a more direct approach. He was tired of being shot at and not being able to shoot back. 'Borrowing' a pair of the pistol weapons off of two wraith bodies, he spun them once then started shooting any wraith that Copper didn't get to, keeping them from closing in on her from behind or to the sides, and forcing them to focus on two targets at once.