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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

EDIT: Wait, wasn't there a post by Cappy here? Am I seeing things?

I pretty much immediately deleted my post when I figured I'd misunderstood the topic.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Cappy is proof that people can learn.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Where one variant nuclear technology, , was sidelined specifically because it was not compatible with nuclear arms production. The stuff is three times more common than tin, and several hundred times more abundant than Uranium.

Saw this and decided to link it up
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Not that big a rant and nothing that hasn't been said before, but, still, it boggles my mind.
Why do I ever bother looking at the comment section of videos. Not just Youtube, but anywhere, really. There's ignorance, and then there's these people.
Is this what society has come to? Is the mentality of "fuck reasonable debates, my opinion is fact regardless of actual facts," so prevalent? I try to tell myself 'eh, it's just the comment section on a video, nobody cares because they're all anonymous and half of them are trolling,' but then I'll see the same type of replies from people using their facebook accounts on videos that have you comment with your fb account. I mean I get that facebook isn't really serious business or anything, but, still, you really want your friends/family to think you think that way? Unless, of course, your entire social circle thinks that way, in which case I can at least see why you think that way. Anyways.
On occasion you'll see someone trying to have an actual debate, or trying to reasonably argue their point with logic, but they get drowned out by others making comments of no value, or others who tell them to fuck off because their opinions hold no value for some vapid reason.
IDK. Maybe I shouldn't let this shit get to me. Still, I just can't stand stupidity. Ignorance I can deal with, as well as people with informed opinions that differ from mine that they'll gladly debate. Stupidity... as a friend once said, there are idiots breathing the same air I do, and I don't appreciate it.
EDIT: Huh. Guess I should say it's not just the comment section on video sites, but social media in general. It just so happened to be the comment section of a video site that set me off.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Not that big a rant and nothing that hasn't been said before, but, still, it boggles my mind.
Why do I ever bother looking at the comment section of videos. Not just Youtube, but anywhere, really. There's ignorance, and then there's these people.
Is this what society has come to? Is the mentality of "fuck reasonable debates, my opinion is fact regardless of actual facts," so prevalent? I try to tell myself 'eh, it's just the comment section on a video, nobody cares because they're all anonymous and half of them are trolling,' but then I'll see the same type of replies from people using their facebook accounts on videos that have you comment with your fb account. I mean I get that facebook isn't really serious business or anything, but, still, you really want your friends/family to think you think that way? Unless, of course, your entire social circle thinks that way, in which case I can at least see why you think that way. Anyways.
On occasion you'll see someone trying to have an actual debate, or trying to reasonably argue their point with logic, but they get drowned out by others making comments of no value, or others who tell them to fuck off because their opinions hold no value for some vapid reason.
IDK. Maybe I shouldn't let this shit get to me. Still, I just can't stand stupidity. Ignorance I can deal with, as well as people with informed opinions that differ from mine that they'll gladly debate. Stupidity... as a friend once said, there are idiots breathing the same air I do, and I don't appreciate it.
EDIT: Huh. Guess I should say it's not just the comment section on video sites, but social media in general. It just so happened to be the comment section of a video site that set me off.

Try reasoning with people in 140 characters or less. Man...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Try reasoning with people in 140 characters or less. Man...

>This isn't 4chan
>Whole sentences can be used
>More than one sentence can be used
>Try making a substantiated point using at least three or more coherent thoughts and (not or) sentences
>It's called intellectual or something
>If you don't like it, move on
>Just wait till Cappy sees this
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

>This isn't 4chan
>Whole sentences can be used
>More than one sentence can be used
>Try making a substantiated point using at least three or more coherent thoughts and (not or) sentences
>It's called intellectual or something
>If you don't like it, move on
>Just wait till Cappy sees this

I believe he was referring to Twitter.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It appears I totally took that the wrong way. My bad.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I don't know whether to be flattered or offended. I'll just go with amused.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It appears I totally took that the wrong way. My bad.

Yeah, no worries. I just realized it looks like I'm saying to shorten his post. That wasn't what I meant at all. Though, on the flip side, it does look like I have gotten at least OK at getting to the point in a few brief words. It just seems like it's easier to get misunderstood apparently XD
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

In response to a recent post in the Reputation Thread:

Perhaps i should just accept the fact that the 'Everything Else' section is a haven for trolls and miscreants who each have their own baleful reason to anonymously distribute their venom.

(Wo?)Man, look: This is literally the only part of the forum I show up for. I've been here since forum one, and known these people a long goddamn time. We like many of the same normal things, and many of them are even capable of holding informed conversations. When you roll up and declare that anyone who expresses a dislike of you via THE METHOD BY WHICH WE ANONYMOUSLY EXPRESS DISLIKE AND APPROVAL OF OTHER MEMBERS HERE must have been child abused you ARE NOT helping. In fact, you are likely doing the opposite. If you have something resembling a legitimate complaint, state it clearly. Make a point. If you're just tired of being shit on, change what you're doing or pack an umbrella. But there's like three or four people who show up just to bitch constantly that nobody like's them and it's everybody else's fault. That's not how these things work.

Almost all I do here is read and give out rep. I have less than a post a day here almost since the forum opened. I have seen this board in two other goddamn incarnations, and every three months or so I see a pattern: A new guy shows up, decides to be an asshole, and complains that nobody likes him. Do you know why that works for Oni? He's been here longer than I have and little of that venom is real. He contributes and helps others. Granted, he does it much more quietly than he rips people new orifices, but he also does it more often (I think).

And for the love of god, please don't think my mentioning the length of time I've been here means I'm trying to pull rank. I'm trying to make clear, desperately clear, absolutely 100% walking-into-a-glass-door clear that I've seen this sort of behavior in this specific context. I know where this is going: You're going to assume I'm an asshole in league with the legendary League of Assholes, and completely disregard this. But on the off-hand goddamn chance that you read all of this and find what I'm saying to be reasonable and true you have two options to solve this problem: Change the way you go about communicating on this board, or Leave. Or I guess option three, just keep bitching. But you don't want to do that. Bitches bitch, that's why it's called bitching.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Welp, this thread will do.

So, recently stumbling on Cracked, I arrive on this article:

Beyond the irony of the title and subject matter choice, the article just gave me a nagging feeling when going through it, and not just the type that 'hey, this person knows what they're talking about and that this is a bad thing,' because hey I already know that.

The problem, though, seems to be the examples chosen and the resulting media comments as well.

For example, using Tropes Vs. Woman as a example of 'even talking about the subject will just get you death threats and an outcry against it,' whereas I have another discussion elsewhere that states much of those threats were relating to the Internet idiots being internet idiots, and the fact that her reviews were just a in their own way. (Yes the intro is a tad bit on the long side for my point, but the content of it fits for my counterargument.)

Also, on the subject of 2. something tells me someone forgot entirely about a lot of her points in 4. Also note, her example box art easily screams 80s and 90s, not recent examples, which to me at least screams 'selective evidence.'

So, anyone else wanting to read through this article and see if my nagging feelings are alone? :S
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

She could have used some more updated examples, but what I found most interesting about that article is that most of what she said are still issues to this day. Perhaps it's a little scary that examples from the 90's (Sarge's Heroes was released in 99, and 2000 on Dreamcast), are still relevant today. Hell, I've complained often enough about not having the choice to be female often enough.

So, while I had some nagging feelings, at the same time I recognize most of these as still being problems. I also see that these articles will always trigger arguments about gender rights, and someone will invariably go "fucking feminists". Happens to me rather frequently, even here were we claim a female friendly adult environment.

What do I think? If she's gonna write an article like this, she should definitely use some modern examples throughout, rather than just the start (Last of Us is rather new after all). But pretty much everything she says was right, which should be scarier.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The saddest thing to me is always someone's who right, someone who really really wants to help, but is just really really bad at it. Granted, on the scale of that, this isn't that bad a case. When I read it I only picked up on the Army Men one. In other cases it's far too frequent though. Especially the people who take the "insult the other side" approach. I have a friend who's probably around 55, and he always makes really good points that I agree with, but does so in a way that no normal human being who disagrees with will ever be swayed by, because when people are insulted, they get defensive, even if they know the other person is wrong.

Guess it's not too applicable here, but eh, this is the ranting thread.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Welp, this thread will do.

So, recently stumbling on Cracked, I arrive on this article:

Beyond the irony of the title and subject matter choice, the article just gave me a nagging feeling when going through it, and not just the type that 'hey, this person knows what they're talking about and that this is a bad thing,' because hey I already know that.

The problem, though, seems to be the examples chosen and the resulting media comments as well.

For example, using Tropes Vs. Woman as a example of 'even talking about the subject will just get you death threats and an outcry against it,' whereas I have another discussion elsewhere that states much of those threats were relating to the Internet idiots being internet idiots, and the fact that her reviews were just a in their own way. (Yes the intro is a tad bit on the long side for my point, but the content of it fits for my counterargument.)

Also, on the subject of 2. something tells me someone forgot entirely about a lot of her points in 4. Also note, her example box art easily screams 80s and 90s, not recent examples, which to me at least screams 'selective evidence.'

So, anyone else wanting to read through this article and see if my nagging feelings are alone? :S

To be totally honest, Cracked authors are sorta hit-and-miss with the whole "knowing what they're talking about" thing. I read the article and most of it was really trying to push it's point of view by leaving out a lot of context and being really subjective. I won't go into it point-by-point since that would require effort, but I will say that the author's( I don't know who the author is and the only credit the article gets is "CRACKED staff") point on Other M was the only one I could agree with. Even with other m the author doesn't even elaborate on WHY it's sexist, just give us a summary on how her personality has changed( Hint: The actual reason has to do with the player's agency, and by extension, Samus's). Everything else leaves alot about the games out, so we get no context on if it really is sexist, or if it's just something the author didn't like.

And be careful with what you hear from Sarkeesian. and
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So I was checking up on news this evening, and I came across a controversial topic: . Anyone who's familiar with my posts knows that, in general, I support and side with gay rights and the LGBT community. I support gay marriage and I'm a huge fan of the that a thoughtful soul placed across the street from the hate-mongering Westboro Baptist Church.

With that said, certain elements of this particular issue have me thinking that this time, certain LGBT activists are pushing into what I would call shaky territory. My reasoning is as follows: 1) the parade organizers have always prohibited activist groups from open participation, regardless of cause; 2) the parade organizers offered the gay veteran's group the opportunity to march if they refrained from displaying t-shirts or signs concerning their orientation; 3) the LGBT activist group (MassEquality) refused to adhere to the "no displaying orientation" guidelines; and 4) " " (Because this is about Irish heritage and booze, not controversial social issues.)

There's are times and places for controversial displays, and the St. Patrick's Day Parade is not among them. If nothing else, it puts parents in the awkward position of explaining adult concepts to their children, or telling them little white lies about the rainbow-clad veterans who are holding hands.

Also, why does the display need to be so garish as to cause uproar? Couldn't the gay veterans groups agree to comply with the guidelines of the parade organizers and simply carry a "MassEquality" banner? Wouldn't it present their cause in a more dignified and human sense to march in clean uniforms and understate the cause? A clean, respectable demonstration with subtlety would have a massive positive response, even from those that might normally object.

I realize that this is not going to be a very popular position here, and I know that divergent opinions on the internet are rarely expressed in complete sentences or without use of the caps lock key, but I'm posting this in the Ranting/Debate thread because I believe people are going to argue with me, and I would really like to know what you have to say about the issue.

And I will finish with an inappropriate joke:
I thought one of the advantages in the gay community was not needing to " !"
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

some people don't know any better.the parade is not the best place,yet they will exploit the situation to the benefit of the cause.(they do have a parade for that don't they?)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I find it ironic that people trying to preach neutral reactions to gender and sexuality refused to be in a place that was neutral. This statement has been made almost without actual facts about what happened.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

If nothing else, it puts parents in the awkward position of explaining adult concepts to their children, or telling them little white lies about the rainbow-clad veterans who are holding hands.

Everything else about your statement I can look at, and understand, and even agree with much of it. But this... this is just no, and part of why that there's even a problem with homosexual rights to begin with.

Why is it so difficult to look at your child and explain to them "Oh yeah, sometimes men like men, and women like women, much like mommy and daddy like each other."

Besides, why is two men holding hands more difficult to explain to a child then advertisements and banners for strip clubs I've seen on sidewalks in Toronto. Scantly clad women in green are all around on many St. Patrick's Day events (missed them locally this year due to cold weather), but why is it harder to explain to a child that a man can love a man, than why that woman's ass over there is hanging out?

So no. Fuck that shit. If anything, parent's who dance around the idea of homosexuality are doing wrong by their children. I'm tired of hearing about families breaking apart because a kid kills themselves, or runs off, because they're gay and they don't think they're family will support them. It's heart rending, and part of it stems from this exact position that parents should be shielding their children from the very idea of homosexuality.