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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Thanks for giving me a reason to post this again.

Old infomercials like that were the freaking best, I tell ya.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Something a bit focused on 40k in particular, but I guess could picture into other franchises and other situations as well. Either way, I hope you enjoy.


So, bit of a pet peeve in the regards of 40k. This mostly being in regard to the Chaos faction in particular (I got enough ranting material on how the Imperium works to last a age, but as I am not as well-versed in such I mostly bring it up in specific circumstances. This has been boiling for a bit...). Basically - take one look at 90% of the chaos generals, and really ask yourself is half of them are really stable and effective generals at the end of the day.

Good chance is, you said 'fuck no, most of them are unstable fucktards that can barely point a warband in one direction for a few meters without having a major breakdown or itch to try and climb the ladder further, and half the goals they go for are petty and insignificant in the long scheme of things, if they can even claim them!'

Sure, this isn't just related to 40k and the Chaos sort of theme in general, but it's the most damn prevalent with 40k especially.

In all honesty, there needs to be a major thought into a concept called 'Order amongst Chaos.' Aka, there needs to be just enough control for what you want to do, even if you are the great 'dark and edgy' choice in your system. Having your guys deciding a few days after a campaign starts to try and backstab the leader in one of the most obvious ways ever is not only stupid, but is tactically implausable as well, as there's a good chance you'll divide your forces further with your shenanigans... Not to mention the stupidity other characters are well known for in said situation.

And yet, time and time again, when you get a character linked to any form of 'dark power', they're an absolute nutbar nine times out of ten, as stable as a Ultralisk burrowing into a asteroid.

Where's the smart, manipulative people that focus on long-term plans without twisting it into SINDRIII levels of manipulation, or once they actually get to a good goal they don't develop into idiots after getting a little bit of power and success?

I understand that good is stupid sometimes, but why stoop to their level?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh boy, this thread again!

So, subject today? Well, kinda 'Horror Vs Fun' in a way, in regard to the recent-announced Killing Floor 2.

Recap, for those not interested - Killing Floor is a vidya game created about 5 years ago as a upgrade to a semi-popular Unreal Tourney 3 mod in about 3 months, only to get a variety of updates over the years. The theme was a horror, industrial design where our hapless soldiers are forced to defend themselves against monstrous, beastly clones hacked together into terrifying killing machines, only to face off on the highly-mutated creature that created this epidemic.

However! There is the fact that these themes were there, but they weren't too serious either. Who in their right mind would think a medic would do better with a CHAINSAW connected to his arm, and with the mentality of a mentally challenged 10-year old? ('I like trousers, hyerhurhur') As much as your grungy soldiers and police forces were essentially the last hope of humanity, I doubt anyone really can take it majorly seriously with just how GRATUITOUS the brittish accents are. (ONE OF YOU PIKEYS WELD THEM SODDIN DOARS! LOADS O MUNNEH! I HEAR HER, BUT WHERE DE HELL IS SHE?) And the Trader and Stalker characters? Oh good geebus... (I like the big ones, don't you? C'mon, give us a kiss...)

And this is why I don't get all the hate for the slightly more... interesting content that slipped in with the holiday events and cross-promotions that happened over the years. The game, while it had a very nice style, certainly was also a place where the developers could have fun, and they really did it well, while staying in-style with each map to boot! Steampunk specimens were absolutely gorgeous, and no matter if it was Christmas in a ice cave (or space station), spending the summer blasting apart stuff under the big top, or even going around some hillbilly's junk pile at Halloween, it looked good, had the same twisted mindset that was in the original Killing Floor maps, , and most important: No matter what, it was fun, and for a game that old, that's what matters.

So, seeing all the hate some of the older content got (dubious balancing issues of some of it notwithstanding), I feel a bit jaded and annoyed. Firstly, it's more or less what a developer decides to do with the product that counts, right? I know that's a bit of a hard thing to argue with, but considering it is free content in general, more is better in general, right? I don't see nearly as many grumbles when, say, Terraria or any number of MMOs do a holiday event, where stuff left-over from the holiday can still be seen and used post-event (The only real exception being the Spearmint Scythe in Warframe, but that admittedly is a bit much and a isolated incident :p).

Seeing this pop up already in discussions on the sequel already. They like the idea of new improvised weapons, but balk the idea of porting over the Leaf Blower that showed up in the OULA-exclusive Calamity version of Killing Floor. Like the idea of a Pipe Bomb hat being used as a crossover for KF2, but balk the idea of another TF2 character port like the Pyro did in the other direction. Like the idea of LMGs, but a possibly of a deployable miniturret available? YOU DAFT WANKER.

Really, I just don't get it sometimes.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

This isn't so much something I despise and hate as it is something I have a peeve about. So called amazing porn sites that just rip from everyone else when they really just offer shit or good content in a shitty way, but they glamorize themselves to make it look better than it really is.

The two that stand out to me the most in memory would have to be YoungMike and Crusang. I was visiting their sites back when they had actual good content, decent updates and siterips. Sure, quite a few were probably taken from elsewhere, but it was still decent.

To be honest, now I don't know which blog is worse. Mike's would probably win overall, I remember visiting it some time ago(a year? It was around then, I think)and found that things I wouldn't even really go out of my way to get for free, like the Eddy Bear flashes, were behind his paywall. But what I remember most is that I had two tabs of his site open and my browser was practically informing me to abort and close out because the scripts were so damn heavy and lagging. I recently tried to visit his site again out of curiosity, see if it got better, and it actually wouldn't even load entirely until I completely disabled AdBlock Plus and NoScript for the site, and once I did that my browser slowed to a crawl(I also had Nod32 active so if the guy did have viruses I'd have some protection).

Cru's probably annoys me a bit more though. Like I said, I remember back when Cru, Mike, and others did regular siterips and decent quality image sets. At some point Crusang decided to stop them, I vaguely recall it was something about sending a message(not that anyone would really give a toss)countering other people who rip content from paysites and put it behind their own paywall. But it just went downhill from there. I already knew for some time the golden rule about using sites like Crusang's Den: if it's a comic it can be found on e-hentai, if it's an animation it can be found on Nyaa. But then he just stopped trying. I used to go there for occasional gems like artist collections and image sets, and even those are crap now. The themed sets he does are sometimes overly specific, and whether or not they are they're usually just messes of theme fitting images thrown together haphazardly. Last thing I downloaded from him was an artist collection some months ago full of dupes and Lolita Channel pics(note: the artist download was not for Lolita Channel at all).

And on another site that I check lately for one specific thing of interest(but is otherwise total shit), the admin's been uploading tons of English doujins that originated from someone who dumped a bunch of Doujin-moe English translated comics on e-hentai just one or two nights ago.

Again, this is just a peeve. I don't give a damn if someone wants to cobble together a website and distribute porn on it. I don't care if they fill it with ads or even viruses and take stuff from other sites. What gets me is when these sites try to claim something like you'd be hard pressed to find its content elsewhere or(literally in Crusang's case)that their site is a collection of the best hentai or porn or whatever on the web. No, I can think of a few that are nigh impossible to beat in that area, and I know when something is hard to find. It's when it literally doesn't pop up after on and off searches over a long timespan and you have to resort to asking someone to rip it for you or do it yourself. And people who do this and then go around spreading their site like the plague, trying to force it on people like they should love going through shitty third party file hosting sites that cap download speeds at absurdly low levels and give you hours of waiting between downloads, are even worse. They just don't want to die off with some smidgen of grace left, but at the same time refuse to improve their standards on what proper updates should be yet insist they aren't lazy or mediocre about what they offer.

Edit: So, I was right and wrong. Wrong because Cru actually, oddly enough, just put a Reiq collection up today(not that I really need it considering my other side sources), but right because...well, short version:

Couple nights ago, some guy uploaded dozens of doujin-moe English translations to e-hentai. He was the originating source. But I knew other sites would grab them up and that's okay.

What's not okay to me personally is Crusang downloading them from there, unarchiving every single one, re-archiving them with his website url as the password, and re-uploading them to shitty third party file hosters, then calling his site the best collection of hentai you can find on the web while asking people to support him by getting RapidGater premium accounts.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I feel like I should have something to say given my areas of academic expertise but i can't figure out what the actual issue is.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I feel like I should have something to say given my areas of academic expertise but i can't figure out what the actual issue is.

So you have nothing Nu to add?

I want to say, for the record, and for all time, that I have some sort of mental disorder. You may ask me (if you don't know me) what I mean by that--and I'm about to explain it.

You see, I know from experience that looking at Youtube videos is all well and fine, but scanning down to the comments is like hurtling into a black hole. The sheer ignorance exhibited in one post is capable of reducing a relatively rational man to a gibbering mess of hatred, bile, and tears. Like an Elder Scroll, looking at one for too long can blind a man, but it is not knowledge but stupidity that will sear away your eyesight. It is a collapsed space, a vacuum, a dead zone--like the lands salted by conquering soldiers in ancient times, nothing intelligent will ever grow there.

And yet, after watching certain videos, I sometimes catch myself scrolling down the page. Why? Why do I hurt myself in this way? Why do I look, when I know that I will spend the next week in a coma, recovering from the icon of idiocy that has shorted out my synapses, leaving permanent scarring? I will probably have a brain tumor from Youtube comments before I reach thirty-five years of age. It's my own fault. I can't help myself.

I need help.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So you have nothing Nu to add?

I want to say, for the record, and for all time, that I have some sort of mental disorder. You may ask me (if you don't know me) what I mean by that--and I'm about to explain it.

You see, I know from experience that looking at Youtube videos is all well and fine, but scanning down to the comments is like hurtling into a black hole. The sheer ignorance exhibited in one post is capable of reducing a relatively rational man to a gibbering mess of hatred, bile, and tears. Like an Elder Scroll, looking at one for too long can blind a man, but it is not knowledge but stupidity that will sear away your eyesight. It is a collapsed space, a vacuum, a dead zone--like the lands salted by conquering soldiers in ancient times, nothing intelligent will ever grow there.

And yet, after watching certain videos, I sometimes catch myself scrolling down the page. Why? Why do I hurt myself in this way? Why do I look, when I know that I will spend the next week in a coma, recovering from the icon of idiocy that has shorted out my synapses, leaving permanent scarring? I will probably have a brain tumor from Youtube comments before I reach thirty-five years of age. It's my own fault. I can't help myself.

I need help.

Don't be such a baby.. If you were truly hurt by stupidity you'd have
croaked years ago.. Allow me to enlighten you why you can't help but
look at youtube comments, because ironically, it closely relates to why
I bother posting on forums in general.


Humans will always have a slightly morbid curiosity, some more than
others. This is where we got the saying about train wrecks, and how
they're impossible to look away from.

Stupidity follows the same principle, but the cause is different.. We can't
look away from fascination or morbid curiosity, but more from amusement.

People are a lot less confident than they'd like to think, and we love
reminding ourselves how superior we are by glancing at a "dumb comment"
someone made and either silently chuckling at it, or throwing in our own
"Much wiser comment" to kick them while they're down.

You're not mentally ill, you're just a regular garden-variety zealot like the
rest of the human race. Rejoice, and don't feel so guilty next time you
crack a smile watching a 14 year old humiliate themself proclaiming
their beliefs all over the comment page like someone puked on a newspaper.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

One thing I'm getting really annoyed by is how in most online hentai games that have been developing for awhile (Mainly Flexible Survival and CoC from my experience) have been focusing entirely too much on NPCs and not the encounterable monsters.

Listen, I understand that they (Nuku/Stripes and Fen) are great writers. Half the stuff they can write can get me from 0-60 in no time, and I understand that they are also D&D nerds, so it lends themselves to making characters with personalities and such. But in this instance, less is more. I don't want to empathize with these creatures or dive into the world. 60% of the time I'm playing the game, it's primarily because I have to clean the pipes. The other 30% of the time it's because I want to see what the new content is so I know what to come to when I expect to tickle the pickle and getting to a point where I can do that easily. The last 10% is because a quest arc interest me enough to check to see where it leads and it's -not- about applying the handbrake.

But I've never, ever been had much interest in the story or characters. I'm not one of these people that say "If it isn't about the five-knuckle shuffle, I don't want anything to do with it." As a fellow writer and storyteller, I can -respect- the medium. I know the importance of having plot and characters to move it. I understand there are those who want to have something more than just flogging the log. I get that.

But... for christ sake, look at Flexible's Survival's recent update for June.

Mah Pillz
Pirate Shark

Chris the orc
Fiona the catgirl
Aelias Lair

Songbird continues his extermination campaign against the typo bugs, updating dozens more files over the course of the past week and a half.

Writer For Hire update:
More Kristen
Drake Sorceress
Raven NPC
Zigor finale
GSD squad (0/8)
Alexandra (0/3)
Male Christy (0/11)
Bonus Hours (0/4) - Open Suggestions - Stripes
Orc Expansion (1.85/10) - Wahn
May Bonus Hours (0/3.5) - Wahn

See all that Red? That's stuff that ties directly to an NPC. The Blue? General Monster. In a game that's supposed to be about monsters. Why do we need that many NPCs? What's the point?

Now, I know you can say "But HadokenMotion, that's what people spent money on!" Then I ask the quandry, is this the majority of people's literature? Is this what they do to get a media fix? It's ridiculous. Most RPGs don't have this many named NPCs, because a flood of characters just dilutes the pool. GDI, I just want to be raped, I don't want to know the personality and background of the person.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I just want to be raped, I don't want to know the personality and background of the person.

I share your pain, brother..

But if you really want to figure out "what it all means", here's the short answer.

"It's his game and he can do whatever he wants with it."

... Now here's the longer more-reasonable answer.

Text-based erotic games have never been very good at getting straight to
the action. With no visual stimuli, the author is FORCED to shove as much
detail as he/she can to do his/her best to simulate as much erotic action
as possible. But, the same can be said for everything else. What happens
before the rape, after the rape, before you even get to the area where the
rape happens, before/during/after you meet the person responsible for telling
you where the area where the rape happens is located, ect, ect.

See the thing is, text-based adventures aren't as simple as they look..
Albeit they do look very simple, trust me, they're not. When you have as
many varied paths to different events as a game like CoC, you NEED NPC'S..

Think of a text-based game like a very large subway.
NPC'S are those little switches that change the path of the track.
Without them, there would be no diverging or changing
of paths, it's just be a single-line story-based game with no extra choices or
paths. NPC's are the glue that help keep the transition from one path to
another smooth. Without them, there'd still have to be something else to suffice explaining
the path-changing, like the lesser-used "You are at a split path" scenario, otherwise, there'd
be nothing at ALL, and it'd just end up being a large list with the words printed at the top
"Choose what person/thing you want to get raped by.".

There may come a day when text-based erotic adventures are perfected
in such a style you and I desire.. But until then, we'll just have to make
due with what they're giving us.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I am loathe to bring this up for fear of sounding like a broken record, but I think it's relevant in today's society. When I pass through the borders of the internet out of local South Africa into international space where cultures mingle, a surreal atmosphere change occurs, and public opinion seems to (To me, mind you) turn completely unreasonable upon the approach of certain topics. If you've seen me around before you can probably guess where I'm heading with this, because I bring it up a lot, some might say way too much.

But it's bothering me, I want answers, I feel an uneasy sense of indignation that cannot be cast aside without ventilation, and the internet really is the only place to do it... Alright, enough lolligagging, let me get to the point. I like to believe that absolute primogeniture is possible, maybe not at this point in time but eventually I like to think that people can actually be next to one another, and actually make judgements on typical shallow everyday bullshit as is socially acceptable, rather than harbor misinterpretations and propogate hatred among one another based on gender, sex, or race.

That aside, does anybody here have any particular opinions as to the terms reverse-racism/sexism? To me they seem ludicrous, and I've heard the rationalisation for the term, but to me the idea of reverse-racism/sexism is completely stupid, because it's pretty obvious to me that it draws a very clear separation between whites and other races. Treating somebody as different because of their race, IS descrimination, and that's always been my understanding of it. Frankly, I think that the most equal, and most absolute primogeniture way possible is to be done with terms like that and actually go for, I dunno, equality, rather than some fucked up counter-balance system where one side is constantly vying for more legal rights to make up for the descrimination, and the other is basically saying, "Fair enough, I know this discourages equality but it seems like the most politically correct thing to do, what with slavery having existed and all." As if slavery has exclusively been committed by one group against the other, and never in any other capacity ever.

I can only assume that this drastic difference in opinion is partly because of my being South African, and partly because of the American "political correctness" movement, which imo, caused hyperbolic portrayals in media equating to what I can only assume "activists" (I'm making a VERY LOOSE usage of the word) would call "reverse-propoganda". OH YEAH MAN, It's only propoganda if it favours a majority, minorities can't benefit from propoganda, they aren't in the societal position to do so!~ "Oh woe is me I am so completely helpless because as an (x) person nobody cares about my rights, even though 39/40 people all clamour to agree with me the moment I bring it up!!1!1"

...... Sorry, that wasn't very mature, but it is pretty much an accurate reflection of how some of the characters I meet sound when I try to talk to them on an objective basis, to the point where just thinking about it makes my blood boil. I believe Chibi at one point had a brief issue on the forum relating to "reverse-descrimination" if I remember correctly, but to me it just looked like a nasty culture rejecting her because of PC bullshit and overly hyped up "activists". The worst part about it, is that if I'm interpreting some of shit I'm hearing about in America right, they teach this convoluted backwards logic to promote "racial empowerment" in a school enviroment, as an actual stepping stone towards some sort of career. If I had heard the term racial empowerment when I was say, ten years old, I would have immediately thought of the term as racist, because I was taught that we were persuing equality in South Africa, as the literal word. Not some fucked up system where everybody takes turns jerking off the person most recently vicitimized, which is where it seems to me we've ended up.

I DO want equality, but raising single races, genders, or groups up and down like setting sliders on a videogame is not the right way to do it. Promoting white guilt and spreading more and more BS with every single racial issue that comes up doesn't actually HELP anyone, it only smears and blurs the issue like a stain that you're trying to wipe away without soap. No, actually, it's like making another stain on top of it, and then pretending the original one doesn't exist... And that's about me done with my ventilation, but I am curious as to what people have to say in response. Maybe I'm also guilty of hyperbole, but I think in the face of the sheer amount of over-energized sympathisers I've spoken with so far, it seems only fair I get to exaggerate some.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I really never understood it myself, honestly. The way I grew up, the way I am, I'm an equal oppritunity(fuck I can NEVER spell that properly to save my life)kinda guy. Don't mind what ya are so much as who ya are, you know?

Anyway...this is gonna sound like a really absurd issue I have lately. Well, a few have that I know, myself included. This is long as fuck, mind you.

See, I've been in multiple online communities throughout the years. Some I only minorly associate with, such as this place, Hongfire, and AnimeSharing. Some I was formerly associated with back in the day, like Hentai Geek and the NVHS forums. I even saw the life and death of one or two.

But the one I've always been a member of for about several years now I won't name, and as usual there's a problem. But it's not unique to us, you see. That's why I'm talking about it here.

We've had issues, lack of admin activity, lack of traffic. Heck, even after all that we decided to move on. Become a closed circle using private chat programs to converse, and we once had a newbie take over and act like a true dictator.

But this one is pretty annoying in general, everywhere. The type of thing you'll find anywhere on the internet. And this might sound crazy, but it's actually the opposite of feminism and all that bull you'll be fed on Tumblr about thin privilege, white privilege, and all the other assortments of garbage. It's the extreme opposite of all that and a combination of this 'gamer gurl' mentality some, but not all mind you, women seem to have.

One particular individual in our circle of friends and acquaintances has always been that one 'gurl' to some degree or another. Pretty good looking, self-proclaimed awesomest person around, the usual crap.

But she's always had a headstrong personality. A lot of stuff related to this, past and present, is personal so I won't talk about any of it, but in general the kind of person who would sooner, on the internet at least, combat you or run away from you(block you or leave whatever group you're a part of)if you so much as heavily disagree with them and manage to combat their arguments in a way they have a hard time fighting back. In short, the kind who would resort to calling you an asshole before admitting they were wrong or even that you had so much as a better point than them.

Sounds something like a feminist or some crazy chick on Tumblr talking about thin privilege and insisting the world is wrong, eh? Wrong. She actually opposes that stuff on such a scale that it's more irritating than agreeable.

This happened recently, mind you. This and a mix of other things. Essentially, this past month, she's taken to posting constant feminism and tumblr related crap from Facebook, Tumblr itself, and other assorted media and image websites in our group.

Now, we could potentially just fuck off and form a new group, but that's not what matters here. I mean, we've done it before multiple times for varying reasons, but this is about the principle of the matter.

Lately, she's driven people off because she's become increasingly...ballsy, you could say. I'm not sure if one was driven off by this, but about a month ago I tried to have a conversation about erotic visual novels and Illusion's games, including the then upcoming Artificial Academy 2, with a friend of likeminded interests. No one was holding a conversation at the time, so I thought it was an okay topic to discuss with him openly. She jumped in and told us to stop it, despite hardly being in any position to tell us what to do, both in the group and in the old community hierarchy. She wouldn't stop until I agreed to take it to private chat. I ended up keeping it in the group and she just went silent. A case of attempting to control the flow of conversation. This isn't the first time she's done it and this definitely isn't the first time I've had to deal with these kind of people, online or in real life.

I dunno if this is why he left, but he left the group soon after and, while some of us talk to him on occasion, hasn't returned.

Soon after this, she asked another member if she's a cause of drama and...aggregator of anger, I believe. He told her he gets that vibe from her, and she chased him off in an argument afterwards just 'cause she didn't like the response. He didn't say no, so she wasn't happy.

On top of all of that, she's, past and present, often attempted to usurp the conversation flow to focus more on her or topics she's familiar with.

She's probably the person we've been most lenient with too, ever since we became independent of any core website. The aforementioned newbie, we abandoned the group of and offered him a place in the new one without being the owner of it. Another guy, a total creep, we kind of kicked out. Yet we've kept her around. And it's not like we were lenient with her. There've been periods before where we've in general had enough of her shit and let her know that, but still kept her around.

The reason for that last bit of this wall of text is to explain this simply: she not only still doesn't get it, she's gotten worse with time. Anytime one of us, myself in particular due to regularly having differing opinions than her, so much as disagrees with her she flips her shit or counters that we're naive or we don't know what she does. On some occasions she's outright attacked us for insinuating that she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Now, this past month, she's been doing the above mentioned link crap. Not constant, mind you, like every minute or so. But every ten, or thirty, or sixty minutes, she''ll throw up a link and sometimes a rant. Many times until just recently, when we stopped conversing there almost entirely, she'd do it in the very middle of another discussion. But you couldn't tell her not to, 'cause you know why? She's a stronk gurl and fuck you, that's why.

It's not like all chicks do this type of thing. We have a couple that are rather normal and mellow. But she's one of those real annoying types, and I've heard cases of this type of individual on the net in all kinds of communities and online games and such. It's just really unnecessary and so disappointing.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It's not like all chicks do this type of thing. We have a couple that are rather normal and mellow. But she's one of those real annoying types, and I've heard cases of this type of individual on the net in all kinds of communities and online games and such. It's just really unnecessary and so disappointing.

Sounds to me like you're dealing with someone who is just plain stupid and does not understand that other people are..Well, people too.

The only real way to deal with those is to remind them that they are not special or more important than anymore else, and that the group is not their personal blog and used by other people too. You could also use her own arguments against her - Tell her to take it to IMs with someone if she's interrupting conversations

I am sadly familiar with the type of person you're talking about. They come in many forms and with many ideologies, but almost all of them don't have a clue what they're talking about. And the ones who do are usually not that vocal about it
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Sounds to me like you're dealing with someone who is just plain stupid and does not understand that other people are..Well, people too.

The only real way to deal with those is to remind them that they are not special or more important than anymore else, and that the group is not their personal blog and used by other people too. You could also use her own arguments against her - Tell her to take it to IMs with someone if she's interrupting conversations

I am sadly familiar with the type of person you're talking about. They come in many forms and with many ideologies, but almost all of them don't have a clue what they're talking about. And the ones who do are usually not that vocal about it

We're considering trying that again, but if it doesn't work we'll just do what we always do: break off from the undesired individuals and just migrate to a new group. It was the staple solution to several other problems we've had in the past.

Very Late Edit: Just for clarification's sake, this was mostly to talk about this particular type of individual. Everything else was just for comparison's sake(the people we stopped putting up with prior to her)and to give the gist of reaction to this type of person. Just putting that out there.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

This is someone else's rant but it fits the site. Enjoy.

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

More like a vent, in this case, but it's one of those instances where I know better than to get into the debates on the actual websites/forums where this stems from. It's like standing on the edge of that ice cold pool and dipping your toe in. It's 90 degrees out and you *want* to jump in, but know that you probably shouldn't, not feet first anyway.

Anyway, here goes.

Dragon Age: Inquisition. Dorian. Sera. And that shitstorm.

So, the creators of DAI have made it know that Dorian, one of the mages that you can get in your party, is gay. Not Zevran "I'm fine with sleeping with a dude" gay. But absolutely no vajayjay gay. And OH MY GOD THE FANGIRLS. Christ on a cracker, they are whining like little bitches. And from what I've gleaned in comments sections, when I get a case of the stupids and go there, this is THE WORST POSSIBLE THING THEY COULD HAVE DONE EVER. I mean, how DARE Bioware make a character that my female Inquisitor can't sleep with! It's as if they were saying that there were men that exist out there who don't like to have sex with women. And then there's the LGBT community, who are rallying behind the choice for the character, going "Back off, it's about time we got something like this! Stop ruining it for us!" And the counter argument from the other side is "But it's not fair! I don't want to make a male character! I want my cake and to eat it too!" And it just devolves from there. You lot are on the internet, you can probably see where this is going. The most recent one I saw was a pic on DA of a female Inquisitor with Dorian called "Unfulfilled Expectations" (or something like that) and the same argument cropped up, although that one devolved into "the fan community is going to make him straight in art/fic if they want to. They've been doing the opposite for the straight characters for years." to which the counter argument for that was "But there are so few actual gay characters, can't you just leave him alone?!"

As a fanfic writer myself, I know the answer to that is a big ol' "No," but I digress.

I guess my stand on this comes from growing up in a different time when it came to gaming. I saw the birth of Nintendo in the US. I had one when it first came out. I grew up gaming in a time where female protagonists were limited to licensed franchise games (Disney, Barbie) until the time Dragon Warrior 3 was released in the US and you could opt to play a male or a female. It didn't change anything about the gameplay, with the exception of the female characters getting one extra piece of armor (a dress) that you couldn't put on a male character, but overall, the game was EXACTLY THE SAME. I know I've ranted about Baldur's Gate 2, where they have 3 romantic interests for the men and only one for the women and the second one was cut because the developers or whoever didn't think it was important.

I swear, I just want to reach through the computer and shake these people and go "Gay people exist. You can't always date the hot guy because he likes (okay, that typo'd to "licks" and I was going to keep it in.) cock." Bioware prides themselves on making all sorts of diverse characters in their games and they've been forerunners in the representation of alternative sexualities in their games (granted the whole DA2, everybody goes both ways is a little...wishful, but at least they included it.), so to me, the inclusion of strictly homosexual characters makes me want to clap them collectively on the back and go "Good for you!" But you apparently can't do that without someone getting on your case because they don't think it's "fair" that they can't have what they want out of the game. And apparently what they want is to fembone the male mage.

Oh, and did you know that Sera, the female elf in the game, is a lesbian? And is strictly for romance by female Inquisitors? Yeah, nobody talks about that. I haven't seen anyone bitching about that. Not quite sure where to go with that one. Could be the whole "Gay sex is fine as long as it's two girls" thing that stereotype a lot of people. Or it could be because she's a girl that the fangirls just don't give a shit because OH MY GOD, I CAN'T SLEEP WITH THE MAGE!

I'm done, at least for now. Like I said, just wanted to get this off my chest somewhere that I like to think we can talk about this intelligently rather than diving into the actual forums of the game.

TL;DR version: I'm bitching about the bitching about the gay mage in Inquisition.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

TL;DR version: I'm bitching about the bitching about the gay mage in Inquisition.

I agree with your sentiments--I actually find it refreshing that, in this case, the game will reflect reality. I have a few friends and many acquaintances who are male and love the cock, but they will never experience my cock, because I'm a heterosexual. Women who love the cock will never experience the cocks of my male gay friends (because said male gay friends are homosexual). My few lesbian friends will never experience my cock (because they prefer the pussy, which is a choice I can't argue with). It's real life, and I'm okay with this, just as I'm fine with it in a Dragon Age game.

Honestly, I'm just hoping they do a better job with the gameplay than they did with Dragon Age II.

To me, though, the issue runs deeper than a question of sexual preference; it is a mindset in which men and women are forced to play certain roles or accept the status of "other." In the case of men, we aren't really allowed to be intimate creatures, beyond our relationship with women. Two straight women can spoon; if two straight men spoon, it's comedy at best (see "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"--excellent movie, but also illustrates my point). That's just one example of how gender roles are still VERY firmly entrenched in modern culture.

There HAS been progress. Women have gained significant freedoms over the past hundred years or so, starting with suffrage. The LGBT movement is much stronger now than it was 20 years ago. People like Conchita Wurst can win awards in the entertainment industry. There are even .

We've still got a long way to go, though.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

To start on a lighthearted note, I thought your mention of the mentality of ""Gay sex is fine as long as it's two girls" was referring to yaoi fiction at first, heh. Need to wake up more before I read such posts.

Anywho, I can't say I'm surprised at the reaction. It seems a lot like all the tumblr drama my sister likes to post to me out of morbid curiosity. I think the issue at it's core though is more about gamers feeling like a game should be catered to them, not necessarily about gay rights or gender roles or any such things. It happens with every game, regardless of how well the game is received in general. There's always a certain group who don't like something because it's not 100% what they wanted. Sometimes, hell, most of the time, the reasons they don't like it are extraordinarily silly. In this case, DA3 is just happening to tap into a larger than normal crowd on one issue that tends to be rather charged. IMO it's more a symptom of an "all about ME" culture than anything else though.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I pretty much agree that people should just chillax about it. But even though it might be wishful thinking, I kinda liked it when you could just choose whoever you wanted to romance in the game regardless of gender or sexuality. I mean it is a game and letting everyone have the choice doesn't change the gameplay at all. Maybe it's a little weird if they don't change the dialogue choices, but that wouldn't take TOO much effort if they really wanted to do it.

I never liked the idea of games simulating real life with the romances because it's supposed to be fantasy and fun. If I'm a girl and I want to make sweet love to Tali-Zorah because she's so freaking cute and adorable, I should be able to, damnit. :p lol.

But maybe it's just because it can be so hard to find another compatible lesbian IRL, that I just don't want to experience that same frustration when I'm playing Mass Effect or Dragon Age. I understand how people feel a little because if you really like a character, it's disappointing if you can't be with them. There might also be a little bit of forbidden fruit factor playing in there too. Overall, I'm happy that they recognize gay people and try to cater to them, but maybe it wouldn't be such an issue if they just made all the characters bi, haha.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Taking things as they come along...

Honestly, I'm just hoping they do a better job with the gameplay than they did with Dragon Age II.

I liked the combat. It was the whole "reused dungeons and hackneyed story" that I don't think a lot of people liked.

IMO it's more a symptom of an "all about ME" culture than anything else though.

Something the cuddlebuddy brought up, which is going to sound rather charged, but I can see the point. "Straight people aren't used to having things denied to them." Granted, this is a blanket statement and mostly made regarding this particular argument, but I can see the point being made.

But maybe it's just because it can be so hard to find another compatible lesbian IRL, that I just don't want to experience that same frustration when I'm playing Mass Effect or Dragon Age. I understand how people feel a little because if you really like a character, it's disappointing if you can't be with them. There might also be a little bit of forbidden fruit factor playing in there too. Overall, I'm happy that they recognize gay people and try to cater to them, but maybe it wouldn't be such an issue if they just made all the characters bi, haha.

Yeah, but then you have the people complaining that that's not how bisexuality works and that whole argument. Then again, I'm also part of fanfic communities and I use that to help fulfill the situations I can't get in game (romancing Alistair as a male character, for example, or ANY romance in Awakenings...) Granted, it would be nice if they could cater to everyone, but I for one like the touch of "realism" in the game. It's also not to say you can't form a relationship with these characters, you just don't have them as *romantic* relationships. I can see the frustration, but for me, personally, the realism is outweighing the catering.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I wouldn't say it as "straight people aren't used to having things denied to them", though it might have a minor effect. I'd say it's like the people who go on Xbox Live, play CoD, and scream and make a general ass out of themselves, except in a different form.

It's really hard to describe, but perhaps I can put it better if I make it clear I'm coming from a neutral perspective. IMO it's just basic human behavior. People want stuff, and don't like it when they don't get it. This has been pretty well established, and if we stopped there, would be fully in agreement with what's been previously said. However, what I'm trying to infuse that with is the whole gaming mindset in general. People *buy* games for wish fulfillment, basically. I'm not ragging on wish fulfillment, either. The emphasis is on buy. If they're paying, there's more investment, in the more economic sense of the term, and therefore the consumer wants greater returns. It serves as a magnifying device for what might otherwise not be a very big issue. Not say that gay rights aren't a big deal, but as I said in my last post, I don't think it's the actual crux of what's going on in this particular situation.

Now, there's the further issue that the game isn't out yet. Most of the people complaining are likely going to buy the game anyway, for various reasons, and thus the option of just not buying the game because it's not what they want probably doesn't seem like an attractive option. They still want the game for other reasons. However, they still want to maximize their experience, and thus here we are where some people want to jump through hoops in regards to one character's characterization. It's all subconscious, and probably futile, but it's in human nature to complain.

And just for extra clarification, even though I'm explaining these motives, I think it's a dumb argument. I can see the argument for all romance options being bi, I can see the argument for realism and exclusivity, but at the end of the day it's a game and it's going to be what it's going to be. If any of the people who want it changed are basically just using the argument "well what it's not what *I* want!", I'm more likely to want it the opposite way and argue with them just because a game dev's idea of their game shouldn't be yanked around.
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