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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"If we give up our humanity how are we to blend in and move amongst the kine. Haven't you ever heard the saying know thy enemy better than thyself."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Dismissing the snarl with another shrug, the scarlet-eyed vampire stared at Fletch coldly.

"There is no use crying over spilled milk... that is all I am trying to say. Rather than rejecting what one has become, and clinging to what one has lost, it would be more efficient to adapt to the new... Of course, this does not include when attempting to blend in..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I hate spilled milk", Fletch replies. "Makes your entire place stink like cheese for weeks. I, myself, would be happy just to know WHAT to adapt to. I have no idea what I can do now, except for some kind of freaky night vision."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I'm not ready to give up my humanity yet. As long as I can continue my modeling for a while I'll be happy." Eve smiled, "And I do think of this as a little family now. We're all we've got."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Who knows... perhaps you'll be able to talk to some wild animals now? Or maybe survive getting hit by a car... Experiment around, who knows what you'll find out...That is, after this meeting with the "Prince"..."

(Too lazy to write alot at the moment...)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy was going to say "Cousin Oliver," to Rashar's question, but his remarks kept her quiet again. And there was Ronell, making remarks about things he'd seen. Still, he'd made it clear he didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't call him on it.

"Maybe," she says of Luna's remarks, "we need to do a little bit of both. We don't have to totally give up the human aspects of our lives and we can incorporate our new Kindred ones into it. Don't ask me how," she says with a laugh, "but it's a start." She looks over at Eve. "Well, sort of like Eve. You said you were a model, right? Guess you're gonna be one hell of a good looking model for a long time. No nip-tuck for you."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"That's what I was trying to get across we have to be both somehow, though she said it better than I did," Ronny says pointing to Izzy.

"I wonder how many other myths are real. I mean if vampires exist how about ghosts or le loup garou?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Demons do...Although one wouldn't know until one hath met one for thyself..."

While normally this statement would be interpreted as a joke of sorts, coming from Luna, and in her particular tone of voice, it would seem as if she had already met one in her life...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"So do you know alot about the occult then, or are you joking about demons? It's hard to tell with your lack of emotion." Ronny asks curiously.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Replying in the same emotionless tone as before, Luna gave another ambiguous answer.

"...Who knows?... Let us just assume that I have had far too many encounters than one is normally comfortable with..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Alright rather than making an ass of you and me. Why don't you tell us about them since you brought up that you've encountered them."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna was unresponsive to the inquiry directed towards her remaining silent for an extended period of time. When she finally did respond however, her tone seemed that of a person trying to forget something unpleasant, her reply being similar in nature.

"...Visiting hell once already, is more than enough."

And with that, she grew silent, making it obvious that she was no longer interested in replying or responding to anything in regards to the subject.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Listening as she finally answers, and having a pretty good idea what she meant decides not to press. I guess maybe we have more in common than I thought, he thinks to himself.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Jaylene looked through the door before entering, scanning the half-dozen other neonates in the room, though she didn't know them as such. What others would see was a tallish, thin young woman of about nineteen or so -- She looked like she had some muscle on her, though despite her black dress and high heels, her makeup and her carefully styled auburn brown hair (with its shock of grey in her bangs, she wasn't the one with the strangest hair-do by far!) Jaylene still looked a little too plain to be beautiful. If it weren't for the fact that she was dressed up, she'd look downright boyish... and her oversized and smoky-smelling leather jacket wasn't helping her one bit.

She stepped into the room like one might step into a viper pit, though as she laid ruddy-hazel eyes on Ronell, they stayed there. "Hey, you're my good tipper," she announced, bemused to say the very least. "Well don't that beat all. Is the whole fucking town made of vampires, or am I going crazy?" she asked, though it was a rhetorical question, muttered quietly to herself.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As the door opens Ronell looks up only to be greeted by one of the people in Red Deer who may recognize him. A strange look passes over his face, but it disappears quickly as it came. Quietly so that no one really notices, "Why me?"

He responds out loud a bit more nervously, "Er so they uh got you too, huh. I uh guess the kindred must like our bar."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Moving into the room, past those who were playing some damned fine wallflowers, Jaylene wandered over to Ronell as she gave glances and faint nods of greeting to those who were also here. If any of them had visited the Toad & Turtle sports bar downtown in the evening or night, they'd probably seen her before, though only as a server, not a kindred of course!

"You mean the vampires? Yeah, no kidding." Jaylene wondered if that gold digger was a vampire, too, then decided against it. She seemed kind of blood thirsty even with a full and beating pulse...

She grabbed herself a chair, settling in it and crossing her legs at the knee, her foot idly bouncing as she looked around. She was content to have a conversation with the man for the time being, feeling a little too overwhelmed to make general introductions as if at some big old family reunion. "So, who got to you? The big bald biker guy, the cutie with the brown hair, or the russian super secret agent man?" She couldn't imagine there being a lot more than that, even if all of these people attested to the fact that something was out of whack.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"...You've actually seen them?..."

As before, despite having grown silent earlier, the arrival of a newcomer with "interesting stories" to share had drawn the scarlet-eyed vampire's attention once again, as well as a comment from her.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"The uh businessman I was talking to earlier tonight at the Turtle, he offered me a job which apparently was to die for." *Nervous laugh.* "I don't remember a bald biker, or a Russian just the guy dressed as a biker that you were uh talking to when I left." He says having taken a sudden interest in a spot on the floor by the door.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve smiled at the newcomer, "Welcome to the family." she said sardonically, before holding a hand out, "My name's Eve."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch's head jerks up as another neonate enters. "Hey, welcome to the fold. . . Wait, did you say Russian Superman Agent? You met Vinnie?" The large man walks over to the boyish woman. "Did he mention something about a truck? Oh, I'm Fletch by the way." He's been at the sports bar now and then and dimly remembers seeing her face, but no name comes to mind.