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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Leonardo rose and walked towards the prince, glancing between the woman and Vincent. "So, some answers can be revealed now, hmmm? Good. There's been too many questions tonight that have not recieved any. You undoubtably have some, and so do I, though I suspect whatever answers I may hold have already been given." Leonardo spoke to the prince as he reached the front of the room, his voice strong, yet without the bile with which he had addressed the others with earlier.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Yes well, I'm sure the Prince is already pissy with me, and after the way he's thrown me to the wolves here I'm pretty fucking pissy with him. He wants my respect and for me to be a nice little girl and fit in, he best stop acting like a twat... fuck," she said, sitting on the table.

If she waited the prince might torture her, invade her mind through chemicals or magic or whatever the fuck. If she escaped he might call one of those damn blood hunt things on her. She was torn.

"God damnit," she yelled punching the table angrily.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Forgetting Raven's fairly okay. I can do a few things with him, now and again, but forgetting yourself is a bit trickier.))

The supposedly stressful part of the evening over, Izzy's rather grateful to be sitting down and not the center of attention any more. Her fingers slide easily into a hold with Raven's and as Leo and the woman from the Vat approach, her attention's almost completely on them, wanting to see how this goes. Despite his tone, she still frowns a little at Leonardo's speech.

This was definitely going to be interesting.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve is torn, on the one hand... hungry. On the other... she really wants to see what the Prince makes of Professor Grumpypants over there. She cast a sidelong glance at Fletch, raising her eyebrows in silent question.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch catches Eve's look and nods. He leans over to Izzy and slightly touches her shoulder. "We gotta head out," he murmurs. "Eve's been unlucky, and we wanna try hunting together. Fill us in tomorrow night, will ya?" With that, the large man gets up and, bowing respectfully to the Prince, turns to leave. Secretly, he fully expects to be ordered to sit down at once.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve stands with some relief and makes her bow as respectful as possible, and keeping her mouth firmly shut, follows Fletch.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The Prince's attention is now focused solely on Leonardo as he makes his way to the front. The woman from the Vat makes her way up front as well, more to the side than in front of the Prince though. With an imperious look on his face the Prince addresses Leonardo now.

"As you are new to this I will forgive your indiscretion just this once, always refer to me by my title of Prince. Now as to your answers they will come but not from myself that is for your sire to handle. Now please explain how you happened to come into possession of Ms. Dunsirn's book followed by how you were embraced."

As the Prince begins to deal with the newest member of the kindred a few more kindred from the audience as well as one of the members from the Primogen's box make their way out with Eve and Fletch. Raven continues sitting with Izzy content to follow her example.

Ronny suddenly remembering that he has a body to get rid of before he can feed decides he should probably go as well. On his way out he passes a note to Izzy from his pocket. Then he makes his way back towards River and leaning in whispers to her.

"So could you show me how to get rid of that body now, I really need to get that taken care of so that I can go get something to eat before the night is over?"


Just as Fletch and Eve are about to exit the building, the kindred from the Primogen's box catches them. She addresses Eve and though she acknowledges Fletch she largely ignores his presence. She is a very beautiful, tall woman who looks to be roughly the same age as Eve. Her stylish brown hair matching perfectly with her brown eyes, and the expensive brown silk dress she wears.

"Excuse me, Eve I believe, I'm Alana and I was told to give this to you before you leave. I look forward to seeing you there, but alas I must get back to madam Alize, so if you'll excuse me."

With a pleasant smile and a nod Alana turns and hurries back toward the courtroom.


The blond girl flinches when Claire punches the table, after a strange look passes over her face she speaks up again. Something about her voice and posture has changed as if she were a completely different person now.

"I won't let him hurt you, I can protect you or hide you somewhere. Come on."

With that she gets up and leans angles her head toward the door as if listening closely, with her back turned completely to Claire.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((You called me Claire the first time.))

Eve holds out her hand for the object, and bows deeply."Thank you very much." She says and follows Fletch out, looking curiously at what seems to be a ticket of some kind.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Gah, got some catch-up to do, blarg XD ))

When the Prince addressed River, she replied with a nod and a sloppy salute, seeming to slouch in her chair a bit more afterwards.

When Ronny went to sit down, it looked like she was having another conversation with 'the voice in her head' again. "...load off. Now we have time to sit back and start... Hey Ronny, what's up?" She asked once he had sat down. She listened while he asked his question, then pulled out a napkin and pen and started drawing him a map. "Usually don't have to worry about it, cops pick 'em up and deal with them so long as you don't leave something they can trace to you or something. Since you're asking, I assume that's already out of the question. Head South of town on Taylor about six klicks, turn right onto township road three hundred-something, don't remember, and follow that about ten minutes till you see a bog on the right. Give it a weight or something and you should be fine, but it's a pretty good sinkhole, watch you don't get too deep yourself or you'll be down there for a long time. Tie a rope to yourself or something if you're worried about it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch listens quietly, satisfied to ogle the strange girl for a bit - if only out of habit. After she has left and they've stepped out onto the parking lot, he addresses Eve. "So, what have you got there? It's not urgent, right?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"And who exactly are you that you can protect me from the Prince?" Claire asked.

She was a little short on trust anymore, and wasn't going to be giving it out likely. Still the idea seemed like a good one at the time, it didn't seem the Prince had much good in store for her.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Eve opens the envelope that Alana gave her she finds an invitation cordially asking her attendance at Club Extasy later in the week, to discuss clan business. At the bottom is a beautifully handwritten postscript signed by Alize, saying to be sure to dress nicely. Also in the envelope is a check for two hundred dollars made out for Eve.


Ronny listens as River describes how to get to the bog just outside of town and taking the napkin he says.

"Thanks, though now I wish I hadn't left my waders at home. Uh, I doubt if you'll really need my help with anything but just in case this is my cell number."

After handing River the scrap of paper with his number on it, he heads out to the car to get rid of the body.


"Dang it, they're right outside. Fucking Claire and her silly pranks."

The blond girl turns around and starts looking around the room for something.

"Hmm, I thought I already told you my name. Anyways it's Eve, and don't worry the Prince wouldn't dare mess with me."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

(((Shoulda read this before my pm...)))

Eve stares at the invitation and the check in her hand. "Holy Crap..." she mutters. "It's an invitation, to discuss clan business. It's says to wear something nice... and a two hundred dollar check to get something... oh wow." She shook off her amazement and climbed into her car. "Club or park tonight? Want to pretend to be an abusive date and see if we can't cant get a rent a cop?" She grinned viciously.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch stops for a moment and grins. "You know, I had the exact same thought. Except it was asshole and not abusive asshole. How about we have a fight, I storm off outside, you pick up some sympathetic guy and leave with him." He rubs his hands after getting into the beetle. Actually planning a hunt does turn out to be kind of fun. "I wait in a back alley with my ninja thing active, and you drag the guy in there for... you know." He gives Eve a quick look. "I grab him, we take a bite, we leave."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She clapped her hands delightedly. "That sounds excellent." She actually giggles, as she starts the car. "I can already taste it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch smiles about Eve's enthusiasm. "Alright then, which bar do you want to hit? Whiskey 7? Blarney? Maybe we shouldn't go to Shark's, they know me around there." Ah, a game of pool or two.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire stared at the strange woman. She couldn't even get her own name right, just listed off the name's of her group.

"Claire's pranks?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow and sitting herself on the table.

With every word that came out of this woman's mouth, the less she wanted to have anything to do with her. But what if this was what the Prince wanted to do to her own brain. Scramble it about so she didn't even know who she was anymore. Or was this just an elaborate test? There were too many possibilities and Claire was getting fed up and angrier.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy's fed, so she's not too worried about hurrying out, given the Prince's assurances about Claire. She really wants to see how this thing with Leo plays out, almost wishing she had some popcorn. She contents herself with tracing her fingers along the backs of Raven's own.

"Will do," she murmurs quietly to Fletch. "Happy hunting," she bids them in parting, throwing the large man a little wink.

Looking over as she senses Ronny in proximity, she takes the note and peers at it, giving him a nod and tucking it in her own pocket for the time being. She notes the few folks making their way out, but for the most part, her attention is on the little courtroom drama unfolding at the judge's stand.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Whiskey 7 sounds good to me." She eased the car onto the road and headed in the direction of the club. "I've been hunting there before, so at the very least I'll get someone asking me why i choose all the assholes." she grinned and made a mock pouty face, "Because then I get all the handsome prince charmings willing to save me..." then she snorted and giggled again.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve's and Fletch's trip towards the rack goes by without a problem. Upon arrival they find Whiskey 7 doing it's usually brisk business as the sound system plays some 80's rock and roll. A few couples on the dance floor, some at tables, and some singles make up the current clientele.


Ronny gets in the car, and starts heading south out of town to get rid of the body.


The blond girl looks at Claire confused for a second before seeming to remember something and responding.

"Oh yeah guess your not quite used to me yet, Claire's my more annoying, nicer personality. She's always pulling the alarm when she leaves because she finds it amusing. So you any good at sneaking around, or is that plan out."