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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Oh just a couple of days, just making a drop off and then I'm supposed to take something back with me. Hold on a second, gorgeous."

He says as he reaches inside his jacket taking out a cell phone, as he does so Eve catches a glimpse of a pistol in a shoulder harness.

"Yeah Jameson here, I should be in tomorrow night. I stopped in some place called Lacombe. Of course the package is still safe. All right I'll be there tomorrow night."

Closing the phone he puts it away and smiling back at Eve he asks.

"So now that my bosses are out of the way for the night, you happen to know of a better place to go?"
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Tell me about it," Claire muttered, watching the door intently. She awaited her sentence, and whatever damn training was supposed to be in store for her.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Her eyebrows raised minutely at the firearm, and she filed that information away in the back of her mind for now, wishing there was a way she could talk to Fletch and let him know the details. "I know a place." her lips curved into another smile. "It's not very big, but my car is kind of cozy. I'm afraid I don't have a place to sleep tonight, since I dumped the idiot. It was his home. Though there are definitely better bars than this." she waved a hand around before turning to the bartender. "No offense sugar." then she turned back to the suit. "Why don't we get going, hm? I parked my car in the back alley, I'm pretty paranoid about my baby."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Jameson grinned as he stood up from the bar offering his arm to Eve as they prepared to leave Whiskey 7 behind. Leaning over to Eve he responded with the same mischievous grin he had been wearing the whole conversation.

"I can't wait to see it beautiful. Don't worry about a place to sleep for the night I have something in mind."

The bartender winked as if he understood exactly what Eve meant, though he shook his head as if to say that some people never learn.

The door to Claire's interview room opened admitting two men in suits both kindred. They both looked to be body guards of some sort, just from the way they acted. The taller of the two looked over at the blond girl and nodded, before they both moved to opposite sides of the room. Following them Prince Ken and Dr. Frieda both entered followed by a third bodyguard who closed the door behind them. Prince Ken stood with a thoughtful look on his face as he acknowledged the blond girl's presence. As Dr. Frieda noticed the blond girl she opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off as the Prince began to speak.

"Ah Ms. Winters I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long, there were pressing matters which had to be attended to. Now if you don't mind we'll dispense with most of the pleasantries and get right to business."

After Leonardo had explained about his embrace minus the part about who he thought had embraced him, and the return of the book to the Giovanni representative. Vincent, who had been assigned to watch over the new Tremere, had taken him away to the chantry. The Prince had left not long after that to take care of Claire. A little more than a dozen of the kindred remained discussing things in a more relaxed way now that the Prince had left.

Raven had continued sitting with Izzy content just to be near her, though he hadn't paid much attention to the politics going on. Nor was he paying much attention to the conversations going on at the moment.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve flirted with Jameson and flattered him until they stepped into the alley. With a mischievous grin, she grabbed the lapel of his jacket and pulled him down for a kiss, pressing herself back against the wall and waiting for Fletch.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch steps out of the dumpster's shadow quietly, surprisingly so for a man of his size. During the wait he's been thinking. Should he shoot off a one-liner? Keep up the act of the scorned boyfriend?
In the end, he's decided to do none of these things. He is simply grabbing Jameson's head with one large hand and digging his teeth into his neck.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Long enough Prince to get a point across I'm sure... so yes down to business," Claire said, trying to put some respect into her tone, but her scorn showed through more. She did not move from her seat, eyes flicking to the three bodyguards before moving back to Ken, where they stayed.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Eve started to pull Jameson toward her the mischievous grin on his faced changed to something far more malevolent. He strongly grabbed her by the wrist and slammed her against the wall of the alleyway face first. Pinning Eve against the wall with one arm Jameson began to grope with the other as he leaned in and whispered into her ear completely unaware of Fletch stepping out from behind the dumpster.

"You make one sound you stupid little cunt, and it will be the last thing you do. Now for me to have a little fun before I go make my delivery."

The combination of Eve's hunger and the obvious threat of what was about to happen to her proved too much as something inside of her seemed to snap. The beast was now in control and it was very hungry and angry.

As the Prince took a seat across from Claire the bodyguards stood to the sides of the room keeping a wary eye on everything. Though Claire notices that they seem to be keeping a far closer eye on Dr. Frieda than either her or Claire/Eve. Dr. Frieda stood respectfully behind the Prince and Claire/Eve stood behind Claire almost as if holding Dr. Frieda in check.

The Prince's usual condescending smile was replaced with an almost terrifying seriousness as he now spoke directly to Claire.

"I have already heard your companions version of events for the night and now I would like to hear your version. After which I should have more than enough information to decide what your fate shall be."

The conversation that Izzy is most drawn to seems to be more of an argument than a discussion. Though it's probably the most civil argument she's ever heard of. It seems to be among what she assumes to be the members of clan Toreador. The main players being Alexander and what she assumes is the Primogen, a scandalously beautiful woman. The rest of the Torries present seem to be split evenly between the two; all except for the one who had chased out after Eve as she left for the night who seemed torn between the pair unable to take sides between the pair.

Suddenly a low nasally voice spoke up from beside Izzy seemingly out of thin air.

"He-he fun to watch the fancy-pants Degenerates tearing each other apart ain't it? The only thing better would be if they were literally tearing each other apart, though this is almost as enjoyable."

Ronny had now wandered around the dark alleys of the bad side of Red Deer for a while now. He felt almost befuddled as to why he had decided to head this way. The few people he had passed had seemed like very poor choices for feeding. Suddenly down one of the alleyways ahead he heard a woman scream for help. Still wondering what why he was here he broke into a run towards the sounds of the screams echoing through the cavern like alleys. It didn't take him long to find where the screams issued from a woman, who obviously didn't belong on this side of town was cornered in one of the alleyways by a pair of gang bangers.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire raised an eyebrow; she hadn't expected this in the least.

"Ronny and Eve were going through the front door to distract the... kine while me and Fletch went through a back window to look for the book. I heard an attack, rushed towards the front leaving Fletch to find the book on his own; he's sneakier than I am anyway. I nearly dripped over a drained body left on the floor and found the old fuck was actually a very hungry kindred. I hit him with the butt of my shotgun and pulled him free. Afterwords he was not co-operating very well, and seeing as tearing him apart with claws and fangs may have been a no-no I decided to use the gun as a non-lethal means of trying to get him to co-operate. It did not go as planned, the cops showed up and I was pulled away, leaving that old bastard behind with a dead man in his living room. After that I have no idea what happened," Claire explained, thinking back over the night as it had unfolded.

"So Prince, you can imagine I've been slightly upset that I am to be punished whilst someone runs around turning more kine and leaving bodies laying about in the open," Claire says, now leaning forward, matching the Prince's gaze, aware that the next few moments would spell out her fate.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve felt the shreds of her humanity snap when she was pressed up against the wall, and her mischievous grin turned feral and a low growl rumbled from her throat. She started struggling, unaware of Fletch or anything else around her other than the need to hurt the food holding her to the wall, and the need to feed until she was satisfied.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

What - oh, you rotten son of a whore. Fletch bares his teeth, but he keeps his quiet. His vision starts to waver, and something starts to push in, overlay his field of view...
The Iraqui holds a gun to the man's head. He yells something towards the door, where more soldiers of the Republican Guard are stationed, fighting off the US Army. Sweat runs down Fletch's shaven forehead. No suppressor for his rifle, no knife. If he shoots, the Guard will come down upon him.
Coming to a decision quickly, Fletch lowers the rifle. He goes to grab

the scumbag and to pull him off Eve in one motion before ramming his teeth into the sucker.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy sort of leans against Raven, fingers casually twined in his. As the voices pick up, so does she a little. Curious, given that Eve raves so much about Alexander, it's curious and amusing to see him in the middle of a fight. She tries to pick out what they're arguing about without obviously eavesdropping and so lets out a startled little "Eep!" when the voice speaks to her. She looks for the source of the voice, knowing some of their kind can turn invisible, wondering if that's the case or if someone just decided to make their presence known just then.

"It's...interesting," she says neutrally. Obviously if the voice was calling the Toreador that, they probably didn't like them. "And, well, it's either that or we haul out a vat of Jell-O and let them have at it, but only if they start pulling hair first."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Jameson's malevolent laughter suddenly stops as the monster in front of him spins around and violently sinks her fangs into his throat, completely dislocating her shoulder in the process. His surprised scream is quickly replaced with a wet gurgle as his throat is savaged by the frenzied monster, he thought he had control of a moment ago.

Fletch leaps to attack the man holding Eve against the wall, but his nightmares keep him from reacting in time to save her. Instead he finds himself caught in a spot he hadn't thought of as he watches, with a horrific fascination, as Eve drains the life of their intended victim.

"In that case allow me to ease your fears of being punished for what you thought were appropriate actions. You managed to aid your companions in accomplishing the task I sent you to do and are therefore going to receive acknowledgment. However you showed some poor judgment in opening fire with your shotgun. For that the primogen counsel and I have decided you may need a little additional training under a more experienced member of the sect."

The Prince responds as he easily matches Claire's stare with a smile. Claire finds herself unable to match the Prince's will however and feels forced to turn away. She is rewarded with seeing a disappointed angry frown passing briefly over the face of Dr. Frieda however.

From what Izzy can piece together of the conversation the whole argument seems to be over a rather harsh critique of a newly created piece of art. Though you can't quite figure out who was insulted or who made the critique; you can easily see that Alexander and Alize, the Primogen, really don't like each other.

The low nasally voice continues after Izzy responds obviously amused by the argument among the Torries.

"Yeah that would be a good sight as well, and it sounds like something Alize might be into anyways. Anyways allow me to introduce myself, the names Eddie Griffin, I would offer my hand but it's probably better if I don't surprise you like that. I just figured I better introduce myself to at least some of the fresh ones, since you never know when you might want information on somebody and if you do I'm the one to come to."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve's eyes rolled in ecstasy as the blood poured down her throat, the beast inside her would not be satisfied until the man lay dead on the pavement, and all his blood was hers.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Training... so would that be disection? Some drugs pumped in to me then? Lobotomy?" Claire asked, her eyes now turning towards the doctor.

She wasn't sure what was happening here, wasn't sure who to lash out against. She needed to get outside. Just grab her jacket and hunt.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch is stunned as Eve starts to drain the mobster. Still, his military training keeps him calm under pressure. Truth be told, it's about the only time he's totally calm - until these damn visions start setting in.

After Eve suckled on the asshole's neck for a bit, Fletch goes to grab her and pull her off before the little fuck dies.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Fletch grabs her she whirls on him, dangerous growls still issuing from her throat, though somewhere in her mind she dimly recalls that she knows this face.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She doesn't get it, really, but then, she knows arguments have been started over smaller things. And given the quick rundown that she's gotten from both River and Raven, art is pretty damn important to the Torries. She decides to hold off on taking sides until she sees the piece in question and manages to find out what was said about it.

"She the type, huh?" Izzy arches a brow, putting her attention back on the source of Eddie's voice. "I'm Isabella, but most folks call me Izzy. This is Raven." She nods her head toward the young man. Eddie probably already knows this, but it's polite. It also seems like she's heard that name before, but she can't quite place where. She'd just have to think on it later. "And if we do need to get ahold of you? How's best to do that?" She arched a brow slightly.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch raises his hands in a gesture of non-aggression. He doesn't want to hurt her, but he also doesn't want the Sheriff on their asses. He's going to protect her, even if it does mean hurting her. "Alright, calm down. You fed, that's most important. Let's just close the bastard's neck wounds and leave him here. He's not going to start shit anytime soon."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She does know this face. Fletch? But what...? She shakes herself, much like a wet dog and growls again. "He hurt me!"