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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

This time Siphon was prepared for a counter attack, and a sudden burst of speed placed him directly in the line of fire of the lightning.

To even his own amazement, when the blast of electricity hit him instead, he felt ... nothing. No, wait, he felt ... stronger? How the hell?

It was then he realized his fingertips were glowing with energy, the same energy he'd just been hit with.

Ok, this is really damn weird, but I ain't complaining. Now what the hell to do with this ... oh fuck it.

"Hey Charles, I think there's insufficient postage on this!"

Focusing straight on him, he sent the contents of electrical energy straight back at him, not realizing he'd also added a bit more natural power to it as well, though by this stage of the game he likely wouldn't have given a damn.

The winds that had whipped around him had stung, but luckily his crashing into Charles to begin with had driven him the step or two back he needed in order to not be picked up by the winds. Otherwise this would have turned ugly.

He fully was expecting Charles to target him now, and frankly he didn't care.

"I've about had enough of your bullshit. Die comrade."

((Couldn't think of anything else to do here. Seemed like the next logical step for him to pull off, and after all, Charles has no idea who he's attacking.))
Re: School Courtyard

Problem was, Sho had been expecting a counter-attack, ever since the last time she tried to stop him. Even before Siphon gets in the way, she's airborne as soon as she sees the crackle of the electricity and well above the spot he was shooting at.

It's not nice to fuck with Mother Nature, asshole.

From where her winds kept her aloft, she focused her attention on him again, catching sight of the blast let loose by...something that had obviously been right in front of her, though she hadn't realized it. She let that hit, then pulled at his breath again, faster this time and constant, so hopefully he wouldn't recover so quickly.

And meanwhile, on the ground...

Hmm, looks like the egg can be cracked. All right then...Now, how to get him up high enough to let gravity help before he blinks away?

Seeing the cracks, Ian went back to watching, keeping an eye on Charles and anywhere he might be directing any sort of attack, but mostly, he was waiting for another crack in the armor again, to maybe 'seize' upon another opportunity, but given what had happened when he stood up, he knew he was going to have to be quick about it.
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia didn't understand what had happened to Siphon, but she was going to take this opportunity to make this a joint attack before Charles could recover. She rushes forwards to make an attack, her spiritual aura erupting around her as she closes on him. She wasn't holding anything back with this attack. She would strike immediately after Siphons returned lightning stuck him. Since she was incapable of cutting through that armour, her attacks would be forceful bludgeoning blows intended to batter and rattle the person hiding inside against their own armour, and to keep them off balance.
Re: School Courtyard

"You really think the same trick will work for a second time?" Charles barks at Sho as he gains control of the air surrounding him. "Impossible!" Charles says suddenly, shocked by Siphon's apparent immunity to an attack that should've left him a charred and smoking corpse. Charles then braces himself for the attack, while the attack itself won't harm him seeing as it's made mostly from his Anima the impact of the attack sends him flying backwards, and he only stopped when he hits a tree. Without time to react to Ellisia's sudden attack, Charles took the brunt of the attack before getting the energy to teleport a few dozen yards behind her.

"What do you hope to gain from trying to fight fate?" Charles calls out to the group as he turns around, the area's where Ellisia's blows connected was cracked though like the earlier cracks they quickly heal up. Charles however seems to be slightly out of breath. "No matter, this'll be over soon enough." With that Charles instantly forms his sword and rushes at Siphon with the aim of taking out the biggest threat first.
Re: School Courtyard

As Charles runs at Siphon, a large energy fist appears in his path at face height.

"I can't be bothered to punch you. Here is my fist. Kindly run onto it."
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia had been watching the fight the entire time from the sidelines, carefully dodging anything that would be heading her way. She carefully studied Siphon, her eyes never leaving the man as she watched him flying around the field, both from his own powers and from being knocked around by this demon thing. She didn't fully understand... why was Siphon able to utilize the symbiote so much better than her father? The man was healing at rates that was seemingly impossible by any standards she had read up on previously...

Still. She had made up her mind a long time ago that she was going to be the one to kill this man, and she wouldn't let any obstacle, no matter how big or seemingly invulnerable, get in her way. She had watched the demon thing teleport around and bade her time until the earth girl had managed to cause it to teleport again, then she ran forward, kicking off the ground and landing on the thing's back, raising her hand, which was glowing with the charged energy by this point, before plunging it down onto the thing's neck, hoping that there was enough force there to kill or at least disable it,

"Siphon's head is mine and mine alone..."
Re: School Courtyard

(Heh heh, "earth girl". She has no idea...)

If there was anyone that knew about fighting fate, it was an Etheirian. Ellisia was sworn to protect against this kind of destructive madness regardless of the world threatened. "You think you command fate spirit? Your assumption that people will just lie down and accept your deluded judgement is insulting, as is your ignorance."

She pursues him immediately as he moves to attack Siphon. Charles had only allowed himself to be flanked. If the sudden glowing fist happened to knock him down, that would be another opportunity. Yet another newcomer to the fight gives her reason for pause, though she's only a step away and will continue her attack the first opportunity she gets. The statement confused Ellisia a little, but for now her attention was decidedly on Charles.
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon snarled, revealing fangs sharper than any normal vampire would have, his claws extending to their full length.

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you shall get scum!"

Rather than attempting to dodge the attack, he simply met it head on, assuming it ever got to him. If it did, Charles's blades would impact the claws with a clang ... and he'd discover that they held under the weapon, even as Siphon aimed to head butt him hard.
Re: School Courtyard

Sho drops to the ground, a few stagger steps as she lands. The others were getting too close to use her winds as she liked, so for now, it was a waiting game again.

Not for Ian, though. His attention was fixed on Charles, at least when he could see him not under the barrage of attacks. He tried grasping at the armor, but the cracks sealed up too quickly for him to get hold of any of the edges. "Fine," he growled. "Let's see if this helps."

Snagging up any large bit of debris he can pull, he waits for an opening and flings it at Charles. Not that he's hoping to damage him but he's trying to put more cracks and dents in the armor, forcing him to keep putting attention on repairing it or keeping it whole or whatever, especially if he wants to keep the attacks from the others at bay.
Re: School Courtyard

As Rolf's ghostly fist appear in Charles' path he simply ducks under it and swings his sword upwards with the intention of cutting it down. Stepping to the side he continues towards Siphon, though he doesn't expect Athanasia to jump on top of him let alone attack him. Her attack sends ripples of energy through his armour, shattering it completely at the area where the attack was focused, multiple large cracks ran down his armour though these healed up almost as they appeared.

The fragments of Mythril that lay on Charles' back quickly join back up to form his armour again though as they do large spikes rise up all along the back of his armour with the intention of impaling Athanasia's hands and feet. If Athanasia looked closely she'd see quite a bit of blood was covering his clothes underneath the armour.

"You talk as if I have not the strength to carry out my revenge regardless of whether people will accept it or not," Charles spits at Ellisia as his blade meets with Siphon's claws. Much like Siphon Charles pulls his head back in an attempt to headbutt his opponent.
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Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia speaks quickly and at a volume to be heard above the sounds of battle, "Even if you do possess the power required, do you not realise the fate you would bring upon yourself? The souls of this world will not forgive such actions. Do you really think death will silence them?"

She closes in again to press her attack. With Charles locked against Siphon he would have little leeway for adjusting his balance, so she aims to strike the back of his knees. Should he break away from Siphon to evade, it would be easy for Ellisia to make a follow up attack.

Grace meanwhile continued to watch, she hadn't had an opportunity to use her barriers, but not needing to was probably a good thing. She listens with a little confusion at the small bits of discussion punctuating the noise of the fight. Ellisia's talk about "this world" and souls was curious, though she was questioning just about everyone here now. The fight seemed to be going a little more in their favour, though she couldn't be certain. Grace takes a few steps back and crouches beside Isabella again, checking she was still 'ok'. "Come on, you've gotta wake up. This is no time to be dreaming." Grace says shaking her very lightly. She dared not do more in case she hurt her more. "You better not be dying..." The last said without the fake casual tone covering up the worry.

(Guess who's not quite dead.)
Isabella was dreaming. She could see a girl, with long black hair and a purple shirt. The hair covered her face as she lay on the ground, in a pool of blood that seeped from below her. Looking over the girl Isabella could see a violent fight in progress. An armoured man in the centre of it, while others fought him with claw, sword, and from above. More people stood around the scene in various states of action or readiness. She could hear people muttering, talking loudly and shouting. In the opposite direction Isabella saw... herself. Lying still on the grass not so unlike the other girl. Her sketch book to one side, and an upset looking blonde girl on her other. Above her circled a pair of stunningly beautiful male and female demons. They featured curved horns, pointed tails, and seemed to float on their bat like wings. There was no malice in their motions or expression.

The dream continues...

((Note, these demons are not visible nor truly there for anyone else. It's all in Isabella's/Yume's mind.))
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson forces himself to stand as his arm started to let the feeling of pain flow due to the burn. His eye had started to readjust on there own once more letting him watch the the fight and not just see blurs moving about. While he was out of the fight his mind thought about everything said by the knight ad the others here that he had heard. Part of song started to ring out of his mind that felt like it fit this whole ordeal.

When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead.

His eyes still glimmered gold as anyone who was watching him might notice something was on his mind. Despite watching the fight it almost seemed like he wasn't. However he started to react showing whatever he was thinking had past as he started to close in to rejoin on the fight. He focus was Charles' sword arm. He notice the armor was getting harder and harder to be kept in the once spotless and damage-less look before. If he could disable the knight's arm the fight would be easier of anyone who couldn't toss powers around like himself.
Re: School Courtyard

As their heads connected, Siphon brought a knee up to hammer Charles repeatedly in his stomach, or anything he could hit. As both collided, he barely showed any recognition that he'd made contact, though he was a bit surprised Charles had actually tried to head butt him back.


He remained locked in combat with him, not giving ground, unsure of if he was gaining any himself or driving his opponent back, but not really caring so long as he was kept occupied.
Re: School Courtyard

"The ones fallen by my blade will have no clue as to why they have suddenly died. Because of the time stop they'll be left in eternal confusion, never knowing why they had suddenly left their mortal shell," Charles shouts back at Ellisia, and pulling his sword free from Siphon he swings it around to attack her though he doesn't expect Ellisia to already be bearing down on him. As she strikes the back of his knee's, Charles falls forward, his head butt connects with Siphon's but not in the way he intended it to. Without time to recover, Siphon's knee smaching into his gut sends Charles reeling backwards though he manages to right himself and lands awkwardly.

"Y-you bastard's, once I'm through you'll be begging me to end your pitiful existences," Charles half shouts at them as he tries to catch his breath. It was clear that the beating took a lot out of him, though it would be unclear whether he realises this fact. Lifting his sword up once more he charges at Siphon, the ground around Charles ripples slightly and then quite suddenly large earth spikes shoot off from him and into the direction of the others.

"W-whats going on?" Isabella asked, shocked to see her own body lying motionless on the floor. The sudden realisation of the demon's hovering over her lifeless body then hits her. "I-I-I-I can't be dead, can I? But, if I am, then we're there demon looking creatures near me? What did I ever do to warrant me being sent to Hell? Though I'm still here, watching, so if I was dead they would've taken me by now. Maybe I'm just dying.....not that's any better..." Isabella stands there for a moment, just watching everything happen, unsure if there's anything she could do. Meanwhile the demons just hover over her, watching her as if they're waiting for a signal or a sign or even for her to die. Her attention is then turned to Grace. "Grace.....has she been watching over me the whole time?" She says to herself quietly, wondering whether it's her fault that Grace hasn't been able to assist the rest of them in taking the Knight out.

As Isabella mentions Grace's name in her dream-like state she utters the girls name out quietly though loud enough for Grace to hear it.
Re: School Courtyard

Rolf dive-rolls out of the path of the spikes, though he botches it and lands awkwardly on his back. There's an awkward cracking sound as he sits up.

"Well it's been a while since I did that. Been a while since I did this, too."

Rolf's hands begins glowing much brighter, and numerous replicas of them begin forming in the air around him. He lifts his hands up towards Charles and begins punching the air. The energy fists all around him suddenly fly at Charles and hit him in a barrage, then begin flying around him and hammering his armour like a swarm of insects.

((Note: If he dodges the initial barrage, they'll fly around and start hitting him anyway.))
Re: School Courtyard

It took a few seconds for the recovering Trixie to see the spikes of earth, but she managed to avoid them easily enough. Still, she sat back and observed, she had seen the injuries to the armor the one had done, so for now, she saved her strength, watching and waiting for the time the armor would be rended again to dive in points first to finish this...
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia frowned at Charles' words. What he said about the timestop effect actually making sense for once. Truthfully it would actually be better for the souls not to get drawn in a vengeful state, though she intended to prevent the whole situation regardless. The unexplained stasis like effect was the thing that had bothered her the most during all this.

As the earth burst up to strike her she leaps back to evade, bringing her sword round and smashing the shooting rock before it reaches her. Landing cleanly on her feet she surveys the scene to check no one else was hurt by the attack. She readies herself to continue the push on Charles, but holds back a second to allow Rolf's barrage of fists room to do their work. The instant the fists stopped, or Charles broke out, she would be ready to take her sword to him again.

"Huh..." Grace says looking back to Isabella, having just watched the earth lance up to attack people. That was one attack she wouldn't be able to respond to with a reactive barrier. Best to be proactive then. She focuses her mind on the ground beneath them, and reaches down to touch her palms to the grass. Seemingly done she looks back up and turns her attention to Isabella again. "Yeah it's me, are you able to..." Grace starts, then pausing again as she notices that Isabella doesn't seem to be awake after all, "... are you awake? Can you hear me?" Grace looks a little confused, but makes sure to keep an eye on the battle, looking back and forth. She was still looking out for opportunities to help someone with her barriers. She'd considered trapping Charles too, though she was suspicious of that teleporting ability, and at the moment it seemed like the others relentless beating on him was starting to show signs of success. "Don't you go anywhere..."

Isabella in her unknowing dream state would continue to see everything going on around the scene from her strange low view point beside the other fallen girl. The view wasn't quite normal, the perspective was strange, and it felt like she could look in any direction without really moving. She would find that she couldn't seem move or make any action, and in fact didn't quite seem to be there at all. Regardless, this was what she was seeing and hearing. Strangely as Grace spoke she seemed to be able to hear her more clearly than anything going on in the heated battle, as if she was right next to her. Well, technically she was right?

Suddenly it comes to Isabella's attention that there was someone else standing nearby that she hadn't noticed before. It was the long dark haired girl, now standing unharmed beside... her own dead body? Her face was one of absolute malice and fury as she stared in the direction of the knight. The air itself darkened and storm clouds seemed to swirl around above her as if the whole world agreed with her anger. Suddenly it stops, and the atmosphere returns to normal, though the battle and everything else continues. The strange girl looks down to Isabella's view point, her expression gentler, and speaks. "No. Your not dead. Though should you really be sleeping at a time like this?"

((Noting one last time to make sure there's no confusion - everything in purple is exclusive to the dream, and is not actually there.))
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Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia winces as she tries to grab onto one of the spikes, not moving fast enough to avoid one of her legs being grazed as blood ran down her leg. Quickly she charges another impact blast into her hand, slamming it against an area that wasn't full covered in spikes yet to launch herself off, "You aren't going to make this easy for us, are you?"
Re: School Courtyard

"An earth attack? Really? Insulting." Sho's up in the air again, though she circles first and this time, when she lands, it's closer to the direction she'd seen Aya go flying. Now that Charles was well and thoroughly distracted, she figured it was safe enough to check on the one body that wasn't accounted for and make sure Siphon's protection hadn't been too over eager.

The debris in his hold crashes to the ground as Ian suddenly jerks himself into the air to avoid Charles' attack. It's nowhere near as controled as when he's catching other people, it looking more like he's sitting there than anything else, but he's out of the way and can move himself out of range, though that takes a bit of concentration. Thankfully, Charles is a bit occupied at the moment. He thinks for a second about checking on the fallen girls, but doesn't want to draw their foe's ire closer to them, should he take action against him again. Just keeping himself, and a few others, from being skewered or fried was taxing enough. And they could move. As soon as he was on the ground again, he found something else to keep using to beat on the armor with.
Re: School Courtyard

One moment Charles had Siphon dead in his sights ...

And then the next the man wasn't in front of him. A few moments later, he felt something slam into his backside, which felt like claws, and he would realize that somehow Siphon had gotten behind him ...

Siphon was attempting to slip one of his razor sharp claws into a broken area of the armor, if possible. If it succeeded, his target was about a centimeter below the lung, an incap hit, but not a fatal one unless left untreated.

((He used Charles' anger against him and then used one of his bursts, relying on it taking Charles a moment to figure out what happened. Ofc, if he figures it out instantly, Charles would have a brief moment to actually avoid the claw thrust.))