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School Courtyard

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"What, you mean Art? Are you sure? He looks kinda nasty..." Grace asks in a hushed voice. He seemed to be taking the cosplay a bit too far.

"Me?" Yume says, unable to ask what he meant before the intimidating man disappeared from view. She nervously looks from one person to another trying to figure out where he had gone, unaware that the others would now see him dropping down from above her. Suddenly her eyes go wide as a flash of pain shoots through her, looking down surprised to see the blade of a sword extending from her middle. Voicing a single pained cry as the blade is pulled from her, her eyes blur and she falls forwards onto the ground. She lies motionless face down, as a pool of red soaks out across the white uniform at her back, and her long black hair lies splayed around her.

Grace cups a hand to her mouth to catch the horrified gasp, somehow only now properly realising how serious this was. Ellisia draws her sword immediately, a look of disgust on her face, and adopting a defensive reactive stance takes a few more steps towards him. "Siphon! What is the situation here!?" she asks loudly, not yet addressing the murderous figure though she keeps her gaze locked on him.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Talvesh now growled, the voice deepening once more.

"THAT was a mistake asshole. The situation is quite ugly, I'm afraid."

Each weapon seemed to glow for just a moment, then with a sudden move, he sprung forward, swinging one weapon, then the other as he anticipated a blocked hit. The goal here was not to kill, but stop. So, the swing was not aimed for the head, but rather to sever the entire hand holding the weapon to begin with.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"Pull? Good idea. Thanks, mate." Ian smirks and latches on to the sword yet again. Only this time, there's nothing to pull loose, so he instead jerks Charles around by the blade. Of course, his teleporting will free him from the tugging and, given that Ian momentarily loses sight of him, he can't latch on to him once again, allowing for the strike against Yume.

"You fucking bastard!" is about all that comes out before the bedlam hits.

Sho, being the closest to Yume, lets out a bit of a yelp as she suddenly senses the presence behind the two of them, turning and barely getting out a "What?" before he strikes, eyes wide and lips sputtering as what looks like Art cuts down someone that's not a threat.

Given that she's got about a second or so before the retaliation strikes hit, she suddenly vaults into the air, propelled by an updraft that carries her out of harms way and allowing Rolf, Leo, and Siphon unhindered access to the other man. For the moment, she'll stay out of the way, going a bit higher, letting the others handle things at the moment, though she's still close enough to gauge what's going to be her best course of action, should they fail to put him down.

((Ian's next move is to *move* Yume but since y'all are acting already, I'll wait to post that. Or, if, y'know, she needs moved *now* someone can work it in. I don't mind.))


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Trixie had snuck around to a seperate grouping of trees, and looking out at them, had no idea what was going on, still, she didn't make a move to reveal herself, not yet anyway...


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"You honestly think that will do anything to me?" Charles mockingly asks Rolf as he attacks, his helmet quickly forming before the blow could connect and absorbs all of the shock. However, he doesn't anticipate the sudden attack from Siphon and, wanting to gauge his strength before finishing him, Charles has only enough time to quickly lunge his free hand out and grab onto the blade of Siphon's weapon. The other sword would be defended against using Charles' own sword as he pulls his head back and makes to smash Siphon in the face with his helmet.

"Yeah, it does look like him but he seems to be acting completely different to what I'd assume he normally is like," Isabella responds, she too whispering. Though she lets out a shocked gasp as Charles delivers the finishing blow to Yume. "W-w-whats going on?" She says quickly, shock and fear in her voice as she turns to Grace. "He, he just killed that girl! She was an innocent bystander and he killed her." Anger flashes up on Isabella's face. "We can't let him get away with this!" She says half to Grace and half to herself as she reaches into her messenger bag and pulls out the most peculiar looking sketchbook. Leather-bound, it had what appeared to be sharp teeth or shards of bone sticking out along the edges of the cover. The leather, black in colour, seems to have been stitched together and bound tightly across the cover. Isabella then pulls out a pen, and while she said they needed to stop Charles she seems to be unsure of whether she could actually do it, her pen was hovering just above the page as she tries to will herself to act.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia frowns and watches and notes as Rolf's attacks are deflected without effect, and Siphons razor sharp blades are caught harmlessly by the gauntlet. This strange armour was too strong, and he seemed capable of repairing any damage done to it. Considering her own capabilities she could put out a little more force than Siphon could, but she didn't know if that would be enough. If she could aim for the joints and gaps in the suit she might be able to do some damage, though the armour seemed incredibly tightly constructed and she wondered whether he may be able to reactively reform it as a defence. Furthermore she got the impression the man hadn't yet revealed the extent of his abilities.

Grace is too stunned to say much, but looks in confusion as Isabella pulls out the strange sketchbook. "We... how? What's that for?" Grace says nervously looking between Isabella and the battle. 'What is this? That guy just fired glowing fists through the air. Doesn't look like any magic I've seen. And how can that man catch a sword like that? This is crazy. And Ellisia is over there too... please don't get hurt...' She thought to herself as she watched the scene unfold. She considered the idea of trying to use her barrier magic to hold the man down, but would he just teleport like before? Or how exactly had he moved like that? She needed to know more about what he could do and what types of barriers to use.

(Noting the supersonic sniper shot hurtling through the air from GD217. Held off any action from Ellisia for a moment because it seems like it would hit first.)


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson watched the fight unfold from about fifty yards away shocked to find others wore different like him. He made no move to hide as he watched. Every power was different and unique to everyone in the fight. Was it pure luck as to how so many people had be brought here in one place. Jackson shook his head at the thought.

He made no move as the fight seemed to get bigger and bigger as more and more join in. He saw a pair of girls come from the girl's dorm he watched wondering if they powers like the rest of the group fighting. he turned back to look of the "knight" for the lack of a better term for now, only to find him gone. He swiveled his head back and forth looking for the knight only to catch the dropping from above one of the girls and impaling her with his sword.

That sight knocked some senses back in to Jackson.

What the hell am I doing just watching...? His mind thought as he watched the sight. The knight had his back to Jackson right now but that was mostly due to no else having noticed him... maybe they thought him like the other students. He slowly slide the leather gloves he was wearing off slowly. Free of the gloves, tiny arcs of golden electricity jumping between his fingers. He starts to move slowly trying to not let the knight know someone was walking up on him from behind.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((Unfortunately I can't wait any longer for Siphon otherwise the game will be held up for too long))

Not expecting to be attacked from such a distance Charles was unprepared for the shock of Suzy's bullet. While it didn't penetrate his armour the shock was powerful enough to knock him off his feet, throwing him several dozen feet from where he stood. The headbutt didn't connect however Siphon would be knocked back as Charles partially collides into him.

Just before Charles hits the ground a powerful wind whips around him, circling like a mini tornado as it turns him into a standing position and lowers Charles down slowly.

"What magic was that?" Charles calls out curiously, looking straight in the direction of Suzy. If she were to look down the sight of her rifle she would see that he was looking straight into her eye. "And you, the boy with the strange aura, why don't you come out of hiding and join your friends." Again, Charles is calling out to an unseen person, this time looking in the direction of Simon.

"This book," Isabella begins, as she half listens to Charles. "Is a book that was given to me upon my birth. It's why I get bullied, but now I have a chance to prove I'm not a monster." With that Isabella charges towards Charles, her hand a blur as it scrawls across the page. A second later a black and white figure begins crawling out of the sketchbook, a hand grasps the edge as the body is pulled out. Running ahead of Isabella is the figure, a knight in a similar image of Charles charges forwards, its blade rises as it nears the man but is instantly cut down as Charles himself runs at it. Hidden behind the sudden burst of ink Charles continues his charge, and to Isabella's shock Charles pulls his fist back and thrusts it into her stomach. A small pained moan escapes her lips as she is forced backwards by the attack, back into the direction she came from and headed for a collision with the tree.

Not waiting to see the results of his attack Charles turns back to the group. "Why do you all try to fight against the inevitable? Don't you understand why this has to be done? The people of this planet will do the same to you given the chance. It happened before, when I was still alive and it'll happen again."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"Because we really, really, REALLY DON'T LIKE YOU!"

Rolf holds both his hands at his right hip as if charging an attack, steps forward into a stance and perfoms a two handed palm thrust, shooting energy clones of his hands directly at Charles at high speed. The energy hands increase in size very quickly, until they are twice as big.

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Inches away from the tree, Isabella suddenly jerks to a stop. It might not be the most pleasant of feelings, but it beats colliding with a large wooden object. In contrast to the jolt, she's rather delicately set down, her feet lowered to the ground and the energy around her seems to melt away as Ian releases his hold. His attention snaps to the flash of Rolf's energy attack and he reaches out again, doing his best to snag Charles again, hoping to keep him in place long enough for the attack to hit.

Having cleared both the bullet shot and the energy attack, Sho drops to the ground on the outer perimeter of where the majority of the combat is going on. She picks up on the sensation of the winds that Charles seemed to be directing and grinned. Let him try that again and he was going to find himself fighting for control over that particular element.

"If you were this much of an asshole when you were alive, it's no wonder people turned on you," she spits.

There was something she was considering doing, but it was going to take a lot of concentration and she wasn't even sure if it would work, given how active Charles was being at the moment. Still, she'd give the energy attack a chance to work and then, if he was still up and kicking (or swinging or stabbing or whatever), then it was time to pull out all the stops.


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jackson only shook his head at the events unfolding as he closed the distanced. The gunfire, he had thought, would have been the biggest surprised he would have to deal with until he saw Isabella and black and white knight. As the knight was destroyed and Isabella was sent flying Jackson had started to react trying to focused the energy in his arm into a golden orb but by the time it was ready she was to far out of his reach to get to before she would hit the tree.

He stood and watched as a feeling of uselessness fell over him. He turned his head away and shut his eyes to avoid seeing another death by this damned knight. He waited for the sound of the snapping tree or snapping bones to open his eyes. After hearing no sound he opens his eyes to see her flouting in the air feet away from the tree. As she was slowly dropped to the floor Jackson turned back to face the knight the orb still in hand. He closes his fist crushing the orb and taking the energy back in to his body. Golden arks of energy started to arc out of entire right arm now. He rush now to enter the fight with his aim to grab the knight from behind trying to get him in to a full nelson. He had no idea of what was going on in front of the knight as he was to focused on trying to grab a hold of him.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Charles braces himself against Rolf's attack, unaware that Ian had had a hold on him again. While it may have knocked Charles off his feet without unexpected help, thanks to Ian it was only powerful enough to force him backwards, the dirt around his feet was pushed up as his feet forced their way into the ground.

"Heh, that all you got?" Charles calls out to Rolf, mocking his inferior skills. "Lets see how well you fare against THIS!" The sword melding into his armour, Charles suddenly thrusts his own right arm at Rolf, violent winds blow along its length and is directed at Rolf.

As Isabella floats safely to the ground anyone inspecting her would notice she had fallen unconscious and a trickle of blood was running down the corner of her mouth and out her nose. They would also notice that blood flecked her shirt, possibly from small cuts from where she was punched. Her sketchbook lay next to her, and for a moment it lay still, though a moment later the puddle of ink that had once been the faux knight shoots up into the air and heads towards the book. As soon as the ink touches the blank pages the sheets begin to violently flip backwards and forwards until all the ink has been absorbed. The sketchbook then goes quiet, though soon after a thick black object rises from the pages. It grabs onto the surrounding ground and begins to pull itself out. About twenty seconds later a ten foot stickman is standing over the unconscious body of Isabella, and with Charles in its sights it charges right for him.

With his back to Isabella Charles hadn't seen what had just happened and so directs his attention to Sho. "My king made me what I was, what I am today. Him and his men only turned against me once my eye's was cleared of the lies they were spinning. Once I fought against their orders they sen-" Charles was cut off midsentence as Jackson grapples him, caught offguard Charles falls into the grapple. "You really think that was a good idea?" Charles asks him, though a second later the two of them are knocked flying forward as the sitckman charges Charles.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Seeing the violence around her, fellow students tossed around like flypaper by the seemingly undestructable knight, Trixie just snap.

She darted quick as a blink, and by the time the stickman was done with him, Trixie pounced the knight, her scythe arms bursting from the back of her uniform, as well as a very beastly snarl coming from the back of her throat.


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

When the knight was forced back by whatever was attacking, it lead to his best chance to lock his grip in. Jackson was focused on looping his arm under the knights, and locked both of his hand behind his neck. He reinforced the hold with magnetism.

"You know... not really..." Was all he could get out of his mouth before he was cut by whatever attacked from behind. Jackson held the grip only due to the magnetic force keeping his hand linked. Whatever had attack him had hit him hard and high up by his neck causing him to try to roll forward not thinking about the fact he was still holding on to the armored knight. That fact came back to him he hit the ground first with the hard armor slamming down on top of him only a second later.

Once again the magnetism was the only thing keeping his hand stilled lock. The worst thing of the landing was who the knight's head in to Jackson's face, breaking one of his shades lens. Luck for Jackson, he had flinched as he was throw forward and those shut his eyes tight.

Jack thought the worst was over after the pain of the knight landing on top of him had passed. That was until a new weight seemed to jump a top the knight and those on top of him. The sudden weight was followed with and growl of no beast he had every heard before. The added weight made so he couldn't move so he just held tight now trying to use the knight as shield from whatever made the growl.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Sho picks up on the wind surge coming from Charles' attack. "Oh, no no no. Mine." Before the attack can even connect with Rolf, it starts to break apart as she seizes control of the currents and pulls them in varying directions, dissipating the attack before it can do any sort of damage whatsoever.

Whatever he was going to say gets interrupted by first Jackson and then the stickman, and then Trixie, by the look of it. Regardless, his reality doesn't seem to be theirs and his assault is enough reason for her to try and help put him down. Doesn't look like Art's going to get out of this completely unscathed, but unconscious might be possible. And with him pinned for the moment under the other students, what she'd had in mind just might be feasible at the moment.

"Don't care how badass you are, you still need to breathe."

Focusing her attention on Charles amid the dogpile, she dropped her concentration on the wind currents and instead narrowed her focus, seeking out the smaller currents mingling between the bodies. Doing her best to hone in on Charles himself, she starts pulling the air away from the area, reaching for the spot in front of his face, almost creating a vacuum of sorts there as she strives to pull away the air that he might be breathing but the air that he's already taken in. It's a tricky process and with swarm going on, it's even tougher, but the idea is to asphyxiate him until he passes out. Art unharmed, bad guy down.

At least that's the theory.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Everything is happening too fast for Grace to know how to react. "A monster? In what way..." Grace begins to question as Isabella runs out to fight. Her amazement at the sketched knight emerging to attack quickly turns to horror again and a subdued shriek as the armoured man bursts from the black cloud to strike Isabella. and sends her hurtling straight back. Grace throws her hands up, not in defence, but to cast a spell to catch or slow Isabell. Considering that she knew no such spell that could do so safely, she was incredibly relieved when she was seemingly caught by an unseen force and lowered gently.

She dashes from the cover of the tree and slides down to her knees beside the fallen girl. "Isa! Are you... oh shit..." Grace says, trying to figure out what to do. She glances to the knight again, making sure that he wasn't on his way to finish the job. The mob of... students(?), seemed to be keeping his attention for now. It was at a time like this that Grace wished she'd been bothered to sign up for that free first aid course. The blood concerned her, but was it actually bleeding significantly? Doing the best she could think of she checks that she breathing and tries to make sure she isn't going to start choking on her own blood. "Can you hear me? Come on, open your eyes... please..." She says worriedly leaning over and trying to get a reaction.

"Who are you and why are you here? In what way can you justify this madness!?"
Ellisia bellows authoritatively at the merciless knight. So far she'd been unable to act. With the chaos of the fight right now, Ellisia could only stay close and wait for an opportunity to either strike or block an attack on an ally. It was awkward not properly knowing the capabilities and limits of the other fighters here. She was normally very good at evaluating a fight and co-ordinating a group attack, even amongst strangers, but the abilities being displayed here were so diverse. She also notices now that Grace had followed her out. Seemed the girl could be subtle after all when she wanted to be. But that was hardly something to be worried about now.

Simon doesn't react as the knight addresses him. He continues to watch with concern as things continue to look bad. The only action he was currently considering was making sure he wouldn't be in the way of any of the other fighters. He could tell that in these circumstances his shadow wasn't going to tolerate anyone or thing coming anywhere near him.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Charles doesn't pay much attention to Jackson still clinging on to him as he's first tackled by the stickman and then jumped upon by Trixie. "This is starting to get annoying now," Charles mutters as he goes to strike Trixie off of him, her attacks rebounding harmlessly off his armour. It was only when he begun to suffocate for an unknown reason did his anger start to boil over.

"What...the.." Charles gasps out as his eyes search wildly for the source of what was trying to, in his mind, kill him. "T-thats your...game, is it?" He growls out as he finally notices Sho performing some odd motions, which given the current circumstances would only suggest she was the one trying to put him down. "THATS IT!" He screams out, as ripples form in the air, similar to a heatwave though this time there was no source of heat or fire. The next instant Charles gets up quite suddenly, Trixie would find herself thrown off the man and Jackwon would fall off the armour as the sections he's grabbed onto disappear, only to reappear the moment Jackson fell to the floor. The sudden action would most likely disrupt whatever Sho was doing, though if it didn't he'd turn to face her and following the same path Sho was using he'd manipulate the air towards her, heating it up with such speed that a bolt of lightning would quickly close the distance between the two. "That, that was a dirty trick," Charles gasps as he catches his breath, mock respect in his voice.

As Grace checks Isabella for signs of breathing she'd notice that Isabella was breathing, though it was only faint. And while the blood on the outside didn't seem to indicate any serious wounds there was a good chance that a lot of the injuries were internal. Isabella didn't respond to Grace calling to her either. For a moment the stickman lingered over near Grace and Isabella, gauging whether Grace was a potential threat to Isabella. Once it was apparent that she wasn't it turned its attention to Charles once more. With a blood curdling roar it charged at Charles once more, though this time he was ready for the beast and with one swing of his sword Charles cleaved the figure in half.

"You want to know how I justify my actions?" Charles says as his attention now turns to Ellisia. "Alright, I'll tell you. When I was alive I was ordered to hunt down witches and wizards, to slay them. As a knight I did what was ordered of me by my king, though eventually I began to question these orders. I wondered whether these people we were killing could possibly aid us, and eventually when I put these questions to the king I was released from duty because I had supposedly been addled by these so called 'devil worshippers'. After spending some time with these people I realised that they weren't a threat, and what we were ordered to do was wrong. And so I did what was needed; I turned my blade against my king and fellow knights to try and save these people. It didn't work out as well as I'd hoped and I was sentenced to death. Since then I've learnt all that there is to know about their magic, and I was surprised to find out that it's only possible because of an energy they call 'Anima'. It was only by a stroke of luck that I happened upon someone who could manipulate Anima, and so I can now finish avenging the fallen by slaughtering the rest of humanity, because if I don't history will only repeat itself. Now, after hearing that do you still wish to stop me?"


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

"You call yourself a knight but kill people not even attacking you and a girl no less. Don't knights follow a code of chivalry or something?" Jackson questioned the knight as pushes himself off the ground but kept his distance to at least say out of sword range. He took off his broken shades and tosses them off to the side now finding the reason for wearing them gone with them broken.

The knight's story only pissed Jack off. So he had a messed up past.... at least he knew who he was unlike Jackson himself. That gaping hole in his mind had always angered him but did keep him going. Jackson eyes start to search for any type of weakness the armor had. After being forced off by having it disappearing from his very hands only to reappear once he was lose, he needed to find something that seemed like a weakness even if it was only a shallow scratch or a small dent.

Jackson eyes started to shift from his normal emerald green to bright golden and back to the green. Large arcs of golden electricity not just jumping between his fingers now but now also trailing up and down his forearms.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"My code and honour died when I was ordered to kill innocents. You all are in the way of my plans and as such need to be killed regardless of gender," Charles spat at Jackson, clearly he didn't get what Charles was talking about. As Jackson scans over Charles' armour he'd notice that it was in perfect condition, no marks, scrapes or dents in it at all. It was as if the armour was brand new.


Apr 14, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Is his armor built with depleted uranium or what? Jackson questioned himself in his mind once he found nothing, not even a piece of the armor so much as chipped. This was not a good sign of things to come.

The only idea of anything he really could was to go for the helm's eyes sockets and to try ripping the entire thing off but rushing him head was just asking to get run through with his sword. His eyes drift back and forth looking to everyone else close by the knight but never letting the knight out side of his peripheral vision. From what he had seen before entering this fight he couldn't if anyone could do anything to the armor. Then his eyes drifted to his arcing fist. He didn't know what he could do with just his bare hand versus the armor but he sure as hell was going to just roll over and die like a dog.

He sighs as looks back up to murderous knight and known there was no way to back down now. They need a hell of a lot of luck if they couldn't any weakness he might of had.