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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah and Jillian walked, escorting the man towards their town as they were instructed by Beatrice herself. And eventually, without much more obstruction than a tree branch having to be pushed aside, and some, cut in two to keep the path clear for travelers, they reached home once again. It was around dusk, meaning that the day would soon come to an end, and after having been moving around all day, a nice rest sounded good to Jillian, Eilsah, and likely the human Niko as well.

Eilsah stretched once the buildings came into view, raising her arms into the air, and yawning loudly. "Oh, by the maker..." she said what might have been considered a curse by religious folk, "I'm worn, and my bed sounds lovely." she announced aloud, though it seemed to have been addressed to herself.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Being horselike, Jillian's not feeling the effects of marching as much as the other two. But, sleep being her favourite activity, she's not going to pass it up.

"Yawwwnnn... yeah. Alright then, Niko, that's the inn over there - the innkeeper'll put you up for the night, and then in the morning our leader Beatrice will give you, and the other rescuees, an introduction to the island. Don't go wandering off - we only patrol the village at night."

Waving an idle hand at the Inn, Jillian turns towards her stable, fully intending to grab one of her currycombs and get some of the dirt out of her coat before bedding down.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah, behind Jillian now that the centaur was walking off, gave her friend an odd look, which she likely would not see unless she turned around, as Jillian walked off, away from her friend without saying a word to her, on her way to her stable. That was until she shrugged, letting out a sigh, and walking towards her own house with the same intent, to get a good night's rest.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(And here I thought Eilsah and Jillian would live near each other...)

"G'night, Eilsah..." calls Jillian as she heads home.

She makes her way inside, closing the door behind her, propping a block against it to keep it closed in lieu of the broken latch. She strips off her carry harness, plopping the emptied food pack on her table, draping the straps on the side of her stall. Another mug of water, some more vegetables and bread, a more substantial meal now that she's home.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(You may post whatever you like about how Jillian ends her day, and you may wait a while until everyone else has ended their day as well.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(I "may" wait a while? :p Oh, that's what you mean. I may WELL wait a while. :()

Finishing up her food, Jillian opens her medical pack, reaching up to the ceiling and grabbing some replacement herbs from where they'd been hanging to dry. Her bow and spear, unused this day, simply lie against a convenient wall.

"Huuuhhhh... always the boring stuff before bedtime..."

A stiff brush is her next goal, and she twists her torso around to get at her coat, scrubbing stray bits of grass and twigs out from where they'd lodged. She smiles as she works, enjoying rubbing out her fur, breathing deeper and more steadily as the muscles relax under the massage.

Tossing off the hunting tunic, she reached for the shapeless and soft shirt she slept in, stepping carefully onto the bed and lying down on the blankets that covered it. Another yawn, and quickly Jillian was asleep, whuffling in repose, to be ready for Eilsah's wakeup call the next morning...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian's sleep was broken with a start, as sounds of commotion from outside her home caused her to awaken from her sleep. And as her mind slowly tried to gather itself from the oblivion of her slumber, a loud pounding on her door caused her mind to go into immediate, instinctual alert, before the voice of who sounded like Beatrice called out from the other side, "Jillian! Outside now! We're under attack by some kind of demonic invasion!" she announced. And her words seemed to be confirmed when sounds of fighting soon followed, along with what sounded like female laughter.
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Meanie... waking poor Jillian out of her night's sleep...)

Jillian had been peacefully sleeping, dreaming of nothing in particular, wide fields and warm sunshine. That is, until rocks started raining from the heavens, drumming loudly and irregularly on the ground...

And waking her up, whereupon the thumps and crashes unaccountably failed to stop. Blinking in dozy confusion at the night-dark wall, Jillian stirred, starting to heave herself upright.

Beatrice's voice was the next thing she heard, and with that, a surge of adrenaline that brought her to her hooves and had her tramping up to the door, one hand snatching her best spear as she passed it, the other fumbling with the (broken) latch and yanking the door open, knocking the block propping it shut aside.

Her flimsy and plain nightshirt is all that preserves her modesty, in the face of somebody's wild laughter...
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

( Also, since I forgot to mention; The title in neat bold for your next chapter)

Chapter 2: Corruption

When Jillian threw open the doors, she did see Beatrice on the other side, except her fellow centaur was not looking at her, and appeared to be bleeding, as seen by the trail of red along the ground, and by the gash on the side of her horse body. And what she was looking at soon revealed itself, as what appeared to be a scantly clad, demonic woman with bat wings, horns, and a devilish tail swooped down at her, only to be impaled by a quickly raised spear from Beatrice.

The succubus made very little signs of pain, and once her body was loose of the spear, going over Beatrice's head, she managed to flip her body enough to land on her feet, her deep, gashed wound seeming to already be healing at an incredible rate. The succubus sneered at Beatrice for the retaliation, but seemed focused on something else at the moment, with her hand just hovering over her wound, likely using some kind of magic to restore herself.

"Go find Eilsah, evacuate who you can with her!" she ordered Jillian, "These monsters are here to corrupt, save who you can!"
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

In the tales of history, passed down from centaur to centaur, before they came to this island and the results of drinking changed to what they are now, it was said that a drunk centaur was a berserk centaur, as dangerous to friend as to foe, unheeding of injury in its wish to cause destruction.

Jillian, seeing Beatrice wounded, fighting off a demonic succubus, feels a little of this now. She clenches her warspear tightly, wanting nothing more than to charge in, pin the foe to the ground, and then trample it to ruin under her hooves. But Beatrice's orders cut through her rage, and she snaps "Yes, Ma'am!" as she bolts out of her house, headed towards Eilsah's.

(Errgh. And here I figured there wouldn't BE any apocalyptic evil-versus-good battles in this roleplay... just the silly humans, wandering about and poking their noses into things.)
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Errgh. And here I figured there wouldn't BE any apocalyptic evil-versus-good battles in this roleplay... just the silly humans, wandering about and poking their noses into things.)

(eh-heh, won't be good vs evil, not really. More like lustful rapists Vs. everyone else. :p This thing here is just an invasion of a little town.)

Upon arriving at Eilsah's house not a moment later, she found that the door was destroyed, the door busted open from the outside, indicating that something had broken in, also indicating that Eilsah might still be inside. And once Jillian managed to look inside the hallway-less house, she saw with what little light was cast from the moon, what appeared to be another succubus demon, on top of an elf that could only be Eilsah herself.

Eilsah was bent over, on her hands and knees, getting rammed by the succubus behind her. Her moans were loud, and almost seemed as if she was enjoying herself from the deep, fast, hard thrusts inside her womanhood...
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian does not hesitate, immediately ramming forwards with her warspear, to impale the demoness and throw her to the ground where her horseshoes can finish the job. She'd spent three months working for the blacksmith, helping forge the steel blade; too valuable to risk hunting with, but deadly sharp and durable, it was a powerful weapon - and a copy of Beatrice's own.

(Think somewhere between a and a - about 2.5 metres long, so it's not too hampered inside the house.)
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Trample? In a small house? *giggle*)

Jillian caught the monster succubus off guard, as her spear rammed into the demonesses side, and knocked her off of Eilsah. And while the demon rolled off of the blade, bleeding incredibly, Eilsah simply fell to her side, as if worn, while the demoness quickly got back up, seeming about just as phased as the demoness from before who was fighting with Beatrice. And while Jillian could not see very well in the dimly lit room, a part of her mind told her that the demoness was no doubt quickly healing from her wound.

"You mangy creature!" she insulted Jillian, "I'll flay you for your interruption!" she announced, before baring her claws at Jillian threateningly.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

("Small house" = nowhere to roll-dodge. :cool:)

Annoyed with herself for letting the demoness get up and start healing, Jillian lunges again, trying to impale the demoness. Should she succeed, she hopes to then pull the demoness down, ramming her spear into the floor and pinning her there like a bug in a display case, and then start stomping until she died or retreated to the hell that spawned her.

Wimpy little finger-claws are as nothing compared to the beatings Beatrice could hand out from her weapons.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Lunging straight at the demoness, Jillian's spear was deflected by the Succubi's sharp claws, slashing at the oncoming blade, while the monster charged forward herself, and used her claws on her fingers, not like nails, but deadly sharp claws, to claw along Jillian's side, drawing blood, and causing Jillian's mind to surge with an uproar of rage and panic through the pain, sending her into a blood frenzy like she'd never been in her entire life until this very moment.

The need to utterly murder the succubus filled her desires, and with the monster now behind her after grazing her claws against her flesh, spilling blood onto Eilsah's floor, Jillian had a variety of ways she could attack the beast now...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Geez, RJ, I was JEST gonna brutalize the ONE succubus... :p)

Jillian lets out an animalistic snarl, lashing out with a hoof to drive the succubus back before bringing her spear around in a blurring arc at chest-height, spinning to face the succubus as she does so. The line of fire along her side, dripping blood slowly, serves only to further fuel her rage.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

In one instant, Jillian's hooves slam against the Succubi's body, and with the door conveniently behind her, the demon is sent flying through the door, where she landed on the flat of her back on the ground outside. The demoness let out her own snarl, while her wings fanned out, and she seemed to levitate back onto her feet via some sort of magic, still not a mark on her body, as if her magic would simply heal her over and over again. Then, she directed a palm at Jillian, and even someone with no magical talent could feel the demon summoning a spell.

"I'm through toying around with you!" she announced, and while Jillian turned, and charged at her, she could not evade the blast, as some kind of ball of pure energy flew out of her palm, and slammed against Jillian's body, causing her to rear back, and fall on her side, all of the breath in her lungs stolen from her from the powerful blast.

And while Jillian lay on the ground, recovering from her pain, the succubus quickly dashed inside the house, and quickly came out with Eilsah in her arms, who was breathing heavily, like she was worn, or tired. And right about that time, Jillian felt enough air returning to her lungs to be able to get up as fast as she could. However, the demon's wings spread, and she quickly lifted into the air, out of Jillian's reach. And it wasn't long before the realization came, that the demon was going to steal away with Eilsah, and likely make some kind of sex slave out of her.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

The breath knocked out of her, Jillian struggles to rise, using her spear to lever herself upright. Then she sees Eilsah, dangling from the succubus's arms as she starts flapping away.

Jillian hefts up her spear, ready to heave it at the two, but then brings it back down, realizing how hard it would be to hit the succubus and not Eilsah against the night sky. "COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A CENTAUR!" she bellows, before charging off in pursuit.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

With double the weight to carry, the succubi's flight wasn't very fast, and Jillian found it easy to keep the demon and Eilsah in her line of sight. And after a moment, the succubus looked down at Jillian with scorn on her face, "How irritating!" she said loudly. The next moment, the succubus decided to use her advantage of flight, and began flapping her wings quickly, gaining altitude, as she went up, and headed for a nearby mountain, the very mountains that the lizardfolk and arachne use. This meant that Jillian would have to climb the mountain pass if she wanted to get to the only place the succubus would go.

Jillian was only a little winded after the chase, and that was a simple matter of her heart beating a little faster, and having to breathe a little harder, but she knew she could make it up the mountains, the only problem was, that Eilsah would be stuck up there with the demon until she managed to arrive...

And as all this occurred in Jillian's mind, in the passing of only a few seconds, Jillian eventually heard a familiar voice, and the pounding of hooves quickly approaching. Beatrice was calling out to her, and seemed to have been following her ever since she chased the succubus who stole away with Eilsah. "Jillian!" she called out, before skidding to a halt when she was close enough to talk normally, "Jillian, where's Eilsah!" she asked quickly, "The town is lost... I'm ashamed that I could not save anyone... Those damn beasts are too strong!" she said angrily, clenching a fist with hate.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

It's hard to sustain a berserk rage over a long distance. So Jillian finds it, nervous worries edging their way in as the cool night air blows through her nightshirt. The cuts on her side twinge with every shift of her legs, but thankfully they stop bleeding shortly after she leaves the bounds of the village.

The succubus's change in direction brings Jillian to a halt, puffing as she tries to figure out how to follow. Beatrice pounding up behind her, and snapping out a question, gets her talking...

"T-that succubus, up there... she must've broken Eilsah's door, 'cuz when I got there, she was raping Eilsah, and she wasn't fighting, and I stabbed her, and she didn't stay down, and scratched me, so I kicked her, and she flew outside, and she didn't leave, so I charged her, and she hit me with magic, and when I recovered, she'd grabbed Eilsah, and she flew off with her, and I've been running after her, and, and, and..."

She closes her eyes, forcibly trying to calm herself down. "I-I've got to... keep going..." and then she takes off once again, heading for the pass that's the only real ground access to beyond the mountain, trying to keep track of the succubus in worry that she's just flying upwards to try and lose Jillian.